Questions & Answers

Yeah, I've chosen the eyepatch over the shield in stocks but I think that was the only conflict besides argas ring.
As you can see in my sig I have already done separate shammies in horde side and don't feel like doing it again nor having 4 shammies.. The ring combination that came to my mind was dpr+agi argas and dpr+gloaming band... idk if thats bis cause I've never rolled alli side before
Looking towards WoD, Eyepatch over shield was probably a good choice for ele, being that hit on gear is turning to crit, and spirit is only going to benifit healers.

edit: what Goesid said
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Can someone make a thread or post with all extremely rare things 20s can get? like darkwood fishing pole and such..
What happened to Has Achmed deleted account?

Anyway, was curious to know what the conventional wisdom was regarding BoA priority for sub rogues (nelf).
Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders then Balanced Heartseeker. For sub, it really doesn't matter after that.

As far as the author Achmed, he's "banned". Which sounds like a clever ploy. And I don't like ploys. Neither does Google Cache/NSA. So in the the interest of national security, I have hacked the internet to bring you this:


Probably you’ve heard so many times the BiS term. Some of you don’t know yet what does BiS is. Basically, BiS comes from Best In Slot, best gear available ingame for your specialization and level. Currently I don’t believe there is an exact BiS gear set for rogues. It all comes to your playstyle. You can go a glass-cannon (best dmg-wise gear) or you can go balanced (balance between stam/agi/crit). Since rogues are not quite good FC’ers, there’s no point to talk about a stamina FC set, not since Shadowstep was moved from our T1 talent tree.

But even so, on my personal testings and knowledge shows that for Assassination you must go for Crit before Agility and for Subtlety you should prioritize Agility instead of Crit. Why? Subtlety benefits the most from Agility because of Sinister Calling. Also, since you rely mostly on huge opening bursts, you need a lot Attack Power, Attack Power that comes also from Agility. I’m not talking about Combat spec because it’s not viable, no matter what some say, it really isn’t viable at this lvl. But as a personal note, for those Combat lovers, I’d suggest some balance between Agility and Crit.

Now since we’re clear about Agility/Crit we should focus on our most important stat that we need to focus first always! This is Hit. We need to get hitcapped(3%) or else, no matter how much Agility or Crit we stack, our dmg output will suck because we will miss a lot. Trust me, it’s not fun at all to miss an Ambush or 2-3 Mutilates in a row.

That’s why, always when we gear up for bg’s and not only, we should focus on getting our hitcap.

Gear options

Head – Rifle Commander's Eyepatch
Neck – Sentinel's Medallion
Shoulder – Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders > Serpent's Shoulders(if you can’t buy the BoA yet)
Back – Tumultuous Cloak of the Bandit(if you’re Assassination), Glowing Lizardscale Cloak(if you’re Subtlety)
Chest – Stained Shadowcraft Tunic(if you’re not hitcapped), Armor of the Fang
Wrist – Black Wolf Bracers(if you’re Assassination), Bands of Serra'kis(if you’re Subtlety)
Hands – Foreman's Gloves(if you’re expertise lover at this lvl), Naga Battle Gloves
Waist – Vigorous Belt of the Bandit
Legs – Hogger's Trousers
Boots – Feet of the Lynx > Standard Issue Prisoner Shoes
Ring1 – Signet of Argus > Dread Pirate Ring (if you’re Assassination)
Ring2 – Ring of Precision > Ello's Band
Trinket1 – Arena Grand Master(if you don’t have CD on it) > Swift Hand of Justice > Rune of Duty(if you can’t afford BoA’s or AGM yet)
Trinket2 – Swift Hand of Justice(if you are Human) > Inherited Insignia of the Alliance > Insignia of the Alliance(if you can’t afford BoA’s yet)
MH Weapon – Wicked Dagger(if you’re Assasination) > Doomspike(if you’re Subtlety)
OH Weapon – Balanced Heartseeker > Wicked Dagger(if you’re Assasination) > Doomspike(if you’re Subtlety)

Head – Lucky Fishing Hat > Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat
Neck – Scout's Medallion
Shoulder – Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders > Serpent's Shoulders(if you can’t buy the BoA yet)
Back – Tumultuous CloakTumultuous Cloak of the Bandit(if you’re Assassination), Glowing Lizardscale Cloak(if you’re Subtlety)
Chest – Stained Shadowcraft Tunic(if you’re not hitcapped), Armor of the Fang
Wrist – Black Wolf Bracers(if you’re Assassination), Bands of Serra'kis(if you’re Subtlety)
Hands – Foreman's Gloves(BIS due to Night Elf's Quickness) > Naga Battle Gloves
Waist – Vigorous Belt of the Bandit
Legs – Hogger's Trousers
Boots – Feet of the Lynx > Standard Issue Prisoner Shoes
Ring1 – Signet of Argus > Dread Pirate Ring(if you’re not hitcapped or as Assassination)
Ring2 – Ring of Precision > Legionnaire's Band
Trinket1 – Arena Grand Master(if you don’t have CD on it) > Swift Hand of Justice > Rune of Duty(if you can’t afford BoA’s or AGM yet)
Trinket2 – Inherited Insignia of the Horde > Insignia of the Horde(if you can’t afford BoA’s yet)
MH Weapon – Wicked Dagger(if you’re Assasination) > Doomspike(if you’re Subtlety)
OH Weapon – Balanced Heartseeker > Wicked Dagger(if you’re Assasination) > Doomspike(if you’re Subtlety)

Well, we’ve selected the gear, now let’s see the best enchants available for a F2P rogue. Sadly, we’re very short on this subject because Starter Edition accounts are limited as we all know.

Back: +10 Armor (Enchant Cloak - Minor Protection), +1 agi (Enchant Cloak - Minor Agility / blood elf only)
Chest: +15 Health (Enchant Chest - Lesser Health)
Wrist: +1 agi (Enchant Bracer - Minor Agility)
Gloves, Pants, Feet: +16 armor (Medium Armor Kit)
MH/OH Weapons: +1 dmg (Enchant Weapon - Minor Striking)

My rogues Armory links:
Hathôr -
Ghost - (Not finished)

One good Assassination armory link:

Maeru -

p.s. Sorry, to do this to you, Achmed. But it's in the interests of "transparency".
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Thanks srsbsns! This is most of what i wanted - in fact i've never seen this particular table before. Rad!
Somewhere someone took those two tables (race/base stat & class/stat bonus) and applied it to twinks so that our community would know which race/class combos gave us the greatest advantage. Anyone know where that is?
a class/race combo stat?
maybe what you looking for is under each of the class overview, take shaman from wowpedia for example,
it have all the stat for each race lvl1 able to create shaman,
but I question the shaman stat information. in the table, it seem pandarian have 30~40%more stam than tauren(typo?)
a class/race combo stat?
maybe what you looking for is under each of the class overview,

Yea thanks - good thought. I know about those. This table was different. I can't remember if it was on twinkinfo or some other twinking site. But what it did was lay out a table to show for each class the race that would have best base stats given racial bonusus. I also remember it was pre-mop so pandarans weren't on it.
I tried to give away an acct but the receiver got stuck on the security question and I can't remember the answer. The three previous times I've given an account away, it was successful . . . but damn this one.

What can be done to get around the security Q&A? I'm not in the US now and phones are fucking expensive here in Latin America, so I'm not going to call customer services.
I tried to give away an acct but the receiver got stuck on the security question and I can't remember the answer. The three previous times I've given an account away, it was successful . . . but damn this one.

What can be done to get around the security Q&A? I'm not in the US now and phones are fucking expensive here in Latin America, so I'm not going to call customer services.

If your account have your real name, scan your real id -> open ticket and attache scanned id to it. describe issue, they maybe help you.
If your acc got fake name - there is nothing to be done. only to recall the question answer
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I tried to give away an acct but the receiver got stuck on the security question and I can't remember the answer. The three previous times I've given an account away, it was successful . . . but damn this one.

What can be done to get around the security Q&A? I'm not in the US now and phones are fucking expensive here in Latin America, so I'm not going to call customer services.
Under the new ticket system, you make a ticket, and they call you, so you wouldn't be able to call them, even if you had the money. Hopefully that will save save you some dollars/reals/pesos.
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P2P can mail heirlooms cross-server correct?
Does the +2 scope still drop from those crates in Gnomer

If so, does anyone know the drop rate? I must have the worst luck. I've done at least 15 full clears getting all four crates and have not seen it yet. It took me less time to farm Swiftness potion/minor agility recipes than it is this damn scope.

Yes it does, and according to wowhead it's 1.3% chance
Yes it does, and according to wowhead it's 1.3% chance
But does wowhead distinguish between the crates from Deadmines from the ones in Gnomeregian (and so on)? I'm sure the drop rate is higher.

Basically, wowhead claims P(+2)=.013 (probability of +2 scope dropping is .013 [or 1.3%]).
However, we know that the probability of a +2 scope dropping from deadmine crates is effectively 0 (that is, P(+2|Deadmine)=0)), yet P(+2|Gnomer)>0. So I'm very sure that P(+2|Gnomer)=P(+2)>.013.

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