Questions & Answers

The private server?

No. Retail. I have an Enh shammy there Ally side, but I've never seen anyone in f2p chat or whatever. It's a cool realm. Most servers, everything outside of the capital cites is a ghost town. On ED, I see people role playing all over the place. There were 15 or 20 nineties hanging out in Darkshire. It really makes the world seem more alive when there are actual people in it.

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on 2nd thought, I take that back. They're so adorable!!!

You can thank the influx of 24s/constant daily horde premades for that.. For the first time in awhile the last few weeks of bgs I haven't been the person bitching the most about 24s/premades... Ally finally got fed up with dealing with them and rerolled horde and now the q times will suffer.

It'd be nice if all the good f2ps and non gy farming non premading with 24s F2Ps came ally so we could start dominating the bad horde 24s but sadly (moreso for those horde diehards, not so much the ally diehards) more then likely people will just roll horde to faceroll.

Edit: now that I think about it everyone stay horde ^-^ I've dealt with 5+ minute queues and a 50% win rate for this long so I can deal with these 30s q's and a 40% win rate :)
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Don't feel bad, God has killed myriad kittens in my name. A few more would be just a drop in the bucket.

The Ruiners killed their bracket, and like a plague of locusts, after they have devoured everything, they move on.

Rolling ally would seem to be the moral choice now, as it was horde back in cata. But I feel like ally still needs to feel the wrath until 6.0.

Never forget.
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I've been ally since f2p started. There have ALWAYS been more horde 24s.


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You can thank the influx of 24s/constant daily horde premades for that.. For the first time in awhile the last few weeks of bgs I haven't been the person bitching the most about 24s/premades... Ally finally got fed up with dealing with them and rerolled horde and now the q times will suffer.

It'd be nice if all the good f2ps and non gy farming non premading with 24s F2Ps came ally so we could start dominating the bad horde 24s but sadly (moreso for those horde diehards, not so much the ally diehards) more then likely people will just roll horde to faceroll.

Edit: now that I think about it everyone stay horde ^-^ I've dealt with 5+ minute queues and a 50% win rate for this long so I can deal with these 30s q's and a 40% win rate :)

I can't really play Horde... they're too ugly D:< So, ill take their short queues, and remember the good old days of Cataclysm, as i get bent over repeatably by 6+ healer Horde comp games sprinkled with 24s emoting me.
I can't really play Horde... they're too ugly D:<

Boy, I tell you, I've been playing WoW since it was first released and I have always felt the same way! Alliance for life, I was!

But then I rolled a gobby hunter and just look at her! She's so cute! In her own way.
Boy, I tell you, I've been playing WoW since it was first released and I have always felt the same way! Alliance for life, I was!

But then I rolled a gobby hunter and just look at her! She's so cute! In her own way.

I've done the opposite and have been playing on my ally priest but my goby hunter keeps calling me back. Yes she's cute but she has a ton of personality unlike my watch the paint drying human.
I've done the opposite and have been playing on my ally priest but my goby hunter keeps calling me back. Yes she's cute but she has a ton of personality unlike my watch the paint drying human.

Yep not gnome cute, more like Fran Drescher cute. :)
Are the stats on armories inaccurate?

I haven't played for 3 days and am trying to keep it that way, so I just spent some time poking around my toons' stats . . one of them has 28,400 as largest hit dealt. I'm not sure how that's even possible.

Statistics - Community - World of Warcraft
28,230, whatever. not 28,400.
That's possible. I can't think of a quest that would give that opportunity, but it's possible (maybe the chain for gloves of the hero?).

Another toon, though, has 2669 BG killing blows (def not honorable kills or world KBs) but only 2867 HKs. In 77 BGs played with 364 deaths. It's a mage. And I don't go out of my way to kill/look for enemies who are almost dead so I get the KB/anything like that. I afk frequently, but still.
That's possible. I can't think of a quest that would give that opportunity, but it's possible (maybe the chain for gloves of the hero?).

Another toon, though, has 2669 BG killing blows (def not honorable kills or world KBs) but only 2867 HKs. In 77 BGs played with 364 deaths. It's a mage. And I don't go out of my way to kill/look for enemies who are almost dead so I get the KB/anything like that. I afk frequently, but still.

Pretty sure it includes stuff like totems and pets too.
Are the stats on armories inaccurate?

I haven't played for 3 days and am trying to keep it that way, so I just spent some time poking around my toons' stats . . one of them has 28,400 as largest hit dealt. I'm not sure how that's even possible.

Statistics - Community - World of Warcraft
28,230, whatever. not 28,400.

I know there's an Alliance quest in Astranaar, Ashenvale where you shoot down Horde wind riders with a glaive that can hit for some pretty big numbers.

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