Questions & Answers

Is there any way to use Spellpower Goggles Xtreme after the sub runs out (keeping the 18sp)?

Not sure, i think you should be able to. But you shouldn't touch Engineering at all. I'm not 100% sure though.
On the topic of Garrisons and gold, I found a neat little trick to make a bit of coin. Before I went Vet, I did level one toon to 100, and also got his Garrison upgraded to lvl 3. I've been on and off Vet since, and I've worked out I can make on average about 500 gold (sometimes up to 1000 gold) a day depending on missions available. This only takes 5 mins to do per day, and maybe 20 mins every 3 days.

I won't talk about the missions, sometimes you get heaps of gold from them, other times none, but a more sure way that I make gold is as follows (and ps - I'm lazy and can't be bothered working the AH, never have and never will) :-

1. have a Barn at your Garrison
2. also have a Trading Post at your Garrison
3. every 3 days, spend about 15 mins in Nagrand farming Elites
4. place Elite orders at the Barn, and with a follower active, you generally get 1 Savage Blood per order (I think it produces 6 orders a day)
5. Also use Primal Spirit to buy Savage Blood - Primal Spirit gained from missions or herbs or ore from the Garrison
6. Sell Savage Blood and spare Garrison Resources at the Trading Post (you get about 15 gold per 50 Garrison Resource and 50g per Savage Blood)

Whenever I am off Vet status, I make between 500g and 1000g (mainly dependant on Missions the variation) per day, for a very short time sink.

I know it's not a lot of coin, but it does help. Hope this helps out some of you guys :)
Playing restoferal in boomy with my sets

I tested and it seems spellpower does not increase agility nor attackpower
so to get the maximum AP with full fang set you're going to want to go for intell/agility correct?
was using 2handed intell boa for maximum damage but with the mindset of the 42+ spell power increasing my damage in cat form...
So i guess i was wrong, maybe I should swap out to a more agil/attackpower based 2hd right?

also not sure if the same effect for resto, can someone confirm

including spellpower enchants, i think im gonna have to get rid of anything labeled "spellpower"
Playing restoferal in boomy with my sets

I tested and it seems spellpower does not increase agility nor attackpower
so to get the maximum AP with full fang set you're going to want to go for intell/agility correct?
was using 2handed intell boa for maximum damage but with the mindset of the 42+ spell power increasing my damage in cat form...
So i guess i was wrong, maybe I should swap out to a more agil/attackpower based 2hd right?

also not sure if the same effect for resto, can someone confirm

including spellpower enchants, i think im gonna have to get rid of anything labeled "spellpower"

That is correct. The conversion is only Int->Agi, not SP->Agi.

Likewise, the Feral conversion is Agi->NSP, not AP->NSP
On the topic of Garrisons and gold, I found a neat little trick to make a bit of coin. Before I went Vet, I did level one toon to 100, and also got his Garrison upgraded to lvl 3. I've been on and off Vet since, and I've worked out I can make on average about 500 gold (sometimes up to 1000 gold) a day depending on missions available. This only takes 5 mins to do per day, and maybe 20 mins every 3 days.

I won't talk about the missions, sometimes you get heaps of gold from them, other times none, but a more sure way that I make gold is as follows (and ps - I'm lazy and can't be bothered working the AH, never have and never will) :-

1. have a Barn at your Garrison
2. also have a Trading Post at your Garrison
3. every 3 days, spend about 15 mins in Nagrand farming Elites
4. place Elite orders at the Barn, and with a follower active, you generally get 1 Savage Blood per order (I think it produces 6 orders a day)
5. Also use Primal Spirit to buy Savage Blood - Primal Spirit gained from missions or herbs or ore from the Garrison
6. Sell Savage Blood and spare Garrison Resources at the Trading Post (you get about 15 gold per 50 Garrison Resource and 50g per Savage Blood)

Whenever I am off Vet status, I make between 500g and 1000g (mainly dependant on Missions the variation) per day, for a very short time sink.

I know it's not a lot of coin, but it does help. Hope this helps out some of you guys :)

Having the tailoring hut with a follower is the most lucrative small building. That way you can craft bags. However, your 100 will need to be a tailor. With maxed tailoring and a hut you can craft a 2 bags every 5 days. Depending on server prices, that is an extra 2500 or so gold. Multiply time six(month) and that is an income 15,000 just from bags alone. Then add in your daily ~1000 in gold from missions. Bam!! 45,000.
I am not even counting the herb garden and mine.

Having the tailoring hut with a follower is the most lucrative small building. That way you can craft bags. However, your 100 will need to be a tailor. With maxed tailoring and a hut you can craft a 2 bags every 5 days. Depending on server prices, that is an extra 2500 or so gold. Multiply time six(month) and that is an income 15,000 just from bags alone. Then add in your daily ~1000 in gold from missions. Bam!! 45,000.
I am not even counting the herb garden and mine.


I would add in the JC and Inscription Huts right under Tailoring. The JC hut itself allows you to craft the ilvl 640 pieces, which sell surprisingly well. Along with the Follower daily for ~250ish gold, I'm rather happy with that building choice on my alts.
On the topic of Garrisons and gold

Prices for tockens pretty much got to the point where it is no reason to farm gold just to pay for game as it more and more looks like hamster in the wheel.
60k on eu and it is only gonna go up. unless they cap it.
Best option is just have a 10 day trial every few month.
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