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Try it with Flash of Light plx.
As posted before this is a well known prob not only affecting some ppl.

I re-read the last few posts and I think you guys are saying the macros weren't working for raidframes.

So, I joined a BG with my shammy and tried it with both Healing Surge and Riptide (a castable heal and instant cast, like Flash of Light and Holy shock respectively). I didn't want to wait 20 minutes in a queue for a BG on my paladin. >.<

Those two worked completely fine on raidframes. So, I guess paladin heals should too.

The macro works on whatever raidframe, nameplate, player, etc, the mouse is on at the moment of pressing the keybind, regardless of the current target. It'll only heal the target if a mouseover doesn't exist. You can use alt and shift modifiers to cast on yourself and your focus, respectively. If you have no target or mousever, it casts on yourself automatically. That's how it works for me. Is it not the same for you or do you need something else?

Ninja edit: Repeating the macro so it doesn't get confused with my previous one

#showtooltip Holy Shock
/cast [@mouseover, nomod, nodead, exists] Holy Shock; [@target, nomod, exists] Holy Shock; [@player, modifier:alt] Holy Shock; [@focus, modifier:shift] Holy Shock; [@player] Holy Shock
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So, my latency is perfectly fine outside BGs, yet spikes IMMEDIATELY up to utterly unplayable levels, as in I am walking in place for 5 minutes then suddenly unfreeze, my character is dead, and I've done nothing.

It's absolutely perfect anywhere outside battlegrounds, yet as soon as I take that WSG pop it just freaks out, climbing steadily from 1000 MS toward 100000 MS, and I can't play any of my toons.

Any ideas as to what the hell is happening? Like I said it's only inside battlegrounds, which I find weird..

Edit: RESOLVED - turns out it was an addon doing it, not sure which yet - I just disabled them all.
Cheers Achmed :)
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So, my latency is perfectly fine outside BGs, yet spikes IMMEDIATELY up to utterly unplayable levels, as in I am walking in place for 5 minutes then suddenly unfreeze, my character is dead, and I've done nothing.

It's absolutely perfect anywhere outside battlegrounds, yet as soon as I take that WSG pop it just freaks out, climbing steadily from 1000 MS toward 100000 MS, and I can't play any of my toons.

Any ideas as to what the hell is happening? Like I said it's only inside battlegrounds, which I find weird...
Well i also get lagspikes sometimes but i have figured out it is my antivirus doing its automatic update. As soon as i turn off the update the ms goes back to normal
I re-read the last few posts and I think you guys are saying the macros weren't working for raidframes.

So, I joined a BG with my shammy and tried it with both Healing Surge and Riptide (a castable heal and instant cast, like Flash of Light and Holy shock respectively). I didn't want to wait 20 minutes in a queue for a BG on my paladin. >.<

Those two worked completely fine on raidframes. So, I guess paladin heals should too.

The macro works on whatever raidframe, nameplate, player, etc, the mouse is on at the moment of pressing the keybind, regardless of the current target. It'll only heal the target if a mouseover doesn't exist. You can use alt and shift modifiers to cast on yourself and your focus, respectively. If you have no target or mousever, it casts on yourself automatically. That's how it works for me. Is it not the same for you or do you need something else?

Ninja edit: Repeating the macro so it doesn't get confused with my previous one

#showtooltip Holy Shock
/cast [@mouseover, nomod, nodead, exists] Holy Shock; [@target, nomod, exists] Holy Shock; [@player, modifier:alt] Holy Shock; [@focus, modifier:shift] Holy Shock; [@player] Holy Shock

Still not working, but it seems to be the problem in "shift+" because as soon as i change it to any other key *not shared with shift* all previously posted macros here, even my own, started to work.
Thats why it was the only spell that didnt work for me :p carry on.
Still not working, but it seems to be the problem in "shift+" because as soon as i change it to any other key *not shared with shift* all previously posted macros here, even my own, started to work.
Thats why it was the only spell that didnt work for me :p carry on.

My Probs are mousebuttons 4 and 5 that dont work. Else its fine. This however is a standard prob Blitz refuses to fix...lazy bas ..anyways thx for the effort.
Did huntars got buff with pet res in 5.4.2 now it only 2 sec ? feels like it was 4 sec before
Still not working, but it seems to be the problem in "shift+" because as soon as i change it to any other key *not shared with shift* all previously posted macros here, even my own, started to work.
Thats why it was the only spell that didnt work for me :p carry on.

Okay, I've been thinking about this and brainstorming. I think I've got it figured out.

First, try to use the macro bound to ANY key other than the default 1-12. Did it work? Yes? Thought so.

Second, go into your ESC> Keybinds and unbind shift+'whatever number you want to bind your macro to'.

Shift+ any of the default 1-12 tries to cast a spell on another action bar.

This is the default setting. You have to unbind it to get it to work.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
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1) I hear recommendations for Justice heirlooms rather than Honor heirlooms. I haven't yet seen a difference, when the items are the same.

2) There's some conversion service from Honor to JP, where you lose a percentage? What NPC?

3) I'll have about 2700 honor soon, on my rogue. What gear would you replace? I have 2 Wickeds. (I'll also have enough for a DMF item, next fair). I thought about the Heirloom trinket, but heard Resilience is worth little at this level.


Edit: I already have the BOA Chest and Stormshroud Shoulders.
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1) I hear recommendations for Justice heirlooms rather than Honor heirlooms. I haven't yet seen a difference, when the items are the same.

2) There's some conversion service from Honor to JP, where you lose a percentage? What NPC?

3) I'll have about 2700 honor soon, on my rogue. What gear would you replace? I have 2 Wickeds. (I'll also have enough for a DMF item, next fair). I thought about the Heirloom trinket, but heard Resilience is worth little at this level.


1)3) items are not same stat-wise obviusly, assuming u are alliance and ur rogue is sub: chardev 10 - Mist of Pandaria - BETA

2)Edlan Halsing - NPC - World of Warcraft
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Loom insignia trinket is worthless, don't bother with it just get the 55 honor one.
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1. They're both bought with honor

Sorry, I left out the 55 part. Fixed.

Loom insignia is BiS tho, and twinking is about being BiS ;0

(Get loom trink only after you acquired all the other looms tho)

Yeah, I get that. However, at a fairly high cost with such a marginal gain (what like 3% dmg reduction), I'd rather spend honor on mounts and tabards. Or maybe even bank it for heirlooms for other classes in case f2p gets access to loom UI tab.
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Sorry, I left out the 55 part. Fixed.
Insignia of the Alliance - Item - World of Warcraft

Yeah, I get that. However, at a fairly high cost with such a marginal gain (what like 3% dmg reduction), I'd rather spend honor on mounts and tabards. Or maybe even bank it for heirlooms for other classes in case f2p gets access to loom UI tab.

If you play long time you come to a moment when you just have nothing to buy with honor or JP except other looms, and then you just buy looms :p
Takeo, disregarding 3% damage mitigation is silly. Damage mitigation adds up, and 3% is a pretty good amount.
Think about it this way - A 24 Shadow Priest casts Mind Blast, hits you for 500, then casts Devouring Plague on you and hits you for 600, and then Mind Flays you.
3% damage mitigation would mean the Mind Blast would only be 485, and the Devouring Plague would only be 582. Sure, this sounds quite irrelevant, but that's 33 less health. Considering it'd probably take an additional attack (or more) to kill you, 3% damage mitigation would prevent around 50-100 health from being taken from you. This amount of health is enough to keep you alive for a few extra seconds when a healer heals you up, you get an ability off of CD or something else.

As you can see, although 3% dmg mitigation seems irrelevant - Every little bit helps.
I'd take 3% dmg reduction over a tabard or mount ANY day. Heck, even 0.1% damage mitigation is better than a mount or tabard.

Remember, you can always convert your Honor > JP and then buy some of the resources from the JP vendor (cloths, herbs, etc - Unless this is locked to F2Ps, I haven't checked recently).
Sorry, I left out the 55 part. Fixed.
Insignia of the Alliance - Item - World of Warcraft

Yeah, I get that. However, at a fairly high cost with such a marginal gain (what like 3% dmg reduction), I'd rather spend honor on mounts and tabards. Or maybe even bank it for heirlooms for other classes in case f2p gets access to loom UI tab.

Nope its not even 1% dmg reduction but still better then the one without resilience. its last thing to buy though.

Nowadays when i create a char i buy JP looms in DMF, honor looms and tabard with honor that i get from bgs.

cuz nowadays u need around 20k honor to get BiS.(depending on char)
My question is regarding these account bound boas.. Idk if theres been a link or something explaining it and I've seen people talking about P2P enchants and if they will be taken off or not when they go into the bag or wherever they will be placed.

Will our F2P enchants be taken off boas when we swap them with other toons or use a different gear set? Cause F2P chants are alot harder to get then P2P ones and I hate re leveling enchanting :/

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