Dont think it is, kinda looks like her.is that sarah palin?
Dont think it is, kinda looks like her.is that sarah palin?
Not only are queues longer since the split, now you are more likely to keep getting grouped vs the same people playing the same comp you just ran into last match. Random bgs have become lopsided wargames with no class restrictions, hunter scum rejoice.
hows games working out?
Had maybe 2 good games out of the ones that popped today
NA Horde is full of braindead F2P's
NA Alliance still like hunters
29 rogues are scary
(I usually queue within the past 6 hours or so, maybe the horde twinks are just sleeping)
Na, I’m good. It’s not my style to individually @ people like that - I’ve gotten enough random angsty aggro directed at me in this thread already. You’ve also shown yourself to be an asshole and I owe you nothing. Besides, it’s not like there’s debate that a number of long-time 20s farm levelers excessively. No need to name people to prove that. And no, not new. I’ve twinked low levels off and on since mid Wrath.Well, name some names then. Because you seem like a day old and dont think you know any names.
LOL, doubles down on stupid and follows it up with being full of shit. Love it.Na, I’m good. It’s not my style to individually @ people like that - I’ve gotten enough random angsty aggro directed at me in this thread already. You’ve also shown yourself to be an asshole and I owe you nothing. Besides, it’s not like there’s debate that a number of long-time 20s farm levelers excessively. No need to name people to prove that. And no, not new. I’ve twinked low levels off and on since mid Wrath.
I agree with you.Besides, it’s not like there’s debate that a number of long-time 20s farm levelers excessively. No need to name people to prove that. And no, not new. I’ve twinked low levels off and on since mid Wrath.
I get the change.
That being said, I dont see why 19xp off doesnt become the new thing. Retail and ftp can play at same power levels basically.
I don't know why one would level their current 20's and "destroy" them. Super easy to level a new 29 on a different (paying) account. Maybe a Blizz number cruncher saw vets as an untapped revenue stream. We probably would add over a million dollars a year in subs, tokens, game services, and more hooks into higher level content to stay subbed.
TBH, I think pre-Dragonflight spells/talent additions for L29's makes more classes viable instead of the hunter stink fest it is today. I'd love to see @Supäcow with a full kit rather than the very limited L20 resto druid. I miss Lifebloom, Leather Specialization, Ysera's Gift, Ursol's Vortex, L25 talent choice, and Barkskin. A L29 mistweaver or resto shaman with an expanded kit makes for a fairer fight against a team of hunters. They also are missing a ton of their healing/survivabilty/utility stuck at L20.
A "Lovely" idea. Consider it done. Get at me when you figure out which level 29 Resto Druid is mine.
That should be easy just look for the one that does not heal.
read it againWait, for real? I saw the news for this for wrath classic, but now i queue on my 19 into levellers? Gross.
Or did i get this wrong? And we're now in a no-leveler zone?
Blizzard kills my fun and expects me to give them money for it...
Well the thing is if lvler gets owned by twink in bg its actually kinda good from "welcome to wow" point of view. Its a game where gear makes you stronger, if you ding to max lvl and instantly que bg you gonna have same exact experience as a leveler getting teabagged by twink, so if blizzard wanted to show ftp how the game works, this is exactly it. And geared vs geared still getting oneshots isn't something a max lvl won't experience aswell (for reference see monks 100-0 people in 2s with storm earth and fire+ bonedust brew and spinning crane kick)Well.... the end goal of every trial is to get a subscription. Likely the more content they give the less money they get.
Not the brightest bulbs at Blizz, we've always known that. But maybe they're finally waking up and picking anew direction to take. 20 f2play trying out the game getting owned by geared 20 f2play isnt incentive to buy... getting wrecked by meh 29 in vendor gear actually is, for all it's worth. If they like it and want more power without the insane effort. (most kids do)
A lot like f2play used to be. Pay a sub to get access to "better".
IF -------> it's intentional in the first place.