PvE - Gearing your 19 PvE

It's important to remember that weapon-swapping at this bracket makes a bigger impact than in any other. A tank could have a rotation of weapons with different enchants/stats; Crusader, LS, Unholy etc mixed with Smite's/Felblade/etc
I, by no means, want to sound negative here but here is what I have to say:

You (Twinks) are very excited for this new patch because of no EXP. I don't blame you, it's pretty awesome :D But look at it this way... Your exactly like 70 PvPers waiting on Lich King raiding content. It's the same shit as raiding on your level 80...

Half of us make twinks because 80 raiding bores us... What does raiding gnomer give us? An achievement which we can get by getting run through in 10 minutes? I know guys are excited but it's the same instance, it will always be the same instance, it's not like 80 raiding, where they create new, and harder raids, they will always be the same.

I can understand you guys doing this for like the first week or whatnot, but after that, I think everyone will just be sick of all the instances.

That's my 2 cents

Twinkytoes said:
I, by no means, want to sound negative here but here is what I have to say:

You (Twinks) are very excited for this new patch because of no EXP. I don't blame you, it's pretty awesome :D But look at it this way... Your exactly like 70 PvPers waiting on Lich King raiding content. It's the same shit as raiding on your level 80...

Half of us make twinks because 80 raiding bores us... What does raiding gnomer give us? An achievement which we can get by getting run through in 10 minutes? I know guys are excited but it's the same instance, it will always be the same instance, it's not like 80 raiding, where they create new, and harder raids, they will always be the same.

I can understand you guys doing this for like the first week or whatnot, but after that, I think everyone will just be sick of all the instances.

That's my 2 cents


Its like a fad. If people want to try it, why not let them? Its also a challenge, im pretty sure everyone already knows you can get the achievement in like 10 minutes, but wheres the fun in that? All you do is follow a lvl 80 around while he kills mobs. I think most of us are excited about this because it is something new to do, and will bring up new challenges to try to beat...im still wondering why there always has to be 1 negative post in a thread. :(
I'm sorry, I was just stating that some people that replied to this thread previously said they hated raiding, but this is raiding. lol
Twinkytoes said:
I'm sorry, I was just stating that some people that replied to this thread previously said they hated raiding, but this is raiding. lol

I'm not one of those who hates raiding, but I know it can be a huge drag when you've cleared the instance, seen it all 20 or 30 times before, and you're going back anyway to farm loot.

I think most people who hate raiding hate scheduling their free time around a game in order to collect new pixels just so they can go explore new content. This has nothing to do with gear grinding, nor is it something that needs to be done every 'tuesday, thursday, sunday at 7pm PDT' in order to keep up or see any reward from it.

Group PvE can be fun, in fact 5man instances were one of the things I enjoyed most in WoW the first time I levelled a guy.

'Raiding' means a whole slew of other things now, not just group pve. It means scheduling your free time to coincide with 24 other guys. It means doing instances you've done a million times before because your MT hasn't got enough drops from it to move on to the next instance yet. It means shitty loot systems and going unrewarded for hours of time invested. etc etc etc.

If you ask people what they enjoy about raiding, a common answer is 'the first time you down a boss'. Going to gnomer at 19 gives you that fun, your first time killing a boss on a level 19, without all the negative shit.
Ymir said:
I'm not one of those who hates raiding, but I know it can be a huge drag when you've cleared the instance, seen it all 20 or 30 times before, and you're going back anyway to farm loot.

I think most people who hate raiding hate scheduling their free time around a game in order to collect new pixels just so they can go explore new content. This has nothing to do with gear grinding, nor is it something that needs to be done every 'tuesday, thursday, sunday at 7pm PDT' in order to keep up or see any reward from it.

Group PvE can be fun, in fact 5man instances were one of the things I enjoyed most in WoW the first time I levelled a guy.

'Raiding' means a whole slew of other things now, not just group pve. It means scheduling your free time to coincide with 24 other guys. It means doing instances you've done a million times before because your MT hasn't got enough drops from it to move on to the next instance yet. It means shitty loot systems and going unrewarded for hours of time invested. etc etc etc.

If you ask people what they enjoy about raiding, a common answer is 'the first time you down a boss'. Going to gnomer at 19 gives you that fun, your first time killing a boss on a level 19, without all the negative shit.

This is why I hate raiding. "Be here at x time or you're kicked". We won't be rolling on pixels here.
Ctrlaltwin said:
Someone should try and find out what amount of defense you would need for un-critable at 19 against lvl 28 mobs. IF that is attainable, in theory the crushing blows hitting you for ~350 crits, would be hitting you for ~200 instead. Now ~150 isnt much, but it stacks up, if you have 3 npcs on you at a time, and you are un-critable, the constant ~350 hits scaled down to ~200 would make a HUGE difference. I like the idea of PvE at 19 :) makes you think, and if it is possible, would be awesome!

Crushes can't crit, they're exclusive attack results. You would just have to deal with crushing blows. They do 150% of normal attack damage and really aren't tremendously troublesome unless the mob is taking like 35-40% of your tanks health per swing.
Ymir said:
Crushes can't crit, they're exclusive attack results. You would just have to deal with crushing blows. They do 150% of normal attack damage and really aren't tremendously troublesome unless the mob is taking like 35-40% of your tanks health per swing.

That was kind of a late post...but still. You can still get hit with normal crits and those scaled down would make a difference.
Ctrlaltwin said:
That was kind of a late post...but still. You can still get hit with normal crits and those scaled down would make a difference.

Yeah, it's still good to avoid crits :)

Interesting point, if they haven't changed how a mobs chance to crush you is calculated, the defense set posted will actually push some crushes off the table, turning them into blocked normal attacks. Every hit that you don't avoid will be a crush though ;)
Twinkytoes, this isn't raiding. This is far worse than raiding. At least in raiding you had some little ounce of simple tactics to keep you interested. Here it's just... so terrible and boring.
Hamcake said:
Twinkytoes, this isn't raiding. This is far worse than raiding. At least in raiding you had some little ounce of simple tactics to keep you interested. Here it's just... so terrible and boring.

you are right, this isnt raiding! THIS IS THEOCRAFTING

Only cause there isnt "simple tactics" yet - we may be able to provide some in a couple of weeks ;)

I am currently working on a variant of the warri build, i always wanted to

have a tank and this seems to be my chance. I totally agree on the hit pots

aswell as most of the warri build discussed so far. Personally i will do a variant

of it.

Using heirloom items (shoulders, the sword and the bow) to get my hit and

stats up for a bit. This will enshure that i dont miss that often. however,

i have a couple of modifications i would like to oppose.

since spidersilk drape seems to be everybody's favorite choice atm because

of the 4 hit, i will go for the sentry cloak as it gives me better overall stats.

with +12 doge rating for damage migration. as i think it scales better with

the build. (avoiding damage rather than reducing it)

for the bracers - they seem fine, but i am currently checking for something

with more stamina on them. the enchant is defintalty good.

hands: thinking about thoribas gauntlets

reason for that beeing is that some abilities scale with ap/str aggro wise.

Therefore i would like to swap them out for something with more of that

-- the enchant itself is crap (to my eyes) given you do 300 aggro/sec

(just guessing) this gives you an additional 30.

however, when using 15 agi you will do more aggro based off the stats you

have so i will check if i can get more aggro that way.

the agi also adds up to my dodge chance, crit chance and so forth

belt seems good, i will also have a deviate one to swap out for trash mobs


the def ring is fine, i am just thinking about the agi ring from wsg or seal of

wrynn as the other choice instead of the hit one. - could be worth trying

(at least for trash)

dual agm is definatly a must have.

for the wepon enchant i see it the same way i figured it would be. i talked

to a couple of tanks i know and they suggested using agi or something like

that on the wepon for a simple reason.

They told me that it would be preferrable in lower end instanced to have

slightly more tps and not be that dependant on proccs . i totally 100% agree


given that i have rumsey rum and it will take a while to get my fishing hat.

i will go for engineering as it provides the only usable hat at 19 that gives

acceptable stats (Stam whise).

and i am unshure about the second one. Mining is 70 more health, wich could

be much given i would try to base the warri off dodge etc and not so much on avoiding crits whilst beeing crushed in gnomer.

herbing - i havnt checked yet if it consumes the global cooldown, but if it

does - i may even get alchi for more hit from the pots

practically i havnt descided yet.
You could probably trivialize the whole thing with buffs :-/

Spirit of zandalar, rallying cry of the dragonslayer, warchiefs blessing, fish feast, gg gnomer.
...did you read ANY of the posts before page 8? The set ups that you have wont work worth shit. You would miss nearly every single time in gnomer. You can go and try to do the instance like that, but you wont get far. PLZ look at pages 1-7.
yes i did and i loose 9 hit wich is acceptable compared to the fact that we do not know

for shure what the hit cap is.

4 of i can swap in changing a ring for boss fights. however the chest thing he uses

i am not shure that is a good idea...
Ymir said:
You could probably trivialize the whole thing with buffs :-/

Spirit of zandalar, rallying cry of the dragonslayer, warchiefs blessing, fish feast, gg gnomer.

None of those actually buff any ratings, save for Dragonslayer.

Sure it can buff your health a lot but if you can't hit/block anything it won't help. Even with all those buffs stacked it's not like you can go 5-man Gnomer without first knowing what you're doing.
Ok, looking at it right now it looks like first we would be ten-manning gnomer? If so what would the group make-up we're looking for be?
iaccidentallytwink said:
None of those actually buff any ratings, save for Dragonslayer.

Sure it can buff your health a lot but if you can't hit/block anything it won't help. Even with all those buffs stacked it's not like you can go 5-man Gnomer without first knowing what you're doing.

Yeah they won't give rating but it'll still trivialize it in 2 ways. The first is by having a tank with the EHP of well geared level 45-50. The second is by allowing you to ignore armor, health, and the possibility of being crushed or crit when gearing, because your EHP is so high. That means you can simply stack aggro ratings elsewhere.

This guy would have no problems:

chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner
Ymir said:
Yeah they won't give rating but it'll still trivialize it in 2 ways. The first is by having a tank with the EHP of well geared level 45-50. The second is by allowing you to ignore armor, health, and the possibility of being crushed or crit when gearing, because your EHP is so high. That means you can simply stack aggro ratings elsewhere.

This guy would have no problems:

chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

GL with getting Zandalar or Warchief. I'm lucky to grab that once a month nowadays.

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