PvE - Gearing your 19 PvE

the hit cap is wrong here... as it it is calculated against a creature 3 levels above you.

since you are wanting to do that kind of thing, you're hit cap is unattainable for the creatures will lots more then 3 levels above you.

i see where you are coming though...

my friend and i were trying to solo dungeons before, i would laugh to see a bunch of twinks being able to do sunken temple !
I guess Cursed Felblade with unholy would work for tanking?. But still LS is better I guess.

EDIT: Why are people talking about doing sunken temple and ZF? It's not like you can enter those instances at level 19 or have I missed out some changes?
i think you guys are also forgetting that you get less and less from avoidance as the mob gets higher level than you....you're not really going to be blocking or dodging much of anything in gnomer.

also, as arthurianknight pointed out, you guys are calculating the hit cap for raid bosses (3 levels above you). these mobs will be a lot more than 3 levels above you. you're not even going to be able to come close to the hit cap, and the gap gets pretty nasty > 3 levels....... :-\
Now, as much as it has been said - people are right. Mekgineer Thermaplugg is level 28, not level 22 (3 levels above you as a ?? raid boss) BUT WHO CARES?? Like Grunge said - it is finally something new and exciting that we can work towards! If you have to have 4 healrs 1 tank and 5dps in gnomer, then so be it!! It is going to be hard, and it will be difficult getting the right gear - but that doesn't mean we can't try.

If I go after something like this, make a twink tank warrior and it fails and i wasted ~1k gold - o well? I tried, and probably had buttloads of fun while doing it!! It will be a case of major scale fail and error, some classes getting 100% max hit they can, and others stacking different combo's - its also more than just that, its working together as a group (like in premades!) to get it done, not a 'my gear is best i win' thing.

Im not sure how druid tanks will work, seeing as how they have very few threat generating abilities: growl, FF(feral), maul bash and swipe. Warriors might be your best bet with sunder armor, taunt, mocking blow, shield bash, overpower etc.

This is going to be lots of fun!!!
Someone should try and find out what amount of defense you would need for un-critable at 19 against lvl 28 mobs. IF that is attainable, in theory the crushing blows hitting you for ~350 crits, would be hitting you for ~200 instead. Now ~150 isnt much, but it stacks up, if you have 3 npcs on you at a time, and you are un-critable, the constant ~350 hits scaled down to ~200 would make a HUGE difference. I like the idea of PvE at 19 :) makes you think, and if it is possible, would be awesome!
Ctrlaltwin said:
Someone should try and find out what amount of defense you would need for un-critable at 19 against lvl 28 mobs. IF that is attainable, in theory the crushing blows hitting you for ~350 crits, would be hitting you for ~200 instead. Now ~150 isnt much, but it stacks up, if you have 3 npcs on you at a time, and you are un-critable, the constant ~350 hits scaled down to ~200 would make a HUGE difference. I like the idea of PvE at 19 :) makes you think, and if it is possible, would be awesome!

You can't get too much defense, unfortunately. The only way to get defense is from greens, and 1 shield. But getting defense over hit isn't such a good idea, especially in Gnomeregan.

Edit: You'd need 6.8% defense for Gnomeregan.
sorry im a bit confused why is everyone getting so hyped about 19 pve?

did you not read the quote properly or am i missing something :S

"For those that would like to opt out of gaining experience while in the battleground" focus on the world battleground, i havnt seen anything mentioning pve or anything about the stopping of mob or exploritory experience....

just thought id throw that out there..

i apologise if im wrong

mopchild said:
sorry im a bit confused why is everyone getting so hyped about 19 pve?

did you not read the quote properly or am i missing something :S

"For those that would like to opt out of gaining experience while in the battleground" focus on the world battleground, i havnt seen anything mentioning pve or anything about the stopping of mob or exploritory experience....

just thought id throw that out there..

i apologise if im wrong


It mentions PvE as well. Keep reading the patch notes, lots of people missed that remark as well.

DEFENSE CAPPED TANK: chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

I've got the defense cap set to 6.8% for Gnomer, but again, it sacrifices a lot of hit, but it DOES make you uncrittable. Who knows, maybe this is better? Use Haliscan Jacket if you can't get Formal Dangui.
iaccidentallytwink said:
It mentions PvE as well. Keep reading the patch notes, lots of people missed that remark as well.

DEFENSE CAPPED TANK: chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

I've got the defense cap set to 6.8% for Gnomer, but again, it sacrifices a lot of hit, but it DOES make you uncrittable. Who knows, maybe this is better? Use Haliscan Jacket if you can't get Formal Dangui.

You could also use a hit pot, which would bring you up to 19 hit. 19 hit and 6.8% defense sounds like a pretty stable number.
Ctrlaltwin said:
You could also use a hit pot, which would bring you up to 19 hit. 19 hit and 6.8% defense sounds like a pretty stable number.

Gnomer requires ~60 hit though to never miss. You can get up to 51 as an alchemist with a Warrior, but then you have only 11 Defense.

However, for SFK the defense set with +10 hit elixir is just PERFECT!
Always think of everything :). Also, we dont know for sure if there are any new items for 19s in the patch...maybe we will catch a break? ;)
Also, on your defense capped warrior model, I think you could switch out the Cursed Felblade for Smite's Reaver for the +2 hit. Also, since you didn't add any heirloom items...the leather shoulders w/ +4 would help also...so adding that to your defense capped warrior....6.8% defense and 15 hit without a pot.
Ctrlaltwin said:
Also, on your defense capped warrior model, I think you could switch out the Cursed Felblade for Smite's Reaver for the +2 hit. Also, since you didn't add any heirloom items...the leather shoulders w/ +4 would help also...so adding that to your defense capped warrior....6.8% defense and 15 hit without a pot.

If I sacrifice the proc (which is up a LOT) it would cost a lot of threat. And yea BoA would help but too many people don't have it.
Well, are we not looking at ALL of the possibilities? Even without Smite's Reaver, you would still be at 13 hit and with a pot 23.

23 Hit and 6.8% Defense...are there anymore +hit +defense items out there?

And if you switched out a LS for Crusader, 100 Strength for 15 seconds is a long time in PvE. Strength also adds block rating, which could come in handy. IDK for sure if it would add anymore block rating considering your defense capped, but you would think it should.
Ctrlaltwin said:
Well, are we not looking at ALL of the possibilities? Even without Smite's Reaver, you would still be at 13 hit and with a pot 23.

23 Hit and 6.8% Defense...are there anymore +hit +defense items out there?

And if you switched out a LS for Crusader, 100 Strength for 15 seconds is a long time in PvE. Strength also adds block rating, which could come in handy. IDK for sure if it would add anymore block rating considering your defense capped, but you would think it should.

Hmm. That's not a bad idea, but the proc rate for Crusader is pretty low.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Hmm. That's not a bad idea, but the proc rate for Crusader is pretty low.

Well, since Cursed Felblade has a slower weapon speed of 2.6. It should proc around twice a minute, with your warrior doing all your threat attaining abilities. Now considering twice a minute is true, you would have at least 16 seconds (since the procs COULD happen one right after the other) or 30 seconds max, 16-30 seconds of 100+ strength is pretty big not to ignore. Also, since you are healed when it procs, you gain even more threat. I think crusader would be a better choice for a tanks weapon enchant.
Alright, I changed the Tank build on page 1 to use Crusader.
Hmm, I just realized something...if the patch goes out during the Midsummer Fire Festival, you would be able to get the +20 defense food and the +20 hit food. This means that you can lose some defense and gain some hit!
Ctrlaltwin said:
Hmm, I just realized something...if the patch goes out during the Midsummer Fire Festival, you would be able to get the +20 defense food and the +20 hit food. This means that you can lose some defense and gain some hit!

I've already approached this on the last page.

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