Purj's PTR Enchant Findings


boomer shaman
PTR testing so far.
Thanks to Baeloro, Willix, Drayner and Aelobin


Glorious Stats – +3 stats
Peerless Stats – +3 stats
Mighty Stats – +2 stats
Powerful Stats – +4 stats
Super Stats – +3 stats
Exceptional Stats – +4 stats
+200 resil - +8 resil
Exceptional Gealth - +112hp
Exceptional Mana - +188 mana

40 stam to bracer = 15 stam at 19
+180 int bracer enchant - +7 int
Expertise bracer - +8 expertise
Agility Bracer - +8 agi
Precision - +8 hit
Crititcal Strike - +8 crit
Speed - +8 haste
Stats - +3 stats
Lesser Assault - +18 AP

Jade Spirit - 62 int on proc
Dancing Steel - 62 str/agility on proc
Colossus - 281 dmg absorb on proc
Windsong - 56 haste/crit/mastery on proc
Mongoose - 90 Agil 22 Haste
Executioner - 90 Crit
Power Torrent - 75 int proc
Windwalk - 90 dodge + 15% run speed proc
Elemental Force - 112 damage
Black Magic - 94 Haste proc
Riversong - 62 dodge for 7 sec proc
Hurricane - 68 haste proc
Glorious Tyranny - 22 PvP Power

Blurred Speed - Minor Speed + 5 Agi
Greater Haste - 7 haste
Haste - 8 haste
Greater Precision - 7 hit
Pecision - 8 hit
Boar's Speed - 7stam + minor speed
Surefooted - 8hit + 8crit

Superior Intellect - 6 int
Major Intellect - 6 int

Greater Intellect - 9 int
Resilience - 9 resil

Superior int - 7 int
Greater protection - 8stam
Accuracy - 7 hit
Minor Power - +10 PvP Power

Major Strength - +15 Strength
Blasting - +8 crit

30 stam, 15 resil to shoulders - 11stam + 6resil
Greater Inscription of the Storm - 9spell + 6crit

Sapphire Spellthread - 38spell + 22stam (stam not working on PTRs)
Drakefire Leggings - 22stam + 8dodge

Naxx shoulders working, not scaling (I guess since they are level 60)
Enchanting BoA ring doesn't work, enchant still requires 550 Enchanting
+100hp to head working, not scaling.
Socketing belts does not work.
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Nice findings! Would love for more people to test this out. Would love to see if some lower lvl shit better than higher etc.! Hopefully we dont need to lvl up all profs to be bis
Did you get any of the naxx shoulders I gave <CM> folks back in the day? I'd love to know if they work. I have 1 set of cloth in one of my 39 locks bank, I think. I decided not to install so I am relying on your Purj!
None of the PreBC enchants seemed to have changed

The ones that currently worry me are the Proc BC Enchants as they seem to just be scaled down once for all levels below 35

Mongoose 90 Agil 22 Haste
Executioner 90 Crit
None of the PreBC enchants seemed to have changed

The ones that currently worry me are the Proc BC Enchants as they seem to just be scaled down once for all levels below 35

Mongoose 90 Agil 22 Haste
Executioner 90 Crit
Damn thats some OP shit. Hope it doesn't go live.
stays 16 pvp power
Is skirms on it?
I will post my findings since Purj is gone for the weekend here, and over in the general twinks section as he and I have been both very interested to look into this. Stay tuned, as I am currently completing the installation and have enough materials for 3-4 enchants of just about everything. I will primarily be testing Agility class users enchants at 19, as well as Intellect users such as int dps users. I will be doing the experiments on 19 twinks, one is a mage and the other is a rogue. I'll let you know what my findings are once I am done over the next 3-4 hours either tonight, or tomorrow.
How about the level 35 pvp power enchant?

It's showing 12 pvp power.

With the current scaling, Mongoose will be better than Dancing Steel or Landslide for agi users, but Crusader will be better than Dancing Steel or Landslide for Str users. Let's hope they aren't finished tweaking the scaling numbers.
what about current enchants?

- 15 agi to gloves/wpn
- 9 stam bracer
- 4 stats to chest (is it also +3 on PTR?)
- 22 int to wpn

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