Purj's PTR Enchant Findings

Yeah Boar's gives +9stam +minor speed.

The tooltips of many BC enchants are bugged right now. They show an incorrect value for the benefit they give while being enchanted on the item.

To test your enchants:
1. Equip the enchanted item.
2. Add up the total stat value of the stat being given by the enchant on the item.
3. Then take note of the total amount of that stat which shows up on your character sheet.
4. Unequip your item.
5. Take note of the new value of that stat displayed on your character sheet.
6. Subtract the new value from the old value.
7. If the difference is different than the total value of that stat displayed on your item, then your enchant has a bugged tooltip.

Testing shows Boar's Speed giving the correct amount of stamina according to the tooltip, but other enchants, such as +24 attack power, + 6 stats to chest, and +15 resilience, are all displaying the incorrect value when applied to the item. Some enchants, like the +6 stats to chest, are displaying the incorrect value even on the scroll itself (actually only gives + 3 stats, instead of the +4 it's supposed to).

It should also be noted that +4 stats to chest from Vanilla, is also only giving +3 stats.
Peerless stats does not work, I got a message saying enchantment requires level 50 and I verified it was not a visual bug
The tooltips of many BC enchants are bugged right now. They show an incorrect value for the benefit they give while being enchanted on the item.

To test your enchants:
1. Equip the enchanted item.
2. Add up the total stat value of the stat being given by the enchant on the item.
3. Then take note of the total amount of that stat which shows up on your character sheet.
4. Unequip your item.
5. Take note of the new value of that stat displayed on your character sheet.
6. Subtract the new value from the old value.
7. If the difference is different than the total value of that stat displayed on your item, then your enchant has a bugged tooltip.

Testing shows Boar's Speed giving the correct amount of stamina according to the tooltip, but other enchants, such as +24 attack power, + 6 stats to chest, and +15 resilience, are all displaying the incorrect value when applied to the item. Some enchants, like the +6 stats to chest, are displaying the incorrect value even on the scroll itself (actually only gives + 3 stats, instead of the +4 it's supposed to).

It should also be noted that +4 stats to chest from Vanilla, is also only giving +3 stats.

+4 stats was originally a van-wow enchant, but somewhere in BC it was moved and made a outland world dungeon drop. so i can see their logic of it not giving +4 until you hit level 61+. i could not see their logic back then in moving it to a BC enchant since you get the +6 chest enchant right there in HFP. i did many suggestion/question post (back when they had a suggestion forum) never getting a response

makes me wonder if we are getting total values on our other van-wow enchants that where also duped/added into BC content and changed to require BC mats like 15 agi to gloves, stealth to cloak, etc

boar's speed, i checked again. it is giving 9 stam on my 19 priest. i have BS 9 stam on a set of merger boot's 4 stam = 13 stam. i checked and verified this awhile back when i posted the finding

188 stam with boots
175 stam without boots
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See, that's just it. Before last tuesday's maintenance, I tested (and double checked) boar's speed for my characters, and it was giving +7 stam. So between tuesday's maintenance and the time of my post, it was 'fixed' or 'bugged.' Really not sure which at this point. So many enchants to go through, it's hard to test them all.

Some big ones that are bugged are Sunfire and Soulfrost, they are giving their correct scaling values instead of their original values, even though the tooltip says their original values on the gear. It's a really weird bug in that it only shows up once an enchant is applied.
checked +4 stats to chest that we were using in 19's after reading willix's post and yeap it is ganked to +3 when checking gear removal

especially now curious if the hi-end scopes are actually giving 300ap or 112 agi? because those numbers at level 1-60 imo make no sense.
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checked +4 stats to chest that we were using in 19's after reading willix's post and yeap it is ganked to +3 when checking gear removal

especially now curious if the hi-end scopes are actually giving 300ap or 112 agi? because those numbers at level 1-60 imo make no sense.

As far as I can tell, it's only the BC enchants that have this problem.

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