7.1 PTR Impressions
I know things are subject to change, but I decided to compile a list of changes for classes on PTR and include my general impressions of the changes. If I'm missing something let me know, I briefly skimmed over the spellbook to see what changed.
Arms Warrior- Heroic ThrowProt Warrior- Heroic Throw,Focused Rage
Fury Warrior- Heroic Throw
- Furious Slash no longer increases crit chance of Bloodthirst.
Balance Druid- Regrowth, Dash, Sunfire- Loses Remove Corruption.
- Loses Rake Stun.
- Loses Feral Swiftness.
- Tiger's Fury nerfed to 20 Energy and +15% damage (instead of 60 energy)
- Loses Remove Corruption.
- Loses Nature's Cure.
- Loses Remove Corruption.
Arcane Mages- Conjure Refreshment, Evocation(a godsend, considering how fast Arcane runs out of mana), Arcane Explosion- Loses Ice Barrier.
- Fire Blast is now 1 charge.
- Loses Ice Barrier.
- Loses Ice Barrier.
- Loses Pet Freeze ability.
Destro Warlock- Chaos Bolt, Life Tap- Loses Health Funnel.
- Loses Soulstone.
- Loses Health Funnel.
- Loses Soulstone.
- Loses Health Funnel.
- Loses Soulstone.
Outlaw Rogues- Cheap Shot, Between The Eyes- Loses Ambush.
- Loses Riposte.
- Loses Evasion.
- Loses Shadowstep.
- Loses Crippling Poison.
- Loses Mutilate.
- Loses Evasion.
- Loses Shadowstep.
MW Monks- Crackling Jade Lightning,Renewing MistWW Monks- Crackling Jade Lightning, Fists of Fury, Disable
- Loses Flying Serpent Kick.
- Loses Windwalking.
- Loses Breath of Fire.
Ele Shammy- Earthbind Totem, Wind Shear, Far Sight (lolwat)- Loses Thunderstorm.
- Loses Cleanse Spirit.
- Loses Frostbrand.
- Loses Cleanse Spirit.
- Loses Purify Spirit.
Disc Priests- Atonement, Mind Vision, Flash Heal- Loses Shadow Mend.
- Loses Plea.
- Smite nerfed to no longer absorb damage.
Shadow Priests- Mind Vision, Flash Heal, Shadowform (?)
- Loses Shadow Mend.
Surv Hunters- Harpoon, Freezing Trap- Loses Aspect of the Cheetah.
- (Talent) Animal Instincts now reduces CD of abilities.
- Loses Aspect of the Cheetah.
- Loses Aspect of the Wild.
- Loses Aspect of the Cheetah.
Ret Pallies-- Crusader Strike is now one charge.
Holy Pallies- Consecration, Beacon of Light
Overall Impression for Pallies: Pretty good for Holy pallies.
Overall Impression of 7.1 based on PTR:
Feels like two steps back. Going from WoD to Pre-Legion felt like heaven. F2Ps experienced a golden age. In PTR's current state, the changes do more bad than good. Healers are weaker than ever. Burst damage is more rampant than ever. Tanks get some abilities to mitigate some damage, but overall, it's bad news bears for the overall balance of the classes. But, this is coming from the perspective of someone who prefers playing healer. DPS (most notably O Rogues and Surv Hunters) will probably have a blast. Whats kind of weird is the addition of these new 'vision' spells. Feels absolutely useless. Having these spells are really good in AB, but even then, the average player doesn't even care about having vision over a base.
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