what if I get my hunter and paladin to 20 then is it possible to qualify?
and how do I get setup properly?
what if I get my hunter and paladin to 20 then is it possible to qualify?
There is going to be, I plan on setting up an application type deal.There should be a quick bunch of questions and or survey required for fund. So it isn't just giving to people that will just sell the shit.
one type per person?
Types being the types of gg funding there is, 19 & 20. Sorry lol
What this thread is being used for though is to try to get some help in making Project GG20 possible. I would like to see who would be interested in helping out.
I will be making guilds for both Horde and Alliance on Bleeding Hollow. I will need help though running these.
Also I am looking for people who would be willing to donate. People who are willing to donate BoEs, enchants, and even their time for running people though dungeons would be greatly appreciated.
I will make an actual Project GG20 thread once we have enough interest or people willing to help out.