US Project: GG Nineteen

1.(Horde or Alliance?)
I will start of as horde and go alliance as soon as i got all the gear i need for different types of sets.

1.(What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?)
I would like to recieve a funding on MW monk since its a fairly good spec and class, but yet so low % of the bracket is playing it. Mostly because evreyone who rolls Monk usually go BM because they like high crits.
i have always loved to play healer @19s and MW monk is really something i want to get into a bit more.

3.(What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild))
I will need gold and Gear, gear for BiS and gold for enchants and such. Guild is not something i really care about. i will mainly solo queue pugs as much as i can, probably 4-5 nights a week.
will also need help for AGM and the new Heirloom tinket u can get from Gurubashi Arena. Something i might be able to get on my own but always helps to have people on my side.

4.(Have you played in a twink bracket before?)
Simple answer. Twinking is the only reason why i still play world of warcraft. Seeing me on an endgame char is not often!

5.(Why do you need funding?)
I saw the opportunity of making my own 19 twink and get a fund, instead of buying a BiS 19 twink wich will cost me much much more.

6.(How can our funding help your twinking experience?)
It will help my experience by not making people mad when i enter a BG without gear. i think i have alot experience allready.

7.(How do you play your class?)
I Loved the Midgame Meta back in MoP where i just sat behind evreyone and spammed heals and such, keeping the team up in mid is what i enjoy doing the most.

8.(How do you contribute to your team?)
i try to never flame, i will make my best to keep the team alive and make calls such as "EFC going tun" blah blah.

9.(Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?)
im mostly interested of being a part of making Pugs more competetive. i dont like the fact that i "HAVE/NEED" to be online at a specific date and time to play a Wargame between guilds.

10.(What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?)
Back in the days it was just cool to have a 19 rogue with glowing weapons and 1shotting noobs in the gulch. thats how i got into 19s. Pwning dem newbs.
Right now i love it on EU because of the friends, simply there is no quality on EU thats why i want to go US.

11.(How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?)
im a 19 twink who is on Twinkinfo daily. shouldnt be too hard to find out about this. And alot of my friends have been funded.

12.(Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?)
Nope, i still dont have an US account. I will make the account when im 100% sure of a fund.

13.(Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?)
i dont know how to place pics here but im more than happy to send pics on Skype. but i dont think a picture of UI on a lvl 19 will say much.

14.(What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?)
an active Alliance healer with quality.

15.(Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?)
Smull, Nature, Partygirlx, Slacknul, etc...

16.(Is there anything else we should know about you?)
nah, im really shy.

17.(Do you have any questions for us?)
can i get fund on Horde side and then Xfer to ally? or do i need to Xfer to ally and then get fund?
Horde or Alliance?
Horde of course.
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
Arms warrior or ret pally
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
Honestly I could probably get the gear by myself, but it might take a bit. Really just want some people to play with and help getting started.
Have you played in a twink bracket before?
only on my friends twink in vanilla
Why do you need funding?
I have characters on different realms that I could make the gold on but not on BH which as I understand it is the place to go for twinking.
How can our funding help your twinking experience?
In my experience, pvp players generally won't play with undergeared toons. I know a bit about positioning and tcING and rbgs and things from max level raiding bUT haven't really twinked before.
How do you play your class? I am usually overly aggressive which I am working on. I interrupt as soon and often as possible which is a strategy but not always the best one. With other ccs such as stuns and fears I am generally more conservative and precise. Over all I think I know just enough about competitive pvp to get me in trouble.
How do you contribute to your team?
Generally I either tc or lead the rbg at max level most of the time out of necessity but it has gotten me fairly decent at it. I got to legionaire in mop leading rbgs.
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
yes. I think the thing that qualifies me the most is my willingness to learn. I'm always reading about the games I want to play and how to be better at them but I learn best by being a mentee.
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
Bis nation
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
bis nation
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
I will shortly
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
I'm on mobile now but once I get home I will
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
I give great back rubs. Promise.
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
unfortunately no :/
Is there anything else we should know about you?
Military background. I learned team play from high ranking play in all three mobas. Quick learner and great listener.
Do you have any questions for us?
1.(Horde or Alliance?)
I will start of as horde and go alliance as soon as i got all the gear i need for different types of sets.

1.(What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?)
I would like to recieve a funding on MW monk since its a fairly good spec and class, but yet so low % of the bracket is playing it. Mostly because evreyone who rolls Monk usually go BM because they like high crits.
i have always loved to play healer @19s and MW monk is really something i want to get into a bit more.

3.(What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild))
I will need gold and Gear, gear for BiS and gold for enchants and such. Guild is not something i really care about. i will mainly solo queue pugs as much as i can, probably 4-5 nights a week.
will also need help for AGM and the new Heirloom tinket u can get from Gurubashi Arena. Something i might be able to get on my own but always helps to have people on my side.

Oiii Gabh!

Thanks for re-applying for GG19! This application is way better and it really does meet our standards.

Consider yourself Accepted.. on a MW monk @ horde. If you need any help on Alliance when you transfered, hit me up on btag!

Add Slack#2638 and we can start whenever you're ready mate,

xo Slack
I'm very curious, to how many of these new funded twinks are actually active in WSG. There have been so many funded twinks thus far. Would love to see some more Shams on Alliance.
I'm very curious, to how many of these new funded twinks are actually active in WSG. There have been so many funded twinks thus far. Would love to see some more Shams on Alliance.

Some people grab the opportunity with both hands, other's like to grab it with their pinky only, if you know what i mean.
For #4 I think part of it is due all the faction changing for the TC. #5 is a huge issue that will never go away, cause those involved are "just having fun"
For #4 I think part of it is due all the faction changing for the TC. #5 is a huge issue that will never go away, cause those involved are "just having fun"

This [5] wasn't as much of a thing when the main guilds banned it back in the day. I think LS FTW was one of the main guilds involved in that.
I have an opinionated suggestion for the project, i.e. this is just something that might be of benefit in my view.

After having received funding and help from GG19, I have been able to enjoy playing BG's on US as a fully kitted out twink. In the run up to reaching this stage, it felt like my only point of assistance and contact was Eggs himself. Aside from a short stint on horde where I was under the wing of Drugs in his guild (which I am very grateful for!) there was very little (or in most cases none at all) contact from any of the other team members. That said, I am completely unaware of the work that a lot of people may (or may not) be doing behind the scenes to help the project continue on, so I must apologise in advance for any offence taken from this post.

My suggestion is a rearrangement/reassignment of the roles which people are playing within the GG19 system.

I understand that this isn't a full-time job, and that everyone involved is doing so out of the goodness of their heart and for the good of the bracket. However, if the good of the bracket is still a primary objective, then perhaps some of the team should take on a different role to address some of the 10 issues which Eggs brought up a few posts before this.

My suggestions are therefore as follows:

1) Faction Leader - Perhaps the manager role should also umbrella this. Alliance in particular is in desperate need of one or two well-known players, able to field an organised group to queue into battlegrounds. For a long while on EU we had a very similar situation to the power imbalance that is now present on US. In such times, there was a strong horde group which queued which evened out the power imbalance in pugs (often tipping it in the other direction) - I use this example as the hordies who queued were Tough Love, who I am sure many of you have heard of. Another point to make here (which is from the Top 10 reasons for abandoning the bracket) is to stress that "containing" a team of ~7 players is just plain bad sportsmanship - people may disagree with me here, but I don't believe that sportsmanship is dead in pugs.

2) Get the battletag off your fundee's and make sure everyone on the team adds them. This is super important, it will help to keep track of your new recruits and even the occasional "Hey hows the questing / dungeons / twink coming along dude :)?" is an enthusiasm boost to help people keep the ball rolling. A little positive encouragement goes a long way. I know it sounds silly, but if these people are griping about the games imbalance over RealID broadcast, then it's obviously an early indicator that they're on a slippery slope to stop queuing. This CAN be addressed though, through the wonderful world of group queuing - see suggestion 1) :)

3) RealID broadcasts - literally, as it's approaching pop time, have those on the team with the most 19's added broadcast "Queue up twinks" or something to that effect. We used to do this alot on EU even keeping tabs of the number of people queuing. For example, seeing "8A 9H in queue - Queue up for pop!" is something which will make alot of people log over and get games going earlier. Remember there are plenty of EU integrated to the bracket now, most are ready to rock in BG's around 12PM Midday Bleeding Hollow time (Sorry I don't know if this is EST or PST). This should surely be beneficial for pops at the weekend yet games still don't pop for another 4 or 5 hours after this.

I think that if some basic steps like this are made, it would be beneficial to the project and ensure both the bracket and GG19's quality and longevity.

Keep soldiering on GG19 team, I know it may not seem like it from this post, but I do really appreciate all the hard work and swathes of time that you have invested into the community!

[MENTION=189]Conq[/MENTION], is anyone funding alliance MWs? If so I'll make an application.
No doubt!

Thank you for your reply. I'm currently trying to fund my self on the US severs. If it takes to long I'll make the application.
I agree, no incentive to keep quing if most games your sitting in gy looking at 3 boomies being all up in the gy farming kills, is really demotivating. Especially if you are new to twinking and are "testing the waters" why would any1 jump back in the pool if the first time they did they realized its populated by piranhas ?

At least I usually dont bother quing games after 1 of those since I can spend my time having more fun watching paint dry..

Now I dont quit the bracket(my toon is way to flashy for that), just cba anymore that day, but completly understand the ppl that see this and thinks thats all 19s is about, farm or be farmed.. wich again is kindda counterintuitive to the whole "19s is most competitive bracket yo" who will believe that if they cant see it ?

My 2c

Sorry rambling, hope u understand what i mean
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Horde or Alliance?
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
Shaman, resto. i have a rsham i play on horde and id like to help games keep popping so having a healer on ally side would be cool
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
gear, mainly
Have you played in a twink bracket before?
Ive been playing since vanilla, im not a household name but ive been around
Why do you need funding?
I come from arthas horde, so i do not have gold on alliance to fund a twink
How can our funding help your twinking experience?
it can get the bracket more pops, which is exciting
How do you play your class?
objectively and efficient
How do you contribute to your team?
well as a resto sham i plan to heal, fc if needed and help out with filling roles
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
Yes, and id say my hunger to win, def!
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
Well i've been here since forever, and i dont plan on leaving
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
well ive known about it since its inception
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
No, i have not
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
dont use imgur and dont know how to link a ss, but heres a 18 sec vod of my sham ui
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
experience and somewhat decent mechanical ability
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
um i know a few people, naming names is weird
Is there anything else we should know about you?
i really want a all sham haha
Do you have any questions for us?
Nope. keep up the good work!
Horde or Alliance?

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
Survival hunter... Played one in the past and enjoy it very much, also I've seen multiple guilds looking for a hunter - maybe I can help somewhere

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
Gear (belt, boots) and Gold for enchants... Would be looking for a guild as well

Have you played in a twink bracket before?
Been playing 19's since i started Wow in 2012, sold my old account but I'm back and eager to start up 19's as soon as I can

Why do you need funding?
Just came back to Wow, I have no gold on BH, looking to play with old friends and BH is where they are

How can our funding help your twink experience?
With BiS gear I will constantly be queuing for Wsg and Arena, trying to help the bracket in any way I can

How do you play your class?
To the best of my ability... Trying to always help the team whether in mid, defense, or something else

How do you contribute to your team?
As a hunter try to provide support in mid or defend / chop

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
Yes, Used to premade with LSFTW and later ATW... Also I've been 2200 rated on mage and druid at end game

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
Been playing 19's since 2012, just came back to Wow and id love to rejoin my favorite PvP bracket

How did you find to about / Who referred you to this thread?
I've known about twinkinfo for a while, but Toxic brought up the idea since I need help with gold / gear

Have you added your battle tag and armory links to the twink network thread?
I have not as my 19 isn't full geared yet, my btag is Lax#1629

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
Cannot but I key bind all my abilities, strafe, etc

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
Years of experience at 19s and endgame, whether pugs or competitive

Do you have any friends or guild mates in the 19s community we should know about?

Played with my boys from LSFTW for years which later become ATW... Some are still active but others have moved on. I know a lot of people throughout the bracket also

Is there anything else we should know about you?
Love this bracket and can't wait to get back into the gulch

Do you have any question for us?
Not at the moment... Props for starting this - definitely brought back life to 19s
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Funding Application :

  1. [*=1]Horde or Alliance? Alliance

  1. [*=1]What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Monk, because they act like saints irl.
    [*=1]What do you need? A psychiatrist
    [*=1]Have you played in a twink bracket before? I once walked into a gay bar by "accident".
    [*=1]Why do you need funding?: Cuz I spent my gold on speed pots.
    [*=1]How can our funding help your twinking experience?: I'd PWN better.
    [*=1]How do you play your class?: Badly.
    [*=1]How do you contribute to your team?: Shout orders aggressively.

    [*=1]Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?: I have full honor gear and bloodthirsty title.
    [*=1]What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?: Less buttons.
    [*=1]How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?: I can read.
    [*=1]Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?: *** no. why is g o d censored?
    [*=1]Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?: Why?
    [*=1]What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?: rapier wit.
    [*=1]Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? Loads.
    [*=1]Is there anything else we should know about you? I like long romantic works on the beach and I always put out.
    [*=1]Do you have any questions for us? What are you wearing?

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