US Project: GG Nineteen

Horde or Alliance? either IDC

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Mistweaver or WW monk

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) Guild, Gear and Gold if it is Horder if alliance I just need gear

Have you played in a twink bracket before? I used to play 29 in vanilla and BC

Why do you need funding? I just need help figuring out what to do now. I'd like guidance and am very interested in becoming apart of the community

How can our funding help your twinking experience?Will help me meet a community and get started!

How do you play your class?I have experience in max level PvP in both specs and I have some experience at 19 as rshaman

How do you contribute to your team? Solid player with deep understanding of the game and positive/goofy attitude

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?Yes i have gotten 2650+ rated when I played arena in WOtLK Cata

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? Saw the post about the tourny and got nostalgic about twinking

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? Found twinkinfo in google and found this thread

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?No! I will now though!

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? Absolutely

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?Competetive PVP experience, maturity, intelligence, humor, help with anything

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? Not sure if anyone plays that I knew

Is there anything else we should know about you? I'm ajust a kid who grew up playing wow and have been disillusioned with wow in general but twinking sounds fun.

Do you have any questions for us? I will if you talk to me I'm sure!
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Horde or Alliance?

Prefer horde, but willing to play alliance if there is a need for an alliance healer.

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?

Mistweaver. I haven’t played a low level twink in a while, but I am blown away by how fun healing at 19 is these days. The fact that many classes have an interrupt, purge, mobility, solid heals, and decent damage just blows me away. I think the 19 bracket provides a much more cerebral level of play than the last time i participated. I definitely prefer to play a healer, but if the funding is really for WW only, I can play that. I really just want to play and have fun, the class doesn’t matter as much to me, because I’m confident in my skill playing any role.

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)

I would need all 3. I have all of the heirlooms, but I have no history or characters on BH whatsoever.

Have you played in a twink bracket before?

The bracket I spent the most time in was level 70, playing as a moonkin/disc priest about a year ago. I have been playing low level pugs for about 10 years now (leveled from 40-49 entirely with AB/WSG winning battleground tokens in classic), however, and have a history of pretty solid ratings in all arena brackets and rbg.

Why do you need funding?

I need funding for a few reasons. One is purely logistical, I just don’t have the time to farm gold or level a main to farm with on BH in addition to playing a twink, and I’d really prefer not to transfer a character/buy gold. The other reasons are more qualitative. I understand that I know very little outside the mechanics of my class and playing warsong, and I’m sure level 19 twinking is nuanced in ways I’m just not aware of. So I’d really like to be part of a community that can help me develop my game. That’s the main reason that I don’t want to just play my twink on my home server and am seeking funding, because getting the ‘right’ items and enchants would be difficult (if not impossible) on my server for a couple reasons, and I’d be playing 100% alone.

How can our funding help your twinking experience?

I think I sort of got into this in my last answer, but I think the ethos of the GG19 project in general meshes with where I’d like to go with twinking. It frees up the relatively limited free time I have, and provides mentoring to bring me up to the level of play I know I’m capable of. While I enjoy pubstomping and just remaking xp-on characters, I’m sure it will get boring. I want to enter the next tier in this bracket and I see GG19 as one of the few ways I can continue.

How do you play your class?

I’m going to describe how I play resto shaman, since it’s the twink I’m playing in pubs atm. I'm beyond confident that I can play MW or even WW to the fullest:

I tried to think of the best way to describe my gameplay in a word without it being cliched to pointlessness, and the word I settled on is “responsible”. I play my character responsibly in the sense that I have a high level of situational awareness and I don’t make choices that can hurt me/the team. I’m comfortable enough in any pvp setting that I just don’t ever panic, I almost never forget to use a spell if a situation presents itself to take an advantage, I never forget to play the objectives, and I don’t normally take risks. I understand that this example is kind of dumb as the level of competition is so low, but in any random pug AB I am usually finding myself 2v4+ and more than capable of never letting a rogue/druid restealth, while purging any buffs/hots, keeping myself and the other guy alive, interrupting enemy heals when I see an opportunity for a kill, juking interrupts on myself, and usually finding a brief window to help get a kill with some dps after successful kiting. I realize talk is cheap, but I honestly and actually play my character to the fullest, I’ve been doing it since 2004, on every class, and I’d be happy to show you some time.

How do you contribute to your team?

I contribute to teams most because I’m not selfish and I don’t care about meters. Really all I’m after is winning, and no amount of killing blows can get a win alone, or wash off the shame of a bad defeat. I play a healer in 19 pubs at the moment, and I have played a healer as a main in pve and pvp since BC; I think this speaks to the kind of mindset I have as a player. That is, I want to support my team in a way that just makes us seem totally, ‘demoralizingly’ unstoppable. On the other hand, I’m not a crybaby, and I take losses with a grain of salt. I’m not immune to the personal rage that comes with watching someone do something really ignorant in a bg, but I’d like to think I’m mature enough to not flip out on a teammate, ever. I have been playing arena with a near 50% winrate for years and years and years. I was in a top tier mythic raiding guild until a couple of months ago (Apophasis, Shattered Hand - US 29th). I know how to die, and lose, and do it endlessly over again and keep going until I’m good enough to win.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?

Is there any other point to playing a serious twink? I consider myself a competitor in everything I do in WoW. Walking on pubs is alright to blow off some steam, but it doesn’t keep me engaged for long. If I didn’t think I had access to some decent groups I wouldn’t fill out this application. As for qualifications, I guess I have to rest on my laurels of halfway decent max-level ratings and hope that my skill shows and can do the talking for me.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?

I kind of find it hard to put my finger on it. I have made so many one-off 19 twinks in the past I could never remember them all, so it’s almost like a reflex that I just come back to, and keep on doing now and then through the years. What’s got me really fired up this time, however, is just the fun and versatility of resto shaman’s lv19 kit. That class brought me back to the pub 19s bracket, and the fun I’m having playing it and other classes in pubs is what’s drawn me to the 19 twink community, and will keep me going for the foreseeable future.

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?

I saw a post on mmo-champion for the twink cup and I was shocked that such a community for level 19s still existed. When I followed the link to see what was up, I came across this thread as I was browsing the forums.

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?

Not yet. I don’t really see a point until I can get a passable character going.

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?


And yeah, I managed to snag that flash heal with a wind shear.

Not Pictured: Omni Interrupt bar (no one tried to interrupt me there)

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?

I’m sort of going to reiterate what I posted in question 8 about contributing to the team. I think my mindset, my skill, and history of a decade of playing are what I bring to the community. I just don’t find myself being the weak link in any group, and I don’t ever expect to. Furthermore, while I’m the student at 19 twinking now, I have been the master plenty of times since I started playing. Sharing knowledge with others is just how I play. I think if I can get established in 19 twinking I will continue to do so.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?

I don’t.

Is there anything else we should know about you?

I’m 25, living in New York. I work as a writer at a law firm (appeals briefs). My hobbies are hiking, playing video games, kayaking, drinking beer, and cleaning up after my dog. I have a really dumb sense of humor. I like to watch Game of Thrones and read obscure books (mainstream hipster). My crowning achievement in life is that I keep the lights on at my overpriced apartment. There we go, I think I listed most of it.

Do you have any questions for us?

Not really for the purposes of this forum application. I look forward to talking to you soon :cool:.
Horde or Alliance?

I've had more experience on Horde side, but don't mind either faction.

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?

I would be interested in the monk class. I've tried a little of every class at 19 way back in Vanilla and BC. A monk would be a new experience.
I played WW pvp in MoP but never got a chance to level it after WoD.

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)

Guild and any help required to get any items that aren't heirlooms and enchants.

Have you played in a twink bracket before?

I played a 19 rogue and priest mostly with some lock, mage, hunter back in Vanilla, BC, and Wrath but quit playing much after because guild slowed down.
I was part of Mayhem on Akama, switched with the guild to Suramar when battlegroups were a problem, and switched back to Akama.
With the 19 bracket I participated in premades and some arena but never on a scale that the Twink Cup seems to be on.
I played a 29 boomkin a few weeks before WoD started on Wyrmrest Accord in Total Annihilation.

Why do you need funding?

I don't have many RL friends playing and have lost touch with some other twink friends.
Mostly it would be getting enchants and things like that.
And I've always had more fun playing twinks and getting close to a group of people that way than being a druid healer at max level pvp.
I also don't have much money to xfer my toons with most of my gold to help fund my own twink but I do have a 100 on BH to assist with anything else.

How can our funding help your twinking experience?

A lot of the stress that came with making twinks before was finding the enchants with either mats or the ridiculous prices that went with them.
Being funded would give me a place to start. Learning how the class works and the best way to utilize the class takes some practice and little research but doing that work on my own is something I can look forward to.

How do you play your class?

I am a very defensive player. With either playing a dps or healer I would tend to stick with the FC or defending any cap points in AB.
I've never played a monk in any twink bracket before but I feel my tendencies would be the same. Try to stay grouped, not have a kill/damage focused mindset when I need to be more mindful of the objectives of the battleground.

How do you contribute to your team?

I communicate as much information as possible. Cooldowns, incomings, rez timers if necessary.
I haven't had much experience leading any BG teams but never really complained and was a quick learner.
I also don't contradict or challenge anything that someone that is known to have more experience than me advises me to do.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?

Yes, I am interested because while being casual can be fun there hasn't been anything more exciting than improving and playing against really good players.
I had the most fun playing premades because it created rivalries either between guilds as a whole or individual players. The things that kept me going playing twinks before was seeing people I recognized on the other team and always trying to one up them.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?

Back in Vanilla while leveling my first ever character I looted several pieces of 19 gear. I started researching and talking to Archangel who was leading Mayhem on Akama about making a rogue, and from there I just went with it.
This was just my foot in the door. After I got to know some of the people in my guild it was always nice to be asked to join the groups instead of asking to be invited. I felt like I had more friends in the twink guilds than I did at max level.

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?

I saw a bisnation podcast on Twitch and nostalgia hit me.
But I found this site because of Mocha. After I transferred my rogue back to Akama I got back in touch with Mocha and was told about this website.
I browsed some of the forums and saw how much twinking had changed since the early days.

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?

I haven't yet but will as soon as I post this.
Skillagé @ Akama - Community - World of Warcraft

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?

View attachment 5562

I'm still in the process of getting some new addons to change some of my frames but this is the basic set up.

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?

I have played hours and hours of WSG and some arena in the past. When I played even after my twinking days were over I remembered some of the tricks that I learned about WSG.
I learned the patterns of people I saw regularly and could usually predict what people would do most of the time.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?

I was friends with most people in Mayhem that used to be on Akama, then Suramar, and now back to Akama.
Mocha, Veg, Salt, Pepper, and Drad recently on my 29.

Is there anything else we should know about you?

I am finishing up college and won't have as much time to play currently as I will in July when my schedule lightens up and will give me a lot of free time.
But when I've played any of my twinks I get much more into them than I do playing any max level toons. I'm not sure what about it keeps my attention more, but I've always had more fun playing this game when I've had twinks to play on and people I've gotten to know to play with.

Do you have any questions for us?

Even if declined, would I be able to join the guild and slowly build up my twinks that I want to join the group?


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Hello :D

  1. Horde or Alliance? Horde! Because I have EU friends that have set up a horde guild.Also i prefer horde character models, base in WSG and racials. I will start ally to pick up rings and alternative spec pieces however.
  2. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? WW monk, because i heard that they were in demand atm and because i enjoy a new challenge. Also i am quite used to playing versatile melee classes ( enh sham / ret pala) at 19. It seems to have great mobility which is very valuable in WSG
  3. What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) yeah all of those 3, because this would be my first US toon.
  4. Have you played in a twink bracket before? Yes, 19, 29 and 24, briefly at 39. I have played twinks since mid TBC.
  5. Why do you need funding? I wanna get fully geared and up to speed as quickly as possible so I can be a valuable team member in the gulch and the bracket
  6. How can our funding help your twinking experience? Unfortunately twinking has all but died on EU but it is the only aspect of the game i have ever enjoyed. So your funding would allow me to continuing enjoying the game with some of my good friends. Also grinding is not something i enjoy or am very good at, so to be able to cut this particular corner would be ideal.
  7. How do you play your class? Well i haven't played WW monk before... but in general i play with good positioning and awareness. I have played countless of WSG at 19 and have a wealth of knowledge, i will however need to be brought up to speed with the current meta.
  8. How do you contribute to your team? I am positive in every aspect of the game. I am experienced and this helps me to make good decisions most of the time.
  9. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? I am, I was one of the founding members of one of the top guilds in EU (same score different day) which has been running for over 3 years now i believe. I played a lot during Cata and was widely regarded as the top shaman on European servers.
  10. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? I have been a member since TBC. I stumbled across twinking and found the when i was searching for ways to improve my gear. I then went on to join the TI community.
  11. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? TI regular so thread was hard to miss, Squidgy and Rapah suggested i should apply.
  12. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? Not yet but will if accepted
  13. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? View attachment 5563 The Add-ons i use are BG Targets, Doom cooldown pulse and Capping.
  14. What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? experience, enthusiasm a good attitude and sense of fun. I am dedicated to 19 twinking so once i am settled and established iam very willing to give back to the community any way possible.
  15. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? Most of EU but specifically Baldi and Squidgy.
  16. Is there anything else we should know about you? being from EU i will be on a little earlier than what i suppose is normal for US players. Also i may have a few gaps in my activity because my job is quite demanding of my free time (unfortunately).
  17. Do you have any questions for us? With the upcoming changes to WW monks do you still see them as being a valuable class in PuG's?


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  1. Horde or Alliance? Horde coming to alliance
  2. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? MW monk, The mobility of Roll and tiger's lust, dem surge heals bruh
  3. What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild First and foremost a guild to run with so that I know im surrounded by like minded people, second gold because id be completely new to alliance and have no resources other than looms.
  4. Have you played in a twink bracket before? I played 19s in BC a rogue named Phalanx and a pro paladin named Stromnar, I met Somfas in Cata doing random BGs we became close friends I went on to play with Holy Crit in 24s for the last 3 years over time that server became my home I have met and kept some real friends made from twinking.
  5. Why do you need funding? I've never had an Alliance toon and I'm not from bleeding hollow and have no resources
  6. How can our funding help your twinking experience? being surrounded by amazing players and playing with highly skilled people would make me a better player I constantly strive to improve my game play. Being competitive is what I enjoy
  7. How do you play your class? very objectively and aggressively I believe in pressuring the enemy into making bad decisions and trying to control the way the BG is played but I also have an awareness and a respect for my team allowing me to make controlled decisions as to not affect my entire team in any negative way.
  8. How do you contribute to your team? I call targets and listen to target calling respectfully, I stay were I'm needed and follow strategic guidelines assisting the team as a whole 110% of the time. If im told to be somewhere or complete a task I do it. I'm no BG hero trying to get big numbers I'm on a team and I favor teamwork over ego.
  9. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? I play the game solely for PvP, my awareness and constant strive to become better, I want to be challenged. I've been pvping since BC I have been doing competitive arena since WotLK and RBG's since Cata. Face-rolls aren't fun for either side. I treat losing as a lesson, I like constructive criticism and when I win I look to see what I could have done better, there is always room for improvment.
  10. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? 10-19 xp on bgs with Somfas and crew. Watching twink streams like KO and Pizza and seeing how competative this bracket is. It looks like what I wish 100 pvp was.
  11. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? Eggy, I was pestering him in bnet and he sent me here.
  12. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? ​no but ONLY because I don't spend a lot of time on TI and didn't realize that thread existed. I'm more than happy to add my info to it.
  13. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? I also use tidy plates, battleground targets, healers have to die, say sapped, and platebuffs
  14. What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? Competition for myself and for people i play with and against
  15. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? I know a lot of people in the twink community but very few in 19's like I said I'm new to 19s but i'm looking forward to meeting , befriending, and stalking several of you...
  16. Is there anything else we should know about you? I don't cause or inflate drama, I'm a father of 3 and a husband and I PvP to relax. I'm a very laid back person and I look for like minded people to play with. I'm obsessive compulsive and because of that transmog is the devil especially at low levels.
  17. Do you have any questions for us? Is eyebrow hair considered facial hair?
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Horde or Alliance?


What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?

I'm not certain yet but I'm a melee player. Warrior, Windwalker, or Rogue seems most likely.

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)

I need all 3. I don't play on Bleeding Hollow so I have 0 connections.

Have you played in a twink bracket before?

Yep! Played 19 since TBC when leg and helm enchants were a thing. I also played on 19 twink private servers where everyone knew me as the infamous "Gód" and would rejoice when I was on their team (I guess everyone liked my heals and healers were scarce back then).

I also played trial / F2P when it came out in Cataclysm and stopped during MoP when they took my Dispel Magic away, making it very boring.

Here's a video from my 19 twink back in the day when I used to click/keyboard turn (lol) ->

This is me now, far from that low skill level. ->

If I can make some friends here and enjoy the bracket I'd pump out twink videos constantly.

Why do you need funding?

I would fund myself if I was rolling on my own server but I don't have anything on Bleeding Hollow. I'm choosing Bleeding Hollow because this is where the community is and I want to join the community and make friends like my old days in TBC and on privates servers years ago.

How can our funding help your twinking experience?

If I have to make a DK and farm all of the gold and items and stuff I'll instantly lose motivation. I've already attempted this twice and just can't do it. If there was any other way I could get the enchants, gold, and gear and all of that other stuff I'd do it.

How do you play your class?

I'm not sure what you mean by this, but I play my class exceptionally (1900+ at max level) and prefer to play the objective. It depends on what I'll be playing at this level because Windwalkers are trash at 19.

How do you contribute to your team?

When I played as a Priest in twinking it was always group healing and since I was disc I would be moved to FC healing if they needed it. This was as a pug and not premade. I wish I could get into premades but I don't know anybody and I don't have a guild. At 100 I play Windwalker and I don't BG because I don't enjoy them at high level.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?

If I had two partners I would. I have 1750 achievements and highest rating 1900 in 5.4. In these times the game is extremely easy especially at 19.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?

I always enjoyed low level PvP including before WoW. I would make an LLDer (low level dueler) in Diablo 2 which is basically the same as a WoW twink. I'm not sure what got me into it. It's just different and fun I guess?

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?

I found it myself by lurking in the forums even though I haven't twinked in years.

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?

I have not, should I do that?

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?

Even better. My UI/keybinds/addons are the same as this video I made in 5.4:

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?

Video promotion and entertainment, participation in premades and events (and maybe even hosting like I've done on private servers), and tutorials/guides which I've done on my Youtube channel above.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?

That's exactly why I'm here. I don't have anybody. Everyone I know quit twinking and WoW years ago. It's just me. I'm here to get into the modern community if I can.

Is there anything else we should know about you?

I like Call of Duty, WoW PvP, and other Blizzard games. I make Youtube videos every day. I'm not sure what else to say to be honest.

Do you have any questions for us?

As I stated earlier I'm here to get back into twinking because community is #1 for me. I can't get into twinking if nobody will accept me.

Is there a guild I can join that actually does stuff? I don't want to make a 19, gear, and then end up just doing stuff by myself. I'll end up quitting in a few weeks if I'm alone.

Anyway I'll be able to get some funding for enchants and stuff? I'm not asking for Shadowfangs. I just need the bread and butter stuff like enchants and if the BoEs I need are cheap that would help. My participation is guaranteed. I'm very active on WoW and can Real ID.

Honestly the only thing I really need is a group of people to play with. That's what matters to me.

If you require anymore questions you can PM me on TI. Thanks for considering my application.
Hey there, WW monk is our preference, there just aren't enough of them in wsg atm, and we'd like to try and fix that a little.

Can you get a screenshot of your UI up and your battletag added to the networking thread please?

Your app is a little on the light side - we'll need some more detail before we can approve. Doesn't have to be a novel, a short story will do.

I apologize that it was a bit short on information. I find that applications like this are rarely super accurate to who the person is but I appreciate your desire to know more about me before you fund.

I remember the first time I saw someone playing wow. It was before vanilla in beta. My best friends older brother was playing. Over the next few months while playing halo with my friend I would always glance over and see his character(at the time he was raiding MC) and found myself becoming more and more interested. Eventually I started playing and I think that I will always chase that feeling of excitement, wonder, and adventure I had when I first started my time in WoW.

I began twinking shortly after I started playing and my first twink was level 29. I had a 19 lock and loved the endless runs in order to get the perfect gear for my toon. In a way twinking is what WoW was at it's purest: an attempt to make your character the best it possibly could be no matter the time sink. Since then WoW has definitely strayed and the wonder and adventure I felt as a young man journeying through azeroth has faded into distant memory. I played wow through MoP and have achieved realm first PvE achievements and relatively high Arena rating, and but for a few exceptions the magic I felt as a twink has yet to be repeated.

I've recently returned to WoW after a short hiatus and became reinvigorated when I saw a post on Arena Junkies about the Twink Cup. So far I've made a shaman and a druid at 19 and am mostly done with a spriest at 29. I am loving it. I get rolled by Pizza in Wsg often but it is still super fun.

I am committed to being a part of this community and look forward to bringing my goofy personality into Skype and the forums with all of you.

I'd love to be funded as it would allow me to be just that bit more involved in this community, one that seems to me to be the closest to the ones I knew what seems like too long ago.

Thank you for your time and I hope that this has cleared up any questions about who I am or what I'm about. I'd love to have a chat over tea(yorkshire gold is my favorite) or anything else.


P.S. My UI keep in mind target party 123 and arena 123 are not on the screen neither is focus stop cast etc.
Horde or Alliance? Probs make an thinking night elf?!

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Id really like to make a ww/bm monk as though they aren't OP, they are really fun in my opinion. I have a max level monk that i play a lot and even though he isn't super for arenas, hes a blast!

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) Gear and Gold mainly, although id love to join a sick guild if you know of anyone who is wanting to recruit serious players for the twink cup!?

Have you played in a twink bracket before? I am 2 months new to the 19 bracket, but i played months of 24s/29s and had some really fun times with them, as I am now having with the 19s!

Why do you need funding? I have played this game for a long time but have never had much gold, not my favorite thing to farm! Especially since I don't usually play on bleeding hallow, (tichondrius mainly), so am practically broke! (2.3 gold?!) haha

How can our funding help your twinking experience? I am currently just realizing how much of a blast this bracket is, and if I could have another character(already have a mage I made myself) then I would have more fun playing and doing the twink cup, and would make a more diverse member to any team!!

How do you play your class?I play my class to the best of my abilities, watching videos and reading guides so that i have the best opportunity to beat all you guys!

How do you contribute to your team? I am an extremely optimistic and social person, and I give every game my all, so being an active member who tries my best would be my contribution.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? Yes I am, thats all i play the game for! I have 2250 in 3s on my main, and I am constantly watching pvp streams while not playing! So I am always looking to get better at the PvP scene.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? I have alwasy enjoyed twinking, especially level one twinking haha! and this TC idea sounded so good I had to come and check out this bracket! The great advertising you guys have been doing has also caught the attention of many of my friends, who are now experiencing the bracket as well!

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? I have made it a habbit to read new posts daily on twinkinfo, as well as seeing people talking about it in trade chat!

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? AlientoLoss#1743

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? umm, idk how tbh, but I have regular ui, with a TON of macros, (123 macros for all things) and i only use gladius atm.

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? My self, my skills,time, and my optimistic attitude! As well as someone who will give it my all, and win that cup!

Do you have any friends or guild mates in the 19s community we should know about? My friend Davilipen who is my best friend in real life has joined the bracket with me and we intend to compete in the TC! As well as a twink guild on tichondrius (TwinksRus) is planning to play in the cup.

Is there anything else we should know about you? I am in grade 12, and will be much more active after finals, as I am taking the year off to travel and work!

Do you have any questions for us? No, but I would like to say that what you guys are doing has made me much more interested in WOW again as max level is a bit stale atm, so thank you for all the effort you have put into reviving this bracket. :)

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I apologize that it was a bit short on information. I find that applications like this are rarely super accurate to who the person is but I appreciate your desire to know more about me before you fund.

I remember the first time I saw someone playing wow. It was before vanilla in beta. My best friends older brother was playing. Over the next few months while playing halo with my friend I would always glance over and see his character(at the time he was raiding MC) and found myself becoming more and more interested. Eventually I started playing and I think that I will always chase that feeling of excitement, wonder, and adventure I had when I first started my time in WoW.

I began twinking shortly after I started playing and my first twink was level 29. I had a 19 lock and loved the endless runs in order to get the perfect gear for my toon. In a way twinking is what WoW was at it's purest: an attempt to make your character the best it possibly could be no matter the time sink. Since then WoW has definitely strayed and the wonder and adventure I felt as a young man journeying through azeroth has faded into distant memory. I played wow through MoP and have achieved realm first PvE achievements and relatively high Arena rating, and but for a few exceptions the magic I felt as a twink has yet to be repeated.

I've recently returned to WoW after a short hiatus and became reinvigorated when I saw a post on Arena Junkies about the Twink Cup. So far I've made a shaman and a druid at 19 and am mostly done with a spriest at 29. I am loving it. I get rolled by Pizza in Wsg often but it is still super fun.

I am committed to being a part of this community and look forward to bringing my goofy personality into Skype and the forums with all of you.

I'd love to be funded as it would allow me to be just that bit more involved in this community, one that seems to me to be the closest to the ones I knew what seems like too long ago.

Thank you for your time and I hope that this has cleared up any questions about who I am or what I'm about. I'd love to have a chat over tea(yorkshire gold is my favorite) or anything else.


P.S. My UI keep in mind target party 123 and arena 123 are not on the screen neither is focus stop cast etc.

lmao that guild message of the day!
Horde or Alliance? Either or I enjoy both!
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? I'm not too sure as of just yet. But I know that it won't be a rogue so I won't need any SF"s. More likely a caster or healer!
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) All of the above. If it comes down to it I can transfer one of my high level toons.
Have you played in a twink bracket before? I played a 19 hunter back in Vanilla, but I was young so I didn't know much. I have started playing a lot of it recently but I don't have a team so not very competitively. But I am always up for a challenge and to find a team that will help me learn and practice new strategies.
Why do you need funding? I don't necessarily need it but it saves me from having to spend money on a server transfer and gets me into practicing faster.
How can our funding help your twinking experience? With your funding it will help me get into the games faster with fellow guildies/teammates and let me enjoy the game without the stress of having to farm or worry about enchants/gear. And overall I will just have a blast doing it, 19 bracket is so much fun!
How do you play your class? I have played almost every class at max level in each expansion so I know the class well. I am good with positioning but there is always room for improvement. I listen as a leader commands and depending on my class I play really aggressive or defensive. I.e If I was an arms warrior I would be aggressive to try and hold mid and take over and relieve pressure from my healers, but if I was say a mage or Brewmaster I would be more defensive and spam poly or dizzying haze to give my team room to breathe/set up kills.
How do you contribute to your team? Depending on the class I play I would be make smart CC moves or being aggressive. I would follow as the leader instructed to do everything to the best of my ability.
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? I am very interested in competitive PVP. What qualifies me? I achieve usually 1900 every season in 3v3. I'm not the greatest because I don't usually PVP much. I have always wanted to get into the RBG seed so that I could try something knew and have more of a team based game.
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? I have always enjoyed the 19 twink bracket, but the main thing that sparked my interest was recently I had a 19 twink warrior, and I found Fearthebuns in a BG and it really intrigued me to want to continue twinking and try other classes and hopefully find a team for the up coming cup!
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? I check armories on 19's every day, and when I came on one day I came across this thread!
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? I haven't done it as of yet because it never sparked my interest. But I will gladly do so!
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? When I figure out how, yes. Never done that before. I use bartender UI and depending on my class I have macros for switching my weapons, mouse wheel scroll for flags and /focus macros for shear/kick.
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? My personal skill, ideas, Time, Farming whenever needed. Gold if I transfer a toon. Dedication to want to become a better player in your skilled environment.
Do you have any friends or guild mates in the 19s community we should know about? The only friend I know is named Dfect. He is a female worgen warrior from Turaylon in the guild Underground. He also has a 19 disc priest named Shmekle and a 19 gnome rogue named Fib.
Is there anything else we should know about you? Finishing up my last 2 weeks of highschool, then I am on summerbreak. I will be working 7-5 EST everyday except sunday so I will be availbe after that. I am taking the winters off work so I will be able to play as man hours as I need to a day.
Do you have any questions for us? As of right now, I have no questions for you. The idea of this is absolutely amazing and I am so glad you guys are doing it. I hope that you choose me to be apart of this and if there is ANYTHING I can do to help this go more smoothly than it already has.. please feel free to ask! Thanks :)
Re: Operation: GG Nineteen

Disc Priest and Rsham. 2700 rated healer at lvl 100, confident I can contribute to any team
Anything I can't send xrealm. (I can enchant heirlooms, everything else I'll need help with)
No, haven't played lvl 19 twinks.
I need funding because I don't have any toons on bleeding hollow
Funding can help ensure I'm at every advantage for whatever guild would like my healing services.
I play my class at a Gladiator caliber level.
I twinked at lvl 70 last xpac, but the removal of rated arena killed that.
I read Bigmoran's post on about lvl 19 twinking.
My info should be in my sig.

Thanks in advance!

I'd attach my UI but i don't have permission to attach images.
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Re: Operation: GG Nineteen

1. Horde
2. Combat Rogue, because I am skilled with them.
3. Gear / Guild
4. Yes, 19.
5. Because I am originally from EU and want to play US.
6. It will help me finally get started.
7. Technically and critically.
8. Doing what is needed of my class and spec.
9. Yes, and my years of twink experience.
10. This new system of helping bring twinks in.
11. Dontdodrugs, in trade chat
12. Dontdodrugs
13. It is wow UI with bg addon.
14. Better rogue twink playing then most.
15. Skull from EU.
16. I have done twinking for years.
17. Are you guys hardcore twinks?
Horde or Alliance?


What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?

I'd like to receive funding for a resto shaman. When speaking to my GM(Drugs) about what classes were needed he mentioned resto shaman. Because I've never played the healer role much, I feel like resto shaman would not only benefit my guild but my curious attitude.

[B]What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)[/B]

I'm in need of mostly gear. I have the gold to pay for most enchants but I'm not in the situation to spend enormous amounts of gold on boe gear.

Have you played in a twink bracket before?

I played a tiny bit of the 39 twink bracket back in WOTLK but that account has since been deleted. I rejoined in cata and played in the F2P bracket on and off up until WoD where I decided to buy the game and join the 29 bracket. Only recently have I started to explore the 19 bracket and I absolutely love it!

Why do you need funding?

I need funding due to the fact that I've blown a lot of the gold needed to buy gear on other twinks.

How can our funding help your twinking experience?

This funding would help foster my interest in learning more about playing a level 19 twink. Not only would I be able to learn about the healer role in 19 twinking but to also learn about the community and people in this community as a whole. This community is very friendly

How do you play your class?

I like to play my class with patience and intelligence. I'm always open to new styles and techniques I can work on for my class.

How do you contribute to your team?

I think I can contribute to my team because I'm a very determined player. No matter what I won't just give up on my teammates.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?

I am! Way back in the day I played on a competitive Call of Duty team. Though Call of Duty is nothing like WoW, the competitiveness and teamwork oriented environment has helped me become a better teammate.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?

Before the 19 community I played the 20-29 bracket. With extremely long que times and not much of a competitive environment I looked around at other brackets with more of this feature. This is when the 19 community caught my eye. With the Twink Cup and just a more competitive quality to it i was instantly drawn to it.

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?

I just happened to stumble upon it while browsing twinkinfo.

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?

Yup :D

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?


What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?

Something i feel I can offer to this community and especially my team(if I end up joining one) is determination. When a problem arises I won't just give and say, "Oh well." I like to take those problems and 1 shot swofty macro them. I'm always ready to address and solve a problem when it gets in my way.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?

I'm friends with Paul who i believe plays on alliance Bleeding hollow but that's about all. I'd love to make some new friends and embed myself in this community though.

Is there anything else we should know about you?

I'm always ready to learn something new and explore. In this case to play a healer better and to also explore the 19 twinking community more. This community is really friendly and I'd love to be apart of it!

Do you have any questions for us?

No, the information posted explains everything.
Horde or Alliance?


What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?

I'd like to receive funding on my 19 Monk, currently spec'd as MW but wanting to gear out in BM.. seems to be a bit more fun to play and wanting to try out all aspects off the class :)

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)

Im in need of gear/chants more then anything... although i haven't much gold either i would much rather to just gear up rather then gold.

Have you played in a twink bracket before?

Yes, i've played 19's for over 3 years now... i started off in my first ever wink guild by the names of <LSFTW> (Laughing skull for the win).. where i met some of my good friends who i still talk to everyday.. Drugs, HB, Livingforce, Nudge... all ma homies! I moved on from LSFTW awhile back and now am currently in the Dominant guild <Skill Ratio> where i have premaded and also participated with them in the Twink Cup which we ended up winning.. i Played monk in the cup.

Why do you need funding?

I need funding due to the fact that I've blown a lot of the gold needed to buy gear on other twinks.

How can our funding help your twinking experience?

Funding my Monk as brewmaster spec would be an awesome experience not just for me but for Pugs and also my friends who have been wanting me to get back into barrel throwing haha... i believe i bring out some pretty wicked gameplay on BM as i first started that as my first monk spec before switching to Mistweaver.

How do you play your class?

Very Strategic... although i do like to chill out most games and have a good time.

How do you contribute to your team?

I think I can contribute to my team because I'm a very determined player i adapt well and very quickly... i play to the best of my abilities at 19's and i love it.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?

I got 2622 on my MW monk at 90 last season before i quit for 10 months... i also have played 70 twinks and 29's before. I like to dip my biscuit in a wide range of brackets. 19's are the best of course ;)

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?

The Community... hands down best community out there, made life long friends and still goin strong! Only bracket that makes me keep coming back for more.

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?

Twinkinfo and also my good mate HB. He told me to check it out.

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?


Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?

I believe i help people play to the best of their abiliies... im helpful and i always answer as many questions as i can.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?

All my SR guildies, my boys from HARVEST, Drugs.

Is there anything else we should know about you?

Not really, im unable to fund my monk as all the new enchants have run me pretty dry, my main being on a diff server im just not interested in spending all the money to get it there and then somehow find a way to get gold/gear etc etc.
Would really appreciate the help!
Do you have any questions for us?

Think everything is pretty self-explanatory :)
Horde or Alliance?


What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?

I'd like to receive funding on my 19 Monk, currently spec'd as MW but wanting to gear out in BM.. seems to be a bit more fun to play and wanting to try out all aspects off the class :)

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)

Im in need of gear/chants more then anything... although i haven't much gold either i would much rather to just gear up rather then gold.

Have you played in a twink bracket before?

Yes, i've played 19's for over 3 years now... i started off in my first ever wink guild by the names of <LSFTW> (Laughing skull for the win).. where i met some of my good friends who i still talk to everyday.. Drugs, HB, Livingforce, Nudge... all ma homies! I moved on from LSFTW awhile back and now am currently in the Dominant guild <Skill Ratio> where i have premaded and also participated with them in the Twink Cup which we ended up winning.. i Played monk in the cup.

Why do you need funding?

I need funding due to the fact that I've blown a lot of the gold needed to buy gear on other twinks.

How can our funding help your twinking experience?

Funding my Monk as brewmaster spec would be an awesome experience not just for me but for Pugs and also my friends who have been wanting me to get back into barrel throwing haha... i believe i bring out some pretty wicked gameplay on BM as i first started that as my first monk spec before switching to Mistweaver.

How do you play your class?

Very Strategic... although i do like to chill out most games and have a good time.

How do you contribute to your team?

I think I can contribute to my team because I'm a very determined player i adapt well and very quickly... i play to the best of my abilities at 19's and i love it.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?

I got 2622 on my MW monk at 90 last season before i quit for 10 months... i also have played 70 twinks and 29's before. I like to dip my biscuit in a wide range of brackets. 19's are the best of course ;)

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?

The Community... hands down best community out there, made life long friends and still goin strong! Only bracket that makes me keep coming back for more.

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?

Twinkinfo and also my good mate HB. He told me to check it out.

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?


Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?

I believe i help people play to the best of their abiliies... im helpful and i always answer as many questions as i can.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?

All my SR guildies, my boys from HARVEST, Drugs.

Is there anything else we should know about you?

Not really, im unable to fund my monk as all the new enchants have run me pretty dry, my main being on a diff server im just not interested in spending all the money to get it there and then somehow find a way to get gold/gear etc etc.
Would really appreciate the help!
Do you have any questions for us?

Think everything is pretty self-explanatory :)

bump for the qt.
Horde or Alliance?


What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?

I'd like to receive funding for a resto shaman. When speaking to my GM(Drugs) about what classes were needed he mentioned resto shaman. Because I've never played the healer role much, I feel like resto shaman would not only benefit my guild but my curious attitude. I feel like this game has recently lacked a lot to do. Playing a resto shaman would open an entirely new world to me and give me something to figure out. As I mentioned before, I never played that many healers especially in a PvP environment. Resto shaman would give me the opportunity to help out my guild, friends, teammates, and would also help me learn a new skill.

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)

I’m in need of gear. Having spent most of my gold on my other twinks, I lack the necessary funds to pay for any of the boe items that are required to become bis. I still have enough gold to pay for enchants and boas but after that I’m pretty much broke. This means I’m only in need of 1 or 2 items. Though it might not seem like a huge fund, it will help a ton due to my current situation of not being able to get my hands on these boes.

Have you played in a twink bracket before?

I played a tiny bit of the 39 twink bracket as a hunter back in WOTLK. However I didn’t know nearly as much about twinking as I do today(this doesn’t mean I still have a lot to learn.) I quit the game at the end of WOTLK and I rejoined late cata(when MoP was announced) and played in the F2P bracket on and off up until WoD. At this point I felt like I needed a change so I decided to buy and account and move up to 29. I’ve played 29s up until now and only recently have I started to explore the 19 bracket and I am absolutely loving it!

Why do you need funding?

I need funding due to the fact that I've spent a lot of the gold needed to gear this twink on other twinks I have. Twinks are not cheap. So making a twink with the limited amount of gold I had to start with was hard enough. At this point I only have enough to buy some boas and enchants and even at that point I’m barely able to afford them. This funding would help me get the necessary items needed to make a bis resto shaman. This translates to the required boe item(s) and some enchants.

How can our funding help your twinking experience?

This funding would help foster my interest in learning more about playing a level 19 twink. Not only would I be able to learn about the healer role in 19 twinking but to also learn about the community and people in this community as a whole. Overall I’d become a much better player from this funding and it would help me become more involved with the 19 twink bracket.

How do you play your class?

I like to play my class with patience and intelligence. This means I won’t just run into battle mashing my keyboard not knowing what I’m doing. In summary it means I play my class how it’s supposed to be played, however this doesn’t mean I’m not open to new styles and techniques. I always want to learn new things about how to play this game and this twink will strengthen my ability at not only a healing role but will also give me a better understanding of playing a twink in general.

How do you contribute to your team?

I think I can contribute to my team because I'm a very determined player. No matter what I won't just give up on my teammates. I’m always looking to better myself in any way possible and I am always open to constructive criticism. This helps my team in a few ways. Firstly, if I can never take criticism i will never become a better player. This means I will always stay at one skill level and this will put my team at a disadvantage because we will then be facing teams who are constantly getting better and surpassing our skill. Secondly, it eliminates opportunity to fight or be angry with my teammates. If I have a predetermined understanding that my team only wants to help me, the chances of disagreement will decrease which will help my team become closer. And thirdly, i believe that my determination can not only help myself become a better play but also encourage my teammates to better themselves also.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?

I am! Way back in the day I played on a competitive Call of Duty team. Though Call of Duty is nothing like WoW, the competitive nature and team based environment carries over to any competitive activity. I also feel my determination plays a big part in my qualification for competitive PvP. This means that I’m always looking to better myself and I’ll never settle for less. Another feature that qualifies me is my cool attitude. When I lose, I don’t rage and give up I see that as a learning opportunity. If a teammate screws up I won’t rage at them either. I think the only way to get better at anything is making mistakes and learning from them. It upsets me when I see players get mad at other players in bgs or arenas for making mistakes. We all have to remember that we once made mistakes like that. I feel that these features qualify me for competitive PvP because I’m a team player, I always want to learn something new and I am a cool, calm and composed player.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?

Before the 19 community I played the 20-29 bracket. With extremely long que times and not much of a competitive environment I looked around at other brackets with more of this feature. This is when the 19 community caught my eye. With the Twink Cup and just a more competitive quality to it i was instantly drawn to this bracket. I’m also a huge fan of early game. I love the simplicity and barriers that twinking(especially at low levels like 19 and 29) puts on me. The more barriers the better because that’s when people can be most creative.

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?

I went onto twinkinfo and saw the giant teal text on the top of the page so i decided to check it out.

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?


Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?

This UI might not work for other people but it works perfectly for me. With the size of my monitor I'm able to see everything perfectly. Imgur

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?

Something I feel I can offer to this community and especially my team(if I end up joining one) is determination. When a problem arises I won't just give and say, "Oh well." I like to take those problems and 1 shot swofty macro them. I'm always ready to address and solve a problem when it gets in my way. I believe this helps the twink community because I believe my determination can can spark determination in other people around me not only in the twink community but in the game in general. Though i might not be the best player or have the most gold or best gear, I feel I can create a fun environment around me.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?

I'm friends with Paul who i believe plays on alliance Bleeding hollow but that's about all. I'd love to make some new friends and embed myself in this community though.

Is there anything else we should know about you?

I'm always ready to learn something new and explore. In this case to play a healer better and to also explore the 19 twinking community more. This community is really friendly and I'd love to be apart of it!

Do you have any questions for us?

No, the information posted explains everything.
Horde or Alliance?


What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?

I am willing to play Brewmaster or Mistweaver I like both, but I think I would like healing in the 19 bracket better. I just reactivated my account and am interested in playing on Bleeding Hollow.

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)

I don''t have a guild to join and I don't have BoA's, but I might be able to get enough gold together to cover the BoA's. But I don't really have a lot of gold to cover a twink on a new server if I transferred one of my higher level toons.

Have you played in a twink bracket before?

In the past I have played 19 shadow priest, 29 hunter, 39 mage, 49 warlock, and 70 rogue.

Why do you need funding?

Well making a twink costs a lot of money and I don't have any gold really.

How can our funding help your twinking experience?

It will let me get the best gear I can for the role I am needed in and get the new neck, ring, and cloak enchants as well as the other enchants that are the best.

How do you play your class?

I tend toward being an offensive minded player. I like to go after flag carriers or heal dps while they are killing flag carriers. It is just a lot more fun for me to play offense than defense, but I can do either.

How do you contribute to your team?

I feel like I'm a player that can play at a high level in any role.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?

I do like competitive PvP, I played a lot of PvP at cap in Vanilla and Burning Crusade, I think I'm qualified because I have been PvP'ing for a long time and have experience in every role. I have also played twink brackets for a long time.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?

A friend of mine told me it's still pretty big and I thought that not many people played 19 anymore.

[How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?

I was just browsing around, I have used twinkinfo for a long time to get information about twinking.

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?

View image: Wo WScrn Shot 060815 131439

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?

I feel like I'm a pretty solid player that is on often and always willing to do battlegrounds or arena.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?

I don't know too many people in the 19 bracket.

  1. [*=1]Horde or Alliance? Horde
    [*=1]What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Frost Mage, I've played many classes at 19 and frost mage looks kinda scarce, I would like to fill the space out
    [*=1]What do you need? I need all of the BiS Frost mage gear (Gold / Gear / Guild)
    [*=1]Have you played in a twink bracket before? Yes I have, I had a 19 rogue!
    [*=1]Why do you need funding? I need funding because I have no main on BleedingHollow, which means no gold :(
    [*=1]How can our funding help your twinking experience? I can definitely start some donations up in the near future
    [*=1]How do you play your class? As frost mage I sit in mid ccing healers and melees, if not I'm following the FC CCing the enemies on top of him
    [*=1]How do you contribute to your team? I feel like I play a pretty big role in mid fights!
    [*=1]Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? Yes, very much so. I've always loved playing pvp. I've been playing the game for about 7-8 years now and PvE just hasn't cut it!
    [*=1]What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? When I heard that I was needed in the Twink Cup this upcoming summer!
    [*=1]How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? Paulqt told me about this! Big shoutout to him for letting me play on his Team this summer!
    [*=1]Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? No I have not, but here's my Btag: Coydog#1990 and here's my main at 29: Inspired @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft
    [*=1]Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? Yes!!!!

    [*=1]What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? I'm a very helpful person when it comes to many classes, I can provide info on many things!
    [*=1]Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? Yes!!!! All the of the Waka Flaka Seagulls crew!!!
    [*=1]Is there anything else we should know about you? I've been playing the game since I was like 7! I'm very uplifting and funny when it comes to knowing me personally and I'm always open to meeting new people!
    [*=1]Do you have any questions for us? Can you accept me please!!?!!!


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