US Project: GG Nineteen

We intend to eventually grow, with the long term in mind, so if there is something you can offer the project outside of donations, perhaps your time, or a skill set; PR, graphics, advertisement, recruitment, ect, we are always looking for trust-worthy, and driven 19 XP-off Players.

Have you played in a twink bracket before, on what server/faction/bracket?
Yes I have! I played in the 19 bracket on Azgalor as Alliance.

I am posting this for my friend due to the fact that his account is still in the verification process.

Why do you need funding?
I have never played on BleedingHollow before and so I am entirely broke. The only functioning twink I have at the moment is a warrior because it takes the very minimum amount of gold to twink one to the point of being functional.

How can our funding help your twinking experience?
I haven't twinked in quite some time so it would help me get to a point where I can go up against some of the better twinks in the game, so I'd be able to improve my skill as a player and get back into twinking in a smoother, less...bankrupt sort of way.

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on?
Brewmaster Monk.

Do You want to be Horde or Alliance?

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
I am definitely interested in competitive PvP! I used to play quite a lot in premades alongside members from the old guild I used to run with! (Meat Puppet)

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
I have gotten into the 19 twinking community once or twice before and recently I've realized it's one of the few things I find truly fun to participate in for me in WoW nowadays.

How did you find out about this thread?
My friend Serozion/Butterknifee informed me about this thread. :)

*Do you intend to join a guild, if so; do you know which one?
Yes! Paradox Genesis.

*Is there anything else we should know about you?
Ummmm, I'm a nice guy, I like to help when I can so if I'm in any way able to help out other twinks I'll do so!

*Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI
View attachment 5461

*What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community
I love to do arenas and BGs and anything else that my twinking buddies would like to do, I'm very active and I plan on making many twinks along with bringing my friends along, so we can help make the 19 twink world a more active and enjoyable place for people to in.

My battletag is: Garrut#1697

Thanks for considering me! :)


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Have you played in a twink bracket before, on what server/faction/bracket?
Of course! I have played in 1-9, 10-19, and 20-29 over the span of several years, but I've played 10-19 since TBC.

Why do you need funding? I need funding because I'm broke irl and my current sever is full. I would like to assist in bringing other classes to the bracket and more variety, and also another player that can help without dying a million times **cough** my 10. **cough**

How can our funding help your twinking experience? It would help alot, actually. Since I will be rolling on bleeding hollow for the first time, I will be able to have some money to back my first 19 twink in a while, since I haven't done much else other than play my 10 and occasional 20 in the past two years or so.

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on?
Brewmaster Monk.

Do You want to be Horde or Alliance? I'm planning on rolling Alliance currently, but if needed I will go horde side.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? Yes, I'm interested in competitive PvP, and I don't have many qualifications up to this point, but I wish to change that.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? Playing on my 10 when merged with the 19s doesn't allow me to do much, as 10s are highly nerfed now. I wish to be able to play and also contribute without dying a million times.

How did you find out about this thread? [MENTION=11882]Chantale[/MENTION] referred me to this thread, after I was talking to him about creating a 19 twink.

Do you intend to join a guild, if so; do you know which one? I have no idea, probably which ever recruits me first, or I find the friendliest.

*Is there anything else we should know about you? I am currently finishing up my junior year in high school, so once summer comes around I will have a lot of spare time.

*What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community. I wish to offer another player to make queues go faster, and eventually give back to this project that may or may not fund me.
Shoutout to Conq & the sponsor of this program for helping me & some friends out with much needed enchants.

Very smooth & reliable people, props!
Have you played in a twink bracket before, on what server/faction/bracket?

I've played in a variety of brackets with the same group of people over the years.

Played a decent amount of 70s with xxmd nation, and 29s and 99s with Rubikz and Anatomyz, and wanting to try 19s out.

Why do you need funding?

I want to play where the majority is (Bleeding Hollow) and sadly only have my 19 shaman which I recently just leveled, but definitely planning on leveling a few more. I have 0 gold to help myself gear along, so making alts would continue to be a pain.

How can our funding help your twinking experience?

It would help allow me to be able to compete at the average level with everyone else, who can easily help themselves out where I cannot. (At least until I find a viable way to help myself in the long run.)

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on?

At the moment I'm really interested in playing my elemental shaman and trying it out.

Do You want to be Horde or Alliance?

Alliance for sure to play with a couple friends.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?

Absolutely! I really enjoy the competitive part of WoW, but sadly it isn't doing me much good this expansion.

I main an ele sham, and pushed to 2900 last season on it, and pushed to 2650 on my hunter as well. Sadly they're the only two classes I'm high on, since they're all I've bothered to obtain a high skill cap with.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?

A lot of friends I know play 19s right now, as they all have given up on max level pvp, so it'd be nice to play something new with them and have a blast doing it.

How did you find out about this thread?

My friend Sudowoodo/Freestylex told me to check this thread out.

You must sign up what information you have on the Twink Networking Thread

*Do you intend to join a guild, if so; do you know which one?

I joined Nineteen Dunk Squad, a new guild forming with some old school players for the summer.

*Is there anything else we should know about you?

Nope, not much at all.

*Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI


*What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community

A competitive player who really enjoys challenges, and have some experience in these kinds of things.
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Have you played in a twink bracket before, on what server/faction/bracket?
Played every twink bracket there has been except for lvl 10 and 1. Ive been twinking since TBC expansion.
TBC fc druid = tauren druid Jugawt - Deathwing/ TBC rogue= human rogue juhdai - Kel'Thuzad/TBC hunter = orc hunter bueyah - deathwing.

Here are my more recent toons:
Shieldowoodo @ Kel'Thuzad - Community - World of Warcraft (19 Priest)
Bassowoodo @ Kel'Thuzad - Community - World of Warcraft (19 hunter)
Qteex @ Sargeras - Community - World of Warcraft 2499 3's rating
Qteelul @ Alterac Mountains - Community - World of Warcraft 2400 2's rating
Davisx @ Kel'Thuzad - Community - World of Warcraft (70 Warrior) WoWScrnShot_052512_190757.jpg Photo by JustinDavis1 | Photobucket

Old mage twink: WoWScrnShot_091711_131736.jpg Photo by JustinDavis1 | Photobucket WoWScrnShot_091111_160808.jpg Photo by JustinDavis1 | Photobucket

Old pally twink: WoWScrnShot_072111_053511.jpg Photo by JustinDavis1 | Photobucket
Why do you need funding?
To join my buddies that are making a guild called nineteen dunk squad. I have almost no gold to transfer either :/

How can our funding help your twinking experience?
Will help me branch out from my server that I have every one of my twinks and mains on.

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on?'
Paladin - Ret spec for battlegrounds and arena skirmishes.

Do You want to be Horde or Alliance?
Alliance all the way baby.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
Ive always been a competitive player since twinking began. I have one of the highest 70 3's rating (2499) in cata. Also I had 2400 2's on my 70 shaman. I have been doing Warsongs since it was conceived. You can say im a warsong junkie.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
I played 19s back in tbc and wotlk. I played other twink brackets during cata and mop.

How did you find out about this thread?
My bud sudowoodo informed me of this thread after unsuccessfully trying to trade gold cross server.

*Do you intend to join a guild, if so; do you know which one?\
19 dunk squad on bleeding hallow

*Is there anything else we should know about you?
Well first shotout to the people who I twinked with at 29 in TBC. Here is my stream link Twitch in which i will be streaming games for building interest and viewership of the 19 community.

*Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI
I use very few addons. 1 bg addon that lists names/class and hp on a grid. I like it basic.
Gyazo - 1badef32eb77aedb3249326173caef4b.jpg

*What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community
I havnt given that much since TBC or WOTLK but the bracket is becoming huge and promising. I officer streaming skirms/warsongs and premades. I will do my best to pass along the word for promote and help others in the bracket.
Bracket needs new competition, why do you only fund returning 19s? If you want the bracket to expand , you need to fund competitive players from other brackets as well. Just my input.....
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That's all that I have seen being funded. That and eus. Good luck bringing all the veteran 19s back!


"It's based around the idea that nice things happen to nice people, our goals are simple; Recruit new players, bring back old ones, have a sense of friendly competition, and increase communication within the bracket."
Have you played in a twink bracket before, on what server/faction/bracket?
I played 19s from TBC until late Wrath, multiple server and both factions. Formerly in Causa Mortis.

Why do you need funding? Main is on a full server so I have no way of funding myself.

How can our funding help your twinking experience? You aren't a twink unless you are BiS so it would GREATLY help.

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on? I would like to make a mage.

Do You want to be Horde or Alliance? What faction I play doesn't matter to me.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? I have ran 19 premades in the past. Gotten Duelist a few times at max level.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? I got into twinking early TBC and was hooked. Always seeing the same faces really improves the value of competition for me.

How did you find out about this thread? Been in touch with Twinkinfo the a few years now. I regularly check it to see if 19s are making a comeback.

*Do you intend to join a guild, if so; do you know which one? I would love too! Not sure which one though.

*Is there anything else we should know about you? I can be extremely competitive.

*What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community. Friendship and the ability to improve my gameplay.

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