wtf happened to your internet? Skeezin stop.........
"hinder your ms" you do realise that everyone from eu has like 150ms + ?
Tough Love made the americans think somewhat good of EU, you all shitters from GSC rathole stink, go back to dead 29 EU, you already lost so many games at 19 tis embarrassing.
- the lord
Cooper are you in game?
friday night, pick whoever you want, bacon, x and I will 3v3 whatever team you make
Tough Love made the americans think somewhat good of EU, you all shitters from GSC rathole stink, go back to dead 29 EU, you already lost so many games at 19 tis embarrassing.
- the lord
Whats GSC premade record at 19? 0-0-30?
whats gsc record vs tough love?
oh ye, 1-0
have exams this week, hence friday^ (not dodging)
TL won aswell
1-1 (at GSC homebracket)
(+having GSC member FCing for Ridwanes team) 9v11
No not now no one is online.. I was just going to whisper you to go over details. I'll just send you pms.
Who are you lol,
1-1 on GSC home bracket with their member as FC for TL
Who are you lol,
1-1 on GSC home bracket with their member as FC for TL