pro lvl 24 hunters that destroys our bracket (at least for us)

I'm a hypocrite, I admit it. I don't like camping, but I like Somfas. :D
hey guys, this is Somfas, Azuremyst :) i just want to clear some things up, i agree with most of what everyone said, i am not even close to being pro, i am old and not that great so i chose a easy play hunter and geared the hell out of her so i could have some fun and not be dying every 2 seconds, i actually started twinking cause it was the only way i could play with my best buddy who started a f2p, Healtastical, most fun player i have got to play with and we clicked great. he ended up buying and leveling, well, i fell in love with the bracket (because of my handicap) and stayed in, i have ULTRA mad love and respect for any f2p that does what it takes to gear up and do all the extras, no guild affiliation, a 10 gold cap, no trading, i mean DAMN, you guys got all my love, i have ran into some AWESOME 20s, many that kick my ass on a regular basis :) like hunters that keybind their pets specials, i have a hard enough time keeping track of all my spells and engineering extras lol, i wanna shoutout to all of you f2ps, it's true, without you guys, we wouldnt be here and have a place to FEEL a little pro, even though we arent, this bracket has brought some fun back for people that havent enjoyed bgs in a long time. i have watched other good hunters and learned a few things so im no noob and no pro, somewhere in the middle maybe but i just LOVE to pvp is all and i try to be nice to everyone i meet, (although i am a camper , dont take it personally, i need the DMF items off your corpses to sell and keep my engi extras stocked up ) lol, seriously though, i cant help but say this about camping....... if you keep rezzing when odds are that bad, you deserve to be camped, .. when i see that happening, i stop rezzing :) if you'd learn to stop rezzing the other team gets bored and caps.... . one last thing, we got some good and fun players here in <Holy Crit> on Azuremyst and are building a solid twink section that will eventually lead to 85 rgbs as we get familiar with each others playstyles. (now for the gratuitous recruiting spam) and we would love to have anyone on board that wants to join our party, we will help any way we can if you roll a new toon or x-fer :) we are only out to have a lil fun and put on a jester hat every now and then.. smile and laugh when you can, it's cheap medicine :) Somfas - Azuremyst, outy

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hey guys, this is Somfas, Azuremyst :) i just want to clear some things up, i agree with most of what everyone said, i am not even close to being pro, i am old and not that great so i chose a easy play hunter and geared the hell out of her so i could have some fun and not be dying every 2 seconds, i actually started twinking cause it was the only way i could play with my best buddy who started a f2p, Healtastical, most fun player i have got to play with and we clicked great. he ended up buying and leveling, well, i fell in love with the bracket (because of my handicap) and stayed in, i have ULTRA mad love and respect for any f2p that does what it takes to gear up and do all the extras, no guild affiliation, a 10 gold cap, no trading, i mean DAMN, you guys got all my love, i have ran into some AWESOME 20s, many that kick my ass on a regular basis :) like hunters that keybind their pets specials, i have a hard enough time keeping track of all my spells and engineering extras lol, i wanna shoutout to all of you f2ps, it's true, without you guys, we wouldnt be here and have a place to FEEL a little pro, even though we arent, this bracket has brought some fun back for people that havent enjoyed bgs in a long time. i have watched other good hunters and learned a few things so im no noob and no pro, somewhere in the middle maybe but i just LOVE to pvp is all and i try to be nice to everyone i meet, (although i am a camper , dont take it personally, i need the DMF items off your corpses to sell and keep my engi extras stocked up ) lol, seriously though, i cant help but say this about camping....... if you keep rezzing when odds are that bad, you deserve to be camped, .. when i see that happening, i stop rezzing :) if you'd learn to stop rezzing the other team gets bored and caps.... . one last thing, we got some good and fun players here in <Holy Crit> on Azuremyst and are building a solid twink section that will eventually lead to 85 rgbs as we get familiar with each others playstyles. (now for the gratuitous recruiting spam) and we would love to have anyone on board that wants to join our party, we will help any way we can if you roll a new toon or x-fer :) we are only out to have a lil fun and put on a jester hat every now and then.. smile and laugh when you can, it's cheap medicine :) Somfas - Azuremyst, outy
nice message. your message has many things that f2p will talk bad about but no one will do that so confidently and with proud because of the moment you said "cheap medicine".
PS : you are not pro at all compared to some f2p players but compared to 99% of lvl 24 hunters, you are pro :) which is what i meant by posting your name here
touched a nerve did i?

i see your on AP you know most of those eu guys have 24s on the eu severs right?

leotseddap in that thread is the 1st guy to QQ about 24s yet he came bk to eu to make one.

now son you have a cyclopes hunt/rogue/drood may has well be the noob we know you are and make a pally <3

Please, this is not QQ, it is putting the newb guy in his place after he got to many undeserved fanboys for his bad performance. Simple as that.

If you want to find anything about me QQ'ing about 24s you have to look harder. Its really there, i did it with a few posts, yeah at the start, but in hopes they would get the message and leave the bracket and it was directed to the bad/evil 24s who hk farm, emote, gy camp and so on. Hence, these guys were constantly bugging us in our chat on AP too. I dont hate 24s and twinking. If this was the 19 bracket or any other, i would have done the same. Talking about fap is not the same as talking about 24s either and QQ'ing about them.
Lets make this clear here that it could have been any other guy, well ok not 20s cause they are not able to create fap and i was pretty much playing that bracket at that time. Coincidence i would call that. The reason i made 24s is to fight fire with fire and play with some of my old guildies who wanted me to join up.

Also another thing i want to clear up to you is that ive made my 24s at the same time i did my 20 f2p's on AP US and the first thing i played in this bracket was a p2p 20 (old dinged 19 twink). The reason i went back to the EU and play there was the AP attitude and the lack of wpvp and setting up a fun community with lots to do and not just pugging bg and doing some pilar hugging. I wanted more and i thought that this could happen on AP. I was so wrong about that wich is the reason i came back to EU more often and less to AP US (and ofc EU friends).

Your source of information is pretty wrong here, don't drag me into this with your fight with dubbs, who calls some 24s noobs, even though he thought the usage of fap was a hack. Made me lol irl.
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That awkward moment when 24 ' hardasses ' Leotseddap (Qball) and Scoobydrood (Doooobydooobydooo) come to agreement (thumbs up) after 2 thread long argument with f2p named bieberfever (justin bieber?)!

That awkward moment when you drop your cocaine in the snow .

That awkward moment when you ask a skin head if they like their coffee black or white.
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The vids are funny so thumbs up, not that it resembles the discussion we had in that other thread or that i like mr terrain exploiting bieberfeverr there.
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hey guys, this is Somfas, Azuremyst :) i just want to clear some things up, i agree with most of what everyone said, i am not even close to being pro, i am old and not that great so i chose a easy play hunter and geared the hell out of her so i could have some fun and not be dying every 2 seconds, i actually started twinking cause it was the only way i could play with my best buddy who started a f2p, Healtastical, most fun player i have got to play with and we clicked great. he ended up buying and leveling, well, i fell in love with the bracket (because of my handicap) and stayed in, i have ULTRA mad love and respect for any f2p that does what it takes to gear up and do all the extras, no guild affiliation, a 10 gold cap, no trading, i mean DAMN, you guys got all my love, i have ran into some AWESOME 20s, many that kick my ass on a regular basis :) like hunters that keybind their pets specials, i have a hard enough time keeping track of all my spells and engineering extras lol, i wanna shoutout to all of you f2ps, it's true, without you guys, we wouldnt be here and have a place to FEEL a little pro, even though we arent, this bracket has brought some fun back for people that havent enjoyed bgs in a long time. i have watched other good hunters and learned a few things so im no noob and no pro, somewhere in the middle maybe but i just LOVE to pvp is all and i try to be nice to everyone i meet, (although i am a camper , dont take it personally, i need the DMF items off your corpses to sell and keep my engi extras stocked up ) lol, seriously though, i cant help but say this about camping....... if you keep rezzing when odds are that bad, you deserve to be camped, .. when i see that happening, i stop rezzing :) if you'd learn to stop rezzing the other team gets bored and caps.... . one last thing, we got some good and fun players here in <Holy Crit> on Azuremyst and are building a solid twink section that will eventually lead to 85 rgbs as we get familiar with each others playstyles. (now for the gratuitous recruiting spam) and we would love to have anyone on board that wants to join our party, we will help any way we can if you roll a new toon or x-fer :) we are only out to have a lil fun and put on a jester hat every now and then.. smile and laugh when you can, it's cheap medicine :) Somfas - Azuremyst, outy

See - a reminder to all there is a human being behind the keyboard... so be civil in defeat and victory.
Waaaa leo bro you dont like me shiiiit .
dude ima divert you back to scoobs asap then :
Please, this is not QQ, it is putting the newb guy in his place after he got to many undeserved fanboys for his bad performance. Simple as that.

wait il start scoobies off wait , this shit easy i just need to copy past from last epeen drama :
So your entitled to your opinion , which is fine, yet you then go on to taking opinions and arguments of other members and completely disregard them by calling them fanboys...

shizzz you can make nother epeen thread you two , or yo could listen to my homey Vaas and like me thumbs up :D
Did i ever tell you the definition of "Insanity"?? - YouTube
You seriously expect me to get into your quotes there? you are just trolling and trying to get some sort of flame wars going. I could give a comment on what you just wrote but why should i, its full of crap and i have no intentions of entertaining a person like you. Its a waste of time.

Also i like your prejudice there about epeen but that word and my name in one sentence is pretty much nonsense wich alot people know who are reading these forums and know me a little better.

Nice try there.

(ps. you didnt even understand that i dont like the way you play, doesnt say anything about you in person. I actually thought you were nice when i talked to you when you were exploiting in wsg although you were a bit lying)
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I think hes actually trying to say that these flame wars is insanity and make peace instead .

That awkward moment when a zombie looking for brains walks right past you :eek:
somfas isnt that good

i have screenshots of her deaths, can post the photographic evidence if necessary

3-0d by teh Pootispencer

but i never got to contain her cuz they run with more than 3x 24s, but then other game 2x 24 hunters came in , nothing is more satisfying than containing 24 hunters in their GY, sure i dont have firepower of duopaladin and his group but me and friar, ill put some hurt on the kids( i was even considering getting a 24 just to make em rage)
You have trouble with Somfas? Lol.
hunter/rogue/druid all alliance (skill patch much) and stopped there

Also, This, a thousand times this^

OP want's to whistle blow level 24 players (who have more of a right to the bracket than we do) and all he plays is Alliance Leather wearers. I'm not saying you're crutching, I'm just saying at a first glance everyone's assuming you're crutching. I don't know you so I can't judge, it's just ironic for you to be doing what you're doing from that perspective.
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You have trouble with Somfas? Lol.

you dont understand.Its a lvl 24 hunter that comes in with many other 24s.
i wouldnt have trouble if he/she was alone but with many 24s-not so much

you have to realize to successfully GY contain a lvl 24 hunter it takes 2x lvl 20s(preferably a hunter and a pally)
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you dont understand.Its a lvl 24 hunter that comes in with many other 24s.
i wouldnt have trouble if he/she was alone but with many 24s-not so much

you don't understand.It's a lvl 20 hunter that comes in with a personal healbot.I wouldn't have trouble if he was alone but with a personal healbot-not so much
blah blah blah blah blah
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