pro lvl 24 hunters that destroys our bracket (at least for us)

If F2P was gone, 24s would face their worst nightmare, themselves as made evident by this thread.
The horror of fighting equally geared opponents. How awful that must be.
if f2ps were gone games would get more competetive which might be better
If F2Ps were gone, there wouldn't be any games. Go check out many of the other twink brackets as proof. And besides, competitive? How can you say that when people rolled 24s knowing they would go up against 20s. Nobody rolled 24s for leet 10 on 10, 24 action. Don't kid yourself.
Ok i did not say lvl 24 itself is pro.
If you actually meet pvp pro players, like gladiators, are mostly from age 14-25 years old. Meaning most pro gamers can be classified as "immature"
What i am saying is if these players played lvl 20 like us, they will have no problem competing against us. I am not saying these players are really a pro gamers and no one can beat them. Even though all of us wants and avoid and deny the fact that there is lvl 24 players that aren't noob, we still need to admit that not all of them are noobs
there are enough 24s for games without f2ps now....
I'm humoring you, even though I highly suspect you are trolling, how many 24s would stay if there wasn't 20s to feed their uberleet self esteem? Count em on one hand man. If they wanted a challenge, prove their skill, w/e, they WOULD NOT be in this bracket. There are better brackets, with better players to do that. People who want a challenge are not rolling 24s, and they sure as crap aren't rolling Hunters/Pallies/Rogues at that level.
I played trial wow for quite awhile and the first lvl 24 that i really hated was Somfas. It was about 4months ago i believe.
Somfas @ Azuremyst - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
the reason is because he/she is not a noob lvl 24 hunter.
I usually give up when i see this hunter in a bg. he uses a potion that makes you immune to stun........ aka FAP :)D)
Free Action Potion - Item - World of Warcraft
at first, i thought he was a hacker or something since he was running while pally stun was on him.

I recently found another one
Allislayer @ Burning Legion - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
again, these hunters know how to play which is just terrifying for us F2Ps. (at least from what i saw and experienced)

I guess the point of this thread is to be aware of these people so we have a less stressful time in a bg with them.
Do you guys know any good lvl 24s?

gonna be totally honest here i didnt even read this, i seen you play hunter/rogue/druid all alliance (skill patch much) and stopped there, i play a 24 horde mage if you think its fun when i join and see 7 one eyed Skeyers your wrong.

I have yet to meet a *good* 24. I'll let you know when I do.

i've played fp2s p2p 20s and 24s US and EU and seen this quote many times, yet across two continents i yet to find these "pro" f2ps in fact i've found maybe 30 who could fakecast.

inb4 AP, the 1st eu f2ps that went there i was playing in 10s/19s/29s before most of you knew who they was.

disclaimer: i dont dislike f2ps EUs are welcome to pm on here and ill help as much as i can, but srsly guys get down off your high horse, thats my seat<3.
its my $15 at the end of the day
So I was right, you are trolling :) Cool beans. You are right, you are more than welcome to do whatever you want with your 15$. What I am saying is, if tomorrow Blizzard suddenly said "GUIZ TRAILS EXPIRE RIGHT NOW," and all the trial accounts closed, there would be no pops in this bracket, there would be no games in this bracket. And there would be no 24s staying. F2Ps are the reason this bracket exists, and you should be pretty damn grateful for it :D . How else would you get your self esteem?
i've played fp2s p2p 20s and 24s US and EU and seen this quote many times, yet across two continents i yet to find these "pro" f2ps in fact i've found maybe 30 who could fakecast.
I didn't say F2Ps are amazing and 24s are not. But my comment is true nonetheless, when I see a skilled 24, I'll letcha know. And I don't think not-skeying, fakecasting, LoSing, etc make you pro, it just means you know how to PvP.
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there are enough 24s for games without f2ps now....

I think his point is that the games would diminish as soon as the F2P's stopped played, as there wouldn't be anyone to steamroll anymore.

The exact scenario happened with most EU twink brackets. Exp lock was implemented in patch 3.2. Then after realising that from now on it would be 10v10 twink games in WSG... the majority of twinks disappeared. -We did try an awful long time to coordinate games @29 with our little community, but BG's got less and less, and players started to play more end game PvP. In the end, 29 twinking DIED. The exact same thing would happen in this bracket.

I tell you what pisses me off mostly about shitty 24's... and that's the negative emoting, spawn camping and those who just can't play tactically. To me, the enemy is more of a threat if they want to win the game. I play to win every time, and that makes games more interesting, especially if my team is inferior. Admittedly steam-rolling gets boring, farming is no fun for anyone and I realise hunter is just too overpowered for this bracket (I rolled hunter as I knew so many sucky hunters exists to grief people - they need to be taught a lesson) - some call that adding to the problem. At least I am a good player who doesn't enjoy pissing people off, which is the intent of 90% of 24's I've seen.

Anyway my point. OP, you play a dual AGM-wielding Survival Hunter, and have the balls to make a thread about decent 24 hunters ruining the bracket? The irony here is ridiculous, really. I guess now you know how it feels when you play against every 20 non-twink. If you're that butt-hurt about getting whooped by 24 hunter's..... Buy the game and roll one yourself?

Inb4 playing 24 hunter is 'sad'. You are just as much hated by the non-twink population.
So I was right, you are trolling :) Cool beans. You are right, you are more than welcome to do whatever you want with your 15$. What I am saying is, if tomorrow Blizzard suddenly said "GUIZ TRAILS EXPIRE RIGHT NOW," and all the trial accounts closed, there would be no pops in this bracket, there would be no games in this bracket. And there would be no 24s staying. F2Ps are the reason this bracket exists, and you should be pretty damn grateful for it :D . How else would you get your self esteem?

that happened to ALL twinking when the XP lock came in, two things would happen it dies or 24 find away past it, like other brackets, your point is mute.
best argument ever.
I don't know man. I don't have the faintest idea what you were trying to say, hard to agree or disagree with that. You saying what I said is disputable? Possibly? I see it more as stating the obvious. I mean if 98%, I'm pulling numbers outta my ass, of your bracket poofed in one fell swoop there would be no pops. There would be no bracket unless people worked to coordinate games AND *drumroll please* 1 game a week is not an active bracket. That is indisputable. Dead bracket would be dead. Back to square one. What were you arguing against?
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So you think you are *Pro* because you can do that? Lol. Oh man, I'm sorry I burst your bubble. You crack me up.

i just realized your a total noob, you have no clue what i mean when i say other brackets cope with being less active and you think ppl who dont s key know how to fakecast and use LoS aint good, im outta here gl.

edit you'v also gone bk and edited every post AFTER i replyed.
i just realized your a total noob, you have no clue what i mean when i say other brackets cope with being less active and you think ppl who dont s key know how to fakecast and use LoS aint good, im outta here gl.
Whelp I was amused. I'm sorry I made you less secure about your *skills.* I've seen players, sub 1k players, know enough to hide behind a pillar and not backpeddle and try to bait an interrupt. Those are basics in PvP, doing it doesn't make you uberleet and I'm very sorry you thought it did. Arguing with you, felt like playing a hunter in this bracket. There was a discrepancy. I'm very sorry for bullying you. Feels bad. EDIT AMG:BAIT AN INTERRUPT AMG
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Pro means you get paid for the activity. Pros don't pay for the activity.

The End.
Whelp I was amused. I'm sorry I made you less secure about your *skills.* I've seen players, sub 1k players, know enough to hide behind a pillar and not backpeddle and try to bait a cast. Those are basics in PvP, doing it doesn't make you uberleet and I'm very sorry you thought it did. Arguing with you, felt like playing a hunter in this bracket. There was a discrepancy. I'm very sorry for bullying you. Feels bad.

you still dont get it, most f2ps dont even have those basic pvp abilitys , like you dont have the ability to come up with an argument, before i go i'll tell you this, no one make you twink at the lowest lvl no one makes you not pay for your account these are your choices, gettin pissed with guys that do is silly.
you still dont get it, most f2ps dont even have those basic pvp abilitys , like you dont have the ability to come up with an argument, before i go i'll tell you this, no one make you twink at the lowest lvl no one makes you not pay for your account these are your choices, gettin pissed with guys that do is silly.
We are back to my original comment? I said I have yet to meet a skilled 24, I made no mention of F2Ps. You read something into it and started making assumptions. That's cool. I believe I also mentioned in this thread, or maybe I thought it, who knows... I don't find many F2Ps particularly skillful either. And let's put this out there, I'm not that amazing either. There, nobody is skillful :p There is no bias here. Make no mistake, I don't feel like a victim and I am not angry. Ohwai....RAGGGGGGEEE, ahem. I know I can play my account, my P2P account, in this bracket (I don't) and I know others choose to. That doesn't mean I cannot judge them. Because I can and do. So what were you saying?
Pro means you get paid for the activity. Pros don't pay for the activity.

The End.
i dont pay my account for my 24, i pay my account for my 19s 70s and 80s i just happen to play 24s like i said i dont dislike f2ps but i do dislike there attitude to 24s, i long my main countless times to help f2ps in gurub then to be called a scrub its kinda annoying.

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