pro lvl 24 hunters that destroys our bracket (at least for us)

We are back to my original comment? I said I have yet to meet a skilled 24, I made no mention of F2Ps. You read something into it and started making assumptions. That's cool. I believe I also mentioned in this thread, or maybe I thought it, who knows... I don't find many F2Ps particularly skillful either. And let's put this out there, I'm not that amazing either. There, nobody is skillful :p There is no bias here. Make no mistake, I don't feel like a victim and I am not angry. Ohwai....RAGGGGGGEEE, ahem. I know I can play my account, my P2P account, in this bracket (I don't) and I know others choose to. That doesn't mean I cannot judge them. Because I can and do. So what were you saying?

i actually hate using the word "skill" in wow whats skillfull about pushing buttons.
i actually hate using the word "skill" in wow whats skillfull about pushing buttons.
Replace skill with pro, good, amazing, spectacular, talented, well-versed, smart or any other word you would like then. The point remains the same.
I can barely believe that the fact that pro only means someone pays you for an activity is so hard to understand.

Pro has little to do with skill.

Player_A: Skill level over 9000 is an amateur, this player refuses to accept money for chess.
Player_B: Skill level 5000 is a professional. This player accepts money to play chess.

Player_A will always beat Player_B. In this case the amateur always beats the professional because the game is relatively balanced enough.

Player_C: Skill level over 9000 is an amateur. This player refuses to accept money from big sponsors for car racing.
Player_D: Skill level 5000 is a professional. This player accepts money (sells out) to the big sponsors for car racing.

Player_D will usually beat Player_C because the skill level is not being tested as much as the financing behind it. (Vehicle, parts, crew, etc)

I don't particularly care if these arguing p2ps/trolls even get this, I just want something out there for the other readers. Personally I don't care what you do in this bracket. But it should be no surprise to anyone that Player_C's don't enjoy Player_D's selling out to the big sponsor and then making some claim to skill. So, this is a reason I don't care what ppl do in this bracket. I don't care about other ppls delusions.

Then again. Not really sure why I'd post this on a game site where everybody thinks their buddy is a "pro." But its April 1, maybe the response will be funny.
There is no denying pro=professional. But...

Dead you know, I'm certain you do, *pro* can have a different connotation on the interwebz as well. You are being purposely obtuse.
To the one dude, only reason this bracket exists is F2P guys. There are enough horde 24's for bracket to exist, but we won't have any alliance to go against. There are lots of times i get out played by a F2P guy and stlll win, he knows he is better, i know he is better than me.

People make 24's to faceroll, sure we like it when it's good games, but coming home and logging on to op toon, with op enchants and op class and just annihilating everything is fun. I never mistake that for me being good.
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24s are pro and good because we choose to gear ourselves instead of having a subpar twink
Its not our fault if f2ps choose to be subpar it should not affect our ability to be good if they CHOOSE to be a subpar twink

Speaking of being pro, you need to find a sponsor for your troll training.
I can barely believe that the fact that pro only means someone pays you for an activity is so hard to understand.

Pro has little to do with skill.

Player_A: Skill level over 9000 is an amateur, this player refuses to accept money for chess.
Player_B: Skill level 5000 is a professional. This player accepts money to play chess.

Player_A will always beat Player_B. In this case the amateur always beats the professional because the game is relatively balanced enough.

Player_C: Skill level over 9000 is an amateur. This player refuses to accept money from big sponsors for car racing.
Player_D: Skill level 5000 is a professional. This player accepts money (sells out) to the big sponsors for car racing.

Player_D will usually beat Player_C because the skill level is not being tested as much as the financing behind it. (Vehicle, parts, crew, etc)

I don't particularly care if these arguing p2ps/trolls even get this, I just want something out there for the other readers. Personally I don't care what you do in this bracket. But it should be no surprise to anyone that Player_C's don't enjoy Player_D's selling out to the big sponsor and then making some claim to skill. So, this is a reason I don't care what ppl do in this bracket. I don't care about other ppls delusions.

Then again. Not really sure why I'd post this on a game site where everybody thinks their buddy is a "pro." But its April 1, maybe the response will be funny.

obviously not paying for this game makes you instantly better, happy?
gonna be totally honest here i didnt even read this, i seen you play hunter/rogue/druid all alliance (skill patch much) and stopped there, i play a 24 horde mage if you think its fun when i join and see 7 one eyed Skeyers your wrong.
hey kid im sick this shit bro. eye patch? so you are calling everyone who plays alliance in this bracket noobs because we have eye patch? youve seen me play all my toons? link your toon's armory so i can know who you are. you play a lvl 24 mage? you should be so proud boy. I play a lvl 20 warlock.
Mortaldubbs @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
hey kid im sick this shit bro. eye patch? so you are calling everyone who plays alliance in this bracket noobs because we have eye patch? youve seen me play all my toons? link your toon's armory so i can know who you are. you play a lvl 24 mage? you should be so proud boy. I play a lvl 20 warlock.
Mortaldubbs @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

touched a nerve did i?

i see your on AP you know most of those eu guys have 24s on the eu severs right?

leotseddap in that thread is the 1st guy to QQ about 24s yet he came bk to eu to make one.

now son you have a cyclopes hunt/rogue/drood may has well be the noob we know you are and make a pally <3
touched a nerve did i?

i see your on AP you know most of those eu guys have 24s on the eu severs right?

leotseddap in that thread is the 1st guy to QQ about 24s yet he came bk to eu to make one.

now son you have a cyclopes hunt/rogue/drood may has well be the noob we know you are and make a pally <3
i dont give a shit about EU :) because i dont play on EU servers
I am a noob kid dont make fun of people who are bad at the game
i'm sorry, i have an half geared boomkin on AP i'll come teach you the game on son<3
no thank you
i dont learn from noobs just because i am a noob
I'll admit, that last post... Made me laugh.

Not sure if it is good natured ribbing or not. But it was humorous nonetheless.
hey guys, this is Somfas, Azuremyst :) i just want to clear some things up, i agree with most of what everyone said, i am not even close to being pro, i am old and not that great so i chose a easy play hunter and geared the hell out of her so i could have some fun and not be dying every 2 seconds, i actually started twinking cause it was the only way i could play with my best buddy who started a f2p, Healtastical, most fun player i have got to play with and we clicked great. he ended up buying and leveling, well, i fell in love with the bracket (because of my handicap) and stayed in, i have ULTRA mad love and respect for any f2p that does what it takes to gear up and do all the extras, no guild affiliation, a 10 gold cap, no trading, i mean DAMN, you guys got all my love, i have ran into some AWESOME 20s, many that kick my ass on a regular basis :) like hunters that keybind their pets specials, i have a hard enough time keeping track of all my spells and engineering extras lol, i wanna shoutout to all of you f2ps, it's true, without you guys, we wouldnt be here and have a place to FEEL a little pro, even though we arent, this bracket has brought some fun back for people that havent enjoyed bgs in a long time. i have watched other good hunters and learned a few things so im no noob and no pro, somewhere in the middle maybe but i just LOVE to pvp is all and i try to be nice to everyone i meet, (although i am a camper , dont take it personally, i need the DMF items off your corpses to sell and keep my engi extras stocked up ) lol, seriously though, i cant help but say this about camping....... if you keep rezzing when odds are that bad, you deserve to be camped, .. when i see that happening, i stop rezzing :) if you'd learn to stop rezzing the other team gets bored and caps.... . one last thing, we got some good and fun players here in <Holy Crit> on Azuremyst and are building a solid twink section that will eventually lead to 85 rgbs as we get familiar with each others playstyles. (now for the gratuitous recruiting spam) and we would love to have anyone on board that wants to join our party, we will help any way we can if you roll a new toon or x-fer :) we are only out to have a lil fun and put on a jester hat every now and then.. smile and laugh when you can, it's cheap medicine :) Somfas - Azuremyst, outy

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