Hi guys,
I did read the whole thread and I thought I could give my opinion too. PoV from a P.server player since almost 5y already.
I'ill present myself first if people don't know me.
I'm Powerlol and I'm playing twink since late vanilla/early BC.
Played w/ the frenchies such as (if people recognize them); Clysthene, Neverh, Xau, Spam, etc etc. I'ill prolly be unknown for alot of you guys because we didn't play in the same BG/language (Name was Powerpoweuse till Cataclysme, Isa bought me a xfer to the realm : Culte de la Rive Noire where I did change my name into Ðxz for the whole expansion.. Didn't play MoP and came back into WoD for a few months played w/ the frenchies on Draenor
I did quit pre patch MoP expansion since I wasn't attracted to what was Twink on retail anymore. And I did start to play actively on private server. I did play on many servers (will not list them all but like +- 10) regarding twinks. Mostly 3.3.5a where the twink were more balanced than it was actually on retail. (Didn't say it was perfectly scripted tho, just regarding what every class could do against other classes, it was).
I'm not gonna go in a discussion like "Hey what u sayin ? MoP/WoD isn't about skill? wuuut u idiot m8"
I'ill just show 2 records :
Cønfident during MoP :
Madock during BC :
Feel free to discuss in which expansion we requires the most skills.
So here is my PoV of a 335a player:
So first of all, at the moment there is not a simply good private server(twink one). if you guys (hamcake tho) could make a decent (maybe the best) server that the twink scene have seen that would bring alot of people (Arthas ya know MVP). I do remember myself a server called cyclone19 which had 400 people on release and easily 200 online for the first month.. But yeah Macchiato released it and has quit his post as owner 1 week after the release. So it died quit easily. So if it's decent it will bring alot of people (and alot of people are actually playin 19s in 3.3.5a, there are Russians, polish, french, english people on different server) and I know alot of people who will be interested to play on a server that would be released by hamcake himself.
So it's 2 good points atm :
It will be surely active if it's good scripted and blizzlike
Will ofc make money for the TC
But.. I want some challenge !
In my opinion WoTLK (or even Cataclysme/BC) still gives more challenge than on retail(tl;dr look the video on youtube I did link). And why not bring the twink cup (non official, organized by the owner himself) on private server scene too and maybe doing it each year on another expansion (Since I saw alot of people askin for BC/Cataclysm server too, it goes like this :begin w/ BC ending w/ Cataclysm) which will bring more players into your server to actually afford more for the retail TC.
But.. But.. I want other things than a WoTLK server
At the moment, the most played by twinks is in the WoTLK expansion.. There are alot of WoTLK servers that makes it simply the most played in term of twinks. There are fews in Cataclysm & BC but not that many.. So if a server should release to afford money for the TC.. It should be FIRST a WoTLK. Then regarding to the community release a BC/Cataclysm later(tl;dr previous point makin a Non official TC in every expansion)
But.. But Blizzard is goin to shut us down?
Like MvP did say.. Only one server got shut down in the last 10y.. and it was Nostalrius.. Why ? Because alot of big streamers were playin on it like "Sodappopin, Alexsensuals, etc etc" that's the main reason how it got attention by Blizzard. I don't think a small community can get attention of those guy (not right now) and like MvP said we can only host it in russia. Like many other servers did.
So.. There is no risk at all.
So this was my point of view. I hope you guys will find it interesting. I don't have the perfect english, but I think I'm easily understandable
ps; do not want to flame but what ALLYBEBOBA said.. I think he's stupid.. Isn't he ?
Peace !