/!\ Postponed Labor (EU) looking for premades /!\

postponed (spam, gm of the guild) told me that gy camping is kind of a tactic they choose and play to keep the horde away from their flag.

i mean he is right, when we would talk about a premade. but this "tactic" , using in an RND WSG (LOL) does only destroy the bracket especially the motivation queueing for the next wsg's.

and it's funny.. they do only queue in a 5man group and more... it's sad i think

ps: sry maybe for bad english
Right.... just finished a wsg with Squidgy and Mezzjuc.

played vs The french I.E 4 members from <postpone labour> and they where GY camping after 2 flag caps. Im very tempted to call off the premade. Seeing as we will only premade vs respectable guilds.

You made GY farmers want to specifically GY you; well done.

Yeah cuz there are soooo many serious 19-twink guilds Horde side EU that wants to premade you...sure..

BLNT isn't even premading I think, and I can't almost of any guild who would play against GY-campers.


Who cares whether or not they GY farm in pugs.

If you're in a Guild like Atoma, surely you'd want to Premade vs other Premades, no?


Being fucking pissy bitches=No premades

For the love of god, can't people show some testicular fortitude, for the sake of premading.

The level of fucking retardation in this thread is horrendous.

pourquoi ne pas vous laisser le cimetière et la finition de votre minet?

english: why dont you leave the gy and finish off your twink?


Stop, just stop.

1k rating 3v3 1.6k in 2v2

He has 2.2k 3v3 Achievement, slow down.

<3 drama. From the looks of things, the french act and appear to be simpletons.

I'm not some defender of the french here, I agree that GY farming in Pugs is fucking stupid.

But all of you, choosing bitching and making absolutely no scrap of indifference in their mind, instead of choosing to premade and possibly getting a good, fun couple of games/Bo3; is just pathetic.

Don't even think of replying with "DAWH DEY WILL FARM US IN PREMADE".
Lol Llare why are you so butthurt when we talk down on the french guys? only speaking the truth.

Who cares whether or not they GY farm in pugs.

I do, it destroys the very little good we have left of this other so boring and bursty bracket.

If you're in a Guild like Atoma, surely you'd want to Premade vs other Premades, no?

I can't speak for Atoma, but if I were in their seat I would never ever play against a official GY-farming guild.

And sorry for not understanding their retarded foreign language, kind of hard browsing there when everything is in French. Still, 2.2 isn't like impossible lol especially when your 2v2 consists of a resto shammy lol and you got a frost mage in your 3v3.
You made GY farmers want to specifically GY you; well done.

Who cares whether or not they GY farm in pugs.

If you're in a Guild like Atoma, surely you'd want to Premade vs other Premades, no?


Being fucking pissy bitches=No premades

For the love of god, can't people show some testicular fortitude, for the sake of premading.

The level of fucking retardation in this thread is horrendous.

Stop, just stop.

He has 2.2k 3v3 Achievement, slow down.

I'm not some defender of the french here, I agree that GY farming in Pugs is fucking stupid.

But all of you, choosing bitching and making absolutely no scrap of indifference in their mind, instead of choosing to premade and possibly getting a good, fun couple of games/Bo3; is just pathetic.

Don't even think of replying with "DAWH DEY WILL FARM US IN PREMADE".

if they dont wonna play gy farming kids why are you trying to talk them into it?

i dont care what atoma or the french do nor should you, but if you or any of these other guys think they'll stick to any sort of rule system then you must of never played them before.

rules are like pie crust made to be broken

edit: its all are right to care if they gy farm nothing kills queues quicker thats why most of the guilds in the old blackout bg banned it, main reason i wish we could go bk to blackout only bg's
Lol Llare why are you so butthurt when we talk down on the french guys? only speaking the truth.

I'm butthurt that people're throwing away real opportunities to premade.

I do, it destroys the very little good we have left of this other so boring and bursty bracket.

This thread is about premades, not PuGs.

I can't speak for Atoma, but if I were in their seat I would never ever play against a official GY-farming guild.

The only competition they, or any Horde guild can have for a while are French Ally Premades, who GY farm in PuGs. Premades>No premades.

And sorry for not understanding their retarded foreign language, kind of hard browsing there when everything is in French. Still, 2.2 isn't like impossible lol especially when your 2v2 consists of a resto shammy lol and you got a frost mage in your 3v3.

You were wrong, man up and accept this; and stop typing dumb things.

if they dont wonna play gy farming kids why are you trying to talk them into it?

Because they'd be retarded not to.

I, Vudlig and Brosmash with bad randoms beat a 9man Atoma premade, they need practice. They can get practice this way.

i dont care what atoma or the french do nor should you, but if you or any of these other guys think they'll stick to any sort of rule system then you must of never played them before.

They stated their premade rules, and they made no inclination they would GY farm in Premades.

master yoda' timestamp='1319392588' post='344465 said:
edit: its all are right to care if they gy farm nothing kills queues quicker thats why most of the guilds in the old blackout bg banned it, main reason i wish we could go bk to blackout only bg's

Yes, so do I. No proper players on English speaking realms condone GY farming, it's always been this way.

But all we have now is WSG, so retards need to man up and start premading.
I'm note sure that all you guys said will have a real impact on our gameplay, GY camp is nothing else than the logical consequence of the dominion of one of the teams in a battleground. Even if you'r not agree with that, the only way to change our gameplay is to have a good team against us.

You really shouldn't have posted this.

Inc shit/ragestorm.

I'll put it politely on behave of non GY farmers on English speaking realms.

If the WSG is bad enough that you can assume the role of dominance and GY farming, then what's the incentive for the geared/skilled Enemy players to requeue? There is none, they risk getting awful teams, and getting farmed to the point where they can't even leave GY.

So they stop queuing.

Don't you want competitive PuGs?
You really shouldn't have posted this.

Inc shit/ragestorm.

I'll put it politely on behave of non GY farmers on English speaking realms.

If the WSG is bad enough that you can assume the role of dominance and GY farming, then what's the incentive for the geared/skilled Enemy players to requeue? There is none, they risk getting awful teams, and getting farmed to the point where they can't even leave GY.

So they stop queuing.

Don't you want competitive PuGs?

You should read what i already said about french servers. It's isn't like english servers, when a warsong proc on french side, it's because a team have queued. There is no enough pick up to make proc a warsong, we're obliged to play in team. And when we're in team, we dominate battleground (if we don't play against another team what arrives almost never). Even if we don't camp GY, we'll kill you 20m or 30m after it, what's the difference ? What returns us to : tag in team, or premades ?
I'm butthurt that people're throwing away real opportunities to premade.

This thread is about premades, not PuGs.

The only competition they, or any Horde guild can have for a while are French Ally Premades, who GY farm in PuGs. Premades>No premades.

You were wrong, man up and accept this; and stop typing dumb things.

Because they'd be retarded not to.

I, Vudlig and Brosmash with bad randoms beat a 9man Atoma premade, they need practice. They can get practice this way.

They stated their premade rules, and .they made no inclination they would GY farm in Premades

Yes, so do I. No proper players on English speaking realms condone GY farming, it's always been this way.

But all we have now is WSG, so retards need to man up and start premading.
its still there choice if they wonna play them not yours or mine, they made no inclination they would GY farm in Premades?

I'm note sure that all you guys said will have a real impact on our gameplay, GY camp is nothing else than the logical consequence of the dominion of one of the teams in a battleground. Even if you'r not agree with that, the only way to change our gameplay is to have a good team against us.

in other words we do it cause we can so f**k you all, so if i start a guild of pallys hunters and priest and are tacs are to camp you tell we cap 3x anyone wonna premade it?

also i've played vs papawemba i dont care if he's r1 on every class in wow he's trash on that twink we all know it now its been said.

i'm out this is a long road to nowere <3
its still there choice if they wonna play them not yours or mine, they made no inclination they would GY farm in Premades?

in other words we do it cause we can so f**k you all, so if i start a guild of pallys hunters and priest and are tacs are to camp you tell we cap 3x anyone wonna premade it? i'm out this is a long road to nowere <3

Ok for the 1)

2) Nope, our guild is balanced, you can check if you want (i talk about OUR guild)

3) We have make rules about overcheated classes

4) Stop saying always the same thing ?

EDIT : I got the 3v3 achievement with a resto drood, challenge everything
Ok for the 1)

2) Nope, our guild is balanced, you can check if you want (i talk about OUR guild)

3) We have make rules about overcheated classes

4) Stop saying always the same thing ?

EDIT : I got the 3v3 achievement with a resto drood, challenge everything

you just told us you stupid little man that your tacs are gy camp ppl no matter how you try to balance your team its still gonna be the same result ie, ppl trying to play the game you camping them in the gy so they cant do there job so you guys can win and so you guys can have a good laugh in vent about omg we beated dem skrubs.
I'm butthurt that people're throwing away real opportunities to premade.

Ever heard of quality > quantity?

This thread is about premades, not PuGs.

You were the one who started talking bout pugs.

The only competition they, or any Horde guild can have for a while are French Ally Premades, who GY farm in PuGs. Premades>No premades.

False, there are other guilds that could premade, <Ze Germans> for instance, and once again quality > quantity

You were wrong, man up and accept this; and stop typing dumb things.

What were I wrong about? I stated the facts on my screen, I did not say anything about him not having 2.2k achive.

Because they'd be retarded not to.

I, Vudlig and Brosmash with bad randoms beat a 9man Atoma premade, they need practice. They can get practice this way.

Sooo, the best way for (according to you) bad Atoma to find good practice is to face a 10 man team of graveyard ganking french guys?

They stated their premade rules, and they made no inclination they would GY farm in Premades.

Papawemba' timestamp='1319394220' post='344492 said:
I'm note sure that all you guys said will have a real impact on our gameplay, GY camp is nothing else than the logical consequence of the dominion of one of the teams in a battleground. Even if you'r not agree with that, the only way to change our gameplay is to have a good team against us.

You should read what i already said about french servers. It's isn't like english servers, when a warsong proc on french side, it's because a team have queued. There is no enough pick up to make proc a warsong, we're obliged to play in team. And when we're in team, we dominate battleground (if we don't play against another team what arrives almost never). Even if we don't camp GY, we'll kill you 20m or 30m after it, what's the difference ? What returns us to : tag in team, or premades ?

If you GY farm people will stop queuing so you won't get competitive games.

So you might aswell just turn xp on and farm GY there.

in other words we do it cause we can so f**k you all, so if i start a guild of pallys hunters and priest and are tacs are to camp you tell we cap 3x anyone wonna premade it?

You're dumb.

you just told us you stupid little man that your tacs are gy camp ppl no matter how you try to balance your team its still gonna be the same result ie, ppl trying to play the game you camping them in the gy so they cant do there job so you guys can win and so you guys can have a good laugh in vent about omg we beated dem skrubs.

He's talking about his team being balanced for the premade, not for GY farming PuGs.
If u get gy camped in a premade, don't u get kinda outplayed then?
so if some real good rogue out plays you he should keep you in the gy and farm you for 25mins?

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