/!\ Postponed Labor (EU) looking for premades /!\

I dont have high hopes for these guys. two things will happen.

They'll faceroll with OP class's and GY camp or... get ripped by english speaking realm

Spam, Thai and Khoma, to name a few, are players of incredibly high calibur.

Please don't be so naive.

I'd also love to hear what you guys define as map bugs and why you allow only 3 healers.

Perhaps they want to kick the assumption ALL french twinks are carried by a mass amount of healers.

Made me lol
, if by "dominate" you mean carried by healers and hunters ( this applies to ALL french not just lolisa and co).

To perhaps stop silly posts like these ones.

Pay more attention to Papawemba's first post:

- No more than 2 of a class,

- No more than 2 Stealthies (Rogue/Druid),

- No more than 3 healers (shadow priest is considered as a healer)
You sir are incredibly naive.

i want to point out the countless times Boa(thai) and Khoma have been gy farming. i honestly dont give a fuck if they trying to change there image, im still going to have a negative view of them unless proven otherwise and this doesnt mean a 1 off premade where they dont farm. i mean PuGs.

Yes they play over powered class's well, there classed as "baddies" for farming.

On topic: the 2 stealthers and 3 healers rule doesnt make sense. for example if you rolled with a resto druid, they can heal and stealth. which means thats 1 stealth spot and 1 healer spot gone on 1 player. If you want to be more specfic as in "2 rogues/feral druids" or " 3 healing specced class's" that would clear things up.

And who are you Llare? i dont see you suggesting a premade or being any help towards this topic. i know im being a hypocrit. Good day
You sir are incredible naive.

i want to point out the countless times Boa(thai) and Khoma have been gy farming. i honestly dont give a fuck if they trying to change there image, im still going to have a negative view of them unless proven others and this doesnt mean a 1 of premade where they dont farm. i mean PuGs.

Yes they play over powered class's well, there classed as "baddies" for farming.

On topic: the 2 stealthers and 3 healers rule doesnt make sense. for example if you rolled with a resto druid, they can heal and stealth. which means thats 1 stealth spot and 1 healer spot gone on 1 player. If you want to be more specfic as in "2 rogues/feral druids" or " 3 healing specced class's" that would clear things up.

And who are you Llare? i dont see you suggesting a premade or being any help towards this topic. i know im being a hypocrit. Good day

Shh you, I'm tired of seeing you shit talk people in threads.

You're fucking Juno, sit the fuck down.

I'm well aware that they GY farm.

If there's the slightest chance of premading properly EU, THEN YOU PUT ON A FAKE SMILE AND ROLL WITH IT TO MAKE FACE.

It's pretentious idiots like you that stop premades occuring consistently EU.

And it's pretty damn obvious they don't mean Resto Druid, don't ask stupid questions.

They stated 3 healing classes, the only non healing spec being a Shadow Priest.

Use your head.

Look at my sig and take a wild fucking guess. Jesus christ.
never have i played a good french team, you guys stack hunters rogues and healers you premade vs pugs and gy camp while your fc caps when your not set up like that you get out played.

if you guys play a clean game i'll /salute you but not untell.

edit: your so called dominating 5man team got destroyed lastnight vs a total random set up 2 of them afk'd
wow kinda raged much. get off your high horse dude, a couple of words in a forum isnt gona change the 19s bracket nor effect premading.

Chill bro.

P.s your sig means shit to me
wow kinda raged much. get off your high horse dude, a couple of words in a forum isnt gona change the 19s bracket nor effect premading.

Chill bro.

Yes, sit down small son.

If you're in a guild that can premade, and you want to premade, you keep good relations with other guilds that can premade against you, yes? To ensure you can have games against them, yes?

Jesus christ.
Yes, sit down small son.

If you're in a guild that can premade, and you want to premade, you keep good relations with other guilds that can premade against you, yes? To ensure you can have games against them, yes?

Jesus christ.

Nice one

Right, enough of this shit. Where turning out to be like the US.

@Papawemba: Check your inbox.
Right, enough of this shit. Where turning out to be like the US.

You replied to this Thread, about a Guild that's seeking premades, numerous times with nothing but patronising comments and snide jabs.

You owe Papawemba an apology.
If you don't want a thread to turn into US-esque retardation, then think before you post.

It turned bad the moment everyone instantly decided to post their opinions on the matter, which is a shame.

~loverclefhayry destroyin all day errday
keep going guys (fhayr/junoo) I'm cracking out some popcorn, and enjoying this as light entertainment

however i wish that this thread got back on topic, i want to see someone challenge these guys

Spam is good as were alot of other French twinks. Who juno is baffles me, just another shitter who has come to the forefront since any1 else good quit?
Spam is good as were alot of other French twinks. Who juno is baffles me, just another shitter who has come to the forefront since any1 else good quit?

Nah he's one of the top FCs on EU, if you haven't even seen his name you can't have been in the 19 bracket for long.

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