/!\ Postponed Labor (EU) looking for premades /!\

Actually our strat is simple : we'll continue to play in team (we have no choice on this point ), continue to dominate all BG's untill someone react and create a good team to beat us (or not ?).

You can keep saying that you'r better than us Junoo, it's maybe true (or not), but you don't wanna proove it, so... see you in BG
Actually our strat is simple : we'll continue to play in team (we have no choice on this point ), continue to dominate all BG's untill someone react and create a good team to beat us (or not ?).

You can keep saying that you'r better than us Junoo, it's maybe true (or not), but you don't wanna proove it, so... see you in BG

As i said on Real I.D Atoma have nothing to prove and i also said the only reason we wanted to premade was for and i quote " for the lolz". the french on the other hand, you say your not linked with other guilds that maybe so. but every french player in the eyes of english speaking realms are mindless farming bads.

Sooooo my friend, if you want a serious premade from Atoma. tell your buddys to stop gy camping vs pugs and we will.
@Arkant be4 calling other ppl random, take a look at urself lol. And if you're really are naive enough to think that a loss against Atoma will make them stop GY-farming all I can do is /facepalm you.

If you would've had any reading comprehension at all you probably would've understood that no-one really is afraid of getting GY-farmed in a premade.

I call people random when they act like they know everything about the bracket, when they tell that they've been twinking here for such a long time and then come up with some retarded yoda youtube vid when you ask them who they are. Atleast I am not hiding behind a star wars character.

And I never said that you guys are afraid of getting graveyard farmed in a premade, I just tried to point out that it would most likely be a flag focused premade. And I don't see why someone wouldn't want to premade, espacially when you look at the current state of pugs.

it must really pain you not knowing who i am not the 1st time you've wanted to know so here goes


i was around at the start of the blackout transfer and i'll probs be here when the bracket dies and i was twinking way befor that, thats how i can tell twinks from trash now who is your twink, sorry TI names mean f**k all to me

edit: your not that tauren prot pally are you? oh lord

Well, I can't force you to tell me your twinks name, just keep playing your yedi game thing.

And which tauren paladin would that be?
I call people random when they act like they know everything about the bracket, when they tell that they've been twinking here for such a long time and then come up with some retarded yoda youtube vid when you ask them who they are. Atleast I am not hiding behind a star wars character.

And I never said that you guys are afraid of getting graveyard farmed in a premade, I just tried to point out that it would most likely be a flag focused premade. And I don't see why someone wouldn't want to premade, espacially when you look at the current state of pugs.

Well, I can't force you to tell me your twinks name, just keep playing your yedi game thing.

And which tauren paladin would that be?

i dont tell you my name cause

1: it dont matter honestly if i'm right i'm right if i'm wrong call me on it

2: i dont feel the need to make a name for my self

3: it annoys you and like that

hows darkspear btw and change those fiery weap chats <3
Well, you don't have to tell me the reasons you wanna stay "undercover", it's fine for me.

I don't have a tauren paladin by the way, and I got no idea what fiery weapons you are talking about.
Well, you don't have to tell me the reasons you wanna stay "undercover", it's fine for me.

I don't have a tauren paladin by the way, and I got no idea what fiery weapons you are talking about.

you must of changed the chants, hows darkspear though?
i would premade you, 1v10. bring it.
Soon as X-Realm BG groups are possible, I will group with Chill and premade you atoma bastards.


Soon as X-Realm BG groups are possible, I will group with Chill and premade you atoma bastards.



Lets roll. in fact, you can make a team thats 50% frenchies, 50% Atoma, and me and Baldi will premade you and WIN.

-Edit: we have nasty tactics, Baldi will FC and i will heal. i am pro with bandages.

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