Playing a CC Hunter - 5.0.4 - A Guide

MM is really good now that shock isn't super OP

my max crit so far is a 848 on a lvl 24 hpal

1)nobody good is going to let you get a 3 second cast off

2) f2p priests can chirp away 1200 life in approx 5 seconds with a lifeblood penance/hfire/smite.

3)Imagine howmuch those p2p enchanted ones can hit,i wasnt able to calculate but the shadow priests devouring plague still crits for upwards to 1000.Thats with 40% resilience. Truly the ''only'' damaging class atm
And they still have infinite mana and 1300 dmg shields ontop of that.
1)nobody good is going to let you get a 3 second cast off

2) f2p priests can chirp away 1200 life in approx 5 seconds with a lifeblood penance/hfire/smite.

3)Imagine howmuch those p2p enchanted ones can hit,i wasnt able to calculate but the shadow priests devouring plague still crits for upwards to 1000.Thats with 40% resilience. Truly the ''only'' damaging class atm
And they still have infinite mana and 1300 dmg shields ontop of that.

i am getting them off about 90% of the time.... people coming in close doesn't stop it and if you don't keyboard turn you can just turn if they go behind you... CC is the only way to stop it, and alot of people in this bracket don't use their CC.

if you can't get them off then your setup is wrong...
i am getting them off about 90% of the time.... people coming in close doesn't stop it and if you don't keyboard turn you can just turn if they go behind you... CC is the only way to stop it, and alot of people in this bracket don't use their CC.

if you can't get them off then your setup is wrong...

It's not their setup is wrong, but that the other teams is right.
2) f2p priests can chirp away 1200 life in approx 5 seconds with a lifeblood penance/hfire/smite.
Priests shouldn't even be using holy fire, it hits for less than smite and has a .5 second longer cast time.
Smart people kill a hunter pets now, as it diminishes our cc's 2/3.
I tried marks again for the first time since mana and arrows, did not like it and switched back to survival after three games. The best thing about hunters imo is our ability to run and gun.

Personally I think hunters got a buff from the patch its just that the 40% pvp reduction changes the dynamic between healing and dps.

Overall there is just less killing when I compare screenshots of scores from before and after the patch. And the horde win more.
I found that resilience in this bracket reduces farming a lot. Sure you have the really bad games where a bunch of priests will sit at your graveyard for the duration of the fight leaving no survivors, but it's no where near as bad as pre-patch where 3/5 games would end that way.

On my hunter I play primarily beast mastery because it helps me take out those pesky casters which are the only classes that give us problems. I just don't find myself using Kill Command as much as I'd like. The 6 Second CD and large focus dump are really off putting, I tend to use arcane shot a lot more because armor doesn't effect spell damage, where as armor+resilience+focus cost/CD makes Kill Command very undesirable.

My rotation is generally Hunter's Mark, Serpent Sting, Arcane Shot forever. I use Kill Command on mages and priests when their bubble is down because it can keep them playing defensive, and for locks because it keeps them fearing which I can just interrupt forever (warlock damage/cc hurts, have to keep them on the defensive).

I never find myself stopping to Steady Shot, the enhanced mobility of most of the classes in this bracket pretty much focus starves hunters but it's not like we can be killed by melee classes anyway. If anything it just drags out fights that we'll win anyway.

I've been messing around with survival. Explosive shot's pretty attractive because it ignores armor and is one of the only hunter abilities that can steadily hit for over 200 damage in exchange for minimal resources and can help you result in 600-800 focus dumps which will allow you to solo almost any generic priest/druid in this bracket. But seeing as this expac has encouraged players in the bracket to play as groups beast mastery remains the specialization for me as the extra stun provides the utility needed to get the job done where as Survivals Offensive pressure is limited in an environment where your opponents actually work together.

All and all I'm pleased with hunters and the new play styles we've had to adapt to. And flavors that rolled priest/paladin are really missing out on a challenging class that can reshape the playing field in a bracket that currently needs game changers instead of the previous expansion where one simply shouted "Kill it. Kill it with fire.".
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Alright I need help on this macro:

/cast [pet:Spider] Web; [pet:Monkey] Bad Manner; [pet:Bird of Prey] Snatch; [pet:Moth] Serenity Dust

Now this first macro works perfectly, but, When I try to put this in for a focus macro, I'm having trouble.

/cast [pet:Spider][@focus] Web; [pet:Monkey][@focus] Bad Manner; [pet:Bird of Prey][@focus] Snatch; [pet:Moth][@focus] Serenity Dust
Try it with [pet:Spider,@focus] etc.
GL :)
This build is absolutely, unarguably, worthless. 200 hp doesn't make your CC any better. You can maintain just as much control, while sustaining DPS in a balanced build. Hunter DPS is among the strongest in the bracket, behind Balance, Rogues, and Prot Paladins. The extra stamina isn't going to matter with the amount of inherent survivability hunters bring to the table. This gear style will do nothing but gimp you. In the long run, the extra health won't make you last any longer if you have a competent healer. And if you play a pure support class without heals on your team, you're doing it wrong. I highly advise everyone to continue gearing like they did in cata, only differing to take MORE offensive stats, to maximize damage. /thread
Has anyone actually followed this guide?? I'm not going to ask if this guide has helped anyone be successful since with that gear idk how its possible. Stamina isn't going to help a hunt at all. 200 more stamina vs a 1.7k healer is going to gimp ANY chance you have of beating it instead of stacking agi/dmg.

Should be called Playing a FC Hunter - 5.0.4 - A Guide as that is the only thing this gear set would be helpful for.

Welcome to 5.0.4. If you play a Hunter, I'm sure you've noticed that you now suck at the class. It's as if the patch magically removed all the skill you've earned from playing a hunter! Just kidding, you probably sucked. Now, lets show you how to play the NEW hunter - A pure CC cannon in the F2P bracket with DPS support.

Find it ironic people have this quoted on sigs and the way you worded it.. I'll reply with mine: If you play a Hunter geared how Thirk told you to gear in his guide, I'm sure you've noticed that you now suck at the class. It's as if replacing 6 agi for 1 stamina magically removed all the skill you've earned from playing a hunter! Just kidding, the gear guide probably sucked. Now, lets show you how to play the NEW hunter correctly- A pure DPS class with CC capabilities.
Should be called Playing a FC Hunter - 5.0.4 - A Guide as that is the only thing this gear set would be helpful for.

This build is absolutely, unarguably, worthless...

To be fair, this was written just as the pre-patch came out, where DPS classes were absolutely, inarguably worthless. Given the time it was written, the gearing suggestions weren't that off-base.

Healing has been toned down (still not enough yet, but...), and the OP wasn't updated to reflect those changes.

It's all good!
sorry for my broken english

can you link correct macros
/cast roar of sacrafice

and you can use scatter + dismiss pet + call pet 2 + use pet2 CC = 2-3 sec CC of you target

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