EU+US Players you respect.

Non-fotm scum, non-Jaja's and non-peasant's.

Idiote's okay I guess, only rank 1 rank 2 and rank 4 though now for druid on US... nub.
Jetlife's alright, has an okay mog and rank 1 mage on US... along with some other good twinks.
My BG Hero homies Stam, Knewbie and idk maybe some other people who are consistently game changers.
That one pally with the sex purple transmog... Ugpay Ordlay?

Everyone else... well the bracket's cancer.
I'll always respect my friends the most so like Dhenurd & Mol mostly atm but there are alot of good talented players and players with awesome attitude. I have to give a respect to Htag for the effort he is putting into trying to improve his guild wargame wise since I'm a wargame fan. Also a shoutout to Nodoka for being himself and being a good friend aswell.
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anyone with significant/extraordinary consistent success on class/specs with negligible playerbase compared to what the majority of 20-29 plays.

people who can play those specs & be more useful in their pvping than if their slot were replaced for an OP/fotm
No Order here they're all qts Eht, Fael, Kahr, Original, Livingcaaaaaant, Deejbb, Genoha, Burg, Tence(My OG Brother R.I.P), Manny
honorable mentions: scope, WizK, Flynn, Bop, Oldspike,
Arrow Yogi Cheeser Milesdyson
(Sorry if I didn't mention one of the same 10 us players everyone else did slurp slurp slurp)
I don't play the fotm faction enough to play with everyone I guess.
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shout out to duo, somfas , dizzy , mikey, tgod, jay , are a few more but i play with these ones more , (rerolls baby)
ppl i respect
Robby the god
Manny the peasant
Bmac the aryan
gokku's noob ass
lluyd pls
Neon for pushing vets
goohd r1 hunt
burg for pushing vets
original, not so much anymore

ppl i look up to in respect:
vegeta, awesome guy not relly known as much
lenny, his a god player and the best attitude and personality of anyone i met in game
albino, god player and scum
bop, god player, his mentality and personality are the finest and who i consider my role model in this certain aspect of gaming

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