EU+US Players you respect.

I respect anyone that play the same class/spec throughout the years (even when their spec is considered underpowered at the time) and those who dont re-roll fotm every patch/xpac.

I play Hpal still and ele. Do i get cookies?
People like Albinocow, Robbyjuana, Manny, and Trialmop. Helping push competitive play for 20s.

A lot more players I respect, way to many to name though.
Deno cuz he brought me into this cancer bracket, much love for that <3.

I also respect Rasjah, messib and Coldlore.


can't be stopped
You can have a cookie, but do you actually play these spec or you just have these classes and play them now and then.

My f2p shaman is usually ele, idk why it's enh. And my vet pal is usually Hpal. Was just playing Thundercleave on my ele endgame ;P.
In MoP Ezeron was a good f2p hunter, hard to keep up with in damage. The rest of ursin boys were overall good people. Ijr was an inspirational feral drood in MoP. In cata my hunter role model was Outtlaw. In WoD it's hard to respect anyone TBH.

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