Pino's f2p Archaeology Guide


Pino's F2P Archaeology Guide
>Now with greentext

OK I am getting a little tired of explaining this to all you chucklefucks, so here’s a quick and dirty guide, I’ll keep it up to date as information becomes available and I'll clean it up and add pictures later.

Document version 1.3, accurate to 12/09/13.

Section 1: What can f2ps get from archaeology?

Archaeology was added to f2p when cata was rolled into the battle chest on October 15, 2013.

Archaeology gives no combat benefit, but it has a few fun cosmetic items, plenty of lore, a title, and 3 more darkmoon tickets per week.

Section 2: OK how do I archaeology?

0: Buy archaeology at any trainer.

1: Head to a digsite, indicated by a shovel on the world map.
>You can guess the race by the name and location of the digsite.

2: Use “survey”. You now have a scope on the ground, with a colored light indicator. The scope points the direction of the fragment, the color indicates the distance.
  1. Red: 80+ yards, direction is very unreliable.
  2. Yellow: 40-80 yards, direction is reliable.
  3. Green: 40 yards or less, direction is precise.
3. Head in the direction indicated and continue surveying until you find a fragment on the ground, until you’ve found all 6 fragments in the digsite.
>Repeat steps 1-3 ad infinitum.

4: Assemble artifacts by opening the archaeology profession in your spellbook, clicking any race that has enough fragments to complete an artifact, then clicking the “solve” button.
  1. Keystones, which drop occasionally alongside fragments, are worth 12 fragments each. Drag and drop these from your inventory into the hexagonal slot in the archaeology frame. There is no good reason to save these – they just take up bag space – so use em if you got em. (Nor is it possible to waste these by going over the cap. Just use them.)
The Archaeology Helper addon is extremely helpful, especially in conjunction with Gathermate 2.

F2P Archaeology caps at 225 skill.

Section 3: How do I farm [Item]?

Look up what race each item corresponds to, and farm digsites of that race. When no more digsites exist for that race, farm other digsites until that race spawns again. There are always exactly 4 digsites per continent, so pick the continent which has more of the race you’re farming (Kalimdor for Night Elf, E.K. for Dwarf), and farm on that continent.

You cannot control what order projects will come in, you just have to keep completing them (within the race) until the rare you want shows up. You cannot control what digsites spawn, except by focusing on a specific continent.

The [Fossilized Raptor] mount is not available to f2ps. You can loot it but it requires lv40 to learn. Sucks.

The "Professor" and "Associate Professor" titles are also not available to f2ps, as there are only 9 rares available and the achievement requires 20.
>The mount and 'Associate Professor' title should both be obtainable by a f2p DK, though the 'Professor' title is unobtainable still.

Troll digsites are entirely unobtainable due to being located only in lv 30+ zones. The game will not place digsites in zones too high for the player to quest in, therefore a level 20 player cannot ever receive a troll digsite.
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Section 4: Obtainable artifacts

It is not possible to get the same rare artifact multiple times, even if the old rare is deleted (therefore, using duplicates to obtain the Professor title is not possible). Common artifacts should not give you a duplicate until all obtainable commons have been found within that race, but common artifacts definitely will start repeating long before you have all the rares.

In total there are 9 obtainable rares and 46 obtainable common artifacts available without the use of a DK.

[Chalice of the Mountain Kings]
[Clockwork Gnome]
[The Innkeeper's Daughter]
(is unobtainable)

[Ancient Amber]
[Fossilized Hatchling]

[Fossilized Raptor]
(obtainable but not usable)

[Pterrordax Hatchling] (is unobtainable)

Night Elf:
[Druid and Priest Statue Set]
[Highborne Soul Mirror]
[Kaldorei Wind Chimes]

[Queen Azshara's Dressing Gown] (obtainable, cannot obviously be equipped)
[Bones of Transformation], and [Wisp Amulet], are known to be unobtainable


Obtainable with F2P DKs only

This information is as yet unconfirmed.


>20s will never find a Troll digsite because none exist in level-appropriate zones. They just never appear.

[Haunted War Drum]
[Voodoo Figurine]
[Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds]
--(unobtainable: 450 skill?)
Troll digsites add an additional 14 common artifacts.

Draenei and Orc

[Arrival of the Naaru]
[The Last Relic of Argas
] (draenei)
[Headdress of the First Shaman]
Draenei and Orc add another 9 and 8 common artifacts, respecitvely.

Section 5: Obtainable Achievements:

This list may be incomplete.
Leave a comment if you earn something not listed.
I Had It in My Hand Title: Assistant Professor
Digger (Diggerer and beyond are unobtainable)
Journeyman and Expert Archaeologist

Total 50 achievement points.

Section 6: Have some maps:

View attachment 3027

View attachment 3028

Maps pilfered from, let's all not go thanking them, else they'll probably DCMA me and make me reconstruct these fuckign things in ms paint.


  • kl-map-600x755.jpg
    13.4 KB · Views: 658
  • ek-map2-486x800.jpg
    10.3 KB · Views: 421
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Change Log:

v1.0 Original guide with many typos and minimal formatting. 10/15/13
v1.1 Added item list, artifact counts, links, and colors.
v1.2 Updated availability of several artifacts, and colors should now be a little more readable against the TI background. 10/16
v1.3 Updated all the formerly uncertain things that are now certain.


Rhae for helping me learn archaeology a couple days before this went live. Good timing.

Felix for knowing the relevant addons, and confirming all of the obtainable artifacts.

Kincaide for catching a rather big error in the wowhead data I was using to check whether items were obtainable. Blame him for your lack of naga forms.

Iegendary for having an ingame conversation with me that pretty much evolved into this guide, and for confirming some of this info by leveling faster than me.

Everyone in f2p chat channel on the day this went live, for annoying me so much that I wrote a guide to point you to instead of typing the same things over and over.

wowdigsite dot com, for having a neat map I stole.
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so why shouldn't we level over 150? can't we find the same shit even if our arch level is higher?

no the digsites available to you are moved to higher level zones when you upgrade your archey(over 150).

also would it be possible for f2p'a with grandfathered dk's to digup and use the raptor mount?
Yay break time from the bad pvp for a few weeks. Questions [MENTION=8646]pinochet[/MENTION]

how rare are the rares?
how rare is the fossil mount?
why can't we learn troll things? Couldn't we just go dig in a lv 50 zone if we wanted or is our cap too low?
is there anything vanity or worth mention in the common artifacts?

thank you :)
Here's a little GUIDE for people who are unaware of search engines.

Open your web browser. go to "" (canada ftw)
Type in "Archaeology guide MoP"
wait, I forgot a step, press the button on your keyboard that says "enter"

Any excuse to make a guide on TI I guess, right?

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