Perfect Premade Setup.

Diiesel said:
#1. H pally on offense is just stupid, ret or go home

I like the setup













This setup would rely on you killing their fc so fast their O doesn't have the time to get past the shaman/mage to stomp the druid.

@Ertai: The reason you have two priests on O is so that one priest can dispel the othes polymorph.

E.g. In a single priest settup, one poly to priest, then a frost nova and thats 8 seconds of nothing, unless the priest trinkets (to repoly), in which case he/she can't for another 5minutes.

@supadrood: Did you run that two lock on O setup against us? :p
no it was me on lock with a retpally rogue hunter warrior priest offense against you guys(revolution right?)

the only time i've gotten to play 2 locks was with <check my swag> for one game and i dont remember who we had filling all the other spots. but because of that game, i've decided having a second fear on offense is way better then a second hunter or warrior.

you could have your offense carry minor recombobulators instead of a bringing a second priest.
stickymitten said:
This setup would rely on you killing their fc so fast their O doesn't have the time to get past the shaman/mage to stomp the druid.

@Ertai: The reason you have two priests on O is so that one priest can dispel the othes polymorph.

E.g. In a single priest settup, one poly to priest, then a frost nova and thats 8 seconds of nothing, unless the priest trinkets (to repoly), in which case he/she can't for another 5minutes.

@supadrood: Did you run that two lock on O setup against us? :p

I'm well aware why people run two Priests. Prodigy/GuP did it all the time and I always thought it was stupid. If you have an offense that actually knows how to play they will be using recombobulators and interrupting the Mage. The Priest can also LoS a signifigant amount of Polys. A Shaman brings so much more to an offense than a second Priest does.
Ertai said:
That's just one of many reasons you're terrible at this game.

Red Text: The only reason to have two Priests on O is if they're both terrible and neither one can do it by themselves.

Hence I'd take a second warrior preferably. But never a shaman.
Ertai said:
What can a second Warrior do that the first one can't?

What can the 2nd hunter in your line up do that the 1st one can't? Are you trying to say doubling down is inefficient? If so, you have some explaining to do yourself.

My thinking comes from an FC perspective; I am more concerned with the double-charge capabilities of a warrior than I am a shaman or extra hunter. Rend bleed effect cuts through armor (and thus serves as the purest form of raw offensive dps), prevents bandage, and cannot be dispelled. Its long duration of 15 secs is also a boon. Warrior charges can also negate terrain advantages since they can charge up hills with ease. And if you're alliance, shadowmeld negates the usefulness of a smart D that can keep warriors in combat. And logistically speaking we know constantly keeping warriors in combat is not a feasible objective. In a bracket where 30 yards is the max range for spells, client->server lag alone prevents spells from getting a warrior in combat before the charge. The only effective means is a hunter pet which you conveniently don't have on D either. Spamstring is the worst enemy of a druid as well and can run most druids oom in just one loop around the base.

Shaman flame shock is dispellable. While ghost wolf is nice, he's not much use if he's ahead of his offense because he's easily cc-able. His totems work best indoors where there is tight quarters, but there's a drawback since GW cannot be used. Do you prize a shaman's spell interrupts? I think a warrior's shield bash, warlock/priest fears and pet stuns are enough. Not to mention any competent defense is going to have a defensive healing shaman, who if they are smart, will be stacking NR and popping magic resistance pots to make a shaman's shocks failsauce. Horde-side specifically, Tauren which are the only druids and the dominant choice for Shaman in WSG have an additional 2% chance to resist Nature spells.

Shaman totems are stationary and defensive in design, as are abilities such as Lightning shield, which is arguably their primary and certainly their most efficient form of dps. Shaman are most vulnerable to CC in the form of polymorph which they will only encounter when they are on offense. Additionally, since they will be in ghost wolf and most likely ahead of the bulk offense, a priest will not be available for dispels. If the hunters with him use a recombob, then they won't have it for the priest. (And with a 5 minute cooldown, liberal use of them is not a wise choice.) On the flip side, the CC they will encounter against an offense while playing D will be fears and slows, which they can negate with tremor totem and GW respectively.

Shaman bring a few cute little tools to the table on an offense, but you're going to have an extremely hard time trying to convince me they are of better use than a warrior.

O shaman are not an optimal choice.
lindenkron said:
People will die when 5 paladins charge in with Divine Prot up, crusader strike slamming and 5 Holy paladins with BoF as well. Thats 12 seconds, and healers. RAWR. POWER

"They bubbled"

"Run back!"

"Bubble's down"

"Everyone, Multi Shot now!"

"Lawl, 5 of them died"

"Multi Shot again!"

"That's the last of em."

"Everyone, Advance"

The fact is that with Divine Prot or BoF, they are still only running as fast a Hunter can go themselves. Hunters can hit from over 40 yards away if specced for it, and the resource change will make it possible to use Multi-shot twice in very short time. On top of that, effect use of Cheetah Aspect puts them at a huge advantage over Paladins still. The Resource Change really doesn't do much to help Paladins vs Hunters. Shaman imo are going to be the big melee class on the playground at 19.

Worst Case Scenario is that Blizz decides to lower the level requirement for Steady Shot to help smooth out the leveling experience, in which case, you'll more or less find yourself right back at square one when it comes to fighting Hunters.
For reference, my favorite set-up in perfect conditions of people knowing wtf to do:













But I need to make some notes, because no team is going to be absolutely perfect; there's always a chink in the chain, so to speak:

If the offense is weak and lackluster in organization, a second priest can be subbed in. You are sacrificing dps in favor of utility and longevity. This promotes a more steady and consistent offense which can just run down the D and eventually kill the EFC--war-of-attrition style.

As for defense, a priest can be subbed in for the hunter. This is assuming they're both equally competent. It's probably just personal preference as there's pros and cons to both set ups. Should be noted though that a subpar hunter on D is going to be pretty useless. And a subpar shaman who can not effectively keep distance and interpret incoming CC's such as fears will need a priest on D with him to aid with the healing load, fears to get melee and hunter pets off and dispels for fears. This would obviously replace the hunter. Additionally, if the FC is weak and not forward-thinking or if the hunter is not very vocal and lacks solid communication skills, the primary bonus of a D Hunter (having tracking) can easily be wiped. If this is the case, a priest would be more optimal.
Painaid said:
For reference, my favorite set-up in perfect conditions of people knowing wtf to do:













But I need to make some notes, because no team is going to be absolutely perfect; there's always a chink in the chain, so to speak:

If the offense is weak and lackluster in organization, a second priest can be subbed in. You are sacrificing dps in favor of utility and longevity. This promotes a more steady and consistent offense which can just run down the D and eventually kill the EFC--war-of-attrition style.

As for defense, a priest can be subbed in for the hunter. This is assuming they're both equally competent. It's probably just personal preference as there's pros and cons to both set ups. Should be noted though that a subpar hunter on D is going to be pretty useless. And a subpar shaman who can not effectively keep distance and interpret incoming CC's such as fears will need a priest on D with him to aid with the healing load, fears to get melee and hunter pets off and dispels for fears. This would obviously replace the hunter. Additionally, if the FC is weak and not forward-thinking or if the hunter is not very vocal and lacks solid communication skills, the primary bonus of a D Hunter (having tracking) can easily be wiped. If this is the case, a priest would be more optimal.

Thankyou Painaid for your solid response and set of justifications, I agree largely with the settup you run, however I feel that a rogue or ret paladin on O really can bring heavy burst at times when its needed. E.g. HoJ, warrior/hunter/lock/priest/pally (some combination of these classes) burn the FC, who has no alternative but trinket if his heals are not strong snough, or health high enough. In the case of a rogue I feel their constant high dps coupled with dispels and/or a HoF paladin really does help, plus they have two interrupts which is really nice when trying to disrupt or even remove the effect of a particularly solid healer.

@Supadrood: Yes, Revolution, I was the D shaman, Stiçky :) Your offense was really nasty, thats why I asked :)
stickymitten said:
Thankyou Painaid for your solid response and set of justifications, I agree largely with the settup you run, however I feel that a rogue or ret paladin on O really can bring heavy burst at times when its needed. E.g. HoJ, warrior/hunter/lock/priest/pally (some combination of these classes) burn the FC, who has no alternative but trinket if his heals are not strong snough, or health high enough. In the case of a rogue I feel their constant high dps coupled with dispels and/or a HoF paladin really does help, plus they have two interrupts which is really nice when trying to disrupt or even remove the effect of a particularly solid healer.

@Supadrood: Yes, Revolution, I was the D shaman, Stiçky :) Your offense was really nasty, thats why I asked :)

If one of the hunters is me why does it even matter wut other classes u use
Reflexes said:
Which one of the reflexes non believers are you? r u like goma, push, real, hass, shortngurly, pizza, zenocide, isolate, or jericho?

I don't judge you because i don't believe you. I judge you because you honestly are bad at playing.
Gregi said:
I don't judge you because i don't believe you. I judge you because you honestly are bad at playing.

Pretty sure I'm the best,

I've heard of level one alts..but like you made a ti acc just to try and troll the greatest there has ever been...That's flattering to say the least..
Reflexes said:
Pretty sure I'm the best,

I've heard of level one alts..but like you made a ti acc just to try and troll the greatest there has ever been...That's flattering to say the least..

stay at your assertion.
Gregi said:
stay at your assertion.

There's mountains of evidence that I am indeed the best player to ever live...

Exhibit A.


Exhibit B.

I'm a master angler.

Exhibit C. I'm seriously just a better player than most people wut do u want from me.
stickymitten said:
Thankyou Painaid for your solid response and set of justifications, I agree largely with the settup you run, however I feel that a rogue or ret paladin on O really can bring heavy burst at times when its needed. E.g. HoJ, warrior/hunter/lock/priest/pally (some combination of these classes) burn the FC, who has no alternative but trinket if his heals are not strong snough, or health high enough. In the case of a rogue I feel their constant high dps coupled with dispels and/or a HoF paladin really does help, plus they have two interrupts which is really nice when trying to disrupt or even remove the effect of a particularly solid healer.

@Supadrood: Yes, Revolution, I was the D shaman, Stiçky :) Your offense was really nasty, thats why I asked :)

Ret pallies and rogues can do damage, yes, but aside from a rogue's sprint, they have zero speed increasing abilities. And the pally can't stealth either. A pally's only form of CC is a stun which can be dispelled. While the two classes can do damage, they are hardly in a position to do that damage for long, since they are so easily CC-able with snares, and simple avoidance since most defenses will be running ahead of the bulk offense where usually rogues and certainly paladins will be at. They are a terrible choice of trappers as well.

Under no circumstance do I see any reason to bring a ret paladin to a premade if there is another class that I previously mentioned of equal skill that is available to go. They do not bring enough to the table. LoH is a defensive spell only. The offense shouldn't be taking the damage to require it unless they are getting wiped, in which case LoH is just a waste of a cooldown. Freedom is not very useful either as it is most certainly going to be dispelled. Not to mention ever since it got nerfed several patches ago, paladins simply haven't been the same class. Paladin damage and CC ability is lackluster and underwhelming in almost every aspect. Your offense will be relying on the CC of your priest, locks, hunter, and warriors, and the dps of your locks, hunters, and warriors, all who are superior to a ret paladin.

As for rogues, they are mostly in the same boat. Sure, they can 'sneak' up on the offense in stealth, but they still can't leave the bulk of their O because without instant-dispels by a very smart priest, they're going to be useless as well because they're so easily CC'd. Their main boon is sap which is one of the best CC's in the game. To repeat, rogues are extremely reliant on dispels by their priest. Otherwise they're just going to get left behind with no way to catch up except via a 3 minute cooldown. And if the D has a hunter back with them like I propose, it's basically lights out for an offensive rogue sadly.

Against certain guilds, and maybe just for shits 'n giggles, I might take two rogues, but never just one. Doubling down on them has sometimes been successful when they can coordinate saps and sprints. But even this is situational, and the thread OP clearly asked for a generic premade set up which having a rogue or ret pally in certainly is not.

And I've honestly never understood the concept of 'burst'. No one is going to 'burst' down the EFC. When the offense usually gets in that mentality, they end up forgetting about the healers because they're too busy tunnel-visioning. I can't even begin to count the number of times GuP offense was guilty of this concept. The goal should be to isolate and wear down the defense, not sneak up on the FC and burst him down real quick. It's not going to happen. The HP-DMG ratio is still a pretty wide margin in the 19 bracket.

Take one of those classes if you want, or perhaps because good players happen to play those classes in your guild, but it certainly won't be an optimal line up. I can't imagine how frustrating it would be to play one. But that's just my $.02 from playing against them in matches.

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