Paid Character services on a F2P very possible.

you speed pot as druid. you opinion is invalided.

it's actually in 5.4's patch notes you have to be a druid to play on spinebreaker, and a healer to be on TN.
just remembered u were following me with ur monk + a shammy + 1-2 more dps and complaining about my pots.

on topic.

im sure the source of the codes are dirty. prolly acuired by false credit card information. if so its 100% fraud.

no i dont.

i play little attention to this bracket. good for you if you feel as if you beat me. ./golf clap. at the end of the day any good druid doesnt need to speed pot.

./end game
Dem hypocritical cripz posts. Do you even read what you're saying?

On topic: I'm very interested as to how these next 24 hours pan out for you guys, keep going EU folks. :)
says the guy playing FotM and 24s.

You talking about urself, amirite?

Werent u ignoring me? pls continue :)

Dem hypocritical cripz posts. Do you even read what you're saying?

On topic: I'm very interested as to how these next 24 hours pan out for you guys, keep going EU folks. :)

Yes, why do you ask?
i have the option to view ignored posts. and stop dodging posts. you play FotM class's and 24s and trying to turn it around on me? either answer said post or dont even bother turning this around on me. atleast i play endgame/19s/70s aswell as my 21 on the odd occasion. i dont play f2p every day of my life you appear to. but please feel free to twist my words and manipulate this post in any way you can you to make me look bad and avoid the clear indication you cant play up (under powered) class's and you're entire ego stems from play f2p.

SOOO please play end game, get like 2k in 2s and come back to me, otherwise whatever you say is classifed as bullshit as you havent played passed 20 and yet you feel the need to accuse me of "LOL PLAYING 24s cause its easy".

Reply to said. you sad act.
Okie dokie.

says the guy playing FotM and 24s.

Im not playing 24s.
Last few weeks havent really played "FotM"(or even played wow), everytime i log is on my warrior to do dailys and couple bgs.

You talking about urself, amirite?

Werent u ignoring me? pls continue :)

What i meant with this is you play 24-20 p2p and FotM, so why are u throwing stones at my rooftop when ur rooftop is made of glass.

Hope u understand it :)

i have the option to view ignored posts. and stop dodging posts. you play FotM class's and 24s and trying to turn it around on me? either answer said post or dont even bother turning this around on me. atleast i play endgame/19s/70s aswell as my 21 on the odd occasion. i dont play f2p every day of my life you appear to. but please feel free to twist my words and manipulate this post in any way you can you to make me look bad and avoid the clear indication you cant play up (under powered) class's and you're entire ego stems from play f2p.

SOOO please play end game, get like 2k in 2s and come back to me, otherwise whatever you say is classifed as bullshit as you havent played passed 20 and yet you feel the need to accuse me of "LOL PLAYING 24s cause its easy".

Reply to said. you sad act.

u still view and reply to my posts, so u decided to ignore me to tell me about it just to flex ur epeen.

I dont play f2p or wow everyday of my life, sorry to disappoint you if u were looking for something in common.

I dont need to make you look bad, u do that all by urself.

I do play underpowered classes, and sorry if im just a f2p and it isnt enough for you.

Sorry to disappoint you once again but ive played pass lvl20.

"LOL PLAYING 24s cause its easy" ive never said that.
And playing 24 may be + OP but has higher skill cap.

If u want that bad for me to play at lvl90 and get high arena ranting.
Why dont u buy me all expansions and sub?

OMFG another cripz-junno flaming/trolling/derailing discussion :O
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This morning, someone who used this messaged me and told me their account got locked, so I called Blizzard on their behalf, and I told the guy on the phone, "a friend gave me the key to upgrade my account and now my account is locked" When he says, whats happened is there has been a payment issue ask him if he can downgrade it back to a trial account until you can buy the full version yourself. I got put on hold for 2 minutes and he came back and told me he has unlocked the account and their was a payment issue with the code, so if this happens to you call blizzard on skype on with the UK ext with is 44 08000288246
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guys this isnt rift, invalid payment = ban.. invalid payment for one character service (Faction change, change the realm) = the character gets locked..invalid payment for the whole account = the account gets locked untill you pay the service with a valid payment.. please TI community, use your brain.. only 1 time
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guys this isnt rift, invalid payment = ban.. invalid payment for one character service (Faction change, change the realm) = the character gets locked..invalid payment for the whole account = the account gets locked untill you pay the service with a valid payment.. please TI community, use your brain.. only 1 time
I don't think you understand, when the bchest fails your account downgrades back to F2P, like it did for me and 2 others, however I got 1 person message me this morning about a lock, I called Blizzard on his behalf and it was sorted within 10 mins and the guy on the phone downgraded it, because the payment "failed"

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