Oh my gawd! ><

possibly for noob hunters but changing over aspects with a decent twink hunter could get you one daze... if ur lucky. and with the druids travel form... druids will be able to fc, dps, heal, cc. 4 twinks in one :O snap

im thinking since all lvl 20 abilities are being pushed down to 19's no reason rogues shouldnt get poisons and same for other classes such as:




ROGUES: POISONS and hopefully vanish






Seems like its going into the direction of brining down some lvl 20 spells to 19's. If this does happen will be quite a huge change possibly good and bad things could happen. Would make the 19 bracket alot more dynamic and interesting... or result in alot of things being unbalanced... any thoughts?

also brining in 29 bracket mounts and stuff sorta moving the brackets upward like 19>29 ,29>39, 39>49, 49>59, 59>69, 69>79, ***(79>89)
Stealthbot said:
im thinking since all lvl 20 abilities are being pushed down to 19's no reason rogues shouldnt get poisons and same for other classes such as:

Would be nice - but it seems they are primarily focused on getting from point A to point B in faster times to ease the pains of leveling. I wouldn't count on many offensive abilities coming available to other classes at 19.
ya :p that was the other thing *cry. seems like they are preparing for releasing a new level cap some time soon? by introducing new means of transport so that lvling will become easier
Naturaltalnt said:
Or they are getting desperate to keep there customers.

If people get bored at 80 whats a good way to keep people playing? make it easier to level that other class/spec you always desired to.

could be with the new mmo's coming out shortly like starwars and other shit blizzard getting desperate :O
This game is getting so watered down its not even funny.. i cant even remember the last time i saw Ice Lord in AV, Everyone just wants quick games, honor or not.

Leveling was supposed to be hard, its always been that way. you were supposed to feel rewarded when you got to level 40 and you were one of the cool kids with a mount.. now it's going to be like an afterthought, not a goal.

I want a new warcraft but nothing but warcraft does a mmo like warcraft.. if that makes any sense..
I can see the AOTC making badly played huntards easier to kill, and well played hunters near impossible to down.

/agreed. kiting hunters will be so annoying with eagle eye.
Hmm... Nice changes, especially for rogu... wait a minute...:confused:

Ah well, I guess 19 is pretty much ruined now. Hunters are already unkillable if played well. Now huntards who just can remember and knows when to switch between AotH and AotC will probably be killing any class and spec at 19. Druids also... "I'm out of range" <name> casts <healing spell> *Full hp once agian*. Meh... wtb poisons at 19. :(
Hmm, roll a shammy healer or drood healer for arena. Im leaning towards the sham but doubt if i will spec for GW.
I plan to still play my mage daily -- however you will see her now with a lot more crowd control than spell power. I believe (with my guild at least) my glass cannon days are done, they will probably want me officially frost spamming frost bolts to slow people down in our pre-mades.
Druids: Will once again be your worst nightmare.

Shamans: Underplayed and hard to master already, I anticipate no affect.

Hunters: Will be indefinitely dazed. If a heavy breeze blows, you get dazed. >.> I anticipate no affect for most players.
Dietz said:
Druids: Will once again be your worst nightmare.

Shamans: Underplayed and hard to master already, I anticipate no affect.

Hunters: Will be indefinitely dazed. If a heavy breeze blows, you get dazed. >.> I anticipate no affect for most players.

biggest change, rogues now useless.

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