Oh my gawd! ><

This change is perfect for me and my friends, we happen to have a druid/hunter/shammy squad that will become so much better because of this.
HAH I get travel form now.

What now Ed.

scrub <3

i dont understand all the qqing about rogues. Most rogues who cant take down the oppenent in < 10-25 seconds wont be taking them down. 1v1 rogues can easily come out on top against every class except hunters its just that most people suck at playing them. Offensively it just means you need to save your sprints and blow your cd's at the correct time.
fuck this game canceled
Ok, for one thing, blizz has to care about twinks a little bit or else they would have let that darkmoon rewards/enti's/450 proffs BS slide.

Now, these changes are not set in stone, and no-one knows if any other classes will be getting cool stuff as well. However unlikely, it is possible.

If it turns out that this stuff will go live, then make a druid named "herbowhore" and go piss some people off with your uber 1337 flag running skillz.
i jut can't wait to see 99% of bad huntards with AotC constantly on getting dazed while i chew them up.
Well, my pally just got a lil more useless:D:D

Don't care about the hunters change...I see a lot of hunters that don't know their class. IMO the AotC is another stun for all classes.

The druid I'm not that worried about either. It's fun, running around fast, but dmg-wise they aren't that strong. I doubt that i gonna be killed by a druid.

BUT.....The shammy's are gonna be a problem. They are way stronger then everyone always thinks. Still wondering why noone else ever makes one.. As said on the original post. Imagine a shaman, running to a few yards in front of ya, dropping totems.......

I'm not even gonna mention the dmg...Gonna be hard to withstand..:D

Well, back to fishing on the Dr00d
Well, we have to wait and see about further changes, ...but...I personally think that Blizzard will not really attend to the case of BG 19 and balance it again.

There are some reasons that special abilities like poisons are introduced in the latter game and not in the beginning, there has to be a learning curve, plus there would have to be certain talent changes that would also effect the endgame content. SO, i don't think will we get our means to be on top of the food chain again, my good rogues. One thing is clear: if these changes go live and nothing else changes, it will be the bracket of three classes and the others will be there only to add some color to the BG and look nice, ...but from a distance.
Holy shit it's funny to see how crazy people get about changes that haven't even happened yet. L2adapt or find a different game.

I'm not sure who all these shitty rogues you guys play with are, but I'm willing to bet I will be far from useless post 3.2.
Well, of course the roles of the classes will change, for example we might see a more stealthy approach in rogues in the future (though Hunters excel in fc-killing due to speed) and even the tactics might change, for example defense might get much more important. But it is fact, that some classes are now much harder to kill on the field. I suppose it will be the task to keep them away from the flagposts.
Pfew, really wonder how this will work out,

the classes affected are strong now as it is..

To counter post-patch teams heavy of Shamans and Druids,

the opposing team will want to have more snares and control;

- CC-specced and HP topped mages,

- Warriors,

- Rogues sap ( not often enough used imo, a great CC if placed well ),

- Priests dispelling Earthbind, Ghost Wolf, Entangling Roots,

- Paladin's BoF,

- Warlock fear + placing damage on fleeing people, keeping pressure

when you just can't stop that druid from taking a distance.

I mean, to abandon your current class is abit early to shout I guess,

but yeah it will be horrible to play against a player experienced with

any of the buffed classes.

I know my Shaman will be hated, never felt the need for a buff

in this state of the class..
It isn't so sure that de druid will be cheated !

Imagine if the travelform costs 200 mana... It will be useless in arena, because the mana regeneration is to weak :s

But if the travelform costs around 50-100 mana, there will be a big gap between the classes :s
Good point Mamytwink, but it seems to be your second suggestion >< Travel Form costs 13% base mana at level 30 (I am assuming it will stay like this at level 16)

A level 19 TAUREN druid has 574 base mana, making travel form cost about 75 mana

A level 19 NIGHT ELF druid has 649 mana, making travel form cost about 84 mana.

Hmm...think it's time to roll a druid for fun tiems? Keeping my mage of coarse, CC is always loved :D
my 39's travel form (talents included) costs about 80ish mana. it's like less than a half of what cat and bear forms cost (both also affected by the talents, at about 200ish mana)
Yea priests can dispel ghost wolf. I see these changes affecting pugs more than premades, in premades the fc will usually live until he has debuff. Hunters having cheetah, wow that just makes them amazingly op now. i might have to lvl one up in place of my priest.
First of all, there are far more bad hunters out there than good. AoTC is going to bork a lot of them.

Second, the effect of AoTC is a daze, not a stun.(think snare)

Third, AoTC is a self buff. Not group (that's Aspect of the Pack)

Flag running/resto druids are going to be a nightmare. No way to slow them down, and no way to keep up. Even hunters chasing them down will have a hard time, if the D has half a brain.

PS...I heard talks of a Cheetah Major Glyph that removes the Daze effect. 0.o

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