Oh my gawd! ><

you guys dont understand if you say hunters will get more op because of this and even worse if they didn'T have the daze effect.

may it be shaman, druids or hunters we all lose osmething while in those forms.

we lose DPS. those who will say otherwise never played those classes to begin with or just never understood how those aspects were working. its quite simple... AotC wont be of any use cause of its daze effect, thus it will be used only from the gy to the battlefield. or on lucky occasion where you are fighting a warrior who you were already kiting like mad. but a shaman on the other hand will just ghostwolf run away and kite you with ease. same for a druid. why because they have no drawbacks.

so its ok for shamans and druids to become unkillable, but its not for hunters ?

seriously, i just laugh at the lack of logics in many of you !

well played against well played, its already hard for people to get a druid to drop the flag. much like how it is for a paladin and those who say it needs its mana back... well against an FC druid or pally, we need to be like 5 on them to stop them and that's right now without any patch. their mana they regain while they are walking, intellect gives them more mana regene and i dont know if you ever tryed this... but its quite easy to regen the mana for a form change. its not like it was taking 400 mana to switch !

i tell you, i see long drawn outs games in the future !

just because those druids will be running away with almost no people able to follow.

of course the exception always exists... we'll see a lot of wanna be druids thinking they are the shit and just never switching to travel form !

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