Oh my gawd! ><

Tempting to try and man it out on my new rogue project but then again it could just be a waste of time and money. Maybe ill just stick with my plan to roll a dr00d
I was planning on leveling another hunter for the Medivh guild for soloing anyhow. Really really really would like to see tho how my rogue holds up in premades. All these years I havn't quit on the class, this is no different. May transfer my druid now tho.... mmmm BoAssss
Beastly said:
Holy shit it's funny to see how crazy people get about changes that haven't even happened yet. L2adapt or find a different game.

I'm not sure who all these shitty rogues you guys play with are, but I'm willing to bet I will be far from useless post 3.2.

Heh, Sup beastly. I used to play against you when my rogue "Diiesel" was "Genocide" on Vek alliance side. Thats actually where he was created. We had some good duels back then. It was when everyone was sporting dual Meadow rings of Eluding. Goodtimes, -Diiesel
ill prolly make a shammy. they're not hard to do and they're pretty effective even without ghostwolf, but damn if i hate shammy v shammy.
as a warrior, everyone of these new speed updates scares the living hell out of me....and i doubt 29 will be any better with mounts....49 time? :\ maybe ill just go vanilla and stick 60s :D

If they make that Cheetah glyph for no daze ill be pissed, Some really bad player that has a large shareholder position in Blizzard must play a 19 hunter or something cause they always upgrade then give the hunter mechanics an excuse to play the class like a n00b.

Ghost wolf is OP. I dont really need the extra movement, but i cant wait to see my shaman as a badass wolf model, i might just run around the first wsg in ghost wolf popping LB,Naruu,EB Totems,AGM and see if they can kill me.
User said:
i might just run around the first wsg in ghost wolf popping LB,Naruu,EB Totems,AGM and see if they can kill me.

and i will be the one pointing and spamming lolz on you after i dispell spam it all away
I think too many people are forgetting how much happens after both sides have the flag. You can't ghostwolf inside. If you are outside when the flags are in the bases you are not assembled well on offence or are farming GY.

Druids are going to be really scary. I stopped my priest project as soon as I heard the news and am working on a druid now. I had all my gear and 225 herb on the priest but thank goodness I didn't equip my BOEs :)
ok so with the new changes to druid travel form AND the new designs they are doing to the colors of the druids in cat and bear form ive fallen in love with my druids...im now lvling my druid all day and the one is at lvl 28 right now and the one im making a twink out of is lvl 8 and ill lvl him more once i get the other BOA items for him. But im hoping i can get my druid to 80 roughly quickly so i can have him as my new feral druid main :-D.
User said:
If they make that Cheetah glyph for no daze ill be pissed, Some really bad player that has a large shareholder position in Blizzard must play a 19 hunter or something cause they always upgrade then give the hunter mechanics an excuse to play the class like a n00b.

Ghost wolf is OP. I dont really need the extra movement, but i cant wait to see my shaman as a badass wolf model, i might just run around the first wsg in ghost wolf popping LB,Naruu,EB Totems,AGM and see if they can kill me.

if....big if, they make a glyph of the cheetah, it won't last long and would probably be axed like glyph of the monkey.

hunters have their OP sunshine in 19 and 29 brackets, overall it starts fading fast. by the time they hit 59+ they are mage, DK, palidan, etc. candy.

blizz claims their changes are for endgame, but from many recent patches, that is questionable. their actions show at times that they are concerned about fair game play, etc. however they also show that they don't test the results of their changes in PVP at any level. PTR is mostly used to discover glitches, bugs, etc. after wotlk they rolled hunter pet abilities down to 19 and 29 brackets that once were not seen until the 39 bracket..........slows, stealth/prowl, stuns, netting/pinning, etc. this has given hunters a third slow/stop making them kite kings in 19/29 while other classes received nothing to counter this.

i agree with your stance on some blizz employees are playing 19 hunters but are also playing druids and shamans. to move AoC, TF and GW for 4 levels when cheap mounts follow makes no sense. obviously they haven't considered the PVP affects of their changes.

to keep things fair imo blizz needs to move to lvl-16:

- blink for mages

- intercept for warriors

- mild crippling poison for rogues

- judgement of justice for palidans

- sucubus for warlocks

- mind flay for priests

these changes would make PVP fair for 19+ pvp.

blizz moved the mounts to 20/40 to help players quest up. hunters, druids, and shaman had a speed buff before they reached 40 in pre-BC. it was a class bonus, now at 16 it's a lesser bonus, but this is maybe how blizz thinks they are somewhat preserving the bonus?
tbh there will never necessarily be one true form of "fair" pvp. there's always something. i mean there are so many factors...spec, level, gear, race, and class.

one thing i do know is that regardless of what class a person chooses, if they gear it right and play it to it's potential they can be gamebreaking in pretty much any close game.
the only truly fair pvp would be if everyone was the same class with all the same gear and weapons, and that would get boring. to play a game liek this you have to learn to use your class to your advantage.
SOOO, pallies get HoF nerf making them fairly obsolete flag carriers especially now with this icing on the cake drood/shaman buff. IMO 19 is going to be pretty stupid now.
unfortunetly, hunters dont get squat from this !

you'll be dazed most of them time you'll be using this, the 30% speed i'd use to get away but it won't happen.

as for ghostwolf and travel form... they are too op considered their advantage !

i always wondered why druids and shamans have a completely no restriction travel form while we hunter have a major drawback on it with even less speed gain !

compare 30% + daze if touched

to 40% with no drawbacks !

wow, we're gonna be so OP compared to them !

a druid is already unstoppable by all means in the 19s.

now give it a 40% speed boost and there you got it, a game that is just unstopable.

i imagine easily a druid running away even with the 100% damage buff on and easily evading everyone.

gives me nightmare !

i can't help but to think that i hope to be wrong...

this isn't right at all.

as for my hunter.. well either remove the drawback, or give us a speed boost to 40% as well, but please don't let us down like this ! its just unfair how druids gets all the OPNESS yet nobody ever blames them for being it.

again, compare and tell me its fair...

40% with no drawbacks

30% with dazing effect if i get touched even by a small net
So.. this is to make lvling easy...mmm

If this is truly, as Blizzard said, to make lvling easy.... then I see no problem with having it disabled in pvp ~ (or at least..where you coulnt use them befor this patch go's live.)

Cause we are already seeing a stupid amount of hunter's in the 19bracket, and these changes wont help any....


Alas..while I compliment Blizzard on thier want to make lvling quicker, again they have showed us that they dont actually test, or think things throu..

Its starting to feel like, thier protocol on changing things is, "Do the change, and then keep an eye on the forum's and wait for the masses to do thier work for them."


"If said change dosnt pan out well, we will just lolwut?!?! buff another class, so that the attention is off this one."

/rant off..

Myself and a bunch of friends, (inlight of the incomming changes).. have decided we will be forming a 5man group... with the sole purpose of making it completely unpleasant to be a hunter..

The idea is, after having your "omg i haz a hunter" roflstomped all game long, it will make it less attractive toon to play....lol (wishfull thinking ...i know)

Hey we have 5 toons that feel like they have just been shafted, so we are pissed-off and have lots of time on our hands.....enjoy your hunter ~ If you can get out of the GY...:p
Well, ArthurianKnight, tell me how it would be fair, if there wouldn't be a daze effect and at the same time no loss of superb offensive capabilities...,which druids don't seem to have. Druids will be the best fc's but a good hunter should be able to bring one down, even if it takes time (always theoretically, because there's always interference on both sides)...and if there is a debuff..., well I hope that was a joke.
At the moment I am laughing at all the people rolling druids because they are op. Why? Druids are NOT hunters. You dont just auto shoot and get away with things. Druids can and will go OOM. You are not going to magically become good at jumps, jukes and hops. If you cant do every ledge jump, if you cant backstrafe, if you cant FC intelligently now.. you are not going to be able to do it in the patch. Now, in PuGs where there are next to no twinks then it might be OP only because you can shift and get across midfield. But god help the druid in travel form that tries to stay in travel against my hunter. Resto druids will get a buff in that they can clean up the field .. but keep in mind, a good hunter is going to be looking for the scare beast (I certainly will).

So keep in mind for this patch.. you are not getting movement skills or mana efficiency skills. Good FC druids got better (and to be honest not by that much), good resto druids got better by a necessary amount, and good shamans got better by quite a bit. But the key word is good.

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