Oh my gawd! ><

Omgimarogue said:

i play a lock and a rogue

im screwed

time to roll a shammy :/

I'm pretty sure I was in a bg with your lock last night. I was getting thrown into some pretty horrible pugs.

Be sure to send me a wave next time we're in a bg.

If you can find me, muhahahaha.
WTF this is so fucked ain't even funny. Wtb a fking upgrade for rogues to??? Mabe a vanish or poisons to counter all the ms increase????? SIGH!!!!

Stealthbot said:
WTF this is so fucked ain't even funny. Wtb a fking upgrade for rogues to??? Mabe a vanish or poisons to counter all the ms increase????? SIGH!!!!


80% sprint increase for 15 seconds minus glyph might be nice :3
this is going to suck, i remember doing some bgs vs a level 20 undergeared shammy who had leveled while in que, it was ridiculous trying to kill him.

Ah well, hows 39s going these days?
This will get my FC druid dusted off for sure, he has AGM, just needs his hat. Muahahaha time for fun. Oh and huntards with a built in stun will be nice, heh we shall see. Is it just me or with every major patch does a group of people decide to quit the game because they can't handle change?
Shamans are better against hunters now. with lightning sheild > aotc and travel formz
shammys will roll the bgs now being one of the best all round classes and able to win almost any duel if played propperly
I see a new sweep of classes

More Hunters!

More Shamans!

More Druids!

wait, what about the rogues, priests, mages and locks?
imo they will get changes just havent been released yet... and bet poisons @ 19 HAHA then who will be pwning the bgs u know it biatches
ya so i can chop them down with my rogue.... anyway i find it quite ironic that blizzard nerfs hunters and now is giving them improvements again... for example the imp monkey glyph when dodge u sprint was around for a while and now they giving cheetah???

blizz wat joo so stoopid
hunters are going to find that using aspect of the cheetah can hinder them if not used appropriately at 19 in WSG. Just you wait and see stealthbot.
Sigh, While I admire Blizzard for trying to make leveling alts alot less painful..they arn't seeing the whole picture in this.

While the game is PvE Centric with PvP as a side addition, it is still a very big part of the game that plays a major roll in some areas.

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