New ILVL 54 artefact weapons

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nah, not having to jump through relic hoops to swap enchants & being able to apply oils makes i49s & bramble better by a margin.
The art weap base is 20, the first relic brings it up to ilvl37.. If you can apply the next relic without gift wrap, it will not get to ilvl54, right? For example a lvl32 mage, I applied a gift wrap relic and get to ilvl37 and second relic I use a lvl31 relic without gift wrap, the relic itself will be +12, making it ilvl49 right? So you can still apply oil and stuff.. I haven't done that on my mage, was thinking how to balance ilvl and buffs, still clearing as many of my hunters as I possibly can right now
The art weap base is 20, the first relic brings it up to ilvl37.. If you can apply the next relic without gift wrap, it will not get to ilvl54, right? For example a lvl32 mage, I applied a gift wrap relic and get to ilvl37 and second relic I use a lvl31 relic without gift wrap, the relic itself will be +12, making it ilvl49 right? So you can still apply oil and stuff.. I haven't done that on my mage, was thinking how to balance ilvl and buffs, still clearing as many of my hunters as I possibly can right now

One wrapped and one normal (+7) will bring it to 44
The gameplay with 54 weapons is so fast and bursty, this is unhealthy for the bracket AF

I still hope they nuke 54s 49s and the staff to the ground. The gameplay has never been worse than now in terms of dmg and who jumps on who first. Many specs are irrelevant
I think if blizz finally chooses to do something, artif will get the BFA neck work, and get every artifact slapped some "Req lvl 30/35/whatever" on it.
Just wish they fix bramble on the way :)
I think you guys are overly optimistic about blizzard fixing anything especially pertaining to us, lol. Love it or leave it, fellas!
How to break twinking 101.
Step 1: Blizzard developers busy drinking and harassing other co-workers
Step 2: Savagecalls starts this thread
Step 3: World of Huntercraft 2
Step 4: God is dead, hunters killed him
Wait - because i haven't tested it yet. Is ilvl 44 + weightstone + Oil better than ilvl 54? Or no, and its just highly inconvenient to be ilvl 54.
So I have made some tests about the gift wrapping thing on BOE gear. It has some weird shit going on with it. It increases primary stats yet it completely removes secondary on gear including (Head, shoulders, hands, arms, legs, boots and even trinkets) I used the gift wrap on a trink that increases INT for 5 (Primary) and +7 haste (Secondary). The wrap worked for the INT as it increased an extra 5 (+10 total) however it removed the secondary meaning the trink became +10 only. Same stuff follows suit for everything but relics. (Also managed to get my hands on a fel boe relic that increased my artifact. Took me just 1 mob for that fel relic which was a stroke of luck. My the Lord have Mercy on me for the fucking fire relic.) (Edit: Can someone please tell me where the heck do I farm the BOE fire relic because most of the mobs I saw on wowhead are either on instances or surammar which is a 40+ lvl zone)

TLDR: Gift Wrapping does not affect gear in a positive way, only relics
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So I have made some tests about the gift wrapping thing on BOE gear. It has some weird shit going on with it. It increases primary stats yet it completely removes secondary on gear including (Head, shoulders, hands, arms, legs, boots and even trinkets) I used the gift wrap on a trink that increases INT for 5 (Primary) and +7 haste (Secondary). The wrap worked for the INT as it increased an extra 5 (+10 total) however it removed the secondary meaning the trink became +10 only. Same stuff follows suit for everything but relics. (Also managed to get my hands on a fel boe relic that increased my artifact. Took me just 1 mob for that fel relic which was a stroke of luck. My the Lord have Mercy on me for the fucking fire relic.) (Edit: Can someone please tell me where the heck do I farm the BOE fire relic because most of the mobs I saw on wowhead are either on instances or surammar which is a 40+ lvl zone)

TLDR: Gift Wrapping does not affect gear in a positive way, only relics

Wrapping BOE gear increases the main stats to that of ilvl 44 (maybe 50 - might depend on the expansion). If you socket the item before you wrap it also retains the gem stat increase. You will lose all secondaries. However, once you relog you will lose all stats as they return to ilvl 28. It MIGHT be possible to simply bank 100s of wrapped boes for one-time-use purposes but I have no idea if the main stats will increase when you load into a BG. I suspect they won't/
So I have made some tests about the gift wrapping thing on BOE gear. It has some weird shit going on with it. It increases primary stats yet it completely removes secondary on gear including (Head, shoulders, hands, arms, legs, boots and even trinkets) I used the gift wrap on a trink that increases INT for 5 (Primary) and +7 haste (Secondary). The wrap worked for the INT as it increased an extra 5 (+10 total) however it removed the secondary meaning the trink became +10 only. Same stuff follows suit for everything but relics. (Also managed to get my hands on a fel boe relic that increased my artifact. Took me just 1 mob for that fel relic which was a stroke of luck. My the Lord have Mercy on me for the fucking fire relic.) (Edit: Can someone please tell me where the heck do I farm the BOE fire relic because most of the mobs I saw on wowhead are either on instances or surammar which is a 40+ lvl zone)

TLDR: Gift Wrapping does not affect gear in a positive way, only relics

It's a lot easier to gear lvl 19 and 20 characters, relic are abundant, if you are on BH, most of the relic sells for under 100g.. I am not on BH, but I ship their mm hunter relics out every now and then.. I have 2 guild banks of 19 relic alone, but I have only 3 guild banks of all other lvls. I have been gearing over 20 characters thats lvl10, 11, 14, 16, 17 and 29s (most of them 14).. Not to mention the time to get an artifact weapon is so so so long for all other class.. If you play mm hunter you know your artifact weapon is so easily completed.. Be blessed
It's a lot easier to gear lvl 19 and 20 characters, relic are abundant, if you are on BH, most of the relic sells for under 100g.. I am not on BH, but I ship their mm hunter relics out every now and then.. I have 2 guild banks of 19 relic alone, but I have only 3 guild banks of all other lvls. I have been gearing over 20 characters thats lvl10, 11, 14, 16, 17 and 29s (most of them 14).. Not to mention the time to get an artifact weapon is so so so long for all other class.. If you play mm hunter you know your artifact weapon is so easily completed.. Be blessed
This is all good and stuff, but im pure f2p. I have no access to any of that. And I aint a Hunter, Im a warlock.
Also I mentioned Fel and Fire relics, isnt that a dead giveaway?
You can farm fire relic during legion assaults. Most of those mobs can drop any kind of relic. Fire is rare.
Fire also can be find in leystone lockbox.
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