New F2P Channel Aerie Peak

lazy lazy lazy. take a page out of Licholas' or Snowjob's book and whip this riff raff into shape. to say an elitist or a castle builder or a community-splitter loves their community is as damn near oxymoronic as it's gonna get. i expected more from many of you, and your community evidently needs more
It's easy for you guys to say things like this is the lazy route and we don't care enough and we're not living up to your expectations. Most of you don't even play on AP and the rest I have not seen do anything to try and turn things around. The fact of the matter is there are too many of them and too few of us (online at the same time). We are lacking enough support at the moment. If you want to help, get involved.
Srsly how is this even an argument...? You have yde, mia, kin AND rhae supporting you.. Don't listen or even have another thought of what someone random or people who haven't helped AP in ways the previously mentioned have say.. Heck if I was against it and I saw those people for it I would say the samething and to ignore me.. You know who to listen to activate and with all those people backing you up you know you are right. GL restoring AP.. I truly hope you succeed
I think Kin was against it. Anyways all you non-douchebags be more vocal in chat when you see someone acting the fool. Don't silently agree you yellow bastids. You'll never make a name for yourself only as a witness to the events around you. Step up. Be the fucking change you want to see in the world. I heart you all. I mean it.

Shout out - I don't always agree with Felix but he is pretty good about keeping jerks in line in chat. No reason more people cannot do that.


Uncle Drünk
It's easy for you guys to say things like this is the lazy route and we don't care enough and we're not living up to your expectations. Most of you don't even play on AP and the rest I have not seen do anything to try and turn things around. The fact of the matter is there are too many of them and too few of us (online at the same time). We are lacking enough support at the moment. If you want to help, get involved.
i understand this was not directed solely at me, but i will address it anyhow:
yes, it is easy for me to express how i feel
my expectations are irrelevant. however, the expectations of your community are not
i created my AP toons in 2011 november. does anyone care but you? no
though i stopped playing on AP nearly a year ago, you can be damn sure that, when i saw something wrong in chat, i whispered the appropriate parties
work harder to rally support

[CLICHE]you don't know me.[/CLICHE] i have been, and i still am, intimately involved in managing wow communities, and anything less than a concerted effort to fix your community is, imo, absolutely a disgrace

You have yde, mia, kin AND rhae supporting you.. Don't listen or even have another thought of what someone random or people who haven't helped AP in ways the previously mentioned have say.. Heck if I was against it and I saw those people for it I would say the samething and to ignore me.. You know who to listen to activate and with all those people backing you up you know you are right.
this is ridiculous. no matter your respect for these people, their joint opinion does not justify anything. it is an opinion. also,
Kin was against it
Correct. I am against isolating one's self away from the problem. More accurately, I am for "taking back the streets". Nobody rolled on Aerie Peak without being aware of the community standards for the server. If the people who believe in those standards retreat when they are encroached upon, who is the worse sinner: the one who never cared, and brought down the standards, or the one who did care, but didn't do anything about it?

You'll never make a name for yourself only as a witness to the events around you

Quote-worthy. I just might add that to my signature.

And now I'm off to get ready for class and to finish packing for moving.
For all those against this idea what is your own solution to the problem?

Do you support a "Felix" style leadership of bringing down the Law and banning people?
Let me be crystal clear, we are not abandoning anyone nor are we giving up. We are gathering our forces and planning in an environment where we can have a civil conversation. This is a temporary respite, not a final solution.

Post #100 :)
Let me be crystal clear, we are not abandoning anyone nor are we giving up. We are gathering our forces and planning in an environment where we can have a civil conversation. This is a temporary respite, not a final solution.

Post #100 :)
I really don't care to spend my time trying to convince people to be kind in a game

What I meant by "trying to convince people" was arguing with half a dozen people on my own. Again and again. It's time for a different approach.
what is your own solution
state the rules. ban the offenders.
What I meant by "trying to convince people" was arguing with half a dozen people on my own. Again and again. It's time for a different approach.
orly? sure, you had a tough time standing up to whoever yesterday, but this looks to me like you're backtracking. look at many of your own posts, particularly the OP, and look at many of the posts you liked: this was thought up as a break from AP. tell all the players you enjoy playing/chatting with to separate themselves from the rest - where have we seen that before?

if you're truly convening to fix AP, i believe in you, and good luck. you let your community stagnate for far too long, and it will take much more work than you probably realize to truly fix it. but damn if it doesn't look EXACTLY as if you're just trying another (soon-to-be-failed) split, and damn if that type of blatant disregard for the well-being of your own community doesn't get me heated
Maybe the first step is getting all the active people who care about Aerie Peak together in one spot (like a new thread) and hash out what exactly you all agree you want Aerie Peak to be, going forward from here. I can understand the average person's resistance to the idea of trying to make things "the way they used to be", so rather than thinking in those terms, just get your best and brightest together and figure out what you all want going forward from here, as a cohesive and united group. An Aerie Peak Charter, if you will. Then post it in the AP recruiting thread.

Then work together to enforce it. People who don't like it don't have to be convinced--it's hard to change a person's mind. But perhaps they can be shown that there are many other servers where perhaps they would be happier. You can't be afraid of ruffling a few feathers, as long as they're the right feathers and you do it with an appropriate amount of awesomeness.
We have enough support to make "Oldschool" premades, and to me that is enough reason to have a new channel. Why try to convert the whole server when we have enough likeminded people to play our own premades?

We do not need 30+ people online for this to work.

Quality is better then Quantity.

Instead of trying a massive ban on the main channel just let it continue as it is. People can easily hop back and forth between channels so you can play both sides.

AP is big enough to have more then one premade, why force everyone into one channel and one set of rules?
What we really need is the ability to join and leave multiple channels. This way we can have private channels with our friends/premades and have a public channel just for finding whose online. Of course you could leave the public channel if you already friends to play with and group. I pitched this idea to Yasueh about a year ago, but unfortunately he seems only prepared to put in the bare minimum amount of work to keep the addon afloat (which I appreciate especially considering his disdain for this game).
state the rules. ban the offenders.
Wouldn't work, or at least not for long.

People can be unbanned and moderation is switched, it's not fixed.

You would have to keep someone as mod all night and day else someone would regain control.

Edit: Also, what is the difference between dividing a community by making a second channel or just banning everyone who disagrees with you? It sure seems to me that would divide people either way.

You talk about it like it's so simple and that by making the channel we would divide the community, both solutions will do the same thing only one difference. One is peaceful the other is mean, and will lead to animosity in our community, surrender or we sink your battleship :O
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You can't bring back the past no matter how hard you try. Too many people have left and many new ones have joined. The f2p addon was not designed with a hierarchy, or any form of governing in mind. I feel that making a separate channel is a useful idea, with enforcing the rules unexceptionally in the new channel. If it catches on, the mature players can begin to migrate, leaving the trash behind. You could also go through with a ban hammer and just nuke the community, but I don't think that would have very positive effects.

Please note that I do not play on AP, and the other communities aren't really dead. Even at Vashj's worse we're all just sleeping or doing other bullshit, and I personally find 3-4 man premades more attractive in terms of a challenge. It keeps things from being too face roll. Don't attack dancing retribution space goats observing from atop a stump either.
Wouldn't work, or at least not for long.

People can be unbanned and moderation is switched, it's not fixed.

You would have to keep someone as mod all night and day else someone would regain control.

Edit: Also, what is the difference between dividing a community by making a second channel or just banning everyone who disagrees with you? It sure seems to me that would divide people either way.

You talk about it like it's so simple and that by making the channel we would divide the community, both solutions will do the same thing only one difference. One is peaceful the other is mean, and will lead to animosity in our community, surrender or we sink your battleship :O
look at vashj, mg, and bwl. stating the rules and banning the offenders does in fact work, and it has worked for over a year in each case. sure, they're smaller communities than they once were, but that has little to do with enforcing their rules. banning offenders will of course shrink the community, but if it's a community worth having, it won't be wiped off the face of wow. as Kochist put it,
Quality is better then Quantity.
there is no need to keep someone as mod all night and day. why do you think vashj, mg, and bwl work? it's not because they're smaller communities; it's because their members understand the rules and are willing to enforce them. it's not only Licholas, Reflexz, and Snowjobs enforcing their community's rules; it's (most) everyone. it's a group effort, and because AP H is so much larger, it will take a larger group. but so what? you've got the numbers and you've got the influence - use them.

what is the difference between the banhammer and a channel split? one is a split between those who are willing to abide by the rules on which AP was founded and those who are not, while the other is a split between those who want a break or don't care and those who want to work on the community. doesn't seem like an objective summary? look at this thread:
I'm using a new channel. I really don't care to spend my time trying to convince people to be kind in a game
It solves a common problem very simply. New channel. Will be great for those who need it.
I was writing up something similar. ^^

It's just a reaction to something that has changed (and may change back again), but will provide people upset (like me) with what happens on their long time home server with a break to keep them happy.

Many players make the argument that in a community what the majority enjoys should be accepted, including getting rid of some tenets AP has held in the past.

There are some of us who don't agree that the basic rules of AP should be abolished

Some people now state they wish a development into a new rule-free environment, but I know that others like me do not want to play and chat without those rules.

Among them Activate, who was trying to convince people but had very little backup today. I dislike banning people from channel except for extreme cases, but to try and change at least something that is what Acti did

Maybe a break is what we need to not lose those people liking our old rules.
Im not changing channels. /Ignore is there for a reason. Mods are there for a reason. I think you could handle it more maturely.

Im not switching channels. If you disagree with people you can also choose to work with them to try to make them understand your position better. Sure there are a lot of newer twinks in the channel who may not understand some of these "unwritten rules" that the oldschoolers take for granted.

But Im not throwing a tantrum and building my own little castle in response to this. Im taking a breath and Im going to ride it out, like I wish you other guys would. Splintering the community is never a solution IMHO.
just /ignore 24's and be happy. Splitting is what destroys families, servers, bands, teams, churches, you name it. You're splitting
AP has gotten out of hand and I've seen more and more f2ps premading with bad 24s and I can't even stand the channel for more then 5 minutes sometimes so this will be a good idea. AP has been going downhill and if the people there specifically say they won't change or they want a rule free thing then more power to ya. Ya'll created the realm and if they don't want to listen to you to try and rebuild it then a new channel will be needed
Activate and others have just realized that trying to rebuild the main channel is not possible
This would probably split the community and make it more difficult to have premades or communication between players
I am not around to be in this shitfest
This is exactly how I feel after reading this thread
These are the same old rules
the easiest solution is just simply to not premade with them and ignore them
To anyone who says it is too difficult, or impossible, to turn the community around and make it the way it was before, I respectfully call bullshit. Frankly, if you feel that way, you're not trying hard enough

Communities are like relationships. If it means something to you, you work at it. You'll never fix its problems by running away from them. It takes work, it takes maintenance, it takes being willing to spend the time away from the things you want to be doing to instead do the things you need to be doing. I remember playing ambassador, or traffic cop, or counselor. I've squelched or banned people when necessary. it worked.

step up. it's a lot of work and heartache. But... don't tell people it's impossible. Don't tell me it's impossible. I know better.

Be awesome to each other, but stand up for what you believe is right, and surround yourself with others who believe the same. Push back harder. Tell people who don't change their tune that they should go to another server. Aerie Peak has standards, and someone's got to stand up for them.
AP likes to force opinions and rules on people like a catholic church. I only stayed to play with people I liked. If the community is this prude and arrogant about everything idk if I would want to play there
To bring scatterness and fractions into the already existing f2p community will only make it harder to make groups and reaching out to everybody on the server. Just explain to them why
People struggling to realize 24s are only a problem in this case if you make them a problem.
F2P queueing with a 24? Whatever, don't queue with him and deal with it.
Somebody harassing the chat? you could easily ban
make a clean statement in the channel. Don't let them mess with you
AP chat is fine. People need to harden up
Aerie Peak is held together by similar ideas, general rules that most F2Ps do follow. When ideas differ communities split.

It's pretty obvious what this server is supposed to be to us. Whether you like it or not, when you rolled on AP, you agreed to these rules in some shape or form, and when the community was small enough it was hard to break them and not suffer the consequences.

AP horde is huuuuge. I'm not quite sure how you manage that many people, specially such a rowdy bunch. And while I accept things change, I will go where the people I like go, if they're in this new chat then I will be too
The fact of the matter is there are too many of them and too few of us. We are lacking support. If you want to help, get involved
all you non-douchebags be more vocal in chat when you see someone acting the fool. Don't silently agree. Step up. Be the fucking change you want to see in the world.
Felix is pretty good about keeping jerks in line in chat. No reason more people cannot do that
I am against isolating one's self away from the problem. More accurately, I am for "taking back the streets". Nobody rolled on Aerie Peak without being aware of the community standards for the server. If the people who believe in those standards retreat when they are encroached upon, who is the worse sinner: the one who never cared, and brought down the standards, or the one who did care, but didn't do anything about it?
Do you support a "Felix" style leadership of bringing down the Law and banning people?
We are gathering our forces and planning in an environment where we can have a civil conversation
It's time for a different approach
Maybe the first step is hashing it out. I can understand the average person's resistance to the idea of trying to make things "the way they used to be", so rather than thinking in those terms, just figure it out as a cohesive and united group.

Then work together to enforce it. People who don't like it don't have to be convinced
Why try to convert the whole server when we have enough likeminded people to play our own premades?

Quality is better then Quantity.

Instead of trying a massive ban on the main channel just let it continue as it is.

why force everyone into one channel and one set of rules?
What we really need is the ability to join and leave multiple channels. This way we can have private channels with our friends/premades and have a public channel just for finding whose online. Of course you could leave the public channel
You can't bring back the past no matter how hard you try. Too many people have left and many new ones have joined. The f2p addon was not designed with a hierarchy, or any form of governing in mind. I feel that making a separate channel is a useful idea, with enforcing the rules unexceptionally in the new channel. If it catches on, the mature players can begin to migrate, leaving the trash behind. You could also go through with a ban hammer and just nuke the community, but I don't think that would have very positive effects.
Why don't you list the rules. so what if other people do things that bother you, it happens all the time. You don't have to associate with them or even recognize that they exist. I will admit that at times the chat is annoying though. Solution. Ignore them.
i did not include my own posts, and i edited these quotes for content

division by banning is not 'mean'. it is how you take what AP has become and return it to its former respectable state. a few users stated that you can't bring back the past - well, you can. you can bring back the basic tenets of AP and enforce the fuck out of them

instead of leaving the chat to all those who do not wish to abide by AP's rules, take it from them. they don't like it? they can reroll, or they can stay banned, or they can leave chat. it doesn't require constant banning. there's no need for a list of the banned. the ban lasts at most a week, and that's a fine system. if X banned person decides they want to remain a part of your community, they'll buck up and follow the rules or they'll be banned until the next server reset. someone unbans them? bfd! you've dealt with it before - you can reban them, or you can wait until they break a rule again and then reban them

directly quoting you and the white knight, AP is a community and those who joined it agreed in one way or another to follow its rules. personally, i think that's bullshit - if you're not explaining the rules, how are people agreeing to them? but that's irrelevant - if you start explaining the rules, members of the community have no excuse to break them. fix your community

tl;dr? not if you care about AP

EDIT: what would a player new to AP think when joining a chat filled mostly with the people you all DON'T want to be around?
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Really good, heartfelt points being made here. It seems like the best thing for the issue, for starters, was to open a public dialogue about it. It makes me happy as an old-schooler to see so many people with strong feelings on the matter.

I'm sure you guys will work it out. If I'm ever able to devote time to the game again, I will gladly help out in-game in any way I can.

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