New F2P Channel Aerie Peak

I am a good player with no morals, it shames me to see newfags trying to over-run the Horde community, glad I am not around to be in this shitfest.
your constant cries for attention have ceased to entertain


splitting is lazy. dear # OldSchoolYoloSwagJerks,
work on fixing your community
your constant cries for attention have ceased to entertain


splitting is lazy. dear # OldSchoolYoloSwagJerks,
work on fixing your community

If you want someone like Activate running your community thats your decision.
Posting this on the PUBLIC forums where any meat head can have access to this ain't so smart, I would've kept it between the people you know and trust.
Terrible idea, the trolls will surely just steal your new channel and ban everyone. /ignore works wonders

We'll just move the channel as we have done in the past.
Im not changing channels. /Ignore is there for a reason. Mods are there for a reason. I agree with Activate's ethical standpoint but I think you could handle it more maturely.

I feel that AP twinks should not be premading with 24s. Im not switching channels because of this. If you disagree with people you can also choose to work with them to try to make them understand your position better. Sure there are a lot of newer twinks in the channel who may not understand some of these "unwritten rules" that the oldschoolers take for granted. Guess what they will mostly be gone within months and the stalwarts of the bracket and the channel will still be here. And we will still not be grouping with 24s.

But Im not throwing a tantrum and building my own little castle in response to this. Im taking a breath and Im going to ride it out, like I wish you other guys would. Splintering the community is never a solution IMHO.
This is exactly how I feel after reading this thread. Thumbs up!
I'm not in charge. These are the same old rules.

It is a little silly to ban all 24s from the channel, that will just attract more trolls, the easiest solution is just simply to not premade with them and ignore them, I think you have dragged this beyond belief and have gone too far. I played in the old days of AP they ignored the 24s and they were never banned on sight. Btw, only the baddies premade with 24s anyways, anyone can tell the bad from good players, so no disgrace comes to AP Horde.
If you want someone like Activate running your community thats your decision.
if that was meant to address my post (as quoting would suggest) it almost entirely did not


We'll just move the channel as we have done in the past.
if, as you say, this has been tried before, it failed, as evidenced by the fact that you must now try it again.

how many times has "the great purge of AP (horde)" and the like been discussed, yet how many times has it (or something along its lines) actually been tried?

splitting is a lazy and superficial solution. look at korgath (both attempts), look at MG/vashj/norgannon compared to its former glory, look at X server that X user(s) promoted specifically as an alternative to AP - splitting does not work
to be clear, i do not mean to say that alternative communities have in any way a negative effect on the 20-24 community as a whole
if that was meant to address my post (as quoting would suggest) it almost entirely did not


if, as you say, this has been tried before, it failed, as evidenced by the fact that you must now try it again.

how many times has "the great purge of AP (horde)" and the like been discussed, yet how many times has it (or something along its lines) actually been tried?

splitting is a lazy and superficial solution. look at korgath (both attempts), look at MG/vashj/norgannon compared to its former glory, look at X server that X user(s) promoted specifically as an alternative to AP - splitting does not work

I have all the attention I need, I post here on my free time when I am not working to mess with peoples heads with friendly sarcasm, make some small talk and provide a few good laughs.
What I'm about to say does come from a person who has basically retired from the game due to real life constraints, and I am well aware of the inherent irony therein, but still I felt compelled to break my silence and speak on this issue, for no other issue is as important to me personally as the ongoing health of the Aerie Peak community.

To anyone who says it is too difficult, or impossible, to turn the community around and make it the way it was before, I respectfully call bullshit. Frankly, if you feel that way, you're not trying hard enough. Believe me... I know. Sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe in. And if you believe in it enough, you'll make the sacrifices and risk being called a jerk or an elitist or what have you, knowing in your mind that the bigger picture is what's important.

Communities are like relationships. If it means something to you, you work at it. You'll never fix its problems by running away from them. It takes work, it takes maintenance, it takes being willing to spend the time away from the things you want to be doing to instead do the things you need to be doing. Countless nights I remember parking myself in a corner of Stormwind to play ambassador, or traffic cop, or counselor, rather than queueing or exploring or socializing. I've squelched or banned people when necessary, but always being sure to temper my own interactions so that the community felt that I was above reproach when I did so. Maybe I was fanatically dedicated, but it worked.

Now is someone else's time to step up: my prime has come and gone. And I'm not coming down on anyone for not being the one to step up: it's a lot of work and heartache and I don't blame anyone for giving up and retreating to their own corner. But... don't tell people it's impossible. Don't tell me it's impossible. I know better.

Be awesome to each other, but stand up for what you believe is right, and surround yourself with others who believe the same. Push back harder. Tell people who don't change their tune that they should go to another server. Aerie Peak has standards, and someone's got to stand up for them.
AP has always had good players and the premades have been great, and I have had tons of fun there,but AP likes to force opinions and rules on people like a catholic church. I only stayed to play with people I liked. If the community is this prude and arrogant about everything idk if I would want to play there.
if that was meant to address my post (as quoting would suggest) it almost entirely did not


if, as you say, this has been tried before, it failed, as evidenced by the fact that you must now try it again.

how many times has "the great purge of AP (horde)" and the like been discussed, yet how many times has it (or something along its lines) actually been tried?

splitting is a lazy and superficial solution. look at korgath (both attempts), look at MG/vashj/norgannon compared to its former glory, look at X server that X user(s) promoted specifically as an alternative to AP - splitting does not work

I was referring to past times when trolls banned everyone from f2ptwink. A new channel name was chosen until we could regain control of f2ptwink.
I don't think anyone has mentioned yet that this is occurring on Horde side. I play almost entirely on Horde but it is important to remember that Alliance needs loving too.
Im not changing channels. /Ignore is there for a reason. Mods are there for a reason. I agree with Activate's ethical standpoint but I think you could handle it more maturely.

I feel that AP twinks should not be premading with 24s. Im not switching channels because of this. If you disagree with people you can also choose to work with them to try to make them understand your position better. Sure there are a lot of newer twinks in the channel who may not understand some of these "unwritten rules" that the oldschoolers take for granted. Guess what they will mostly be gone within months and the stalwarts of the bracket and the channel will still be here. And we will still not be grouping with 24s.

But Im not throwing a tantrum and building my own little castle in response to this. Im taking a breath and Im going to ride it out, like I wish you other guys would. Splintering the community is never a solution IMHO.

Amen, really good explained.

To bring scatterness and fractions into the already existing f2p community will only make it harder to make groups and reaching out to everybody on the server. Just /spit on the 24s that's on AP or explain to them why they aren't welcome.
People struggling to realize 24s are only a problem in this case if you make them a problem.
F2P queueing with a 24? Whatever, don't queue with him and deal with it.
Somebody harassing the chat? Not being an avid user of f2paddon I don't know the ins and outs of how it works, but I assume you could easily rightclick -> ban or something like that.

People mentioned something like 'trolls banning everyone', how does that happen? I would hope you need some form of authority before you can kick somebody from chat, and trolls obviously would not get that authority, can anyone clear this up?
Seems people don't have respect anymore :( Our beloved server is going downhill. Why is that? The certain influence of the Summer vacation? Believe it or not, these little kids are bloody annoying. So I got a story for all of you:

So the other day I was studying at the library with some friends and @ about 4 o`clock we thought it was time to take a little break. We went to the nearest playing park. Seems every day a local school goes there with 7 - 10 year olds just to enjoy and play. So we were sitting there on a bench, just chilling when suddenly a wild toddler appeared. She brought some friends it seems. She started asking my female friends if they could put lipstick on them. Oh so cute. When eventually she came to me (a guy): "Can I do it with you too?" - "No" - "Oh, come on." - "No" - "Please bend over so we can put it on you" (I'm pretty big, surely up to their standards) - "No. Go play with your friends" and now comes the coolest moment "Bend over or we're gonna punch you in your wiener" (just paraphrasing/translating). I was pretty annoyed and scared! You never know what these kids would do! And then I saw some kind of observer walking around. "No. Either you go now, or I'm calling your teacher!" Then they went off.

Tl;dr. People will listen (especially younger people) when you refer to someone they respect. Make sure you make a clean statement in the channel. Don't let them mess with you. Don't get angry. As Kincaide pointed out, even in this way, they'll listen. Even trolls can't talk themselves out of a clean debate.

I'm not around anymore, but I can't let my community go to waste because some toddlers are bored.

Your toddlerteacher.
Aerie Peak is a community, like a band, family or church, it is held together by similar ideas, general rules that most F2Ps do follow. Be nice, play fair (no GY farming, stuff like that), play as good as you can. These are ideas that I would say most of us could agree upon as being good rules or ideas to play by. When ideas differ communities split.

I remember someone, said something like "there's no reason to roll OP classes on AP, cause we premade". That's the kind of server Aerie Peak used to be, horde's vent password even mentions not GY farming. It's pretty obvious what this server is supposed to be to us. Whether you like it or not, when you rolled on AP, you agreed to these rules in some shape or form, and when the community was small enough it was hard to break them and not suffer the consequences. If you did something not respectable, everyone knew.

AP horde is huuuuge, with the recent CTA I've been seen 40+ people on. I'm not quite sure how you manage that many people, specially such a rowdy bunch. And while I accept things change, I will go where the people I like go, if they're in this new chat then I will be too.

If that makes me elitist, a baby, or building a castle so be it. Build my castle extra high made of Legos with a really deep, deep fryer egg roll filled moat with fire breathing sharks with wings and an extra zombie defense system in-case you make it past the fire breathing winged sharks in the fryer egg roll filled moat. Watch out for the liquid nitrogen freeze ray it's pretty cool. Oh, and uh, never mind the vampire butlers and maids, they're just hanging out! And whatever you do, pay no attention to the killer zombie PUGs, frying up brains. Mmm... brains.


Voltaire- BRAINS! - YouTube
If that makes me elitist, a baby, or building a castle so be it. Build my castle extra high made of Legos with a really deep, deep fryer egg roll filled moat with fire breathing sharks with wings and an extra zombie defense system in-case you make it past the fire breathing winged sharks in the fryer egg roll filled moat. Watch out for the liquid nitrogen freeze ray it's pretty cool. Oh, and uh, never mind the vampire butlers and maids, they're just hanging out! And whatever you do, pay no attention to the killer zombie PUGs, frying up brains. Mmm... brains.

You rock!

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