New Crit Ring

I got mine after like 8-9 rare fishies yesterday. I had like 1-2 in every ~100-150 catches so the proc rate seems not to be so bad?
KK now all try to fish up 2. That is where its at lol. Go test your luck again.
threesets said:
gratz man, did u farm em both? or buy one (or 2)

farmed them both took alot of fishing if i had to guess over 3k fish at least, funny thing is got both of them back to back
actually now looking i had a fishing skill of 15 when i started, so had around 15 fish caught before, now i have a total of 3283 fish and other stuff caught.
Well, what i love about the ring is the fact it doesn't have a hard RNG factor like outland fishing contest.

It took time but u can get it, and at least i really really enjoyed getting it, we need items that are hard to get so we got something to do :)

And i don't know for you guys but i had quite a few fun events happening while fishing for it, like 3 lvl 15s trying to kill me at the pond, good stuff :)
ArthurianKnight said:
even though it might not be interesting to know, might i say that the ring isn't unique equipped and thus can be equipped twice !

well if you actually check the last page you will see i posted my link and have two
As an indication:

Took me 3 Stendel's Bane to get 2 rings. This included fishing 96 Mudsnappers, 30 Brilliant Smallfish, 40 Bristle Whisker catfish, 1 healing potion, 1 17 Pound Catfish. So in 171 catches 2 rings.
Wow.. That thing at level 10 would have been so EPIC
Pain in the buttfish!

But I'm enjoying the grind. i like that pond. With all the pigs roamin' around. Kinda relaxing.

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