Nesyla's Twink Info Give Away Event !

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Hello to everyone and welcome to Nesyla's Twink Info Give Away Event !

It's January and a little time has passed since the Winter Veil competition. The whole staff has been wondering about what we could do to make this month feel a bit more special for all of you twinks, and we had a great idea. Another competiton with some great prizes for you to win!

I'm really excited because for this month, we will be giving away 3 fabulous World of Warcraft Trading Card Game pets. Let me introduce you to them :

Purple Puffer !

Landros Lilchling !

Nightsaber Cub !

These 3 pets will be the reward for 3 lucky twinks who will win.

But let's get deeper into the rules and what you are actually required to do.

What to do

You need to post a reply directly to this thread, where you have to present your twink to the rest of the community, explain why you have picked the class and race you did, what was the logic behind the name, what makes it so special to you and what do you think your strongest / weakest ability is in terms of real life charateristic who fits or does not fit with the toon you have picked. Try to write about 300 words for your twink, but we won't restrict you. Feel free to make it as long winded as you like though.

Winners and Prizes

The winners will be picked on Monday 23 with a random number generator, as long as the post that was chosen introduces a twink and that it is the only twink introduced by the thread for that account it will be eligible to win. As mentioned, there will be 3 prizes, one each for 3 winners. First place gets first pick of the prizes, 2nd place gets second pick and 3rd place gets the one that is left.

Good luck twinks and good writing !

Rules and Conditions

As always, there have to be a couple of rules.
  • Entering the competition with more than one account thought to belong to the same individual will disqualify that individual.
  • You may only post in the thread once.
  • This forum is subject to moderation the same as any other forum. If deemed to be inappropriate your posts may be removed and thus your entry will be deemed invalid.An offtopic posts is one that does not adhere to the thread's game rules and thus will be removed.
  • We reserve the right to remove any member from the competition for any reason and with no warning.
Healstrong -

my 10 twink. i chose nightelf because the shadowmeld is fantastic!! and the nature resistance is nice in a bracket with poisons and serpent sting. the name healstrong is because all my twinks have been Headstrong and this was my second ever twinked healer. so i though it fitted. the reason i name my twinks Headstrong is because when i was younger i used to try and justify my ideas and opinions by being blunt and crude, so my dad reffered to me as a headstrong bastard hahaha! also i loved the song by Trapt, when i first saw it on the movie Grind.
Çer -

Originally this guy was a 19 twink for a few years. I started him off as a Resto FC. I knew my **** and it was fun. But blizz kept screwing up hunters by buffing them more and more, then they got rid of Nature's Grasp; which was the line for me. But then I finally decided to move onto the F2P bracket. I followed every restriction as far as enchantments and BoA gear goes and professions. I enjoyed playing boomkin for a few months then took a break from WoW. After coming back I started FCing again and I will never go back

I Named this toon(as well as every other toon I have) with the name: "Cer" in it. Cer is pronounced "Sir" and that's why my twinkinfo name is MrCer(Mister Sir). Back in the day(it was about 5+ years ago), my Mage(main) was forced to be renamed to "Xcer" because of having a non-RP name on my server. So eventually I renamed all my characters with the name "Cer" in it. That's the MrCer Legacy right der!
Ello fellow twinkers! New to forum writing and blogging but i shall do my best, feel free to flame as much as ya want.

This is Dirtylilgirl, actually a guy, but you knew that! ;0 I really enjoy the 24 community, the F2Ps are awesome, the other 24s are usually awesome(gear up slackers).

I chose to go with rogue to try and counter the overwhelming number of hunters, everywhere you look there are arrows and bullets crisscrossing the screen. I picked

blood elf due to their slick looking nature and awesome AOE silence. I also went a different route then most at this low of a level. I chose COMBAT spec while leveling

and have grown to love it! Im white hit capped so watch your face!!! SUB is ultra leet and some nice crits, but i perfer the never miss beat down combat provides.

I chose the name because its kinda the nickname for my child, she's a girl, she's little and she can get filthy trapped in a clean sanitized room.

I relate to the rogue class cuz i like sneaking up on people in real life. My 4 year old daughter approves of this greatly- i can tell by the squealing when i "get her" off guard.

See you in the gulch and the basin!

Why you know me today as Møçhâ: It is unique. There are no other Møçhâ's in the community, and if you have seen any others, I can assure you I was the first. To me the name sounded sweet and to the point- a short name with a hook that somewhat spikes your interest, which to me, leaves quite the impression when spotted in arena or warsong.


To me, a female Undead is one of the most intimidating classes in my opinion. Back in Early WoW, nearly everyone was Undead for several reasons: Undead move like badasses, Undead have a viable CC removal, Undead have Shadow Resist which was very beneficial back when we saw lots of fear bombs, and lastly, Undead can eat their prey- Which is better than the flag of ownership in and of itself, but it also a very strategic heal if used accordingly. As everyone followed Pizza into becoming a Blood Elf, I chose to keep my Female Undead looks because what fun is it if you just bandwagon to what everyone else does? I can tell you, it is quite fun to play a little differently than everyone else. Also, back when I made my first Horde 19, I created a new avatar for myself, and was very proud of my character's looks.


Back in the days of early TBC, Rogue was the choice class that provided the most for players looking to play at an advanced level. Rogues had many advantages, such as stealth, dodge, Duel Wielding, Higher Crit, and Thrown Weapons. These factors created the most deadly dueling class in the game in my opinion, the ability to kite with a very fast ranged weapon, the ability to attack targets faster than everyone else as a result of Slice and Dice, the ability to remove armor from your target from Expose Armor, the ability to chose your own fights, and lastly mentioned, the ability to dodge. Having dodge up over 70% created a more strategic level of play- keeping your back away from your target at all times, while attacking your target's back. Rogues also made fairly capable flag carriers with their use of sprint, and the ability to have 2k hp and still 60% dodge back then, if not more.

Thank you for the opportunity at these pets =)

[font=comic sans ms,cursive] = Ancension, my shaman.

Well it all started a while back. I named it Ancension mainly as I like "mythical / fantasy" type name's for most of my characters, I am a restoration shaman, and the idea of having to keep people alive, helping them survive and resurrecting them from death. The word "Ascension" means the The act of rising to an important position or a higher level, or The ascent of Christ into heaven on the fortieth day after the ressurection. This made me think, I started to jumble the letters around after a while I came up with Ancension, then my character was created! I started off as an Orc, I chose an Orc because to an enemy of an Orc they are brutal, fierce and ferocious creatures. However, to each other they are a amazing, brilliant and cunning race. Orc's always had a shamanistic feel to them, I'm sure many others are the same... This is probably because one of the main protagonists is an Orc, Thrall. He is the greatest shaman in Azeroth, I aspire to be like Thrall, and hopefully I gain a lot more skill as I continue to play. I love shamans as they have a large filling feeling as I play them... I feel as if I am "complete". Shaman's have a lot of utilities and I love to help others with my buffs my totems provide. Totems, I love totems, they are what separate me from the other classes, I love the magic feeling behind them, as well as the buffs they give. I believe my twink's strongest ability are her totems. Shaman's without totems, wouldn't be shamans in my opinion. Totems are what make shaman's, well... shaman's. Orcs are usually known for their grotesque features and often black, grey or greenish skin. I believe this separates me from my character, obviously
. Well thank for you reading my post about my twink, I hope you enjoy my story and Good luck in the competition![/font]

long time ago when i was on the realm "moon guard" i wanted to try RP, so i sat down for about 10-20mins and thought up some good RP names and i liked Adeus the best, it was short and easy to say, and you'll never see another Adeus around


i started off as a human because i wanted to join "The Stormwind Guard" and i just wanted to be a normal soldier nothing special (it was very fun while it lasted)

when i factioned to horde i choose tauren because they looked badass and i wanted the extra health

when i came back to ally cata hit so i needed to try out worgen and it was pretty amazing but sadly i left ally to join WT and went back to the mighty tauren

and finally i wasnt FCing as much as i wanted to so i decided to change to imo the best race for 19s blood elf, adeus has been on a long journey and im happy where it ended


what can i say ever since i joined WoW in TBC i just loved warriors, my main was a warrior, most of my alts were warriors and my twink had to be a warrior to,

everything about a warrior interests me, loved the idea of having shield and sword charging head first into battle

Hello all, some of you may know me as a douchebag on these forums, which is true I could be a douchebag if I don't like you, but mostly I'm really just misunderstood. As you can see from the link of my character above "Turdel" is a warrior, & as many of you who are familiar with World of Warcraft know that warriors do in fact run on rage. I try to emulate this fact as best I can throughout my Warrior endeavors on these forums and in game.

Turdel happens to be my first twink. Turdel also happens to be an Arms warrior, which is very rare to stumble upon in these lowly & sad days of 19 twinking.

Turdel is currently an Orc, but it wasn't always this way. I rolled my twink in the end of BC & the beginning of WOTLK before the XP Off function was added to the game, at the time the 19 bracket was thriving & the Ruin migration was in full swing. I myself was on a gnome in Elune, a very prominent 19 twinking server in the Ruin battlegroup. My beginnings were humble & sincere (Like everyone else who began twinking). I was a member of Dead on Arrival an Old School 19 twinking guild. Shortly before the Shattering the guild activity decreased & some members broke off & formed another 19 twinking guild called Dynasty. Dynasty was the first & only guild I had the pleasure to premade with. We also played arenas (which were so fun) when you were still able to queue for them in Skirmishes. Things were going great and I was having an absolute blast in the 19 bracket. Games were competitive, the bracket was way more balanced then it is now & I still had a slow ability as Arms, which of course is my specialty. Later I faction changed to Horde because I grew tired of Alliance & wanted to spice things up, so as an Arms warrior I could see no better choice then to choose an Orc as a suitable race. My choice further catapulted me into the depths of twinking. The list of races I have been seen rolling a 19 warrior have been Gnome, Orc, Goblin, Human & Worgen. I also have sets for all three specs (Fury, Arms & Prot). My favorite (even still) is Orcish Arms, even though I remember doing so much burst as a little gnome and catching people unexpectedly with my size. I also have had several names which include Xile, Daike, Zoa & Zorc. Turdel also has many revered Trading Card Game Items like the Ownage Flag, Riding Turtle, Instant Statue Pedestal & Foam Sword Rack just to name a few.

The name Turdel came from early inspiration from a fellow twink in DoA, his name was Imaseaturtle & also because 19 twinks are able to have a mount which happens to be a Turtle which I saw Pk had one in Ironforge one day. I was a gnome originally (as stated above) & gnomes remind me of little turds. But obviously I couldn't name myself Turd, so I wanted to make it Turdle, but that was taken so I had to settle for Turdel & that was how my name was conceived

Now on to why I picked the class of Warrior & the spec of Arms. I picked a warrior as my twinking class simply because I had never played a warrior & I had enough currency to purchase a weapon for him (Bloodied Arcanite Reaper) which is BiS for Arms. Plus integrity in this game is a big thing for me, I simply couldn't live with myself knowing I'm playing a class which has an unfair advantage over other classes (hunter). This wasn't so prevalent back then because the bracket was more balanced then it is now (at least that goes for hunters/paliies). Now it seems that Blizzard doesn't like Shammys, druids, warlocks & warriors at lower levels.

I only first joined Twink Info after Curley (a former guildmate in Dynasty & current guildie in Waw Tawent) posted this thread onto these forums & requested that I comment on it, so I did
, before this I was a regular poster in the Ruin Battlegroup forums in the old WoW forums.

Only later after Cataclysm launched did I leave Dynasty because of lack of activity. I left to go to Waw Tawent after I had been accepted by Pizza on TI. I was ecstatic to have such a privilege to fight side by side with Pizza (a name I had always revered & had great games against when I played alliance as a gnome). I had just acquired my BoA Helm & was ready to kick some butt, and that I did happily until it all ended with a major Arms nerf in patch 4.2. Prior to 4.2 I couldn't help but hate the fact that my class had become more work to play then fun. But my class wasn't the only one effected by such overkill nerfs. To this day I still find it hard to log on an actually queue a game, It quite literally disgusts me when I see the amount of overplayed/overpowered classes in the bracket now. This has even forced me to roll overpowered classes just so I could continue playing in the bracket that I love & I even expanded my twinking to a new bracket (20-24). But that was still not enough to convince me to continue twinking, Now I regularly play SWTOR (which is a fantastic MMO).

This may be a bit of an overkill post & it sure as hell isn't a Biography but I don't want the prizes as much as I would like to document my twinking past.

Thanks for reading (if you did lol)

My first twink Fx is a lvl 19 Draenei Shaman.

I pronounce his name as "effects"...i always liked short names as they were easy to type when messaging so I picked something short and that actually had a meaning I thought was appropriate to a spellcaster. He was created I think about 4 years ago on Cenarius. I chose the Shaman as there were basically no Alliance Shaman around, very few healers, and a TON of hunters and rogues. I would guess it was and still is a very under-represented toon in the 19 bracket. I transferred over to Azgalor (had to change my name to Fxs) with my main to work with MIC. I am the only active toon currently on Azgalor Made in China guild .

I just recently reactivate my account after about 14 month break so I am modestly "twinked" at the moment. I am just getting used to the new skill system and have been running as a offensive resto mostly with purge spam and wind shear as appropriate to break up efc groups.

I have a family and business (I'm old...44 with 2 teenagers and wife of 20 years) so it is always challenging to find the time to play and keep up with the necessary "twink" accumulation. I decided to play 19 bracket and use my various high level toons just help with the farming.

MIC (with leaders like Tinkorbell/Blinka) have made this bracket a lot of fun over the years. I run my twink like I am in real life. Fair play and no bitching/whining or negativity. I like the teamwork, the good natured duels out in front of SW (where you learn a lot about the different classes), and the bgs. I enjoy good natured rivalry and hard fought battles. I don't like poor sports, profanity just for the sake of it, rudeness, and intolerance of the less skilled. I admire the skillful players, but I am here to relax...not get more stressed out because my heals aren't landing as fast as some goofball with anger issues would like

I hope to have Fx join an active guild like MIC back on Centarius some day soon.
Hello everybody!

that link right there, leads to a twink which i am very fond of. it is not my first twink, but it is most certainly my favourite!

so, a little about this twink! it has origins to the start of wotlk, though i didn't completely gear it until towards the end. i didn't originally intend for him to become a level 19 twink, i had given up twinking for a few months, but then one of my old twinking friends whispered me as i was levelling past 8, and said "dude, i hope you aren't making a twink out of that! mages are terrible twinks!"

well, i'll be damned if i'd let anybody tell me what i can and can't do. so i levelled her to 19, fixed some gear, and joined the guild Fourteen Inches Unbuffed. originally, my plans were to wait in the guild until i was fully geared, however over time, i grew fond of the members, and decided to stay. I must say, a big part of twinking for me is my guild, and i take pride in the state which it holds in the current bracket!

i picked a gnome, because when i googled "level 19 mage twink", a guide came up telling me to pick a gnome :\ i was young and inexperienced, but then again, it was and still is very much viable.

i would say, that the thing that defines me the most, is that i play as much for others' amusement as my own. to me, i can be the happiest man alive, and it will all be ruined if a guildmember is down. therefore, i'll put a great deal of effort into the structure, integrity and maintenance of Queueing Is The Best Bit, as i will for hopefully a long time into the future!

kind regards, Chíll of Aszune <3
Yoyoyo whattup twinks

Zukumlol -

How I got the name: Well At first, I have had a shaman for 5 years named Zakum. I got the name from the boss in Maplestory who dropped the badass looking helmet (I played like 8 years ago lol) and it sounded pretty cool. Since then, most of my characters have been based on Zakum, such as Zukum and Zukam. Since my mage is now my main and was named Zukum when I created my druid, I added the "lol" to the end because thats what all the cool kids do, am I right? (qt as well

Why I made a Worgen Druid: Well since they were new in Cataclysm and seemed like a cool race, and I never made one (darkflight seemed good for a druid as well), I decided to go Worgen. I made a feral druid because I got bored of playing my rogue after his gear got too outdated, and my brother accidentaly leveled my warrior to level 20(RIP justrendedu), not knowing bg's gave exp (he quit but was bored and logged on). Stealthies also are always a fun benefit. Also, it seemed as if there weren't many feral druids or druids in general in the 19 bracket, and its fun to try out different classes (my druid is most definately my favorite).

Sorry that this isn't really in depth (couldn't think of what else to write :/)


I chose the name "Awesome" for several reasons, contrary to popular belief.

The first reason, as you may have guessed, is because the name in itself implies that I am Awesome. Although I agree I am just an average guy, I think my position in life is pretty Awesome. I have a beautiful girlfriend, wonderful friends and family, and a future in commercial arts! As it stands right now as a lowly freshy at CCA, I love my life.

The second reason is because of an IRL friend of mine. His favorite thing to say is "Awesome, man" and that is what planted the idea in my head. He and I went to elementary, high school, and are now in the same class together. His style of art is the same as mine - similar to that of the famous British street artist, Banksy's. We are both supporters of complete and utter justifiable freedom. My signature is something he and I worked on as a colab, and it's currently converted to stencil form to put up around campus- as anonymous of course... it's quite illegal...

The third reason is simply because I was tired of my old name. Sxcshots... sure it has a nice ring to it, but as soon as I discovered Awesome wasn't taken, of course I was going to grab at the opportunity! The name "Sxcshots" implies "n00b hunter, back-peddler, retarded kid with no imagination". Switching from Sxc to Awesome was quite a change.


Undead. What race better to represent me? Originally I was a troll, but I grew tired of the lore behind it, and the Jamaican feel to it. The Forsaken race really does remind me of my home in California - run down, but still beautiful in every aspect. Sure, looking at it as an outsider, or a visitor, you'd see it as trashy, or ghetto. But for me, it was inspiration. Urban art was where I needed to be.

As a 14 year old, just starting to play WoW, I looked at the Undead race and saw just a bunch of zombies that can talk. But as I grew older, I realized the link between them and I. When I was 17, I race changed Awesome from troll to Undead. It was the best decision I've ever made on that character. Play style feels so much more natural, fun, and relatable.


I wish I could say there was some sentimental meaning to choosing the class hunter. I wish there was some meaning behind it for me. But in all honesty, I chose the class because I like to stand back and watch things die. Although I guess you could relate to my personality. I was always one to stand back and watch people- observe them, take note, and learn from their mistakes. I enjoyed watching people suffer, it was part of my nature that I regret. I used to hate people, I used to hate being a part of my school, my city, this planet. Watching people suffer made me feel bad, and that's how I felt I should feel.

I'm glad to say that time is over. The time for action is now. I am an activist, an avid Occupy supporter, and anonops... contributor. I'm proud of it, too. I don't try to hide it, and I don't plan on it.

Being a hunter, I can both stand back and watch, while participating in the action at hand. I'm a supporter of equal rights, on and offline, and that's why I refuse to camp, I refuse to farm, and I refuse to abuse my powers as a hunter. Balance is in my nature, and although it hasn't always been, it is a major factor in my life.

- from the mind of Awesome.


I chose to be a druid because back before 4.0 hit they were amazing flag carriers. I loved jumps and the ability to completely carry a pug group with my bandages and boa mace (rejuvs). I also chose druid because rogues annoy the hell out of me and druids (at the time) were immune to sap in bear form. I like the fast movement play and cant stand playing a caster. I CANNOT sit still and cast something that one hits someone. No matter how easy it is.


I simply chose to be a tauren for the stamina buff. Back when leg armors and head enchants were possible I had a health capped prot paladin. I was obsessed with having as much health as possible for quite a while.


Zarict has been a name I've been naming my characters for years. Theres no other character named zarict that dont belong to me or my brother. I like being unique and not blending in with the crowd.

My best abilities are jumps and quick awareness in the game. These also relate to me in real life as I was the captain of my High School soccer team the past two years as our High School team set many records within our school. And almost some statewide. (1 shutout away from state record)

Name and class:

Moggron is not very blood elf like name. There is a few reasons why i choose this specific name. Because i started to twink in TBC blood elf was the considered a "homo sexual" race of the horde and the only choice for a paladin, so i pretty much had to go with blood elf on this one, but i wanted my paladin to radiate more of a brutish appearance, the name also had to be similar to my back then main 49 twink who is an orc warrior. With time though i came to like blod elves as a whole, the dancing, well build body, hair entire package. So came up with an entire RP story of how my twink was abandoned as a baby and then found and raise by an orc couple who could not have kids of their own thus explaining brutish orcish like name.

Why this character is of value to me:

First of all id like to say that my main is and always have been a warlock because i wanted to play something that is not like me in real life. So the time when i made a paladin had to come sooner or later. This is the reason this character is so special to me, its because paladin kind of represents the real life me in the game. I have always been a righteous, helpful, and kind person inside and that's what paladins are, they are righteous warriors fighting against the evil.

Besides that this is my first and only paladin character i put considerable time and care into. In my case it is also the pioneer character of most of the brackets i have played in 39, 59,60, 69,70, 79, and 80. I have basically started of from 39, and level on getting BiS or second BiS for every one of those brackets only spending a considerable amount of time at 39 49 and 80.

To finish of id like to say that atm this is my most active twink i play and care for it the most, and if you had asked me in TBC i probably couldn't even imagine saying what i just said about this character back then.
Name: Callajr


Ever since twinking in UO (Ultima Online: yes, i'm old), a lot of my charactes have had a jr in their name.

Back in the day, I wanted to have a twink at each bracket level and for each class. Paladin was the one class that I just didn't really enjoy playing as much, so I figured the less I had to level it the better =)

This one, I created after my daughter was born (yes its named after her). Since there was only one race that could be a paladin at that time on the horde side, she was made as a blood elf.

As the name of the guild implies, I just like messing around with all things related to twinking; pvp, character development, achievements, etc. Unfortunately, I have alt-itis, so just when I start working on something on a fairly regular basis, I get bored and try something else =) The beauty of twinking though is that the characters are fun to come back to after a period of time and refresh. (It's only natural that my main is a druid, so I can heal, tank, melee and ranged dps depending on how I feel like playing at a given time).
Name: Malakar

Server: Farstriders

Level: 19

Malakar was originally a level 19 Blood Elf twink which I made to run an RP-PVP guild several years ago (pre-WotLK). There isn't much "logic" behind the name other than the fact that I originally wanted an RP-friendly name and "Malakar" is the name I typically use for evil spellcasters in RPGs. Back in the pre-WotLK days I made a bit of a name for myself on the server and had a friendly rivalry with some Alliance twinks from the twink guild <Farstriders Elite>. A couple months ago I returned to WoW and, while I was on my new main toon (Worgen Druid), spotted one of the old guild leaders of FE. Long story short: we're reviving twinking on the server together. I deleted the original Malakar and re-rolled him on the Alliance side.

I chose Warlock as my class because it isn't an overpowered/overplayed class for a twink but still has decent damage output and crowd control. I like being the odd man out, the guy that's doing something different than most of the other people. I'm kind of like that in person actually... I like to be unique and different. Once I decided to re-roll Alliance I chose to make him Human for the racial (Every Man For Himself). It was a pretty simple decision to make actually. I'm still working on getting my second Arena Grand Master but I look forward to having two of them.

Malakar is special to me because (despite re-rolling him) he's my first twink and I have a lot of history with the character. I still remember beating one of the best Frost Mages on the server in a 1v1 duel in Rachet (best 2 out of 3) back in the day. Of course all that is in the past. Today the class abilities and gear is different so I feel like a noob all over again. I think that would be my weakest "real life characteristic" actually, my lack of experience with the classes post cataclysm. I suppose that is fitting because, as a twink, Malakar lacks experience too!

As a side note this is my first post on this forum. I've been lurking it for a while now but haven't had much to say. I'd love to win Landro's Lichling for Malakar so you've drawn me out of my silence with this contest! I appreciate all the work people have put into the various guides and I look forward to seeing you all on the battlefield.

My first char was an old human male warlock named Richmon, I quite fast realized that spending 10-16 hours a day looking at him didn't pleasure me that much, however back in vanilla I was stuck with him - - as soon as I could I made him female. I decided to roll yet another human, mainly since I liked "perception" - - I rolled a warrior, mainly since they counterd me as a warlock. Since you didn't get XP in BG's back in vanilla I twinked the living **** out of her at lvl 49 and named her Zhara. I and another warrior twink from my guild (Pwnator) was quite feard in BG's and eventually got our fans posting on the realm forums about us
The computer I had at the time didn't really like TBC so I was forced to quit raiding and became very active on the EU-Interface/Macro forums with my priest - Vanéssa.

Time whent by, I changed server from EU-Darksorrow to EU-Ragnaros, as I at the time had 10 lvl 70's it was quite an costly process, but I loved my new server so it was worth every "krona". With the move I renamed and changed gender on multiple of my chars, Zhara was renamed Nitzi, reason for this was that I named my main at the time "Mitzi" which means "bitter" and wanted a short but similar name, Nitzi was perfect. I had at this time quit lvl 49 twinking with her and lvled her to 70. I had a new computer, started raiding again as a warlock and warrior, as well as grinding with the 8 other lvl 70's (which also had similar names except Vanéssa the priest). When Wotlk came I decided to take a break, IRL got in the way. When I came back my little brother had an account with a lvl 80 hunter on it, so decided to leave my chars for a while, I ended up lvling all classes to lvl 80 and raiding as a hunter. Catalysm hit and I once again whent on a break. However now real life truly is in the way, so I have my lvl 70 account active since I enjoy TBC the most, maxing the chars in my own pace, working on all of them at the same time, however Nitzi is what I would call my main. Seeing as I enjoy PvP quite alot and my main is a warrior I would say that my strongest real life charateristic is decication, truly love the class and my spec which is prot, can't really think of any weak real life charateristic that would impact my gaming.


I've nearly lvled and played (and got) all classes both as lvl 70/80 twinks and raiding mains, however being a prot warrior is where my heart truly exists, they are the true tanks of this game and I love playing one. Love the abilities, love them in PvE and to a large extent in PvP, however I feel ashemed that the classes that warriors used to counter with ease now if I'm not careful can consider me a roadbump. Many that are reading this however can probably not understand why I find being the most gimped class in the lvl 70 bracket so much fun, but having those low expectations on you really makes it fun to charge in and do some stuff that no one expects! Sure I had my time when I killed Galv in AV by my self and was unkillable so I guess I have to make up for it now. Another thing I love doing is being distraction in WSG and similar situations, just running into the horde team popping every CD, stunning, fearing etc while the rest of the team caps the flag or something similar.
Way back in BC I created Spankus. This character's name is special to me because along with Spankus there was also a Crankus who was played by a RL friend of mine. (Back then when their was only a regular WSG bracket I used to spank and gank all the non twinks who joined.) We chose gnomes because back then their racials were extremely good, having an easier time with Green Tinted Goggles and all. The problem is nowadays gnomes are a weak race so I end up being the one who gets spanked. I have kept my character transmogged the way he is to remember the good old days of playing him with my friend who has quit for good now.

I came to the game of WoW around 6 months ago, and i made a tauren druid on a new player server, i was making friends and soon met someone who told me to roll a new character on a better server, he suggested kil'jaeden. I rolled a new character because i was only level 9 on the original one. I decided I would roll a rogue, because I read the description and totally thought that it was me. I could not for the life of me pick a name for myself, I didn't want to use any names that I had used in other games because I wanted a fresh start. So naturally I started spamming the random name button, looking for a short name, that was interesting. I came across the name spruo, and LOVED it. I was also an undead back then, because I liked the death concept of the undead. I then leveled my character to around level 40 and I got bored! I went back to my old games (runescape bleh).

I was only to continue wow a few months later, around 4 weeks ago. I begin to level my character, and I heard about twinking and found this site. At first I thought i would get this character to 85, and maybe make a twink later. Fast forward 1 week, I am in northrend, around 3 bars from 71 when someone pst's me about our arena yesterday, I was very confused. Turned out he was a 70 twink that clicked on the wrong name. Right then I asked if he would like to do arena, he said yes, and I immediately went and turned my xp off. I have been gearing myself for around 3 weeks. JUST GOT MY FIRST GLAIVE TODAY
. and this is where i am. I'm currently leveling a druid to be my 85, for funding for this twink because lets face it, these things are expensive
. I would love to get one of the pets because it would look sweet, or i could sell it like we had talked about before. (never got around to buying one off Ebay

Thanks for listening to my story, and good luck to everyone

- Jack (Spruo)
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