My character Confusing
70 twink priest.
The way i type on wow is what my friend cole called 'unreadable' o'corse it was an exaggeration... still When i type i misspell words, miss type them, letters are moved around, missing spaces... lalala. in general. im horrible at typing. Making what i right hard to understand. Plus the way i just make the sentence in general is pretty bad TT.TT,
With all my random outbursts, change of moods, and attitude my cousin said i was confusing. Name stuck, eventually irl friends that played wow began to call me that. Now people tend to call me that irl... *sigh* I decided the name was actually quite fitting for me and i would never want to change it... It will do well too with my new character change. Putting on a recolor of mage teir two, with the EVOCATE* trinket, archaeology stuff will make some players confused..
Class & race:
I rolled priest b4 they were cool(;
yeah but naw um.. I rolled priest because a friend of mine had one and in duels he would always MC me. i thought it was one of the funniest things on a priest and i can sit and imagine people raging as they were thrown off a cliff helplessly. I liked the fact that i could actually do so me dps at my level... it bothered me that druids pvp dps wasnt that great. And shammy didn't seem like my cup of tea. I already had a pally. And priest just seemed right for me. I picked Bloodelf because i had always rolled as a female undead <3 meh i love undead. Undead since vanilla ;D
Bloodelf with the silence / mana gain would prove really useful in Bgs / mages. Born and raised on horde.
But i did move to Ally because there was more population on that side. the extra trinket (rolled human) also would help.
Moved back to horde and went to my current home Rexxar.
Confusing is special to me becuase i really did like the BC xpac. Bosses. gear. pvp. And shes my ticket back. Although its not the same and alot of the stuff is freebe. It feels good to be stuck in the past.
I love the mounts too, adds a more old look to it, some of my fav mounts are from bc, Talbulk, etcetc
My strongest irl characteristic is i am a 'fast person' Constantly on the move in my gameplay, i move alot while i play and make sure im balanced between my healing targets. Back pedalling is not an option. i move forward irl and in game. putting effort into things that probably don't even deserve it. Planning out and executing it.
Now that i have made one for my priest i feel like its necessary to do one for my level one.
Ilikecheese < level one pally. aka (cheese
I chose the name Because it represents my randomness. i have always been random and wild so i decided why the hell not? Level one twinking i discovered through my brother, nickolai.
He dosnt play anymore )) i saw t and thought it was really amazing and so i gave it a try as my first attempt at twinking
it blasted off on me. Suddenly days sitting in durotar didn't seem boring anymore. i had something to do. Suddenly i could spend gold on something other then random items on ah that had no value to me. A light went off in me. And i was addicted to it.
Class & race: this character is about 3-4 years old.
There was 0% exsistance of twinks on my realm. proud to say. i was probably one of the 1st;D
I wanted to roll as a pally because of armor / healing i thought would do good against higher levels. i wanted to also pick something harder then a rouge..
Considering BE was the only class atm that could go pally. i went bloodelf, the silence ended up saving me and winning me duels all around. The heals helped too.
Although i had no attack besides melee i managed and even got around to beating 40s which on my realm earned me bragging rights;D
ilikecheese is my pride and joy. After raids in Wotlk there wasnt anything to do but get on her, she practicably became my main. Reguardless of being in the best guild on my realm and doing raids what not, i kept my 80s name a secret. Who she was no longer known for her name ''madbiotch'', ilikecheese took her place and i became *popular* getting fanmail in the morning and constant wispers set my achieving levels at high. Ilikecheese is extremely unique, professions cooking 480, and engineering 75, it is impossible to get engineering at level 1 now, for a week in Pre cata blizzard opened the professions to level ones Without making an announcement, i had always been ontop of things when it came to fishing </3 so i had checked all the profession trainers that day and got it. i have yet to meet another level one that has it. Bombs that crit 150 help <3 along with this in my lvl1 it got lonely so when people asked for help to make a level one. i did. Creating what couldah made an impact on my realm.. My guild eventually got up to 150 members and we were raiding everyday. World pvping in Elywen and Northshire.
^this post has got me going T.T
after cata alot of the guildies just stopped getting on because of nerfs, i still have about a handfull that get on and all, but not many are left.
ilikecheese remains my favorite character. She is my everything on wow(;
My ability to stick with stuff irl really helped me on this toon with all the time / deaths put into it.
alot of my 70 friends today i discovered that had made level 1 twinks with me before. when they found out my that i was ilikecheese.
sometimes i wonder if i influenced twinking on them to make 70s o;
Thats it c: