10-19 Neap's Guide to Mistweaving at 19


Neap's 19 Mistweaver Monk Guide

UPDATED FOR 6.0.whatareweinnow?


As of patch 6.0.whatareweinnow?, mistweaver remains a very strong and viable healer. Now that haste breakpoints are gone (super sadface), our heals benefit even more from haste stacking (happy face). In WoD, after a ceratin breakpoint, haste would stop being beneficial. However, this is no longer the case! Not only does haste increase the healing done by our enveloping mist by a slight bit more than versatility, it also scales much better with our channeled spell, soothing mist. I thoroughly enjoy this change to mistweaver. Even though most people will tell you that you should be throwing barrels and 1shotting people, Weaving Mists can be a very fun and viable form of healing. You do not have any CC, very good mobiltiy with Roll and Tiger's Lust, strong heals, and basicly die if rogues decide you need to die now. All in all, it is a very interesting class/spec.


I Race

II Talents

III Base Abilities

IV Professions

V Gear

VI Tips and Tricks

VII Gameplay

VIII 1v1 Situations

IX Conclusion

I Races


In my opinion, Gnomes are the primary race choice for alliance mistweavers. FIRST OFF 1% HASTE!!! Escape artist is nice for removing CC, the have highest base intellect for Alliance, and can get better bombs. Human can be good to free up a trinket slot. The Panda stun is nice for peeling melee off of you or interrupting a healer. Gift of the Naaru is better than it was, and same with stoneform. Shadowmeld could be an interesting way to drop combat after rolling, but never tried it.

Arcane Resistance
Escape Artist
Engineering Specialization
Expansive Mind
Nimble Fingers

Every Man For Himself
The Human Spirit

Quaking Palm

Gift of the Naaru
Heroic Presence

Night Elf
Nature Resistance
Wisp Spirit

Frost Resistance
Might of the Mountain


There really isnt a best horde race for Mist Monks. Blood Elf is strong due to highest base intellect and the silence is a bonus. Torrent also giving 1 chi makes Belf a very strong horde choice. Undead is also good because of the fear trinket. (Diminished cuz priest lost fear)Tauren and Pandaren are suited to peel melee which is very key as a mist monk. Orc gives a SP boost, and The Troll haste buff can give your HoT a nice boost. I personally think horde race choice is mostly preference.

Blood Elf
Arcane Resistance
Arcane Torrent

Da Voodoo Shuffle

Will of the Forsaken
Touch of the Grave

Blood Fury

Quaking Palm

War Stomp
Nature Resistance

II Talents

Celerity - Spell - World of Warcraft- Adds a charge and reduces CD on Roll / Chi Torpedo, so you go from 2 rolls every 40 sec to 3 every 45 sec. Overshadowed in WSG by Tiger's Lust.

Tiger's Lust - Spell - World of Warcraft20 yd range Instant 30 sec cooldown
Instantly clears the target of all immobilizing and movement impairing effects, and increases their movement speed by 70% for 6 sec.
This is what makes a mist monk extremely good. It is useful for removing snares on FCs who are stuck off cap (Geno knows how clutch this can be :p). It can also be used to sprint for repicks or give a hunter or another offensive teammate a burst of speed. CANNOT be used on targets with other temporary speed boosts. Will still remove CC on FC with stacks, no movement speed obviously.

Momentum - Spell - World of Warcraft - No, No, No...

III Base Abilities

Jab - Spell - World of Warcraft - Generates 1 chi. Low Damage. (AS OF PATCH 6.0.whatareweinnow? only useable in dps stance, so not very useful!)

Blackout Kick - Spell - World of Warcraft- Costs 2 chi, Decent Damage. Only use for bursting an EFC or healer, unless you are in a 1v1 and can spare the chi. Can be good burst on an efc with stacks if both crit back to back, or to dip that overextending rogue to 40%, forcing him to fall back. (AS OF PATCH 6.0.whatareweinnow? only useable in dps stance, so not very useful!)

Tiger Palm - Spell - World of Warcraft- Costs 1 chi, Low Damage. Allows your attacks to ingnore 30% on your enemies armor for 20 sec. Use if you will be meleeing any target for an extended period of time.
AS OF PATCH 6.0.whatareweinnow? only useable in dps stance, so not very useful!)
Provoke - Spell - World of Warcraft - Taunts the target, can be used on rogues/druids right before they stealth, will put them in combat for 4 sec.

Roll - Spell - World of Warcraft - You roll 20 yards forward, good for juking melee off you for a tick or two, also can use to range ranged dps. 2 charges. CAN roll with 4 stacks with the flag.

Soothing Mist - Spell - World of Warcraft- Channeled Heal, AS OF 6.0.whatareweinnow? no longer heals target when applied,but ticks every ~.9 seconds. Hits like a truck now, harder then surging mist and slightly less than enveloping mist.

Enveloping Mists - Costs 3 chi. Heals every ~0.9 seconds. 6 ticks. Also increases healing from Soothing mists by 30% while active. Use this on targets that are being bursted. This is what makes you viable. You can also toss this on an FC, then soothing mist spamm yourself, topping you both.

Surging Mist - the only way you get chi. Spam for extra heals and to acquire chi. It is your friend. Use it.

IV Professions
The only two viable professions are jewelcrafting and engineering.

Gives Heavy Stone Statue that heals you over time.

Supplies you with bombs and miscellaneous items

V Gear
AS FAR AS GEARING AND ENCHANTS GO, I WILL NOT HOLD YOUR HAND! Yes, I am still testing things and playing around with it, will I link every single piece of BIS gear? No. Will I tell you exactly what enchant to use in every slot on every single type of build out there? No. There are so many different options in the bracket due to 5.4 (and 6.0.whatareweinnow enchants)enchant scaling, so you can stack what you like. Wanna try a full crit build? Go for it, and let me know how it goes. Full Spellpower stack? Be my guest. The point I am trying to make is that there is no way in hell there is a definitive BIS. I have linked what I have discovered with a Haste Build and will play around with double trinket and a rep inscription. I have also only tested alliance, and will probably use a friend to test for horde as well.

For Mist Monks, Horde has the better gear due to faction specific quest gear that only Horde can get. This quest gear includes items such as Uninsured Bracers , Wild Rider's Gloves Merger Boots Stillwater's Signet . This gear focuses more on crit, so stacking crit may be an option.

Armory Links:

I recently rolled a gnome mist monk on BH ally to play around with gearing as Neap on LSFTW had no main and a dead server w/ no enchants. I am using a haste stacking build, which focuses on maximizing my haste for Enveloping and Soothing Mist.

Greater Inscription of Charged Lodestone = 1haste
Bracer - Greater Speed = 2 haste
Gloves - Haste =4 haste
Boots - Speed = 3 haste
Random Cloak of the Sorcerer = 3 haste
Random Belt of the Vision = 4 haste
Boa Helm = 4 haste
Boa Leggings = 4 haste
Musty tome of the Lost = 3 haste
Swift Hand of Justice = 6 haste
hovel digger bands = 2 haste
Mark of warsong = amazing
Cloak = 18
Neck = 13
Rings = 9 each

VI Tips and Tricks

Roll Jukes - When you have a melee or two on you that you dont want to be taking damage from, you can strafe and roll to the right or left. This will let you heal for a second or two withotu the risk of an interrupt. When they approach, do the same thing in the opposite direction while they are running at you, and you will be able to heal again. You can also roll at a caster about to cast something on you if you want to aviod that damage, so that they wont hit you, because you are behind them.

PreHoTing - PreHOTing is a major part of being a good mistweaver. Keeping a full chi bank is essential to healing a midfight. when you see someone with 2 serpent stings and 2 explosive shots on them you might want to get the HoTs rolling on them. The more you play, the better you will get at predicting this damage. You can also use your teams positioning and aggressiveness to preheal. For example if you are at full chi it would probably be a better idea to use the HoT on your arms warrior in the middle of their team than your mage sitting back and pewpewing

VII Gameplay

As a mist monk, during the initial mid fight you should try to stay back and top off light damage, mitigating things such as DOTs. Once you have full chi, wait for someone to get bursted while tossing your soothing mists around to whoever starts dipping. When someone gets opened on/bursted, toss them your hot and spamm soothing mists till they're topped. If you get focused, use your rolls to get a bit of space from your attackers. In an O and D setting, preferably play D, but an offensive mist monk can be deadly when stacks rise. If on O, use your blackout kicks to your advantage, when you noticed a healer is sitting a full Hoj or something. As stacks start to build, feel free to toss a pair of blackout kicks on an efc when you notice his healer(s) are CCd. Their one weakness is they will fail miserably keeping up with a kiting defense, either part of said defense or chasing one.

VIII 1v1 Situations

Melee Classes
Warriors - You should never lose a 1v1 to a warrior of any spec. Make sure you dont dip to execute range and keep your hot up at 50% HP, you should be fine. Killing them is not ideal with their armor, so it is a good idea to roll, wait for charge, then Tiger's Lust away.

Rogues - Rogues are scary :( run fast, dont die! Backroll their opener and channel, surging twice, roll again, surging again, pop EM and continue healing. Prepare to kite to your team, and hopefully make them waste their kick with your HoT up. Or better yet, don't get kicked :D

Ret Pally- Scaryish. Easy to kite. If you are not gone by the time the get a second HoJ on you I feel bad for you
Feral Druid - If a decent feral with any determination at all decides to sit on you, you are basicly screwed. He will chill till he gets 5 combo points, ferocious bite + mangle and you are history unless you get a 850 HoT crit just after he bites. Spamm soothing mists and enveloping mist as soon as you get 3 chi, try to keep enveloping mist up at all times. You can try roll x2 + Tiger's Lust, but most druid will Pounce after you, then go stag form and you wont go anywhere. If this escape fails you will enivitably die when your chi regen fails you, and he gets a bite off with no HoT up.

WW/BM Monk - Brewmaster will not kill you, just make sure to not get 1shot by kegsmash at around 70% hp or so. slowly kite and best of luck! A good WW can really hurt if he knows what he is doing and gets crits on his FoF. Running to a team member is the best solution to this annoying problem

Warlock - A lock will never burst you, you can probably kill it if you try, but you will get feared and should probably ignore it.

Priest - A priest is just annyoying. Leave it alone, it will probably do the same to you. If a priest opens, heal the light damage, roll and lust away.

Shaman - A shaman dosent have the burst to kill you, heal as normal. I suggest running away/not engaging. ENH shammans (tested on HB) can kill you after about 2 duels and half an hour of loud screaming :D)

Hunter - Even a good hunter does not have the burst to kill you. You wont kill it cuz posthaste lel. However, you can also escape with roll x2, Tiger's Lust the Concussive Shot.

Balance Druid - Even if your not geared, you can heal through a boomkins damage ( my revitalize monk w/o Boas vs pizza :) ) You wont kill it, so roll twice, Tiger's lust the roots.

Mage - You will take a large amount of time to touch a mage good mage (HB I am looking at you!) Roll twice to range, Tiger's lust the pet nova, you're gone.

IX Conclusion

In conclusion, playing a mist monk is a challenging but fun healing experience. You have hard hitting heals and good mobility, but get locked out easily and are semi-squish. Most people will dislike you for your class/spec choice and tell you to go keg smash some people, but that’s all part of being a mist monk :)


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Interesting guide, and nice to see more attention on Mistweaver Monks. We are awesome yo.

But there are a few things I noticed that I would change:

Tiger Palm - Costs 1 chi, Low Damage. Reduces your Victims armor by 30% for 20 sec. Use if you will be sitting on any target for an extended period of time.

It doesn't actually decrease your target's armour by 30%, but gives you a buff allowing you to ignore 30% of your opponents armour. ie. It does not apply a debuff to your target, but a buff to you.
This means that #1 no-one else but you benefits from the armour reduction, and #2 you retain the armour reduction effect even if you change target.
I explained this poorly, just shout if you want me to try again ><

Soothing Mists - Channeled Heal, heals target when applied and ticks every ~.9 seconds. 45% chance to generate 1 chi per tick. Your main heal, Use to negate minor damage. You get more heals/ticks off while spamming it, because you get the initial heal and the tick at .9 sec right before you reapply it. However, your cast bar just resets itself, so you are easily interrupted. You can also use a stopcasting macro to stop your cast right after the initial heal, making you very hard to interrupt. However, you lose out on the second tick while doing this.

It's 30% chance to generate chi, at least according to the tooltip.

But anyhow, I certainly liked the guide, and the gearing section has got me re-thinking my gearing plan. Thanks for putting the effort in to create it ^^
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Interesting guide for sure. Even though I prolly won't play mist monk for the life of me (having too much fun as brewmaster). Good job with the guide, even with the mistakes that Fibbins pointed out
Hunter - Even a good hunter does not have the burst to kill you, a BM might get close with burst + intimidation, you should be fine. You wont kill it just because you will get scattered as soon as you get in range, then kited. However, you can also escape with roll x2, Tiger's Lust the Concussive Shot.
BM hunters do not get Intimidation before level 20.
VIII then VIX? Didn't know VIX was a number.. Barb can you remind me where I've seen this format before it seems so familiar but I can't wrap my head around it.
Locking this until a the situation is cleared up.
PMing OP / Stealthcnt / Sqooshi
Open for make over. :)
You might want to include the benefits, and also encourage people, to hit the first haste breakpoint of Enveloping mists (since it is one of your main healing abilities). The breakpoint is around about 8.39% haste. It's quite simple with the new off-hand BoA, +10 haste enchant to gloves and tumultuous cloak (with 4int/4stam/4haste) and the 50% bonus from healing stance.
This will increase the ticks of your Enveloping mists from 6 to 7.
Increase the rate at which your soothing mists ticks (yet, the maximum ticks will always stay at 9) and potentially raise your chi generation.

Just a thought. :)
The layout seems pretty standard to me, idk why you'd make such a fuss about it...

Good to see this guide coming along so nicely, keep up the good work!
What would you say

10 Haste on gloves or 16 Spell Power? and what chest enchant PLS ANSWER and also cloth heirloom head and legs or leather?
I prefer spellpower, its preferance imo, chest definatly 100 health, you are the squishiest heals and will need the stam. As far as heirlooms you can go cloth (for the haste) and have the chance to run oom in midfights and be even more squishier, or go leather and never go oom. Your call, its preferance.
If you really want to try to melee a shaman to death on a mistweaver monk, you can be my guest. Id like you to let me know how that one turns out. Oh, and while youre at it, make me a vid to put on this guide, looks like I need to include a MW monk melee section. Because that is definatly viable...

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