39s, let me help get your characters geared! If you have a 39 well on their way to completion that could use a couple of BoEs, hit me up! I'd rather see more 39s on the field than have this gear collect dust. The following 39 BoE gear (ilvl 48 except for weapons at ilvl 45) brings either speed or leech (as noted), and a socket.
Items for other brackets also available for gifting; 19/20 gear for trade only.
Azgalor, Azshara, Destromath, Thunderlord, Blood Furnace, Mannoroth, Nazjatar:
cloth head: Moonfall Cowl of the Feverflare, 14int, 20stam, 10haste, 17mas, 12speed, socket
cloth shoulders: Crescent Vale Shoulderpads of the Quickblade, 10int, 15stam, 7crit, 13vers, 9speed, socket
cloth shoulders: Moonfall Shoulderguards of the Peerless, 10int, 15stam, 10crit, 10mas, 9speed, socket
cloth shoulders: Hrydshal Shoulderpads of the Feverflare, 10int, 15stam, 10haste, 10mas, 9speed, socket
cloth shoulders: Moonfall Shoulderpads of the Peerless, 10int, 15stam, 10crit, 10mas, 9leech, socket
cloth shoulders: Crescent Vale Shoulderpads of the Quickblade, 10int, 15stam, 9crit, 12vers, 9leech, socket
cloth chest: Temporal Scholar's Robe of the Peerless, 14int, 20stam, 10crit, 17mas, 12leech, socket
cloth chest: Foxhollow Robes of the Aurora, 14int, 20stam, 13haste, 13vers, 12leech, socket
cloth chest: Moonfall Robe of the Peerless, 14int, 20stam, 10crit, 17mas, 12speed, socket
cloth wrists: Moonfall Wristwraps of the Peerless, 8int, 11stam, 10crit, 5mas, 6leech, socket
cloth wrists: Hagfeather Wristwraps of the Fireflash, 8int, 11stam, 6crit, 9haste, 6leech, socket
cloth wrists: Sagehold Bracers of the Peerless, 8int, 11stam, 9crit, 6mas, 6leech, socket
cloth wrists: Temporal Scholar's Wristwraps of the Quickblade, 8int, 11stam, 10crit, 5vers, 6speed, socket
cloth hands: Hagfeather Handwraps of the Fireflash, 10int, 15stam, 9crit, 12haste, 9speed, socket
cloth waist: Hagfeather Cord of the Savant, 10int, 15stam, 20mas, 9leech, socket
cloth waist: Temporal Scholar's Cord of the Feverflare, 10int, 15stam, 13haste, 7mas, 9leech, socket
cloth legs: Saurifeather Pants of the Fireflash, 14int, 20stam, 8crit, 19haste, 12speed, socket
cloth legs: Moonfall Leggings of the Feverflare, 14int, 20stam, 8haste, 19mas, 12speed, socket
cloth legs: Temporal Scholar's Leggings of the Harmonious, 14int, 20stam, 13vers, 13mas, 12leech, socket
cloth legs: Hagfeather Leggings of the Adaptable, 14int, 20stam, 27vers, 12speed, socket
cloth feet: Hagfeather Sandals of the Aurora, 10int, 15stam, 6haste, 14vers, 9speed, socket
cloth feet: Hagfeather Sandals of the Aurora, 10int, 15stam, 6haste, 14vers, 9speed, socket (2nd set)
cloth feet: Moonfall Sandals of the Peerless, 10int, 15stam, 10crit, 10mas, 9leech, socket
cloth feet: Temporal Scholar's Sandals of the Aurora, 10int, 15stam, 14haste, 6vers, 9speed, socket
leather head: Ambervale Hood of the Quickblade, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15haste, 12mas, 12leech, socket
leather head: Haustvelt Hood of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 12crit, 15mas, 12speed, socket
leather head: Ambervale Hood of the Harmonious, 14int/agi, 20stam, 12vers, 15mas, 12leech, socket
leather head: Ambervale Hood of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 19haste, 8mas, 12leech, socket
leather head: Llothien Hood of the Aurora, 14int/agi, 20stam, 10haste, 17vers, 12speed, socket
leather shoulders: Ambervale Shoulders of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12haste, 9mas, 9leech, socket
leather shoulders: Ambervale Shoulders of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12haste, 9mas, 9leech, socket (2nd set)
leather shoulders: Ambervale Shoulders of the Quickblade, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6crit, 14vers, 9speed, socket
leather shoulders: Haustvelt Shoulders of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6crit, 14mas, 9leech, socket
leather shoulders: Llothien Shoulders of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 13haste, 7vers, 9leech, socket
leather chest: Ambervale Jerkin of the Harmonious, 14agi/int, 20stam, 15vers, 12mas, 12leech, socket
leather chest: Icepine Jerkin of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 12haste, 15mas, 12speed, socket
leather wrists: Ambervale Bindings of the Feverflare, 8int/agi, 11stam, 10haste, 5mas, 6speed, socket
leather hands: Icepine Gloves of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 13haste, 7mas, 9speed, socket
leather hands: Icepine Gloves of the Fireflash, 10agi/int, 15stam, 7crit, 13haste, 9leech, socket
leather waist: Llothien Waistband of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6haste, 14mas, 9leech, socket
leather legs: Crimsonwood Breeches of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 12haste, 15mas, 12leech, socket
leather legs: Ambervale Britches of the Quickblade, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15crit, 12vers, 12speed, socket
leather legs: Llothien Britches of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 19crit, 8mas, 12speed, socket
leather legs: Smolderhide Britches of the Aurora, 14int/agi, 20stam, 13haste, 13vers, 12speed, socket
leather legs: Icepine Britches of the Fireflash, 14int/agi, 20stam, 10crit, 17haste, 12leech, socket
leather legs: Ambervale Britches of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 10crit, 17mas, 12speed, socket
leather legs: Ambervale Britches of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 8crit, 19mas, 12speed, socket
leather legs: Haustvelt Britches of the Fireflash, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15crit, 12haste, 12speed, socket
leather feet: Ambervale Boots of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 10crit, 10mas, 9leech, socket
leather feet: Ambervale Boots of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 10crit, 10mas, 9leech, socket
leather feet: Haustvelt Boots of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 10haste, 10vers, 9leech, socket
mail head: Warpwind Helm of the Harmonious, 14int/agi, 20stam, 13vers, 13mas, 12leech, socket
mail head: Hillstride Helm of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 12crit, 15mas, 12speed, socket
mail head: Faronaar Chain Helm of the Quickblade, 14int/agi, 20stam, 10crit, 17vers, 12speed, socket
mail shoulders: Warpwind Spaulders of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12crit, 9mas, 9leech, socket
mail shoulders: Hillstride Spaulders of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 7crit, 13mas, 9speed, socket
mail chest: Barrowknoll Chainmail of the Harmonious, 14agi/int, 20stam, 12vers, 15mas, 12speed, socket
mail chest: Warpwind Vest of the Aurora, 14int/agi, 20stam, 13haste, 13vers, 12leech, socket
mail chest: Faronaar Chain Vest of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15crit, 12mas, 12speed, socket
mail wrists: Faronaar Chain Bracers of the Aurora, 8int/agi, 11stam, 10haste, 5vers, 6leech, socket
mail wrists: Faronaar Chain Bracers of the Fireflash, 8int/agi, 11stam, 6crit, 9haste, 6speed, socket
mail wrists: Hillstride Bracers of the Peerless, 8int/agi, 11stam, 11crit, 4mas, 6leech, socket
mail wrists: Dreadroot Linked Bracers of the Peerless, 8int/agi, 11stam, 5crit, 10mas, 6leech, socket
mail hands: Valdisdall Gauntlets of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12haste, 9mas, 9leech, socket
mail waist: Faronaar Chain Belt of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 9haste, 12vers, 9speed, socket
mail waist: Faronaar Chain Belt of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6haste, 14vers, 9speed, socket
mail waist: Warpwind Belt of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 9vers, 12mas, 9speed, socket
mail waist: Hillstride Belt of the Quickblade, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12crit, 9vers, 9speed, socket
mail legs: Faroonar Chain Legguards of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 13crit, 13mas, 12speed, socket
mail legs: Warpwind Legguards of the Fireflash, 14int/agi, 20stam, 12crit, 15haste, 12speed, socket
mail legs: Dreadroot Linked Legguards of the Aurora, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15haste, 12vers, 12speed, socket
mail feet: Ravascale Striders of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 7crit, 13mas, 9leech, socket
mail feet: Hillstride Greaves of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 9crit, 12mas, 9leech, socket
mail feet: Warpwind Greaves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12vers, 9mas, 9leech, socket
mail feet: Dreadroot Linked Greaves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 14vers, 6mas, 9speed, socket
plate chest: Valarsmidd Breastplate of the Feverflare, 14int/str, 20stam, 13haste, 13mas, 12leech, socket
plate chest: Stormforger Chestplate of the Peerless, 14int/str, 20stam, 10crit, 17mas, 12speed, socket
plate chest: Jandvik Chestplate of the Aurora, 14int/str, 20stam, 19haste, 8vers, 12speed, socket
plate wrists: Valarsmidd Vambraces of the Feverflare, 8int/str, 11stam, 4haste, 11mas, 6speed, socket
plate wrists: Jandvik Vambraces of the Harmonious, 8int/str, 11stam, 9vers, 6mas, 6leech, socket
plate hands: Jandvik Gauntlets of the Feverflare, 10int/str, 15stam, 6haste, 14mas, 9speed, socket
plate hands: Jandvik Gauntlets of the Aurora, 10int/str, 15stam, 13haste, 7vers, 9leech, socket
plate hands: Rhut'van Gauntlets of the Feverflare, 10int/str, 15stam, 6haste, 14mas, 9speed, socket
plate waist: Jandvik Girdle of the Harmonious, 10int/str, 15stam, 9vers, 12mas, 9speed, socket
plate waist: Ettinbone Girdle of the Peerless, 10int/str, 15stam, 9crit, 12mas, 9speed, socket
plate waist: Valarsmidd Girdle of the Peerless, 10int/str, 15stam, 12crit, 9mas, 9speed, socket
plate legs: Rhut'van Legplates of the Fireflash, 14int/str, 20stam, 10crit, 17haste, 12leech, socket
plate legs: Ettinbone Legplates of the Quickblade, 14int/str, 20stam, 17crit, 10vers, 12leech, socket
plate legs: Jandvik Legplates of the Feverflare, 14int/str, 20stam, 10haste, 17mas, 12leech, socket
plate feet: Ettinbone Sabatons of the Quickblade, 10int/str, 15stam, 9crit, 12vers, 9leech, socket
plate feet: Ashvane Company Sabatons of the Aurora, 10int/str, 15stam, 13haste, 7vers, 9leech, socket
neck: Vale Walker's Pendant of the Feverflare, 11stam, 28haste, 19mas, 8leech, socket
neck: Thunder Totem Spirit Necklace of the Harmonious: 11stam, 16vers, 31mas, 8speed, socket
back: Stormwing Drape of the Feverflare, 8int/agi/str, 11stam, 4haste, 11mas, 6leech, socket
back: Nightfallen Outcast's Cloak of the Harmonious, 8int/agi, 11stam, 10vers, 5mas, 6leech, socket
ring: Azurewing Signet of the Aurora, 11stam, 31haste, 16vers, 8leech, socket
trinket: Corsair's Spyglass, 13agi, 19mas, 9leech, socket
trinket: Corsair's Spyglass, 13agi, 19mas, 9speed, socket
trinket: Koralune Keepsake, 13str, 19mas, 9leech, socket
dagger: Coldscale Dagger of the Peerless, 6.9dps, 1.8speed, 6agi, 9stam, 7crit, 5mas, 5leech, socket
warglaive: Bleached Bone Glaive of the Fireflash, 6.7dps, 6agi, 9stam, 7crit, 5haste, 5leech, socket
1H sword: Ironcrest Sword of the Quickblade, 6.9dps, 2.6speed, 6agi, 9stam, 7crit, 5vers, 5leech, socket
1H mace: Wavecaller Mace of the Aurora, 6.7dps, 2.6 speed, 6agi, 9stam, 8haste, 4vers, 5leech, socket
1H axe: Zem'lan Chopper of the Quickblade, 6.7dps, 2.6speed, 6agi, 9stam, 5crit, 7vers, 5speed, socket
2H staff: Zem'lan Pummeler of the Quickblade, 12agi, 18stam, 10crit, 14vers, 10leech, socket
2H staff: Wintersail Staff of the Peerless, 54int, 18stam, 10crit, 14mastery, 10leech, socket
2H staff: Bleached Bone Staff of the Feverflare, 54int, 18stam, 17haste, 7mas, 10leech, socket
wand: Bleached Bone Wand of the Fireflash, 35int, 9stam, 7crit, 5haste, 5speed, socket
shield: Rivermarsh Defender of the Harmonious, 19int/9str, 9stam, 4vers, 8mas, 5leech, socket
Bloodscalp, Boulderfist, Dunemaul, Maiev, Quel’dorei, Sen’jin, Stonemaul:
plate shoulders: Jandvik Pauldrons of the Harmonious, 10int/str, 15stam, 13vers, 7mas, 9leech, socket
plate hands: Rhut'van Gauntlets of the Peerless, 10int/str, 15stam, 9crit, 12mas, 9speed, socket
plate legs: Jandvik Legplates of the Feverflare, 14int/stri, 20stam, 17haste, 10mas, 12leech, socket
Dentarg, Whisperwind:
plate waist: Jandvik Girdle of the Harmonious, 10int/str, 15stam, 7vers, 13mas, 9leech, socket
cloth head: Hagfeather Cowl of the Peerless, 14int, 20stam, 17crit, 10mas, 12speed, socket
cloth head: Hrydshal Cowl of the Harmonious, 14int, 20stam, 15vers, 12mas, 12speed, socket
cloth shoulders: Saurifeather Mantle of the Feverflare, 10int, 15stam, 14haste, 6mas, 9speed, socket
cloth shoulders: Moonfall Shoulderpads of the Feverflare, 10int, 15stam, 6haste, 14mas, 9leech, socket
cloth shoulders: Temporal Scholar's Shoulderpads of the Aurora, 10int, 15stam, 7haste, 13vers, 9leech, socket
cloth chest: Crescent Vale Robe of the Peerless, 14int, 20 stam, 13crit, 13mas, 12speed, socket
cloth chest: Crescent Vale Robe of the Quickblade, 14int, 20stam, 15crit, 12vers, 12leech, socket
cloth wrists: Crescent Vale Wristwraps of the Aurora, 8int, 11stam, 4haste, 11vers, 6leech, socket
cloth wrists: Moonfall Wristwraps of the Aurora, 8int, 11stam, 5haste, 10vers, 6leech, socket
cloth wrists: Temporal Scholar's Wristwraps of the Quickblade, 8int, 11stam, 9crit, 6vers, 6leech, socket
cloth wrists: Temporal Scholar's Wristwraps of the Quickblade, 8int, 11stam, 9crit, 6vers, 6leech, socket (2nd set)
cloth wrists: Hagfeather Wristwraps of the Quickblade, 8int, 11stam, 9crit, 6vers, 6leech, socket
cloth wrists: Temporal Scholar's Wristwraps of the Harmonious, 8int, 11stam, 6vers, 9mas, 6leech, socket
cloth wrists: Moonfall Wristwraps of the Harmonious, 8int, 11stam, 9vers, 6mas, 6speed, socket
cloth hands: Temporal Scholar's Handwraps of the Aurora, 10int, 15stam, 7haste, 13vers, 9speed, socket
cloth hands: Temporal Scholar's Handwraps of the Quickblade, 10int, 15stam, 13crit, 7vers, 9leech, socket
cloth hands: Moonfall Handwraps of the Aurora, 10int, 15stam, 6haste, 14vers, 9leech, socket
cloth hands: Crescent Vale Handwraps of the Harmonious, 10int, 15stam, 10vers, 10mas, 9leech, socket
cloth hands: Hrydshal Handwraps of the Fireflash, 10int, 15stam, 12crit, 9haste, 9speed, socket
cloth hands: Crescent Vale Handwraps of the Quickblade, 10int, 15stam, 7crit, 13vers, 9leech, socket
cloth hands: Hrydshal Handwraps of the Feverflare, 10int, 15 stam, 14 haste, 6mas, 9speed, socket
cloth hands: Hrydshal Handwraps of the Quickblade, 10int, 15stam, 6crit, 14vers, 9leech, socket
cloth waist: Moonfall Cord of the Harmonious, 10int, 15stam, 7vers, 13mas, 9leech, socket
cloth waist: Hagfeather Cord of the Fireflash, 10int, 15stam, 6crit, 14haste, 9leech, socket
cloth waist: Crescent Vale Cord of the Aurora, 10int, 15stam, 12haste, 9vers, 9leech, socket
cloth waist: Crescent Vale Cord of the Aurora, 10int, 15stam, 12haste, 9vers, 9leech, socket (2nd set)
cloth waist: Temporal Scholar's Cord of the Peerless, 10int, 15stam, 7crit, 13mas, 9leech, socket
cloth waist: Temporal Scholar's Cord of the Fireflash, 10int, 15stam, 12crit, 9haste, 9speed, socket
cloth waist: Temporal Scholar's Cord of the Peerless, 10int, 15stam, 7crit, 13mas, 9leech, socket
cloth legs: Hagfeather Leggings of the Quickblade, 14int, 20stam, 19crit, 8vers, 12speed, socket
cloth legs: Hrydshal Leggings of the Quickblade, 14int, 20stam, 17crit, 10vers, 12leech, socket
cloth legs: Temporal Scholar's Leggings of the Peerless, 14int, 20stam, 19crit, 8mas, 12leech, socket
cloth feet: Moonfall Sandals of the Peerless, 10int, 15stam, 14crit, 6mas, 9speed, socket
cloth feet: Moonfall Sandals of the Harmonious, 10int, 15stam, 7vers, 13mas, 9leech, socket
cloth feet: Hrydshal Sandals of the Fireflash, 10int, 15stam, 12crit, 9haste, 9leech, socket
cloth feet: Temporal Scholar's Sandals of the Aurora, 10int, 15stam, 10haste, 10vers, 9speed, socket
cloth feet: Moonfall Sandals of the Quickblade, 10int, 15stam, 13crit, 7vers, 9speed, socket
leather head: Ambervale Hood of the Harmonious, 14int/agi, 20stam, 17vers, 10mas, 12leech, socket
leather head: Ambervale Hood of the Impatient, 14int/agi, 20stam, 27haste, 12leech, socket
leather head: Ambervale Hood of the Impatient, 14int/agi, 20stam, 27haste, 12leech, socket
leather head: Icepine Hood of the Feverflare, 14int, 20stam, 12haste, 15mas, 12speed, socket
leather head: Smolderhide Hood of the Aurora, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15haste, 12vers, 12leech, socket
leather head: Smolderhide Hood of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 17crit, 10mas, 12leech, socket
leather shoulders: Haustvelt Shoulders of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 10haste, 10vers, 9leech, socket
leather shoulders: Haustvelt Shoulders of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12crit, 9mas, 9speed, socket
leather shoulders: Smolderhide Shoulders of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6haste, 14vers, 9speed, socket
leather shoulders: Crimsonwood Mantle of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6crit, 14mas, 9leech, socket
leather shoulders: Llothien Shoulders of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 14haste, 6mas, 9leech, socket
leather shoulders: Ambervale Shoulders of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 13haste, 7vers, 9speed, socket
leather shoulders: Icepine Shoulders of the Quickblade, 10int/agi, 15stam, 14crit, 6vers, 9leech, socket
leather chest: Haustvelt Jerkin of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 10crit, 17mas, 12leech, socket
leather chest: Smolderhide Jerkin of the Quickblade, 14int/agi, 20stam, 8crit, 19vers, 12leech, socket
leather chest: Icepine Jerkin of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 12crit, 15mas, 12leech, socket
leather chest: Icepine Jerkin of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15crit, 12mas, 12leech, socket
leather wrists: Haustvelt Bindings of the Aurora, 8int/agi, 11stam, 11haste, 4vers, 6speed, socket
leather wrists: Llothien Bindings of the Aurora, 8int/agi, 11stam, 4haste, 11vers, 6leech, socket
leather wrists: Icepine Bindings of the Feverflare, 8int/agi, 11stam, 5haste, 10mas, 6leech, socket
leather hands: Ambervale Gloves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 9vers, 12mas, 9speed, socket
leather hands: Llothien Gloves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6vers, 14mas, 9leech, socket
leather hands: Festerroot Grasps of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 13haste, 7mas, 9leech, socket
leather hands: Smolderhide Gloves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 7vers, 13mas, 9speed, socket
leather hands: Ambervale Gloves of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12crit, 9mas, 9leech, socket
leather hands: Ambervale Gloves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 13vers, 7mas, 9speed, socket
leather hands: Llothien Gloves the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6crit, 14mas, 9speed, socket
leather hands: Haustvelt Gloves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 9vers, 12mas, 9leech, socket
leather waist: Llothein Waistband of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6vers, 14mas, 9speed, socket
leather waist: Haustvelt Waistband of the Quickblade, 10int/agi, 15stam, 7crit, 13vers, 9speed, socket
leather waist: Llothien Waistband of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 14haste, 6vers, 9leech, socket
leather waist: Smolderhide Waistband of the Quickblade, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12crit, 9vers, 9speed, socket
leather waist: Icepine Waistband of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 9haste, 12vers, 9leech, socket
leather waist: Llothien Waistband of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 14crit, 6mas, 9leech, socket
leather waist: Smolderhide Waistband of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 14haste, 6vers, 9leech, socket
leather waist: Llothien Waistband of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12vers, 9mas, 9speed, socket
leather legs: Ambervale Britches of the Quickblade, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15crit, 12vers, 12leech, socket
leather legs: Crimsonwood Breeches of the Quickblade, 14int/agi, 20 stam, 15 crit, 12vers, 12leech, socket
leather legs: Smolderhide Britches of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 17crit, 10mas, 12leech, socket
leather feet: Sandscout Footwraps of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 7vers, 13mas, 9speed, socket
leather feet: Ambervale Boots of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6vers, 14mas, 9leech, socket
leather feet: Ambervale Boots of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 7crit, 13mas, 9leech, socket
mail head: Warpwind Helm of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 8haste, 19mas, 12speed, socket
mail head: Warpwind Helm of the Harmonious, 14int/agi, 20stam, 8vers, 19mas, 12speed, socket
mail head: Faronaar Chain Helm of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 13haste, 13mas, 12speed, socket
mail head: Hillstride Helm of the Harmonious, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15vers, 12mas, 12speed, socket
mail shoulders: Warpwind Spaulders of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6haste, 14mas, 9speed, socket
mail shoulders: Warpwind Spaulders of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 14haste, 6mas, 9leech, socket
mail shoulders: Faronaar Chain Spaulders of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12haste, 9mas, 9speed, socket
mail shoulders: Hillstride Spaulders of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 13haste, 7mas, 9speed, socket
mail chest: Hillstride Vest of the Quickblade, 14int/agi, 20stam, 8crit, 19vers, 12speed, socket
mail chest: Dreadroot Linked Vest of the Aurora, 14int/agi, 20stam, 8haste, 19vers, 12leech, socket
mail chest: Faronaar Chain Vest of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 8haste, 19mas, 12speed, socket
mail chest: Warpwind Vest of the Fireflash, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15crit, 12haste, 12leech, socket
mail chest: Hillstride Vest of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 13haste, 13mas, 12leech, socket
mail chest: Valdisdall Vest of the Harmonious, 14int/agi, 20stam, 13vers, 13mas, 12leech, socket
mail chest: Faronaar Chain Vest of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 19haste, 8mas, 12speed, socket
mail wrists: Faronaar Chain Bracers of the Aurora, 8int, 11stam, 4haste, 11vers, 6speed, socket
mail wrists: Faronaar Chain Bracers of the Fireflash, 8int/agi, 11stam, 9crit, 6haste, 6leech, socket
mail wrists: Valdisdall Bracers of the Peerless, 8int/agi, 11stam, 8crit, 8mas, 6leech, socket
mail wrists: Dreadroot Linked Bracers of the Harmonious, 8int/agi, 11stam, 4vers, 11mas, 6speed, socket
mail wrists: Faronaar Chain Bracers of the Peerless, 8int/agi, 11stam, 5crit, 10mas, 6speed, socket
mail hands: Faronaar Chain Gauntlets of the Savant, 10int/agi, 15stam, 20mastery, 9speed, socket
mail hands: Warpwind Gauntlets of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 13vers, 7mas, 9speed, socket
mail hands: Warpwind Gauntlets of the Fireflash, 10int/agi, 15stam, 9crit, 12haste, 9leech, socket
mail hands: Faronaar Chain Gauntlets of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 7haste, 13vers, 9speed, socket
mail waist: Faronaar Chain Belt of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 7vers, 13mas, 9speed, socket
mail legs: Valdisdall Legguards of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 19crit, 8mast, 12leech, socket
mail legs: Warpwind Legguards of the Harmonious, 14int/agi, 20stam, 17vers, 10mas, 12speed, socket
mail legs: Faronaar Chain Legguards of the Fireflash, 14int/agi, 20stam, 12crit, 15haste, 12speed, socket
mail legs: Warpwind Legguards of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15haste, 12mast, 12leech, socket
mail legs: Warpwind Legguards of the Aurora, 14int/agi, 20stam, 19haste, 8vers, 12speed, socket
mail legs: Barrowknoll Legguards of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 8haste, 19 mast, 12leech, socket
mail legs: Faronaar Chain Legguards of the Harmonious, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15vers, 12mas, 12speed, socket
mail feet: Dreadroot Linked Greaves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6vers, 14mas, 9speed, socket
mail feet: Faronaar Chain Greaves of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6haste, 14vers, 9leech, socket
mail feet: Faronaar Chain Greaves of the Fireflash, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12crit, 9haste, 9speed, socket
mail feet: Faronaar Chain Greaves of the Quickblade, 10int/agi, 15stam, 14crit, 6vers, 9leech, socket
mail feet: Faronaar Chain Greaves of the Feverflare, 10int/str, 15stam, 12haste, 9mas, 9speed, socket
mail feet: Dreadroot Linked Greaves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 7vers, 13mas, 9speed, socket
mail feet: Hillstride Greaves of the Harmonious, 10int/ago, 15stam, 12vers, 9mas, 9speed, socket
plate head: Jandvik Helm of the Aurora, 14int/str, 20stam, 10haste, 17vers, 12leech, socket
plate head: Ashvane Company Greathelm of the Aurora, 14int/str, 20stam, 10haste, 17vers, 12speed, socket
plate head: Valarsmidd Helm of the Aurora, 14int/str, 20stam, 19haste, 8vers, 12leech, socket
plate head: Ettinbone Helm of the Aurora, 14int/str, 20stam, 19haste, 8vers, 12leech, socket
plate shoulders: Jandvik Pauldrons of the Fireflash, 10int/str, 15stam, 12crit, 9haste, 9leech, socket
plate shoulders: Ashvale Company Spaulders of the Fireflash, 10int/str, 15stam, 13crit, 7haste, 9leech, socket
plate shoulders: Valarsmidd Pauldrons of the Fireflash, 10int/str, 15stam, 6crit, 14haste, 9leech, socket
plate shoulders: Jandvik Pauldrons of the Aurora, 10int/str, 15stam, 12haste, 9vers, 9speed, socket
plate shoulders: Jandvik Pauldrons of the Peerless, 10int/str, 15stam, 7crit, 13mas, 9leech, socket
plate chest: Jandvik Breastplate of the Fireflash, 14int/str, 20stam, 19crit, 8haste, 12leech, socket
plate chest: Jandvik Breastplate of the Harmonious, 14int/str, 20stam, 19vers, 8mas, 12speed, socket
plate chest: Rhut'van Breastplate of the Harmonious, 14int/str, 20stam, 12vers, 15mas, 12speed, socket
plate chest: Jandvik Breastplate of the Aurora, 14int/str, 20stam, 13haste, 13vers, 12speed, socket
plate chest: Kal'Delar Breastplate of the Peerless, 14int/str, 20stam, 12crit, 15mas, 12leech, socket
plate wrists: Jandvik Vambraces of the Peerless, 8int/str, 11stam, 5crit, 10mas, 6leech, socket
plate wrists: Jandvik Vambraces of the Quickblade, 8int/str, 11stam, 5crit, 10vers, 6speed, socket
plate wrists: Ettinbone Vambraces of the Peerless, 8int/str, 11stam, 10crit, 5mas, 6speed, socket
plate wrists: Ettinbone Vambraces of the Fireflash, 8int/str, 11stam, 6crit, 9haste, 6speed, socket
plate wrists: Jandvik Vambraces of the Peerless, 8int/str, 11stam, 9crit, 6mas, 6leech, socket
plate wrists: Rhut'van Vambraces of the Peerless, 8int/str, 11stam, 6crit, 9mas, 6speed, socket
plate wrists: Rhut'van Vambraces of the Harmonious, 8int/str, 11stam, 5vers, 10mas, 6speed, socket
plate waist: Jandvik Girdle of the Aurora, 10int/str, 15stam, 6haste, 14vers, 9speed, socket
plate hands: Jandvik Gauntlets of the Fireflash, 10int/str, 15stam, 13crit, 7haste, 9speed, socket
plate hands: Ettinbone Gauntlets of the Peerless, 10int/str, 15stam, 13crit, 7mas, 9leech, socket
plate hands: Kal'Delar Gauntlets of the Harmonious, 10int/str, 15stam, 9vers, 12mas, 9leech, socket
plate hands: Valarsmidd Gauntlets of the Peerless, 10int/str, 15stam, 7crit, 13mas, 9speed, socket
plate waist: Jandvik Girdle of the Harmonious, 10int/str, 15stam, 13vers, 7mas, 9leech, socket
plate legs: Jandvik Legplates of the Harmonious, 14int/str, 20stam, 10vers, 17mas, 12leech, socket
plate legs: Kal'Delar Legplates of the Aurora, 14int/str, 20stam, 19haste, 8vers, 12speed, socket
plate legs: Jandvik Legplates of the Peerless, 14int/str, 20stam, 12crit, 15mas, 12leech, socket
plate legs: Valarsmidd Legplates of the Aurora, 14int/str, 20stam, 10haste, 17vers, 12speed, socket
plate legs: Ashvane Company Greaves of the Quickblade, 14int/str, 20stam, 15crit, 12vers, 12speed, socket
plate legs: Ettinbone Legplates of the Peerless, 14int/str, 20stam, 10crit, 17mas, 12speed, socket
plate legs: Jandvik Legplates of the Aurora, 14int/str, 20stam, 8haste, 19vers, 12speed, socket
plate feet: Ettinbone Sabatons of the Peerless, 10int/str, 15stam, 13crit, 7mas, 9speed, socket
plate feet: Jandvik Sabatons of the Feverflare, 10int/str, 15stam, 9haste, 12mas, 9leech, socket
back: Freehold Cape of the Fireflash, 8int/agi/str, 11stam, 8crit, 8haste, 6leech, socket
back: Vale Walker's Cloak of the Fireflash, 8int/agi/str, 11stam, 4crit, 11haste, 6leech, socket
ring: Nightfall Loop of the Peerless, 11stam, 26crit, 22mas, 8leech, socket
ring: Nightfall Loop of the Feverflare, 11stam, 34haste, 14mas, 8speed, socket
trinket: Sashj'tar Brooch, 13int, 19vers, 9speed, socket
trinket: Hexweaver's Charm, 13int, 19vers, 9leech, socket
trinket: Stormforged Idol, 13str, 19 haste, 9leech, socket
trinket: Corsair's Spyglass, 13agi, 19haste, 9speed, socket
trinket: Corsair's Spyglass, 13agi, 19crit, 9speed, socket
trinket: Corsair's Spyglass, 13agi, 19mas, 9speed, socket
trinket: Stormwing Tail Tip, 13agi, 19crit, 9leech, socket
trinket: Preserved Blue Dragon Scale, 13str, 19crit, 9leech, socket
dagger: Coldscale Dagger of the Harmonious, 6.9dps, 6agi, 9stam, 7vers, 5mas, 5leech, socket
dagger: Stagheart Knife of the Quickblade, 35int, 9stam, 7crit, 5vers, 5speed, socket
dagger: Coldscale Dagger of the Aurora, 6.9dps, 6agi, 9stam, 8haste, 4vers, 5speed, socket
warglaive: Loa-Blessed Crescent of the Harmonious, 6.7dps, 6agi, 9stam, 9vers, 3mas, 5leech, socket
1H mace: Zocali Warhammer of the Fireflash, 6.7dps, 6agi, 9stam, 5crit, 7haste, 5leech, socket
wand: Bleached Bone Wand of the Peerless, 35int, 9stam, 7crit, 5mas, 5speed, socket
gun: Deepwarden Flintlock of the Peerless, 9.2dps, 12agi, 18stam, 16crit, 9mas, 10leech, socket
staff: Wavecaller Spire of the Quickblade, 54int, 18stam, 14crit, 10vers, 10speed, socket
staff: Wavecaller Spire of the Aurora, 54int, 18stam, 7haste, 17vers, 10speed, socket
2H sword: Zocali Greatsword of the Quickblade, 9dps, 12str, 18stam, 7crit, 17vers, 10speed, socket
Silver Hand, Farstriders, Thorium Brotherhood:
cloth chest: Hagfeather Robe of the Fireflash, 14int, 20stam, 15crit, 12haste, 12leech, socket
cloth chest: Crescent Vale Robe of the Peerless, 14int, 20stam, 17crit, 19mas, 12leech, socket
cloth legs: Moonfall Leggings of the Fireflash, 14int, 20stam, 10crit, 17haste, 12speed, socket
cloth legs: Temporal Scholar's Leggings of the Impatient, 14int, 20stam, 27haste, 12leech, socket
cloth legs: Crescent Vale Leggings of the Quickblade, 14int, 20stam, 10crit, 17vers, 12leech, socket
cloth feet: Temporal Scholar's Sandals of the Quickblade, 10int, 15stam, 9crit, 12vers, 9leech, socket
leather wrists: Freehold Bracers of the Quickblade, 8int/agi, 11stam, 8crit, 8vers, 6leech, socket
leather hands: Haustvelt Gloves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 9vers, 12mas, 9leech, socket
leather waist: Icepine Waistband of the Decimator, 10int/agi, 15stam, 20crit, 9speed, socket
leather legs: Ambervale Britches of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20 stam, 17haste, 10mas, 12speed, socket
leather legs: Ambervale Britches of the Harmonious, 14int/agi, 20stam, 13vers, 13mas, 12speed, socket
mail wrists: Faronaar Chain Bracers of the Feverflare, 8int/agi, 11stam, 8haste, 8mastery, 6speed, socket
mail legs: Barrowknoll Legguards of the Quickblade, 14stam, 20int, 8crit, 19vers, 12leech, socket
mail legs: Warpwind Legguards of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 10haste, 17mas, 12speed, socket
mail feet: Warpwind Greaves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 9vers, 12mas, 9speed, socket
plate head: Jandvik Helm of the Quickblade, 14int/str, 20stam, 8crit, 19vers, 12leech, socket
plate shoulders: Rhut'van Pauldrons of the Feverflare, 10int/str, 15stam, 6haste, 14mas, 9leech, socket
plate shoulders: Jandvik Pauldrons of the Peerless, 10str/int, 15stam, 14crit, 6mas, 9speed, socket
plate chest: Rhut'van Chestplate of the Quickblade, 14int/str, 20stam, 13crit, 13vers, 12speed, socket
plate hands: Jandvik Gauntlets of the Aurora, 10int/str, 15stam, 13haste, 7vers, 9speed, socket
plate waist: Jandvik Girdle of the Fireflash, 10int/str, 15stam, 7crit, 13haste, 9speed, socket
plate waist: Valarsmidd Girdle of the Quickblade, 10int/str, 15stam, 10crit, 10vers, 9leech, socket
neck: Nightfall Chain of the Harmonious, 11stam, 16vers, 31mas, 8leech, socket
neck: Thunder Totem Spirit Necklace of the Quickblade, 11stam, 28crit, 19vers, 8leech, socket
Ursin, Andorhal, Scilla, Zuluhed, Eonar, Velen, Black Dragonflight, Gul'dan, Skullcrusher:
leather waist: Smoulderhide Waistband of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 14haste, 6vers, 9speed, socket
plate wrists: Jandvik Vambraces of the Harmonious, 8int/str, 11stam, 6vers, 9mas, 6speed, socket
Items for other brackets
Aerie Peak, Ulduar:
warglaive: Vyrtha's Dredglaive, ilvl 146, 21.9dps, 19agi, 34stam, 23crit, 13mas
warglaive: Vyrtha's Dredglaive, ilvl 140, 20.6dps, 18agi, 33stam, 20crit, 11mas
leather legs: Samnoh's Exceptional Leggings, warforged ilvl 60, 17int/agi, 26stam, 13haste, 21mas.
Azgalor, Azshara, Destromath, Thunderlord, Blood Furnace, Mannoroth, Nazjatar:
leather head: Brutohide Faceguard of the Feverflare, 9int/agi, 14stam, 13haste, 5mas, 8leech, socket
leather chest: Crimsonwood Jerkin of the Aurora, 9int/agi, 14stam, 11haste, 8vers, 8speed, socket
leather hands: Festerroot Grasps of the Aurora, 7int/agi, 11stam, 7haste, 7vers, 6leech, socket
plate shoulders: Corlain Spaulders of the Harmonious, 7int/str, 11stam, 9vers, 5mas, 6speed, socket
plate feet: Direbone Frill Stompers of the Aurora, 7int/str, 11stam, 7haste, 7vers, 6speed, socket
dagger: Coldscale Dagger of the Feverflare, 5dps, 5agi, 7stam, 5haste, 4mas, 4speed, socket
dagger: Shipwrecker Knife of the Quickblade, 5dps, 5agi, 7stam, 5crit, 4vers, 4speed, socket
dagger: Zem'lan Dagger of the Peerless, 5dps, 5agi, 7stam, 4crit, 5mas, 4leech, socket
dagger: Dockyard Dagger of the Quickblade, 5dps, 5agi, 7stam, 3crit, 6vers, 4leech, socket
1H axe: Shipwrecker Axe of the Harmonious, 5dps, 5str, 7stam, 6vers, 3mas, 4leech, socket
1H mace: Wavecaller Mace of the Feverflare, 5dps, 5agi, 7stam, 4haste, 5mas, 4leech, socket
1H sword: Dockyard Cutlass of the Aurora, 5.2dps, 5agi, 7stam, 6haste, 3vers, 4leech, socket
1H sword: Tideguard Sword of the Peerless, 27int, 7stam, 6crit, 3mas, 4leech, socket
bow: Warport Short Bow of the Fireflash, 6.8dps, 9agi, 14stam, 5crit, 13haste, 8speed, socket
offhand: Warport Hex Focus of the Fireflash, 14int, 7stam, 3crit, 6haste, 4speed, socket
Bloodscalp, Boulderfist, Dunemaul, Maiev, Quel’dorei, Sen’jin, Stonemaul:
trinket: Mark of Lore, 9int, 13crit, 6speed, socket
warglaive: Stagheart Warglaives of the Harmonious, 5.0dps, 5agi, 7stam, 5vers, 5mas, 4leech, socket
wand: Gol Osigr Wand of the Feverflare, 27int, 7stam, 6haste, 3mas, 4leech, socket
leather shoulders: Crimsonwood Mantle of the Quickblade, 7int/agi, 11stam, 6crit, 8vers, 6speed, socket
leather chest: Brutohide Vest of the Harmonious, 9(int/agi), 14stam, 8vers, 11mas, 8leech, socket
leather chest: Crimsonwood Jerkin of the Peerless, 9 int/agi, 14 stam, 11 crit, 8mas, 8leech, socket
leather chest: Festerroot Jerkin of the Peerless, 9int/agi, 14stam, 7crit, 12mas, 8speed, socket
leather hands: Brutohide Gloves of the Quickblade, 7int/agi, 11stam, 4crit, 10vers, 6speed, socket
leather waist: Festerroot Belt of the Aurora, 7int/agi, 11stam, 10haste, 4vers, 6leech, socket
leather legs: Smolderhide Britches of the Aurora, 9int/agi, 14stam, 5haste, 13vers, 8leech, socket
mail wrist: Dreadroot Linked Gauntlets of the Aurora, 7int/agi, 11stam, 9haste, 5vers, 6speed, socket
plate shoulders: Corlain Spaulders of the Peerless, 7int/str, 10stam, 4crit, 10mas, 6leech, socket
plate wrist: Corlain Vambraces of the Fireflash, 5int/str, 8stam, 3crit, 8haste, 5speed, socket
neck: Thunder Totem Spirit Necklace of the Feverflare, 8stam, 22haste, 11mas, 6avoidance, socket
back: Crimsonwood Drape of the Aurora, 5int/agi/str, 8stam, 3haste, 8vers, 5speed, socket
back: Ashvane Company Cloak of the Harmonious, 5int/agi/str, 8stam, 7vers, 4mas, 5leech, socket
dagger: Ironcrest Knife of the Fireflash, 5.0dps, 5agi, 7stam, 3crit, 6haste, 4speed, socket
dagger: Warport Dirk of the Aurora, 5.0dps, 5agi, 7stam, 4haste, 5vers, 4speed, socket
wand: Ironcrest Baton of the Quickblade, 27int, 7stam, 6crit, 3vers, 4speed, socket
1H sword: Ironcrest Sword of the Harmonious, 5agi, 7stam, 3vers, 6mas, 4leech, socket
1H mace: Ironcrest Club of the Peerless, 5.0dps, 5agi, 7stam, 3crit, 6mas, 4speed, socket
warglaive: Stagheart Warglaives of the Feverflare, 5.0dps, 5agi, 7stam, 6haste, 3mas, 4leech, socket
2H staff: Zem'lan Pummeler of the Feverflare, 9agi, 14stam, 9haste, 9mas, 8speed, socket
offhand: Zocali Voodoo Idol of the Quickblade, 14int, 7stam, 3crit, 6vers, 4leech, socket
Silver Hand, Farstriders, Thorium Brotherhood:
leather waist: Briarback Cinch of the Harmonious, 7int/agi, 11stam, 8vers, 6mas, 6speed, socket
Azgalor, Azshara, Destromath, Thunderlord, Blood Furnace, Mannoroth, Nazjatar:
cloth shoulders: Foxhollow Amice of the Aurora, 5int, 8stam, 3haste, 8vers, 5leech, socket
cloth wrist: Saurifeather Wraps of the Feverflare, 4int, 6stam, 2haste, 6mas, 3speed, socket
leather head: Brutohide Faceguard of the Feverflare, 7int/agi, 11stam, 8haste, 6mas, 6leech, socket
plate shoulders: Ashvane Company Spaulders of the Quickblade, 5int/str, 8stam, 5crit, 5vers, 5speed, socket
Bloodscalp, Boulderfist, Dunemaul, Maiev, Quel’dorei, Sen’jin, Stonemaul:
mail feet: Ravascale Striders of the Harmonious, 5int/agi, 8stam, 7vers, 4mas, 5leech, socket
cloth head: Foxhollow Circlet of the Fireflash, 7int, 11stam, 6crit, 8haste, 6leech, socket
cloth chest: Temporal Scholar's Robe of the Fireflash, 7int, 11stam, 8crit, 6haste, 6speed, socket
cloth wrist: Temporal Scholar's Wristwraps of the Harmonious, 4int, 6stam, 6vers, 2mas, 3leech, socket
cloth feet: Hagfeather Sandals of the Peerless, 5int, 8stam, 7crit, 4mas, 5speed, socket
leather chest: Llothien Jerkin of the Aurora, 7int/agi, 11stam, 7haste, 7vers, 6speed, socket
leather hands: Llothien Gloves of the Fireflash, 5int/agi, 8stam, 8crit, 3haste, 5leech, socket
leather legs: Llothien Britches of the Peerless, 7int/agi, 11stam, 8crit, 6mas, 6speed, socket
mail head: Faronaar Chain Helm of the Fireflash, 7int/agi, 11stam, 7crit, 7haste, 6speed, socket
mail feet: Hillstride Greaves of the Quickblade, 5int/agi, 8stam, 3crit, 8vers, 5speed, socket
plate head: Ettinbone Helm of the Harmonious, 7int/str, 11stam, 7vers, 7mas, 6speed, socket
plate shoulders: Rhut'van Pauldrons of the Quickblade, 5int/str, 8stam, 5crit, 6vers, 5leech, socket
plate wrists: Valarsmidd Vambraces of the Peerless, 4str/int, 6stam, 5crit, 3mas, 3speed, socket
plate hands: Rhut'van Gauntlets of the Aurora, 5int/str, 8stam, 8haste, 3vers, 5leech, socket
plate hands: Ettinbone Gauntlets of the Harmonious, 5int/str, 8stam, 5vers, 5mas, 5leech, socket
plate feet: Rhut'van Sabatons of the Fireflash, 5int/str, 8stam, 8crit, 3haste, 5leech, socket
neck: Thunder Totem Spirit Necklace of the Peerless, 6stam, 9crit, 16mas, (no tert), socket
back: Azurewing Defender's Drape of the Peerless, 4int/agi/str, 6stam, 5crit, 3mas, (no tert), socket
back: Thunder Totem Cloak of the Quickblade, 4int/agi/str, 6stam, 3crit, 5vers, (no tert), socket
back: Thunder Totem Cloak of the Quickblade, 4int/agi/str, 6stam, 4crit, 4vers, (no tert), socket
back: Thunder Totem Cloak of the Quickblade, 4int/agi/str, 6stam, 5crit, 3vers, (no tert), socket
back: Stormwing Drape of the Fireflash, 4int/agi/atr, 6stam, 5crit, 3haste, (no tert), socket
ring: (req level 20) Freezing Band (x3), 5int, 3 frost resistance, 1% chance when hit: 5-second stun
ring: Azurewing Signet of the Quickblade, 6stam, 15crit, 10vers, (no tert), socket
ring: Azurewing Signet of the Quickblade, 6stam, 11crit, 14vers, (no tert), socket
ring: Azurewing Signet of the Fireflash, 6stam, 9crit, 16haste, (no tert), socket
ring: Thunder Totem Band of the Quickblade, 6stam, 10crit, 15 vers, (no tert), socket
ring: Thunder Totem Band of the Peerless, 6stam, 9crit, 16mas, (no tert), socket
warglaive: Loa-Blessed Crescent of the Harmonious, 3.5dps, 3agi, 5stam, 4vers, 2mas, 3leech, socket
1H sword: Zem'lan Saber of the Harmonious, 2.6speed, 19int, 5stam, 4vers, 2mas, 3leech, socket
Silver Hand, Farstriders, Thorium Brotherhood:
leather legs: Smolderhide Britches of the Quickblade, 7int/agi, 11stam, 10crit, 4vers, 6speed, socket
Items for other brackets also available for gifting; 19/20 gear for trade only.
Azgalor, Azshara, Destromath, Thunderlord, Blood Furnace, Mannoroth, Nazjatar:
cloth head: Moonfall Cowl of the Feverflare, 14int, 20stam, 10haste, 17mas, 12speed, socket
cloth shoulders: Crescent Vale Shoulderpads of the Quickblade, 10int, 15stam, 7crit, 13vers, 9speed, socket
cloth shoulders: Moonfall Shoulderguards of the Peerless, 10int, 15stam, 10crit, 10mas, 9speed, socket
cloth shoulders: Hrydshal Shoulderpads of the Feverflare, 10int, 15stam, 10haste, 10mas, 9speed, socket
cloth shoulders: Moonfall Shoulderpads of the Peerless, 10int, 15stam, 10crit, 10mas, 9leech, socket
cloth shoulders: Crescent Vale Shoulderpads of the Quickblade, 10int, 15stam, 9crit, 12vers, 9leech, socket
cloth chest: Temporal Scholar's Robe of the Peerless, 14int, 20stam, 10crit, 17mas, 12leech, socket
cloth chest: Foxhollow Robes of the Aurora, 14int, 20stam, 13haste, 13vers, 12leech, socket
cloth chest: Moonfall Robe of the Peerless, 14int, 20stam, 10crit, 17mas, 12speed, socket
cloth wrists: Moonfall Wristwraps of the Peerless, 8int, 11stam, 10crit, 5mas, 6leech, socket
cloth wrists: Hagfeather Wristwraps of the Fireflash, 8int, 11stam, 6crit, 9haste, 6leech, socket
cloth wrists: Sagehold Bracers of the Peerless, 8int, 11stam, 9crit, 6mas, 6leech, socket
cloth wrists: Temporal Scholar's Wristwraps of the Quickblade, 8int, 11stam, 10crit, 5vers, 6speed, socket
cloth hands: Hagfeather Handwraps of the Fireflash, 10int, 15stam, 9crit, 12haste, 9speed, socket
cloth waist: Hagfeather Cord of the Savant, 10int, 15stam, 20mas, 9leech, socket
cloth waist: Temporal Scholar's Cord of the Feverflare, 10int, 15stam, 13haste, 7mas, 9leech, socket
cloth legs: Saurifeather Pants of the Fireflash, 14int, 20stam, 8crit, 19haste, 12speed, socket
cloth legs: Moonfall Leggings of the Feverflare, 14int, 20stam, 8haste, 19mas, 12speed, socket
cloth legs: Temporal Scholar's Leggings of the Harmonious, 14int, 20stam, 13vers, 13mas, 12leech, socket
cloth legs: Hagfeather Leggings of the Adaptable, 14int, 20stam, 27vers, 12speed, socket
cloth feet: Hagfeather Sandals of the Aurora, 10int, 15stam, 6haste, 14vers, 9speed, socket
cloth feet: Hagfeather Sandals of the Aurora, 10int, 15stam, 6haste, 14vers, 9speed, socket (2nd set)
cloth feet: Moonfall Sandals of the Peerless, 10int, 15stam, 10crit, 10mas, 9leech, socket
cloth feet: Temporal Scholar's Sandals of the Aurora, 10int, 15stam, 14haste, 6vers, 9speed, socket
leather head: Ambervale Hood of the Quickblade, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15haste, 12mas, 12leech, socket
leather head: Haustvelt Hood of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 12crit, 15mas, 12speed, socket
leather head: Ambervale Hood of the Harmonious, 14int/agi, 20stam, 12vers, 15mas, 12leech, socket
leather head: Ambervale Hood of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 19haste, 8mas, 12leech, socket
leather head: Llothien Hood of the Aurora, 14int/agi, 20stam, 10haste, 17vers, 12speed, socket
leather shoulders: Ambervale Shoulders of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12haste, 9mas, 9leech, socket
leather shoulders: Ambervale Shoulders of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12haste, 9mas, 9leech, socket (2nd set)
leather shoulders: Ambervale Shoulders of the Quickblade, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6crit, 14vers, 9speed, socket
leather shoulders: Haustvelt Shoulders of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6crit, 14mas, 9leech, socket
leather shoulders: Llothien Shoulders of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 13haste, 7vers, 9leech, socket
leather chest: Ambervale Jerkin of the Harmonious, 14agi/int, 20stam, 15vers, 12mas, 12leech, socket
leather chest: Icepine Jerkin of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 12haste, 15mas, 12speed, socket
leather wrists: Ambervale Bindings of the Feverflare, 8int/agi, 11stam, 10haste, 5mas, 6speed, socket
leather hands: Icepine Gloves of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 13haste, 7mas, 9speed, socket
leather hands: Icepine Gloves of the Fireflash, 10agi/int, 15stam, 7crit, 13haste, 9leech, socket
leather waist: Llothien Waistband of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6haste, 14mas, 9leech, socket
leather legs: Crimsonwood Breeches of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 12haste, 15mas, 12leech, socket
leather legs: Ambervale Britches of the Quickblade, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15crit, 12vers, 12speed, socket
leather legs: Llothien Britches of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 19crit, 8mas, 12speed, socket
leather legs: Smolderhide Britches of the Aurora, 14int/agi, 20stam, 13haste, 13vers, 12speed, socket
leather legs: Icepine Britches of the Fireflash, 14int/agi, 20stam, 10crit, 17haste, 12leech, socket
leather legs: Ambervale Britches of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 10crit, 17mas, 12speed, socket
leather legs: Ambervale Britches of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 8crit, 19mas, 12speed, socket
leather legs: Haustvelt Britches of the Fireflash, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15crit, 12haste, 12speed, socket
leather feet: Ambervale Boots of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 10crit, 10mas, 9leech, socket
leather feet: Ambervale Boots of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 10crit, 10mas, 9leech, socket
leather feet: Haustvelt Boots of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 10haste, 10vers, 9leech, socket
mail head: Warpwind Helm of the Harmonious, 14int/agi, 20stam, 13vers, 13mas, 12leech, socket
mail head: Hillstride Helm of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 12crit, 15mas, 12speed, socket
mail head: Faronaar Chain Helm of the Quickblade, 14int/agi, 20stam, 10crit, 17vers, 12speed, socket
mail shoulders: Warpwind Spaulders of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12crit, 9mas, 9leech, socket
mail shoulders: Hillstride Spaulders of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 7crit, 13mas, 9speed, socket
mail chest: Barrowknoll Chainmail of the Harmonious, 14agi/int, 20stam, 12vers, 15mas, 12speed, socket
mail chest: Warpwind Vest of the Aurora, 14int/agi, 20stam, 13haste, 13vers, 12leech, socket
mail chest: Faronaar Chain Vest of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15crit, 12mas, 12speed, socket
mail wrists: Faronaar Chain Bracers of the Aurora, 8int/agi, 11stam, 10haste, 5vers, 6leech, socket
mail wrists: Faronaar Chain Bracers of the Fireflash, 8int/agi, 11stam, 6crit, 9haste, 6speed, socket
mail wrists: Hillstride Bracers of the Peerless, 8int/agi, 11stam, 11crit, 4mas, 6leech, socket
mail wrists: Dreadroot Linked Bracers of the Peerless, 8int/agi, 11stam, 5crit, 10mas, 6leech, socket
mail hands: Valdisdall Gauntlets of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12haste, 9mas, 9leech, socket
mail waist: Faronaar Chain Belt of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 9haste, 12vers, 9speed, socket
mail waist: Faronaar Chain Belt of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6haste, 14vers, 9speed, socket
mail waist: Warpwind Belt of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 9vers, 12mas, 9speed, socket
mail waist: Hillstride Belt of the Quickblade, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12crit, 9vers, 9speed, socket
mail legs: Faroonar Chain Legguards of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 13crit, 13mas, 12speed, socket
mail legs: Warpwind Legguards of the Fireflash, 14int/agi, 20stam, 12crit, 15haste, 12speed, socket
mail legs: Dreadroot Linked Legguards of the Aurora, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15haste, 12vers, 12speed, socket
mail feet: Ravascale Striders of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 7crit, 13mas, 9leech, socket
mail feet: Hillstride Greaves of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 9crit, 12mas, 9leech, socket
mail feet: Warpwind Greaves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12vers, 9mas, 9leech, socket
mail feet: Dreadroot Linked Greaves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 14vers, 6mas, 9speed, socket
plate chest: Valarsmidd Breastplate of the Feverflare, 14int/str, 20stam, 13haste, 13mas, 12leech, socket
plate chest: Stormforger Chestplate of the Peerless, 14int/str, 20stam, 10crit, 17mas, 12speed, socket
plate chest: Jandvik Chestplate of the Aurora, 14int/str, 20stam, 19haste, 8vers, 12speed, socket
plate wrists: Valarsmidd Vambraces of the Feverflare, 8int/str, 11stam, 4haste, 11mas, 6speed, socket
plate wrists: Jandvik Vambraces of the Harmonious, 8int/str, 11stam, 9vers, 6mas, 6leech, socket
plate hands: Jandvik Gauntlets of the Feverflare, 10int/str, 15stam, 6haste, 14mas, 9speed, socket
plate hands: Jandvik Gauntlets of the Aurora, 10int/str, 15stam, 13haste, 7vers, 9leech, socket
plate hands: Rhut'van Gauntlets of the Feverflare, 10int/str, 15stam, 6haste, 14mas, 9speed, socket
plate waist: Jandvik Girdle of the Harmonious, 10int/str, 15stam, 9vers, 12mas, 9speed, socket
plate waist: Ettinbone Girdle of the Peerless, 10int/str, 15stam, 9crit, 12mas, 9speed, socket
plate waist: Valarsmidd Girdle of the Peerless, 10int/str, 15stam, 12crit, 9mas, 9speed, socket
plate legs: Rhut'van Legplates of the Fireflash, 14int/str, 20stam, 10crit, 17haste, 12leech, socket
plate legs: Ettinbone Legplates of the Quickblade, 14int/str, 20stam, 17crit, 10vers, 12leech, socket
plate legs: Jandvik Legplates of the Feverflare, 14int/str, 20stam, 10haste, 17mas, 12leech, socket
plate feet: Ettinbone Sabatons of the Quickblade, 10int/str, 15stam, 9crit, 12vers, 9leech, socket
plate feet: Ashvane Company Sabatons of the Aurora, 10int/str, 15stam, 13haste, 7vers, 9leech, socket
neck: Vale Walker's Pendant of the Feverflare, 11stam, 28haste, 19mas, 8leech, socket
neck: Thunder Totem Spirit Necklace of the Harmonious: 11stam, 16vers, 31mas, 8speed, socket
back: Stormwing Drape of the Feverflare, 8int/agi/str, 11stam, 4haste, 11mas, 6leech, socket
back: Nightfallen Outcast's Cloak of the Harmonious, 8int/agi, 11stam, 10vers, 5mas, 6leech, socket
ring: Azurewing Signet of the Aurora, 11stam, 31haste, 16vers, 8leech, socket
trinket: Corsair's Spyglass, 13agi, 19mas, 9leech, socket
trinket: Corsair's Spyglass, 13agi, 19mas, 9speed, socket
trinket: Koralune Keepsake, 13str, 19mas, 9leech, socket
dagger: Coldscale Dagger of the Peerless, 6.9dps, 1.8speed, 6agi, 9stam, 7crit, 5mas, 5leech, socket
warglaive: Bleached Bone Glaive of the Fireflash, 6.7dps, 6agi, 9stam, 7crit, 5haste, 5leech, socket
1H sword: Ironcrest Sword of the Quickblade, 6.9dps, 2.6speed, 6agi, 9stam, 7crit, 5vers, 5leech, socket
1H mace: Wavecaller Mace of the Aurora, 6.7dps, 2.6 speed, 6agi, 9stam, 8haste, 4vers, 5leech, socket
1H axe: Zem'lan Chopper of the Quickblade, 6.7dps, 2.6speed, 6agi, 9stam, 5crit, 7vers, 5speed, socket
2H staff: Zem'lan Pummeler of the Quickblade, 12agi, 18stam, 10crit, 14vers, 10leech, socket
2H staff: Wintersail Staff of the Peerless, 54int, 18stam, 10crit, 14mastery, 10leech, socket
2H staff: Bleached Bone Staff of the Feverflare, 54int, 18stam, 17haste, 7mas, 10leech, socket
wand: Bleached Bone Wand of the Fireflash, 35int, 9stam, 7crit, 5haste, 5speed, socket
shield: Rivermarsh Defender of the Harmonious, 19int/9str, 9stam, 4vers, 8mas, 5leech, socket
Bloodscalp, Boulderfist, Dunemaul, Maiev, Quel’dorei, Sen’jin, Stonemaul:
plate shoulders: Jandvik Pauldrons of the Harmonious, 10int/str, 15stam, 13vers, 7mas, 9leech, socket
plate hands: Rhut'van Gauntlets of the Peerless, 10int/str, 15stam, 9crit, 12mas, 9speed, socket
plate legs: Jandvik Legplates of the Feverflare, 14int/stri, 20stam, 17haste, 10mas, 12leech, socket
Dentarg, Whisperwind:
plate waist: Jandvik Girdle of the Harmonious, 10int/str, 15stam, 7vers, 13mas, 9leech, socket
cloth head: Hagfeather Cowl of the Peerless, 14int, 20stam, 17crit, 10mas, 12speed, socket
cloth head: Hrydshal Cowl of the Harmonious, 14int, 20stam, 15vers, 12mas, 12speed, socket
cloth shoulders: Saurifeather Mantle of the Feverflare, 10int, 15stam, 14haste, 6mas, 9speed, socket
cloth shoulders: Moonfall Shoulderpads of the Feverflare, 10int, 15stam, 6haste, 14mas, 9leech, socket
cloth shoulders: Temporal Scholar's Shoulderpads of the Aurora, 10int, 15stam, 7haste, 13vers, 9leech, socket
cloth chest: Crescent Vale Robe of the Peerless, 14int, 20 stam, 13crit, 13mas, 12speed, socket
cloth chest: Crescent Vale Robe of the Quickblade, 14int, 20stam, 15crit, 12vers, 12leech, socket
cloth wrists: Crescent Vale Wristwraps of the Aurora, 8int, 11stam, 4haste, 11vers, 6leech, socket
cloth wrists: Moonfall Wristwraps of the Aurora, 8int, 11stam, 5haste, 10vers, 6leech, socket
cloth wrists: Temporal Scholar's Wristwraps of the Quickblade, 8int, 11stam, 9crit, 6vers, 6leech, socket
cloth wrists: Temporal Scholar's Wristwraps of the Quickblade, 8int, 11stam, 9crit, 6vers, 6leech, socket (2nd set)
cloth wrists: Hagfeather Wristwraps of the Quickblade, 8int, 11stam, 9crit, 6vers, 6leech, socket
cloth wrists: Temporal Scholar's Wristwraps of the Harmonious, 8int, 11stam, 6vers, 9mas, 6leech, socket
cloth wrists: Moonfall Wristwraps of the Harmonious, 8int, 11stam, 9vers, 6mas, 6speed, socket
cloth hands: Temporal Scholar's Handwraps of the Aurora, 10int, 15stam, 7haste, 13vers, 9speed, socket
cloth hands: Temporal Scholar's Handwraps of the Quickblade, 10int, 15stam, 13crit, 7vers, 9leech, socket
cloth hands: Moonfall Handwraps of the Aurora, 10int, 15stam, 6haste, 14vers, 9leech, socket
cloth hands: Crescent Vale Handwraps of the Harmonious, 10int, 15stam, 10vers, 10mas, 9leech, socket
cloth hands: Hrydshal Handwraps of the Fireflash, 10int, 15stam, 12crit, 9haste, 9speed, socket
cloth hands: Crescent Vale Handwraps of the Quickblade, 10int, 15stam, 7crit, 13vers, 9leech, socket
cloth hands: Hrydshal Handwraps of the Feverflare, 10int, 15 stam, 14 haste, 6mas, 9speed, socket
cloth hands: Hrydshal Handwraps of the Quickblade, 10int, 15stam, 6crit, 14vers, 9leech, socket
cloth waist: Moonfall Cord of the Harmonious, 10int, 15stam, 7vers, 13mas, 9leech, socket
cloth waist: Hagfeather Cord of the Fireflash, 10int, 15stam, 6crit, 14haste, 9leech, socket
cloth waist: Crescent Vale Cord of the Aurora, 10int, 15stam, 12haste, 9vers, 9leech, socket
cloth waist: Crescent Vale Cord of the Aurora, 10int, 15stam, 12haste, 9vers, 9leech, socket (2nd set)
cloth waist: Temporal Scholar's Cord of the Peerless, 10int, 15stam, 7crit, 13mas, 9leech, socket
cloth waist: Temporal Scholar's Cord of the Fireflash, 10int, 15stam, 12crit, 9haste, 9speed, socket
cloth waist: Temporal Scholar's Cord of the Peerless, 10int, 15stam, 7crit, 13mas, 9leech, socket
cloth legs: Hagfeather Leggings of the Quickblade, 14int, 20stam, 19crit, 8vers, 12speed, socket
cloth legs: Hrydshal Leggings of the Quickblade, 14int, 20stam, 17crit, 10vers, 12leech, socket
cloth legs: Temporal Scholar's Leggings of the Peerless, 14int, 20stam, 19crit, 8mas, 12leech, socket
cloth feet: Moonfall Sandals of the Peerless, 10int, 15stam, 14crit, 6mas, 9speed, socket
cloth feet: Moonfall Sandals of the Harmonious, 10int, 15stam, 7vers, 13mas, 9leech, socket
cloth feet: Hrydshal Sandals of the Fireflash, 10int, 15stam, 12crit, 9haste, 9leech, socket
cloth feet: Temporal Scholar's Sandals of the Aurora, 10int, 15stam, 10haste, 10vers, 9speed, socket
cloth feet: Moonfall Sandals of the Quickblade, 10int, 15stam, 13crit, 7vers, 9speed, socket
leather head: Ambervale Hood of the Harmonious, 14int/agi, 20stam, 17vers, 10mas, 12leech, socket
leather head: Ambervale Hood of the Impatient, 14int/agi, 20stam, 27haste, 12leech, socket
leather head: Ambervale Hood of the Impatient, 14int/agi, 20stam, 27haste, 12leech, socket
leather head: Icepine Hood of the Feverflare, 14int, 20stam, 12haste, 15mas, 12speed, socket
leather head: Smolderhide Hood of the Aurora, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15haste, 12vers, 12leech, socket
leather head: Smolderhide Hood of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 17crit, 10mas, 12leech, socket
leather shoulders: Haustvelt Shoulders of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 10haste, 10vers, 9leech, socket
leather shoulders: Haustvelt Shoulders of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12crit, 9mas, 9speed, socket
leather shoulders: Smolderhide Shoulders of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6haste, 14vers, 9speed, socket
leather shoulders: Crimsonwood Mantle of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6crit, 14mas, 9leech, socket
leather shoulders: Llothien Shoulders of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 14haste, 6mas, 9leech, socket
leather shoulders: Ambervale Shoulders of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 13haste, 7vers, 9speed, socket
leather shoulders: Icepine Shoulders of the Quickblade, 10int/agi, 15stam, 14crit, 6vers, 9leech, socket
leather chest: Haustvelt Jerkin of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 10crit, 17mas, 12leech, socket
leather chest: Smolderhide Jerkin of the Quickblade, 14int/agi, 20stam, 8crit, 19vers, 12leech, socket
leather chest: Icepine Jerkin of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 12crit, 15mas, 12leech, socket
leather chest: Icepine Jerkin of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15crit, 12mas, 12leech, socket
leather wrists: Haustvelt Bindings of the Aurora, 8int/agi, 11stam, 11haste, 4vers, 6speed, socket
leather wrists: Llothien Bindings of the Aurora, 8int/agi, 11stam, 4haste, 11vers, 6leech, socket
leather wrists: Icepine Bindings of the Feverflare, 8int/agi, 11stam, 5haste, 10mas, 6leech, socket
leather hands: Ambervale Gloves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 9vers, 12mas, 9speed, socket
leather hands: Llothien Gloves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6vers, 14mas, 9leech, socket
leather hands: Festerroot Grasps of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 13haste, 7mas, 9leech, socket
leather hands: Smolderhide Gloves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 7vers, 13mas, 9speed, socket
leather hands: Ambervale Gloves of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12crit, 9mas, 9leech, socket
leather hands: Ambervale Gloves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 13vers, 7mas, 9speed, socket
leather hands: Llothien Gloves the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6crit, 14mas, 9speed, socket
leather hands: Haustvelt Gloves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 9vers, 12mas, 9leech, socket
leather waist: Llothein Waistband of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6vers, 14mas, 9speed, socket
leather waist: Haustvelt Waistband of the Quickblade, 10int/agi, 15stam, 7crit, 13vers, 9speed, socket
leather waist: Llothien Waistband of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 14haste, 6vers, 9leech, socket
leather waist: Smolderhide Waistband of the Quickblade, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12crit, 9vers, 9speed, socket
leather waist: Icepine Waistband of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 9haste, 12vers, 9leech, socket
leather waist: Llothien Waistband of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 14crit, 6mas, 9leech, socket
leather waist: Smolderhide Waistband of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 14haste, 6vers, 9leech, socket
leather waist: Llothien Waistband of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12vers, 9mas, 9speed, socket
leather legs: Ambervale Britches of the Quickblade, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15crit, 12vers, 12leech, socket
leather legs: Crimsonwood Breeches of the Quickblade, 14int/agi, 20 stam, 15 crit, 12vers, 12leech, socket
leather legs: Smolderhide Britches of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 17crit, 10mas, 12leech, socket
leather feet: Sandscout Footwraps of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 7vers, 13mas, 9speed, socket
leather feet: Ambervale Boots of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6vers, 14mas, 9leech, socket
leather feet: Ambervale Boots of the Peerless, 10int/agi, 15stam, 7crit, 13mas, 9leech, socket
mail head: Warpwind Helm of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 8haste, 19mas, 12speed, socket
mail head: Warpwind Helm of the Harmonious, 14int/agi, 20stam, 8vers, 19mas, 12speed, socket
mail head: Faronaar Chain Helm of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 13haste, 13mas, 12speed, socket
mail head: Hillstride Helm of the Harmonious, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15vers, 12mas, 12speed, socket
mail shoulders: Warpwind Spaulders of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6haste, 14mas, 9speed, socket
mail shoulders: Warpwind Spaulders of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 14haste, 6mas, 9leech, socket
mail shoulders: Faronaar Chain Spaulders of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12haste, 9mas, 9speed, socket
mail shoulders: Hillstride Spaulders of the Feverflare, 10int/agi, 15stam, 13haste, 7mas, 9speed, socket
mail chest: Hillstride Vest of the Quickblade, 14int/agi, 20stam, 8crit, 19vers, 12speed, socket
mail chest: Dreadroot Linked Vest of the Aurora, 14int/agi, 20stam, 8haste, 19vers, 12leech, socket
mail chest: Faronaar Chain Vest of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 8haste, 19mas, 12speed, socket
mail chest: Warpwind Vest of the Fireflash, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15crit, 12haste, 12leech, socket
mail chest: Hillstride Vest of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 13haste, 13mas, 12leech, socket
mail chest: Valdisdall Vest of the Harmonious, 14int/agi, 20stam, 13vers, 13mas, 12leech, socket
mail chest: Faronaar Chain Vest of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 19haste, 8mas, 12speed, socket
mail wrists: Faronaar Chain Bracers of the Aurora, 8int, 11stam, 4haste, 11vers, 6speed, socket
mail wrists: Faronaar Chain Bracers of the Fireflash, 8int/agi, 11stam, 9crit, 6haste, 6leech, socket
mail wrists: Valdisdall Bracers of the Peerless, 8int/agi, 11stam, 8crit, 8mas, 6leech, socket
mail wrists: Dreadroot Linked Bracers of the Harmonious, 8int/agi, 11stam, 4vers, 11mas, 6speed, socket
mail wrists: Faronaar Chain Bracers of the Peerless, 8int/agi, 11stam, 5crit, 10mas, 6speed, socket
mail hands: Faronaar Chain Gauntlets of the Savant, 10int/agi, 15stam, 20mastery, 9speed, socket
mail hands: Warpwind Gauntlets of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 13vers, 7mas, 9speed, socket
mail hands: Warpwind Gauntlets of the Fireflash, 10int/agi, 15stam, 9crit, 12haste, 9leech, socket
mail hands: Faronaar Chain Gauntlets of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 7haste, 13vers, 9speed, socket
mail waist: Faronaar Chain Belt of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 7vers, 13mas, 9speed, socket
mail legs: Valdisdall Legguards of the Peerless, 14int/agi, 20stam, 19crit, 8mast, 12leech, socket
mail legs: Warpwind Legguards of the Harmonious, 14int/agi, 20stam, 17vers, 10mas, 12speed, socket
mail legs: Faronaar Chain Legguards of the Fireflash, 14int/agi, 20stam, 12crit, 15haste, 12speed, socket
mail legs: Warpwind Legguards of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15haste, 12mast, 12leech, socket
mail legs: Warpwind Legguards of the Aurora, 14int/agi, 20stam, 19haste, 8vers, 12speed, socket
mail legs: Barrowknoll Legguards of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 8haste, 19 mast, 12leech, socket
mail legs: Faronaar Chain Legguards of the Harmonious, 14int/agi, 20stam, 15vers, 12mas, 12speed, socket
mail feet: Dreadroot Linked Greaves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6vers, 14mas, 9speed, socket
mail feet: Faronaar Chain Greaves of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 6haste, 14vers, 9leech, socket
mail feet: Faronaar Chain Greaves of the Fireflash, 10int/agi, 15stam, 12crit, 9haste, 9speed, socket
mail feet: Faronaar Chain Greaves of the Quickblade, 10int/agi, 15stam, 14crit, 6vers, 9leech, socket
mail feet: Faronaar Chain Greaves of the Feverflare, 10int/str, 15stam, 12haste, 9mas, 9speed, socket
mail feet: Dreadroot Linked Greaves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 7vers, 13mas, 9speed, socket
mail feet: Hillstride Greaves of the Harmonious, 10int/ago, 15stam, 12vers, 9mas, 9speed, socket
plate head: Jandvik Helm of the Aurora, 14int/str, 20stam, 10haste, 17vers, 12leech, socket
plate head: Ashvane Company Greathelm of the Aurora, 14int/str, 20stam, 10haste, 17vers, 12speed, socket
plate head: Valarsmidd Helm of the Aurora, 14int/str, 20stam, 19haste, 8vers, 12leech, socket
plate head: Ettinbone Helm of the Aurora, 14int/str, 20stam, 19haste, 8vers, 12leech, socket
plate shoulders: Jandvik Pauldrons of the Fireflash, 10int/str, 15stam, 12crit, 9haste, 9leech, socket
plate shoulders: Ashvale Company Spaulders of the Fireflash, 10int/str, 15stam, 13crit, 7haste, 9leech, socket
plate shoulders: Valarsmidd Pauldrons of the Fireflash, 10int/str, 15stam, 6crit, 14haste, 9leech, socket
plate shoulders: Jandvik Pauldrons of the Aurora, 10int/str, 15stam, 12haste, 9vers, 9speed, socket
plate shoulders: Jandvik Pauldrons of the Peerless, 10int/str, 15stam, 7crit, 13mas, 9leech, socket
plate chest: Jandvik Breastplate of the Fireflash, 14int/str, 20stam, 19crit, 8haste, 12leech, socket
plate chest: Jandvik Breastplate of the Harmonious, 14int/str, 20stam, 19vers, 8mas, 12speed, socket
plate chest: Rhut'van Breastplate of the Harmonious, 14int/str, 20stam, 12vers, 15mas, 12speed, socket
plate chest: Jandvik Breastplate of the Aurora, 14int/str, 20stam, 13haste, 13vers, 12speed, socket
plate chest: Kal'Delar Breastplate of the Peerless, 14int/str, 20stam, 12crit, 15mas, 12leech, socket
plate wrists: Jandvik Vambraces of the Peerless, 8int/str, 11stam, 5crit, 10mas, 6leech, socket
plate wrists: Jandvik Vambraces of the Quickblade, 8int/str, 11stam, 5crit, 10vers, 6speed, socket
plate wrists: Ettinbone Vambraces of the Peerless, 8int/str, 11stam, 10crit, 5mas, 6speed, socket
plate wrists: Ettinbone Vambraces of the Fireflash, 8int/str, 11stam, 6crit, 9haste, 6speed, socket
plate wrists: Jandvik Vambraces of the Peerless, 8int/str, 11stam, 9crit, 6mas, 6leech, socket
plate wrists: Rhut'van Vambraces of the Peerless, 8int/str, 11stam, 6crit, 9mas, 6speed, socket
plate wrists: Rhut'van Vambraces of the Harmonious, 8int/str, 11stam, 5vers, 10mas, 6speed, socket
plate waist: Jandvik Girdle of the Aurora, 10int/str, 15stam, 6haste, 14vers, 9speed, socket
plate hands: Jandvik Gauntlets of the Fireflash, 10int/str, 15stam, 13crit, 7haste, 9speed, socket
plate hands: Ettinbone Gauntlets of the Peerless, 10int/str, 15stam, 13crit, 7mas, 9leech, socket
plate hands: Kal'Delar Gauntlets of the Harmonious, 10int/str, 15stam, 9vers, 12mas, 9leech, socket
plate hands: Valarsmidd Gauntlets of the Peerless, 10int/str, 15stam, 7crit, 13mas, 9speed, socket
plate waist: Jandvik Girdle of the Harmonious, 10int/str, 15stam, 13vers, 7mas, 9leech, socket
plate legs: Jandvik Legplates of the Harmonious, 14int/str, 20stam, 10vers, 17mas, 12leech, socket
plate legs: Kal'Delar Legplates of the Aurora, 14int/str, 20stam, 19haste, 8vers, 12speed, socket
plate legs: Jandvik Legplates of the Peerless, 14int/str, 20stam, 12crit, 15mas, 12leech, socket
plate legs: Valarsmidd Legplates of the Aurora, 14int/str, 20stam, 10haste, 17vers, 12speed, socket
plate legs: Ashvane Company Greaves of the Quickblade, 14int/str, 20stam, 15crit, 12vers, 12speed, socket
plate legs: Ettinbone Legplates of the Peerless, 14int/str, 20stam, 10crit, 17mas, 12speed, socket
plate legs: Jandvik Legplates of the Aurora, 14int/str, 20stam, 8haste, 19vers, 12speed, socket
plate feet: Ettinbone Sabatons of the Peerless, 10int/str, 15stam, 13crit, 7mas, 9speed, socket
plate feet: Jandvik Sabatons of the Feverflare, 10int/str, 15stam, 9haste, 12mas, 9leech, socket
back: Freehold Cape of the Fireflash, 8int/agi/str, 11stam, 8crit, 8haste, 6leech, socket
back: Vale Walker's Cloak of the Fireflash, 8int/agi/str, 11stam, 4crit, 11haste, 6leech, socket
ring: Nightfall Loop of the Peerless, 11stam, 26crit, 22mas, 8leech, socket
ring: Nightfall Loop of the Feverflare, 11stam, 34haste, 14mas, 8speed, socket
trinket: Sashj'tar Brooch, 13int, 19vers, 9speed, socket
trinket: Hexweaver's Charm, 13int, 19vers, 9leech, socket
trinket: Stormforged Idol, 13str, 19 haste, 9leech, socket
trinket: Corsair's Spyglass, 13agi, 19haste, 9speed, socket
trinket: Corsair's Spyglass, 13agi, 19crit, 9speed, socket
trinket: Corsair's Spyglass, 13agi, 19mas, 9speed, socket
trinket: Stormwing Tail Tip, 13agi, 19crit, 9leech, socket
trinket: Preserved Blue Dragon Scale, 13str, 19crit, 9leech, socket
dagger: Coldscale Dagger of the Harmonious, 6.9dps, 6agi, 9stam, 7vers, 5mas, 5leech, socket
dagger: Stagheart Knife of the Quickblade, 35int, 9stam, 7crit, 5vers, 5speed, socket
dagger: Coldscale Dagger of the Aurora, 6.9dps, 6agi, 9stam, 8haste, 4vers, 5speed, socket
warglaive: Loa-Blessed Crescent of the Harmonious, 6.7dps, 6agi, 9stam, 9vers, 3mas, 5leech, socket
1H mace: Zocali Warhammer of the Fireflash, 6.7dps, 6agi, 9stam, 5crit, 7haste, 5leech, socket
wand: Bleached Bone Wand of the Peerless, 35int, 9stam, 7crit, 5mas, 5speed, socket
gun: Deepwarden Flintlock of the Peerless, 9.2dps, 12agi, 18stam, 16crit, 9mas, 10leech, socket
staff: Wavecaller Spire of the Quickblade, 54int, 18stam, 14crit, 10vers, 10speed, socket
staff: Wavecaller Spire of the Aurora, 54int, 18stam, 7haste, 17vers, 10speed, socket
2H sword: Zocali Greatsword of the Quickblade, 9dps, 12str, 18stam, 7crit, 17vers, 10speed, socket
Silver Hand, Farstriders, Thorium Brotherhood:
cloth chest: Hagfeather Robe of the Fireflash, 14int, 20stam, 15crit, 12haste, 12leech, socket
cloth chest: Crescent Vale Robe of the Peerless, 14int, 20stam, 17crit, 19mas, 12leech, socket
cloth legs: Moonfall Leggings of the Fireflash, 14int, 20stam, 10crit, 17haste, 12speed, socket
cloth legs: Temporal Scholar's Leggings of the Impatient, 14int, 20stam, 27haste, 12leech, socket
cloth legs: Crescent Vale Leggings of the Quickblade, 14int, 20stam, 10crit, 17vers, 12leech, socket
cloth feet: Temporal Scholar's Sandals of the Quickblade, 10int, 15stam, 9crit, 12vers, 9leech, socket
leather wrists: Freehold Bracers of the Quickblade, 8int/agi, 11stam, 8crit, 8vers, 6leech, socket
leather hands: Haustvelt Gloves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 9vers, 12mas, 9leech, socket
leather waist: Icepine Waistband of the Decimator, 10int/agi, 15stam, 20crit, 9speed, socket
leather legs: Ambervale Britches of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20 stam, 17haste, 10mas, 12speed, socket
leather legs: Ambervale Britches of the Harmonious, 14int/agi, 20stam, 13vers, 13mas, 12speed, socket
mail wrists: Faronaar Chain Bracers of the Feverflare, 8int/agi, 11stam, 8haste, 8mastery, 6speed, socket
mail legs: Barrowknoll Legguards of the Quickblade, 14stam, 20int, 8crit, 19vers, 12leech, socket
mail legs: Warpwind Legguards of the Feverflare, 14int/agi, 20stam, 10haste, 17mas, 12speed, socket
mail feet: Warpwind Greaves of the Harmonious, 10int/agi, 15stam, 9vers, 12mas, 9speed, socket
plate head: Jandvik Helm of the Quickblade, 14int/str, 20stam, 8crit, 19vers, 12leech, socket
plate shoulders: Rhut'van Pauldrons of the Feverflare, 10int/str, 15stam, 6haste, 14mas, 9leech, socket
plate shoulders: Jandvik Pauldrons of the Peerless, 10str/int, 15stam, 14crit, 6mas, 9speed, socket
plate chest: Rhut'van Chestplate of the Quickblade, 14int/str, 20stam, 13crit, 13vers, 12speed, socket
plate hands: Jandvik Gauntlets of the Aurora, 10int/str, 15stam, 13haste, 7vers, 9speed, socket
plate waist: Jandvik Girdle of the Fireflash, 10int/str, 15stam, 7crit, 13haste, 9speed, socket
plate waist: Valarsmidd Girdle of the Quickblade, 10int/str, 15stam, 10crit, 10vers, 9leech, socket
neck: Nightfall Chain of the Harmonious, 11stam, 16vers, 31mas, 8leech, socket
neck: Thunder Totem Spirit Necklace of the Quickblade, 11stam, 28crit, 19vers, 8leech, socket
Ursin, Andorhal, Scilla, Zuluhed, Eonar, Velen, Black Dragonflight, Gul'dan, Skullcrusher:
leather waist: Smoulderhide Waistband of the Aurora, 10int/agi, 15stam, 14haste, 6vers, 9speed, socket
plate wrists: Jandvik Vambraces of the Harmonious, 8int/str, 11stam, 6vers, 9mas, 6speed, socket
Items for other brackets
Aerie Peak, Ulduar:
warglaive: Vyrtha's Dredglaive, ilvl 146, 21.9dps, 19agi, 34stam, 23crit, 13mas
warglaive: Vyrtha's Dredglaive, ilvl 140, 20.6dps, 18agi, 33stam, 20crit, 11mas
leather legs: Samnoh's Exceptional Leggings, warforged ilvl 60, 17int/agi, 26stam, 13haste, 21mas.
Azgalor, Azshara, Destromath, Thunderlord, Blood Furnace, Mannoroth, Nazjatar:
leather head: Brutohide Faceguard of the Feverflare, 9int/agi, 14stam, 13haste, 5mas, 8leech, socket
leather chest: Crimsonwood Jerkin of the Aurora, 9int/agi, 14stam, 11haste, 8vers, 8speed, socket
leather hands: Festerroot Grasps of the Aurora, 7int/agi, 11stam, 7haste, 7vers, 6leech, socket
plate shoulders: Corlain Spaulders of the Harmonious, 7int/str, 11stam, 9vers, 5mas, 6speed, socket
plate feet: Direbone Frill Stompers of the Aurora, 7int/str, 11stam, 7haste, 7vers, 6speed, socket
dagger: Coldscale Dagger of the Feverflare, 5dps, 5agi, 7stam, 5haste, 4mas, 4speed, socket
dagger: Shipwrecker Knife of the Quickblade, 5dps, 5agi, 7stam, 5crit, 4vers, 4speed, socket
dagger: Zem'lan Dagger of the Peerless, 5dps, 5agi, 7stam, 4crit, 5mas, 4leech, socket
dagger: Dockyard Dagger of the Quickblade, 5dps, 5agi, 7stam, 3crit, 6vers, 4leech, socket
1H axe: Shipwrecker Axe of the Harmonious, 5dps, 5str, 7stam, 6vers, 3mas, 4leech, socket
1H mace: Wavecaller Mace of the Feverflare, 5dps, 5agi, 7stam, 4haste, 5mas, 4leech, socket
1H sword: Dockyard Cutlass of the Aurora, 5.2dps, 5agi, 7stam, 6haste, 3vers, 4leech, socket
1H sword: Tideguard Sword of the Peerless, 27int, 7stam, 6crit, 3mas, 4leech, socket
bow: Warport Short Bow of the Fireflash, 6.8dps, 9agi, 14stam, 5crit, 13haste, 8speed, socket
offhand: Warport Hex Focus of the Fireflash, 14int, 7stam, 3crit, 6haste, 4speed, socket
Bloodscalp, Boulderfist, Dunemaul, Maiev, Quel’dorei, Sen’jin, Stonemaul:
trinket: Mark of Lore, 9int, 13crit, 6speed, socket
warglaive: Stagheart Warglaives of the Harmonious, 5.0dps, 5agi, 7stam, 5vers, 5mas, 4leech, socket
wand: Gol Osigr Wand of the Feverflare, 27int, 7stam, 6haste, 3mas, 4leech, socket
leather shoulders: Crimsonwood Mantle of the Quickblade, 7int/agi, 11stam, 6crit, 8vers, 6speed, socket
leather chest: Brutohide Vest of the Harmonious, 9(int/agi), 14stam, 8vers, 11mas, 8leech, socket
leather chest: Crimsonwood Jerkin of the Peerless, 9 int/agi, 14 stam, 11 crit, 8mas, 8leech, socket
leather chest: Festerroot Jerkin of the Peerless, 9int/agi, 14stam, 7crit, 12mas, 8speed, socket
leather hands: Brutohide Gloves of the Quickblade, 7int/agi, 11stam, 4crit, 10vers, 6speed, socket
leather waist: Festerroot Belt of the Aurora, 7int/agi, 11stam, 10haste, 4vers, 6leech, socket
leather legs: Smolderhide Britches of the Aurora, 9int/agi, 14stam, 5haste, 13vers, 8leech, socket
mail wrist: Dreadroot Linked Gauntlets of the Aurora, 7int/agi, 11stam, 9haste, 5vers, 6speed, socket
plate shoulders: Corlain Spaulders of the Peerless, 7int/str, 10stam, 4crit, 10mas, 6leech, socket
plate wrist: Corlain Vambraces of the Fireflash, 5int/str, 8stam, 3crit, 8haste, 5speed, socket
neck: Thunder Totem Spirit Necklace of the Feverflare, 8stam, 22haste, 11mas, 6avoidance, socket
back: Crimsonwood Drape of the Aurora, 5int/agi/str, 8stam, 3haste, 8vers, 5speed, socket
back: Ashvane Company Cloak of the Harmonious, 5int/agi/str, 8stam, 7vers, 4mas, 5leech, socket
dagger: Ironcrest Knife of the Fireflash, 5.0dps, 5agi, 7stam, 3crit, 6haste, 4speed, socket
dagger: Warport Dirk of the Aurora, 5.0dps, 5agi, 7stam, 4haste, 5vers, 4speed, socket
wand: Ironcrest Baton of the Quickblade, 27int, 7stam, 6crit, 3vers, 4speed, socket
1H sword: Ironcrest Sword of the Harmonious, 5agi, 7stam, 3vers, 6mas, 4leech, socket
1H mace: Ironcrest Club of the Peerless, 5.0dps, 5agi, 7stam, 3crit, 6mas, 4speed, socket
warglaive: Stagheart Warglaives of the Feverflare, 5.0dps, 5agi, 7stam, 6haste, 3mas, 4leech, socket
2H staff: Zem'lan Pummeler of the Feverflare, 9agi, 14stam, 9haste, 9mas, 8speed, socket
offhand: Zocali Voodoo Idol of the Quickblade, 14int, 7stam, 3crit, 6vers, 4leech, socket
Silver Hand, Farstriders, Thorium Brotherhood:
leather waist: Briarback Cinch of the Harmonious, 7int/agi, 11stam, 8vers, 6mas, 6speed, socket
Azgalor, Azshara, Destromath, Thunderlord, Blood Furnace, Mannoroth, Nazjatar:
cloth shoulders: Foxhollow Amice of the Aurora, 5int, 8stam, 3haste, 8vers, 5leech, socket
cloth wrist: Saurifeather Wraps of the Feverflare, 4int, 6stam, 2haste, 6mas, 3speed, socket
leather head: Brutohide Faceguard of the Feverflare, 7int/agi, 11stam, 8haste, 6mas, 6leech, socket
plate shoulders: Ashvane Company Spaulders of the Quickblade, 5int/str, 8stam, 5crit, 5vers, 5speed, socket
Bloodscalp, Boulderfist, Dunemaul, Maiev, Quel’dorei, Sen’jin, Stonemaul:
mail feet: Ravascale Striders of the Harmonious, 5int/agi, 8stam, 7vers, 4mas, 5leech, socket
cloth head: Foxhollow Circlet of the Fireflash, 7int, 11stam, 6crit, 8haste, 6leech, socket
cloth chest: Temporal Scholar's Robe of the Fireflash, 7int, 11stam, 8crit, 6haste, 6speed, socket
cloth wrist: Temporal Scholar's Wristwraps of the Harmonious, 4int, 6stam, 6vers, 2mas, 3leech, socket
cloth feet: Hagfeather Sandals of the Peerless, 5int, 8stam, 7crit, 4mas, 5speed, socket
leather chest: Llothien Jerkin of the Aurora, 7int/agi, 11stam, 7haste, 7vers, 6speed, socket
leather hands: Llothien Gloves of the Fireflash, 5int/agi, 8stam, 8crit, 3haste, 5leech, socket
leather legs: Llothien Britches of the Peerless, 7int/agi, 11stam, 8crit, 6mas, 6speed, socket
mail head: Faronaar Chain Helm of the Fireflash, 7int/agi, 11stam, 7crit, 7haste, 6speed, socket
mail feet: Hillstride Greaves of the Quickblade, 5int/agi, 8stam, 3crit, 8vers, 5speed, socket
plate head: Ettinbone Helm of the Harmonious, 7int/str, 11stam, 7vers, 7mas, 6speed, socket
plate shoulders: Rhut'van Pauldrons of the Quickblade, 5int/str, 8stam, 5crit, 6vers, 5leech, socket
plate wrists: Valarsmidd Vambraces of the Peerless, 4str/int, 6stam, 5crit, 3mas, 3speed, socket
plate hands: Rhut'van Gauntlets of the Aurora, 5int/str, 8stam, 8haste, 3vers, 5leech, socket
plate hands: Ettinbone Gauntlets of the Harmonious, 5int/str, 8stam, 5vers, 5mas, 5leech, socket
plate feet: Rhut'van Sabatons of the Fireflash, 5int/str, 8stam, 8crit, 3haste, 5leech, socket
neck: Thunder Totem Spirit Necklace of the Peerless, 6stam, 9crit, 16mas, (no tert), socket
back: Azurewing Defender's Drape of the Peerless, 4int/agi/str, 6stam, 5crit, 3mas, (no tert), socket
back: Thunder Totem Cloak of the Quickblade, 4int/agi/str, 6stam, 3crit, 5vers, (no tert), socket
back: Thunder Totem Cloak of the Quickblade, 4int/agi/str, 6stam, 4crit, 4vers, (no tert), socket
back: Thunder Totem Cloak of the Quickblade, 4int/agi/str, 6stam, 5crit, 3vers, (no tert), socket
back: Stormwing Drape of the Fireflash, 4int/agi/atr, 6stam, 5crit, 3haste, (no tert), socket
ring: (req level 20) Freezing Band (x3), 5int, 3 frost resistance, 1% chance when hit: 5-second stun
ring: Azurewing Signet of the Quickblade, 6stam, 15crit, 10vers, (no tert), socket
ring: Azurewing Signet of the Quickblade, 6stam, 11crit, 14vers, (no tert), socket
ring: Azurewing Signet of the Fireflash, 6stam, 9crit, 16haste, (no tert), socket
ring: Thunder Totem Band of the Quickblade, 6stam, 10crit, 15 vers, (no tert), socket
ring: Thunder Totem Band of the Peerless, 6stam, 9crit, 16mas, (no tert), socket
warglaive: Loa-Blessed Crescent of the Harmonious, 3.5dps, 3agi, 5stam, 4vers, 2mas, 3leech, socket
1H sword: Zem'lan Saber of the Harmonious, 2.6speed, 19int, 5stam, 4vers, 2mas, 3leech, socket
Silver Hand, Farstriders, Thorium Brotherhood:
leather legs: Smolderhide Britches of the Quickblade, 7int/agi, 11stam, 10crit, 4vers, 6speed, socket
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