My progress on a 10 day 1


** I will update this as I find new high Level gear for 10's (edit 10/16)**

Armory isn't working yet so I'll post some SS for 'proof'. I cleared Legion's VH 28 times and Halls of Valor 3 times. I've got all iLvL 44 pcs now. Ave iLvL equipped is 45. I'm also using the Artifact Weapon at iLvL 49. Here's a run down of stats.

  • Health = 1704
  • Armor = 45.56% (1, +1 Armor Enchant)
  • Crit = 65%
  • Haste = 43%
  • Mastery = 66%
  • Versa = 16%
  • Leech = 10% (Ferocity Hunter Pet)
  • NO Gems (I never got anything to drop with Tertiary or Socket)
  • 100% Enchanted (minus Shoulders without Trade glitch & Legs just +1 Armor)
  • NO Buffs
  • Includes HOA
  • Includes iLvL 49 Artifact Weapon now
I can easily solo Dungeons on this Hunter and did one Group Dungeon while in Chromie Time which had 3 upper 20's and an 11 plus me. I literally carried them through it.

  • HOA iLvL - 55 (works as of 11:30am MST 15Oct)
  • Legion Dungeon iLvL = 44
  • Dungeon Relics iLvL = 14 (yes, they ARE equippable)
  • HoA iLvL = 50 (yes, it IS doable at 10, I just haven't yet)
  • End Zone reward Blues in Legion (4 total) iLvL = 50
  • Shattrath gear from G'eras iLvL = 27 + Sockets
  • Legion BoE Epics iLvL = ~22 estimated (scale down to LvL 7)
  • Legion World Boss Legendaries iLvL = Unknown if applicable yet
  • iLvL 50 BfA Dungeon gear no longer works.
  • iLvL 72 gear from BfA no longer works.
EDIT: Up to date as of 3pm MST 15 Oct.
LvL 10 - 1st day progress.jpg LvL 10 - Artifact Weapon.jpg LvL 10 - Relic equipped.jpg


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Armory isn't working yet so I'll post some SS for 'proof'. I cleared Legion's VH 28 times and Halls of Valor 3 times. I got all iLvL 44 pcs except no Trinkets dropped and I never saw a 2nd Relic (of slot 1 or 2). Ave iLvL equipped is 41. I'm using the Class Hall Vendor Weapon, which is iLvL 47 + a Shatt Trinket + Band of the Banshee Queen Trinket until I get them replaced. Here's a run down of stats.

  • Armor = 45.56% (1 +1 Armor Enchant)
  • Crit = 53%
  • Haste = 34%
  • Mastery = 59%
  • Versa = 17%
  • Leech = 10% (Ferocity Hunter Pet)
  • NO Gems (I never got anything to drop with Tertiary or Socket)
  • 100% Enchanted (minus Shoulders without Trade glitch & Legs just +1 Armor)
  • NO Buffs
I can easily solo Dungeons on this Hunter and did one Group Dungeon while in Chromie Time which had 3 upper 20's and an 11 plus me. I literally carried them through it.
View attachment 17049 View attachment 17050 View attachment 17051
daamit u was hord im a ally and was gonan strt gearing up my prot pala now i know allot of things what to go for on my pala hehe and i will solo dungeons on it so so easy too but little boring to play alone al lthe time as lvl 10 twink hehe
daamit u was hord im a ally and was gonan strt gearing up my prot pala now i know allot of things what to go for on my pala hehe and i will solo dungeons on it so so easy too but little boring to play alone al lthe time as lvl 10 twink hehe
Oh it's boring AF. I spent ~12 hours doing it today, plus a little work on Class Order Hall and a couple random Dungeons to ease the boredom.
Armory isn't working yet so I'll post some SS for 'proof'. I cleared Legion's VH 28 times and Halls of Valor 3 times. I got all iLvL 44 pcs except no Trinkets dropped and I never saw a 2nd Relic (of slot 1 or 2). Ave iLvL equipped is 41. I'm using the Class Hall Vendor Weapon, which is iLvL 47 + a Shatt Trinket + Band of the Banshee Queen Trinket until I get them replaced. Here's a run down of stats.

  • Health = 1672
  • Armor = 45.56% (1 +1 Armor Enchant)
  • Crit = 53%
  • Haste = 34%
  • Mastery = 59%
  • Versa = 17%
  • Leech = 10% (Ferocity Hunter Pet)
  • NO Gems (I never got anything to drop with Tertiary or Socket)
  • 100% Enchanted (minus Shoulders without Trade glitch & Legs just +1 Armor)
  • NO Buffs
I can easily solo Dungeons on this Hunter and did one Group Dungeon while in Chromie Time which had 3 upper 20's and an 11 plus me. I literally carried them through it.

  • Legion Dungeon iLvL = 44
  • Dungeon Relics iLvL = 14 (yes, they ARE equippable)
  • HoA iLvL = 50 (yes, it IS doable at 10, I just haven't yet)
  • End Zone reward Blues in Legion (4 total) iLvL = 50
  • Shattrath gear from G'eras iLvL = 27 + Sockets
  • Legion BoE Epics iLvL = ~22 estimated (scale down to LvL 7)
  • Legion World Boss Legendaries iLvL = Unknown if applicable yet
  • iLvL 50 BfA Dungeon gear no longer works.
  • iLvL 72 gear from BfA no longer works.
View attachment 17049 View attachment 17050 View attachment 17051

Nice, just missing the Azerite helm from puzzle scrolls, doable at 10 if you do the two lower level zones (the highest is locked for level 35)

Armory isn't working yet so I'll post some SS for 'proof'. I cleared Legion's VH 28 times and Halls of Valor 3 times. I got all iLvL 44 pcs except no Trinkets dropped and I never saw a 2nd Relic (of slot 1 or 2). Ave iLvL equipped is 41. I'm using the Class Hall Vendor Weapon, which is iLvL 47 + a Shatt Trinket + Band of the Banshee Queen Trinket until I get them replaced. Here's a run down of stats.

  • Health = 1672
  • Armor = 45.56% (1 +1 Armor Enchant)
  • Crit = 53%
  • Haste = 34%
  • Mastery = 59%
  • Versa = 17%
  • Leech = 10% (Ferocity Hunter Pet)
  • NO Gems (I never got anything to drop with Tertiary or Socket)
  • 100% Enchanted (minus Shoulders without Trade glitch & Legs just +1 Armor)
  • NO Buffs
I can easily solo Dungeons on this Hunter and did one Group Dungeon while in Chromie Time which had 3 upper 20's and an 11 plus me. I literally carried them through it.

  • Legion Dungeon iLvL = 44
  • Dungeon Relics iLvL = 14 (yes, they ARE equippable)
  • HoA iLvL = 50 (yes, it IS doable at 10, I just haven't yet)
  • End Zone reward Blues in Legion (4 total) iLvL = 50
  • Shattrath gear from G'eras iLvL = 27 + Sockets
  • Legion BoE Epics iLvL = ~22 estimated (scale down to LvL 7)
  • Legion World Boss Legendaries iLvL = Unknown if applicable yet
  • iLvL 50 BfA Dungeon gear no longer works.
  • iLvL 72 gear from BfA no longer works.
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is it possible to get the HoA neck as a lvl 10 u know anything and if so how??
no hoa. resto shamie is bugged. in ele im only 119% mastery. ran dungeons for 7 hours last night. my IL is 43 because i have agm still. need one more trinket and storm element for weapon and it should be better than the greens from vendor
Curious about that as well. Tried the trade trick but didn't work.
If the item is 45+ Azerite piece (doesnt matter if leather/cloth/plate) log out in org/sw and relog back in. If it doesnt work then it could be hotfixed already. Also try to make sure you are on the BFA timeline
If the item is 45+ Azerite piece (doesnt matter if leather/cloth/plate) log out in org/sw and relog back in. If it doesnt work then it could be hotfixed already. Also try to make sure you are on the BFA timeline

BfA timeline would be the current timeline right?

also anybody know if it was hotfixed or has someone today recently gotten the neck?
Resto shamy
got full set now, plus bits to swap to get higher mastry and other stats,
but this set i seem to like.
1736 HP
198 Int
52% Crit
29% Haste
159% Mastry
20% Vers
61% dmg reduction from armor
jesus Christ I am sad I’m missing out on all this atm just wait world when I come out swinging
11:36 PM MST, 4 clears of Atal'Dazar with a 50, zero loot from final Boss for the 50 except the +30 AP. Can confirm that the iLvL 72 Blues from other Bosses cannot be traded to a 10 but 10's can trade their iLvL 14 to the 50 fine.

EDIT: On a positive note, you should see all the LvL 1 Greens with Sockets/Tertiary I'm getting spamming this BfA Dungeon ;)
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11:36 PM MST, 4 clears of Atal'Dazar with a 50, zero loot from final Boss for the 50 except the +30 AP. Can confirm that the iLvL 72 Blues from other Bosses cannot be traded to a 10 but 10's can trade their iLvL 14 to the 50 fine.

EDIT: On a positive note, you should see all the LvL 1 Greens with Sockets/Tertiary I'm getting spamming this BfA Dungeon ;)
Was the blue i72 an upgrade piece for the level 50? If so it wouldnt be tradable/or you werent in range of the boss (if doing Free hold stealth runs)
Was the blue i72 an upgrade piece for the level 50? If so it wouldnt be tradable/or you werent in range of the boss (if doing Free hold stealth runs)
iLvL 72 was just a Blue drop from any of the Bosses. It WAS tradable on PTR/Beta for a while. As for the final Boss, she finally dropped an item for the 50, but still no Azerite gear.
[doublepost=1602742803,1602741560][/doublepost]Ok, finally got an Azerite item to drop for my LvL 50 and can't trade it to my 10. It dropped as iLvL 72, are they supposed to drop as iLvL 50? Everything he's gotten from this Dungeon has been a 72.

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