EU+US Mt Hyjal - how to get there? Other hard to reach places...


Mission done! * Evil laugh*
This place is the safest no mob will attack you once u get into The Flamewake

New Flight path Discovered! * more evil laugh*
i've died a total of 10 times, and took me around 5+ hours, but it was all worth it ;)


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Mission done! * Evil laugh*
This place is the safest no mob will attack you once u get into The Flamewake
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New Flight path Discovered! * more evil laugh*
i've died a total of 10 times, and took me around 5+ hours, but it was all worth it ;)
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Lol gratz buddy. You've got me motivated so I'm starting my ghost runs to Hyjal to keep going until I get to Malornes flight path. Cheers for sharing. I'll update when I get there also ;)
Did you rage rez at any time? :mad:

I made it to the Irontree Outpost with only 1 ghost run, so I'm like, yeah I'm doing alright. Just finished the 20 min ghost run and am enjoying some comfort and safety at the outpost when.........

WTF, this rare fire bird by the name of Blazewing is heading straight overhead above the outpost. Oh no, now is not the time to see a rare and get that close to it. I run under the outpost hoping I won't aggro him, there is no where else to run, mobs in all directions.......

Noooooooooo, Blazewing comes down and burns me a new one!!! :eek: Sure, the Irontree Wardens's let him have it, but not till after I dropped.

So needless to say, I rage rez'd in Ashenvale. Will have to start from scratch :(

Oh yes, i raged a lot
I almost gave up but i had to do it, cause if i stop now, i gotta redo it all way from the real scratch lol, running from ashenvale is better than starting from Hyjal entrance again
Whereas, if i go and get that FP, i will have a way up into Hyjal without help

Dont give up buddy, go for it
If you rage, dont rez, log out as ghost and go do something else ;)

Oh yes, i raged a lot
I almost gave up but i had to do it, cause if i stop now, i gotta redo it all way from the real scratch lol, running from ashenvale is better than starting from Hyjal entrance again
Whereas, if i go and get that FP, i will have a way up into Hyjal without help

Dont give up buddy, go for it
If you rage, dont rez, log out as ghost and go do something else ;)
Thanks @PvpTay for the encouragement above. I've finally picked up the flight path in Mt Hyjal unassisted. I must have set a record and did it in like 3 deaths only. As a hunter with Eagle Eye ability, I was studying all the different potential paths and where I was less likely to be killed by mobs.

After much study and determination and ghost runs.......

This is one happy hunter!

Mt Hyjal, ha it's for amateurs! :p
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Thanks @PvpTay for the encouragement above. I've finally picked up the flight path in Mt Hyjal unassisted. I must have set a record and did it in like 3 deaths only. As a hunter with Eagle Eye ability, I was studying all the different potential paths and where I was less likely to be killed by mobs.

After much study and determination and ghost runs.......

This is one happy hunter!

Mt Hyjal, ha it's for amateurs! :p

Gratz buddy :D, told ya not to give up, and that feeling when you finally get the FP!!

A new record of 3 deaths, now lets see if someone can beat this record lol

Once again, gratz!!!
Ok a quick update for those that may be interested. Mt Hyjal isn't such a scary place for Vets / F2P's. If you have the and some (all obtainable as Vet / F2P) then you can get all around Mt Hyjal. The first flight path is the hardest to get to at the Sanctuary of Malorne (explained in earlier posts above). You will die several times getting there and you will have to do the ghost run from Ashenvale (which blows by the way :() But once you have that flight path, the others can be obtained without dying if you have the perseverance and patience to do it.

Welcome from Nordrassil Inn! ;)

Sticking to the mountain tops, where eagles soar is the safest way. See that nest in the distance, that's where I was 2 x cannon blasts ago.

This is several blasts from the Grove of Aessina.

2 more blasts from the picture below towards the large tree in front (shaded out because my settings are so low to make WOW playable :p) gets you to that eagles nest you can see in the distance on the second picture. Then you have the more difficult blast where you go from the nest to the tree you can see in front of the big shaded tree. You will need the or you won't make this one.

The below picture is the longest blast you have to make. You need to get to that tree but it is doable with the :)

I'm just going through now picking up the Explore achieve from Mt Hyjal, which is totally doable as Vet / F2P. Apart from the deaths you will have getting to the first flight path, the other areas can be obtained without deaths, but with much patience. Thought I'd just share this for those that are as crazy as me when it comes to exploring all of Azeroth. Good luck y'all ;)
That cannon is hard as duck to get
lol. Sorry to lol but I know how frustrating obtaining the cannon is.
Check out the link to the thread below as it links a video which helped me obtain the cannon. It's one of the few times I've wanted to rage throw my computer at the wall. The number of times I was 1 toll short of the achievement, or other times I was about to make it and I got pwnd by a freaking low fence and then fail to make it again and again. I hear ya loud and clear. Check out this link with the video and you'll have a better chance at getting it.
It's a must the cannon for exploration (well at least imo).
For anyone that may be interested, or if you are a bit of a completionist like me, it is possible to pick up the Serpent's Overlook flight path in the Jade Forest as Vet / F2P. It's the one that's high up on the rock with no apparent way to get to it. That was before the introduction of my good friend the If you get yourself to the eastern most end of the Valley of the Four Winds, it's quite high up on a cliff before you get to the river that separates the Valley from the Jade Forest.
Line yourself up with Serpent's Overlook and fire away as close as you can from the edge. You will also need to pop a once you hit the maximum height of your blast and glide the rest of the way to Serpent's Overlook.
Say hi to my pal ;)
Just a quick question. Is it possible to get to the Isle of Thunder other than being summoned? I tried to get there across the ocean and hit some invisible wall. Seems you can't actually get to it. Can you fly there? Or is a portal / summon the only way to Isle of Thunder as Vet / F2P?
Little bit of a necro here guys. Yeah, I know it's also out of left field but just wondering if anyone has ever made it to Ebon Hold (DK city) unassisted?
I seem to be able to get ever so close but just unable to get the right angle or launch spot for the I'm using's like they are going out of fashion. If anyone has done this please pass on your tips. Ps - I'm not looking for the cheat way, I know there is apparently some glitch way, and I'm not looking for one of @Feribb programs to do it either :p
And please no comments about why bother, nothing there, blah blah............ Reason is, if it's there it needs to be conquered....... I'm not going to sit back and allow Blizz to gate me behind the fact that I'm not paying.....:D



Yet closer but still no damn cigar.......

Damn you Blizz :mad:
Little bit of a necro here guys. Yeah, I know it's also out of left field but just wondering if anyone has ever made it to Ebon Hold (DK city) unassisted?
After having tried launching from every peak at various angles in proximity to Ebon Hold it appears near impossible for a non-flying mounted toon to get in.

This was the best angled peak but just too far away for the cannon to make it useful :(

Still, I think you may be able to get lucky and 'thread the needle' from this peak below but I was haemorrhaging's so decided to pull the pin on it for now.
From this peak above you can almost get into Ebon Hold but there are so many things sticking out you clip one and just get pushed down. Still, I did come close on one or 2 occasions making it past the sticking bone / fang looking thingys. If there was an add-on that could track the trajectory of the DMC that would be so useful right about now! ;)

Are there any other items that are obtainable that could help launch you into the air or propel you forward etc? Apart from the Cannon and Gliders I'm not aware of any other items that could be used at lvl 20.

The only other thing I could do, but it would be considered cheating in my books is to use the I could switch with someone who could fly and possibly get in that way after making my way onto one of the bone structure thingys. Oh well, for now it's a project I've pushed to one side............:(

Damn you Blizz :mad:
Still, I think you may be able to get lucky and 'thread the needle' from this peak below but I was haemorrhaging's so decided to pull the pin on it for now.
Slight necro guys but just wanted to let you know that it is possible to 'thread the needle' so to speak. I've finally found the sweet spot to launch from. Once inside Ebon Hold I popped a Glider for good measure and did a hard 90 turn to ensure I land on the bridge structure and bam! Inside Ebon Hold on a 20!

Runeforge anyone?

Flight path doesn't seem to work :mad:

Lots of target dummy's. Was able to get some hits in on the 55 dummy!

Chillin with the Highlord!

Quartermaster also doesn't show anything for sale :(

Ok, so in summary, practical value of getting into Ebon Hold - 0
Coolness factor of getting in - 10!;)
Awesome, nice work man. I bet you are phased. I wonder if you got in inc from a DK inside if you'd be able to use the vendor, etc.
You can use the vendor, he just doesn't sell anything, even when I search for 'all' (I know screenshot below says warrior but that's just when I took the shot). There are a few vendors that don't show anything, but the general ones do sell the usual stuff. I was sort of hoping there might be something that we could purchase there but it's not to be :(

Time to find another place that Blizz has tried to keep us Vet's and F2P's out of! :p
Ok, next conquest - Deepholm!

I managed to score a dungeon summon from some friends, but I must say it's the worst place possible to try and explore without flying. Apart from securing a Lock summon or Mage port to get to certain locations, I like to do all the exploring straight up on my 20's unassisted. My friend offered to fly me round but I was like, nope, get away and let me be. I'll solve this Deepholm puzzle ;)

All I can say is for those mad enough to try at 20, don't come without a period! This is probably my most utilised item ever for exploration! Also it helps if you have a healthy stock of Something I didn't think of stacking in my bags before getting here, but I have some and am using them sparingly.

Only just started exploring but there's actually some amazing sights in Deepholm, to be honest I never really paid much attention to it in Cata while usually trying to power level through it. But by spending time trying to get up cliffs and overhanging rocks and stuff you have a lot of time to take in the sights. Blizzard certainly didn't want to make it easy for those without flying, but slowly slowly this determined Hunter is tackling this nasty little place :)


This is now getting quite high up. Also, don't be scared to die in this zone near a high point. You can fly as a ghost here so can actually sneak up a bit higher when you rez :p


I'm gonna do my darn best to conquer this place! For those interested, stay tuned! :D
Gratz on deepholm! I guess thats one exploration point checked and also flamewarden of cataclysm checked? Is there anyway you found that we can return to this place once reaching their? I'd love to know how you approach ppl in dungeons :D
Gratz on deepholm! I guess thats one exploration point checked and also flamewarden of cataclysm checked?
Cheers for that, but you are not going to believe what happened to me.........
I did obtain the Flamewarden for Deepholm, and I only had 1 more area to explore to complete not only Deepholm, but all of the Cata explore achieve............

and I got terribly stuck in like some damn crevice and couldn't get out no matter what I tried. Even tried to blast out with the cannon but to no avail. I certainly wasn't going to hearth out. I felt like crying, but then I thought, oh, what about the stuck option. I've never used that before. I saw an option to hearth and an option to die and go to nearest graveyard. So I chose the graveyard option and........
WTF? I ended up back in my hearth point in Pandaria? I'm not sure if it is a bug thing for us Vets and F2P's in the Cata zones, a bit like Hyjal kicks you out to Ashenvale when you die, but trying to get out of a stuck situation in Deepholm spat me right out of that place!
So now I have to contain my OCD'ness because I have this one last freaking dag of an area to explore which will require another favour from friends down the track! :eek:

I'd love to know how you approach ppl in dungeons :D
From time to time when I sub up, I will quite often help some people out on my friends list, like maybe running BC raids for their 70's etc. So from time to time I call on them for a favour. Also, sometimes you just get lucky. I bumped into some random 110 in Draenor last time I was sub'd up who actually just came around helping me on my 100 doing dailies when he was bored. I put him as a friend as he was so helpful. But I try not to bother them that often but from time to time will try and sneak a port or something from them.

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