MrCer's A-Team Premade - Looking for Participants

i mean its ok containing is a viable start whether ur containing them in the gy or mid, its the same thing imo. wait though, horde tunnel jumps are easy.

not for someone who's never done them before or practiced it.
mialu, are you able to come on at 2pm server time?
I had a last minute schedule change, can't make it tonight.

But I can make it to every other night, my schedule is freed up after this week so I'll be available starting at 1pm server instead.
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Can't make it tonight but am practicing jumps and back strafing by myself.
Hi, I am interested in join the A-Team Premade. I am applying for the role as Frost mage.

1.Harusol @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

2. (Do you meet Every Requirement Listed Above? if not, Which ones do you feel you don't meet?)

3.(Are you, or can you, be available every Thursday Night?)
Most of the time, depending what time

4.(What PvP experience do you have?)
I do alot of BG's and some arenas

5.(Why Should I choose you over Everyone else?)
Its hawusow

6.(Do you have a working Mic and do you have skype?)
Yes and yes

7.(Is your twink BiS? I am willing to overlook Skill > AGM but only that item.)
No agm or 3/4 but otherwise BiS

This may have been mentioned already but now may be an inopportune time to start building your team. Mop is right around the corner and with it comes new class balance and maybe even a new level cap
I won't be manage to stay up that long today. -_- But I will also try to practice backstrafing and jumps on my own time.

MoP is still a bit off, I'd hope we'll get a few challenges against 24 guilds in before that, and the teamwork people learn won't go to waste, even if class balance changes.
sigh when an AP 10 man gy farms almost everyone is ok with that but when a 5 man 24 like holy crit farms everyones all over them. atleast people like duo are honest unlike you guys trying to cover up. its the internet you dont have to worry about your "reputation" or image so just admit it
To anyone who sees this post, please
hypocrite? We dont gy farm. Ask anyone who's premade with me. We sit behind/next the hut. If they drop down, we engage them. But if they stay up top, we don't attack them. If they choose to not participate, then we won't kill them.

Control the other team is what we do. Call it whatever you want, but we don't do any "killing" in their gy where they res.
I am disappointed in the fact how not even a 4th of the people showed up tonight. I don't want to even risk making scheduled games against 24s if people can't come on. I know that slightly it's my fault due to the time I tried doing it.

GW2 is coming out soon
MoP is coming out soon
Summer is almost over
Kiddies are going back to school

And it's too difficult to find a time that works for both US and EU players when the EU players aren't communicating to me what times work best for me.(other than 1-2 people).

I still think this idea is absolutely brilliant and has a lot of potential for fun; and I plan on making this happen in the future. But I think I am rushing this and I haven't put enough thought and effort into making this become a reality.

I'd like to keep this thread bummed, I am not going to edit or change anything in the first thread until MoP's Prepatch goes live. Hopefully we can better prepare ourselves for this. I do take some of the blame, but I am not going to take all of it. It's sad to see people not show up.

I'll try starting this back up in a few weeks once we're better prepared and after MoP's Prepatch goes live. Take this time as an advantage to get your LFH, AGMs, BoE, BoAs etc. This idea/thread is being paused. It's not dead, it will happen; but I dont think the time is right.

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