Most skilled players of each class in 5.2

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I NEVER go under 150 lat and I NEVER have over 10 fps while doing bgs yet people have still voted for me.. Your excuse isn't valid

Hunters barely have lat problems. You don't need to worry about meleeing so no "target is out of range" and hunter instants don't get delayed. Seriously try playing a caster class and cast instants; there is quite a delay.

Also having Bad latency makes me a better player because I have to get used to it and if I somehow get normal latency, I would be the best playa ever.
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MS Lag is the result of poor latency. Latency is the time it takes for your keystrokes to communicate to the server. For example, lil's 150ms would be on the high end of a playable latency.... (ms is milliseconds, if you were unaware.) I, being in Southern California, have around 130 ms on Aerie Peak, which is in New York, and less than 30 on servers based in Los Angeles, such as Korgath.

There is also FPS lag, which is a direct result of poor CPU performance. Average FPS, for a modern computer, on this 8 year old game should be over 60. I play on a 4 year old laptop, and maintain about 35, which is a totally tolerable number, but when I spike below 20, I find the game to be quite unplayable.

I'm in Australia with around 300-800. It's just not fair that there are no "real" oceanic servers that are actually IN the Oceanic Region.
Hunters barely have lat problems.

... Trying to work 3 stuns with 200 lat is tougher then throwing a shield as soon as it's off cd.. I guess you don't know how lat works cause it effects instant attacks as well.

Since people were warned before about not derailing this will be the last OT post on here.. Enjoy thinking
I bet I can beat all of you if I had American latency.

Atleast when earl trolls me it's believable you trolling is just laughable
... Trying to work 3 stuns with 200 lat is tougher then throwing a shield as soon as it's off cd.. I guess you don't know how lat works cause it effects instant attacks as well.

Since people were warned before about not derailing this will be the last OT post on here.. Enjoy thinking

Atleast when earl trolls me it's believable you trolling is just laughable

Invalid unless you play a caster. It's a fact that hunters don't rely on latency. Their instants are actually instants. You're just ignorant. Also your stuns aren't lockouts so you don't have to worry about fakecasting. If somebody tries to fakecast me, I'm screwed because there is no way I can stop it. 200 Lat? Try 600. You know nothing.
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You could beat me right now.


You don't even need a good comp, latency or the like.


I don't have a comp. I have a Laptop. Also it seems like you know anyhting about latency so I'm not going to say anything to you.........wait is this a troll? Of course I can beat you that is cake.
My List:

Paladin= Who gives a S***
Warlock= Who gives a S***
Mage= Who gives a S***
Hunter= Who gives a S***
Priest= Who gives a S***
Shaman= Who gives a S***
Warrior= Who gives a S*** (Secretly Licholas but SHHH!)
Rogue= Who gives a S***
Monk= Really... Who gives a S***
Druid= Bendandcough

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WTH? I didn't even know fps went that high or lat went that low... I thought the highest fps was 60 and lowest lat was 50.... No wonder you always beat me in returns >.<

On Aerie Peak I usually get 13ish MS. I think theoretically it can go down to one if you're right on top of the data center.
WTH? I didn't even know fps went that high or lat went that low... I thought the highest fps was 60 and lowest lat was 50.... No wonder you always beat me in returns >.<

You can't really see more than 60 FPS AFAIK.

The latency... I'm not even in the same country as the data center so that isn't half bad.
Horde-Skilled Players

While i was fighting against the horde i have seen many skilled players and i decided to post their characters here:
Fintlek- is one of the most skilled hunters of the horde!
Tkatii and Bisonpower - these druids are one of the most skilled druids of the horde and usually play balance or restoration .
Yde , Agu and Lennyw - These are the most skilled paladins i have seen in Horde !!

Well there are more skilled players i would like to add here but i cant find links to their WoW Armory !!

I have seen also mad hpallies that use strength as an attribute and please consider that strength on holy increases the damage of Crusader Strike but intelect increases the damage of Denounce and Judgement.

Thank you for reading this thread!!
Re: Horde-Skilled Players

From now on I only vote for myself in these threads. I am my favorite person after all.

EDIT - F U Mialo you beat me to it. :p
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