i'll say you if you say meQQ am not on the list D:
i'll say you if you say meQQ am not on the list D:
Aerie Peak are the scum of F2P.
Why do you automatically imply that i'm not a good player? My point here is, there is NO number one player. There will always be somebody better than the other. That's why this thread is pointless. All it does is make flame comments about who's better than who, when in reality no one is better. We all beat each other at some point. I've stumbled upon many 5 man AP premades and most of them sucked. Maybe they were new to the server but sorry that you arent as good at the game as the people on that list. people are put on these lists for reasons. yes, the majority of the time people list friends, expecially what you randoms refer to as the "AP crowd", but lets be honest, AP obviously has some of the best players of the bracket, not all of them, but most. you start noticing a pattern when good players post other good players, it becomes full circle.
Why do you automatically imply that i'm not a good player? My point here is, there is NO number one player. There will always be somebody better than the other. That's why this thread is pointless. All it does is make flame comments about who's better than who, when in reality no one is better. We all beat each other at some point. I've stumbled upon many 5 man AP premades and most of them sucked. Maybe they were new to the server but yeah..
What makes the players listed special? They aren't one of a kind. So I suggest this stupid thread is locked and no more threads are made like this.
The ignorance in this quote is unbearable.. firstly. "the difference between AP players were WELL before you even came to this bracket" So, please tell me where you got that information from? I've literally been in the F2P bracket since the day it got released in F2P. Before that, I played some p2p but only got a toon to level 40 and realised it was too time consuming. So your argument over that is invalid. Secondly, my point about there being no best person is right. People are better than others, but that wasn't my point. What I was trying to say is that there will ALWAYS be someone better than the other. Not talking just about random people beating each other. And my comment wasn't meant to be an "anti AP" comment. It was trying to prove that this thread is useless. I know a lot of APers that are really fun to play with and are good, but it doesn't necessarily make them the best. No one is the best. Please take some time to read my comment carefully before you quote me. Thank you.Now now... You sound like a more anti AP version of meI agree that AP lists AP and friends list each other but the difference with most of the APers on here are that they were WELL before you even came to this bracket.. Some of the names I don't even recognize and were before me. It was already brought up and talked about how the start was more about arenas and what APers have seen other APers do in arenas and near the end it turned into more pugs. The reason those names were brought up in the first couple pages is simply cause they played well in arenas and/or were friends of the poster.
Also your point about there being no best person is completely wrong. People are CLEARLY better then other people of their class and even though an inferior person may get a lucky crit or lucky cc to beat the superior person doesn't make them better. To be better you don't need to win 100% of the time you just need to be more reliable to win or do the right thing
Waa I'm #1 rogue. I'm better then all the rogues named cause I can use kick macros and I have pro strategy..
There I read your comment and quoted you. That is all it's sounding like to me. Atleast when I made my AP argument i wasn't trying to say how I'm better then e1 else or whine how I haven't been named which is all it's seemed you done for the last 3 pages. I'm now done cause I tried explaining "What makes the players listed special?" and why you weren't listed but you decided to troll or whine to me as well. Sry I didn't know you have been here since the beginning. You are relatively unknown n that could possibly very well be a reason you werent listed (also if you play mages like you do your druid or rogue and lose to 900 hp hunts that could be a reason as well). Do more bgs and more in bgs and you will get noticed in no time![]()
Firstly, it's Xanseyy. Secondly i'm not crying. Maybe if you're bothered to read through some of my comments you would get my point.If I don't get to attack you, you're bad. -Xensayy
and once again you try to hide your crying in the middle of a wall of text.
No i'm not.Ofc your not...
I love your videos Xansey!
Just thought I'd say though don't get too caught up trying to get your opinion heard by others on this forum, as it just adds fuel to the flames if there is any disagreements. Just say your piece and leave it, and don't let any negative comments get to you.
Even though some people don't comment, they may still like and agree with what you post, just as some disagree and respond negatively.
You are definitely right that there are plenty of great players in the bracket that aren't in AP.
AP does however draw in many of the Arena minded players, and while I never arena myself, I appreciate that when you arena with people you quickly notice who is really good, and hence these threads which mainly have people from AP (Because they do lots of arenas or premade with a core group often).
The other people who are really noticed are ones who put a LOT of dedication into just one or 2 characters, and therefore become a very familiar face in BG's (eg Kale and Lil) Who are also remembered for their skill.
And then some, like you, are noticed on Youtube because of their skill and movie making ability and gain a following through that.
My 2c.
Keep making awesome videos, I love that you play heaps of different classes too!