More balance to the bracket

lol look at me i have a blue name i can talk shit to everyoneone lolololol mvp

He was only concerned with your health, and he gave you a smiley face, I don't think he could have been more pleasant.
Well I certainly didn't intend to be mean. You could try to be more polite yourself, you know. ^^ But let's just drop it and get back on topic.

Yay BoA pants will finally be live. ^^ Does this mean I can have hope for dance school? Probably not.
Actually, I'm F2P.
So are my current characters. Actually, so are allahkazam's. Just pointing out that being interested in grinding guild rep to get BoA pants has nothing to do with not being fair. :)
So are my current characters. Actually, so are allahkazam's. Just pointing out that being interested in grinding guild rep to get BoA pants has nothing to do with not being fair. :)

F2P cannot get the pants. If the 24s keep getting more advantages in this bracket then it will be less fun.
I think you're misunderstanding me. I'm not even trying to argue with that. Although I personally don't worry too much, as I agree with the following quote, you're free to feel upset at the coming changes.
Honestly, Im not worried because I have a brain and know how to play, a little bit more of gear difference isnt going to matter shit.

I just disagreed with you accusing a fellow F2P of unfairness because he/she was talking about getting BoA pants on a currently resting account. With no mention of 24s made.
Boa legs and 24 being able to use pandas and monks.

Panda racial:
  • Bouncy: reduces fall damage by half.
  • Inner peace: double rested XP.
  • Gourmond: +15 to cooking.
  • Epicurean: double stats to food buffs.
  • Quaking Palm (from the live stream): Puts a target to sleep for three seconds.
Some of these (the Epicurean racial in particular) seems pretty strong, maybe even too strong. They're interesting in terms of how they touch on the Pandaren's lore and personality.

Yummy balance


What's all this drama about BoA pants anyway?

You F2Pers are actually planning on staying F2P when MoP/whatever else game, comes out? I mean, I do F2P because end game is a snooze at the moment. And I always laugh at people who say lolF2Pcan'taffordthegame.

But maybe it's true after all.

Go mow a lawn or get a paper route so you guys can stop complaining about balance in something that doesn't even have a release date yet.
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  • Epicurean: double stats to food buffs.
  • Quaking Palm (from the live stream): Puts a target to sleep for three seconds.

epicurean... 30 stam from rumsey? crap

quaking palm... crap

say hello to a million race-changed pandas
Hey honeybadger!

How nice to see you moments ago with your 5 man. So much fun actually, altough our team was AFKing nonstop. I liked it when we were all in the hut attempting to not die, we held off for a while considering our disadvantage 5 vs 2.
Loved it. Me and swagbag were nonstop laughing over skype. thanks!

/tickle 4 lovez

I know the feeling, I caught Honeybadger without his/her pocket healer earlier and killed him/her 1v1. On my Arms Warrior. Lol.
you cant lock it ,but if you get your gear before 20, and dont attack anything you will stay lvl 19
im pretty sure enemy players dont give you any experience.But then you wouldnt be able to attack other monsters/do dungeons

This was how it was a while ago. Then they introduced XP for BGs and twinking died for a while before picking up again. Flag returns in WSG, collecting resources in AB and finnishing BGs yields XP. A F2P could collect gear until 19 and then do arenas, but without BoAs etc, I'm not sure how much of a chance you would have.
This was how it was a while ago. Then they introduced XP for BGs and twinking died for a while before picking up again. Flag returns in WSG, collecting resources in AB and finnishing BGs yields XP. A F2P could collect gear until 19 and then do arenas, but without BoAs etc, I'm not sure how much of a chance you would have.

On Aerie Peak we're currently doing arenas and hopefully soon wargames with 19s. Everyone has the same gear level, so it's pretty awesome. I'm looking forward to unlimited WSG with no hunters and balanced teams. I love Kochi for organizing it! :) Check out the link in my signature if you're interested!

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