[MOP] Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

No, you're right. Edited now, thanks for pointing out.
Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

You're welcome. I was just skimming over for some godforsaken reason, and saw it.
Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

I use it everytime i have combo points to spare. It's not that good as we dont have Energetic Recovery - Spell - World of Warcraft at this lvl. But still, it can increase your dps slightly.


Once again, its a great guide with indeep info about rogue gameplay.

As i'm just about to level my first rogue ever i would like to get some additional info that i miss as an absolute rogue noob starter:

- Poisons: What poisons should i use? If both which poison on what weapon?
- Weapons: A little info about the importance of weapon speed for rogue gameplay (depending chosen spec)

Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

You have only two poisons choice at 20, crippling and deadly, they will automatically apply to the designed weapon slot. You can't chose whitch weapon to imbue with witch poison.

A debate about weapon speeds was few pages ago thus, in my guide you'll find a spoiler at FAQ with my answer about it.

On a sidenote, as combat you should use slower weps. I'm trying atm combat at 90 going with axe/sword/mace in mh and dagger in oh and it feels pretty well.

Golden rule, as Subtlety and Assa, you should use daggers. As combat, you should use axe/mace/sword in MH and OH (or dagger in OH for faster swings and poison apply).

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Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

You have only two poisons choice at 20, crippling and deadly, they will automatically apply to the designed weapon slot. You can't chose whitch weapon to imbue with witch poison.

A debate about weapon speeds was few pages ago thus, in my guide you'll find a spoiler at FAQ with my answer about it.

On a sidenote, as combat you should use slower weps. I'm trying atm combat at 90 going with axe/sword/mace in mh and dagger in oh and it feels pretty well.

Golden rule, as Subtlety and Assa, you should use daggers. As combat, you should use axe/mace/sword in MH and OH (or dagger in OH for faster swings and poison apply).

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Thanks for the fast response.

Does that mean you can only apply one type of poison on both weapons at the same time?

Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

Not exactly but almost.

Ok. Could you check this:

There are 2 sorts of poisons. Lethal and non-lethal poisons. You can apply only one per school. Both poisons are applied to both weapons.

- Deadly

- Crippling

If so, maybe Achmed could add this in the guide for rogue noobs like me :rolleyes:

Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

Ok. Could you check this:

There are 2 sorts of poisons. Lethal and non-lethal poisons. You can apply only one per school. Both poisons are applied to both weapons.

- Deadly

- Crippling

If so, maybe Achmed could add this in the guide for rogue noobs like me :rolleyes:


Yes those are the only 2 we have at our disposal so no need to be picky.
Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

What are the opinions on The Dissector now that we are being scaled up? Does it replace the OH BoA now that the hit isn't needed? Sorry for no link, on mobile.
Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

BoA is 1.7 speed, Dissector is 1.8 speed, i'd chose BoA anytime. Let's not forget about the crit boost on BoA also.
Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

Wow very fast response, thanks! I'd also like to hear your thoughts on the upcoming changes for rogues currently for WoD (keeping in mind, of course that they're subject to change)
Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

BoA is 1.7 speed, Dissector is 1.8 speed, i'd chose BoA anytime. Let's not forget about the crit boost on BoA also.

didn't weapon speeds get normalized in patch 1.8? Aka all dagger dmg gets calculated around 1.7 weapon speed?
Or did they change it back?
I don't play melee classes at end game so haven't bothered to check
Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

didn't weapon speeds get normalized in patch 1.8? Aka all dagger dmg gets calculated around 1.7 weapon speed?
Or did they change it back?
I don't play melee classes at end game so haven't bothered to check

It was already answered. Check this "my friend" --> http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f14...-rogue-pvp-guide-55753/index3.html#post758032
Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

I'd like to point out that Combat Rogues are one of, if not the funnest specs out of any melee class at the moment, especially with Subterfuge. It's almost a guaranteed win 1v1 and I find that it has the best sustained damage out of all of the specs.

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