[MOP] Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

Hathôr’s 6.1.2 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide


Hello there! This guide is for WOD 6.1.2. If you've found out I’ve missed something, be my guest and contribute to my guide. I accept constructive criticism but I don’t accept trolling on this topic. All trolling posts will be reported!

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Races
a. Alliance
b. Horde
III. Specialization and Talent Choices
a. Assassination
b. Combat
c. Subtlety
IV. Gear
a. Introduction
b. Gear options
c. Enchants
V. Professions and Consumables
VI. Rogue gameplay
a. General Hints and Tips
b. What to do in BG/Arenas
c. Diminishing Returns
VII. Macros and Addons
VIII. Conclusions
IX. FAQ (Frequently asked questions)
X. Final Words

Seeing that there’s no rogue guide for the current expansion, i thought I should make one to share my knowledge about this class and also to help fresh rogues with advices, hints and not only. Also I realized many don’t understand or don’t want to understand(trolls?) the way a rogue should be played. This guide is dedicated for them also.

I’ll try to keep this updated every time something major happens and I thank you in advance for taking the time to read it and why not, for your possible contribution to it.

PS: English is not my native language so some spelling errors may occur. Feel free to help me correct them also ;)
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Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue Guide

Chosing the race can be tricky for some people. Why is that? Because both factions have races with pros and cons. Also, Alliance get to have the “infamous” Rifle Commander’s Eyepatch. Why infamous? Because horde doesn’t have access to it thus they consider this a big plus for alliance dps-ers. At the end of the day, everyone should pick the race that suits him the best.

Even so, my personal preference for Alliance is Night Elf because of Shadowmeld, Quickness, Touch of Elune and Nature Resistance. When comes for Horde, my personal preference is Blood Elf because of Arcane Torrent and Arcane Affinity.

Anyway, going back to races, let’s see exactly what they all have to offer so you can make a decision on what suits you best.

– New race available since the release of MoP. Quaking Palm is the only notable racial that can be useful to Rogues. It's a 4 seconds incapacitate effect with 2 minutes cooldown.


Night Elf – Best thing that this race have, is Shadowmeld, acting like some sort of semi-vanish, allowing you to drop combat and fast restealth. Let’s not forget about Quickness (Increases your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks by 2%, and your movement speed by 2%.),Touch of Elune and Nature Resistance great at reducing the dmg from rogue poisons.

GnomeEscape Artist allowing you to break snares, slows and roots, Arcane Resistance: Reduces Arcane damage taken by 1%., Nimble Fingers: Haste increased by 1%.

Human – Chosing human, you get to free a trinket slot because of Every Man for Himself that is replacing Insignia of the Alliance or Inherited Insignia of the Alliance, allowing you to use 2xdps trinkets or AGM+1xdps trinket. Another thing to mention about Human race is that you get another nice racial called The Human Spirit: Versatility increased by 100 (scales with level).

Dwarf – 10% damage reduction for 8 seconds along with removing of bleeds, poisons and diseases (Stoneform), Frost Resistance: Reduces Frost damage taken by 1%, Might of the Mountain: Critical strike bonus damage and healing increased by 2%.

Worgen – You hate farming for Swiftness? Then Darkflight is for you, increasing your moving speed by an additional 40% for 10 seconds. What about having like 2 Sprints ready at any time? (Swiftness and Darkflight :)), Viciousness is increasing your critical strike by 1%. You want some Nature and Shadow dmg reduction? Then there's Aberration, reducing Nature and Shadow damage taken by 1%.

Blood Elf – Mass silence for 2 seconds plus 3 seconds spell casting interrupt and 3% energy restore (Arcane Torrent), enchanting skill increased by +10 (Arcane Affinity), 1% Arcane spell resistance (Arcane Resistance) and Arcane Acuity: Increases critical strike chance by 1%.

Orc – 10% stun effects reduction (Hardiness), 17 AP increase (Blood Fury).

Forsaken(Undead) – Shadow damage taken reduced by 1% (Shadow Resistance), 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] trinket to escape Charm, Fear and Sleep effects (Will of the Forsaken), a way to regenerate your health by eating enemy corpses (Cannibalize) and a chance on your attacks to deal around 97-111 Shadow damage and heal you for the same amount (Touch of the Grave).

Troll – Haste increase by 15% for 10 seconds (Berserking), 15% reduction of movement impairing effects duration. Also, Regeneration: Health regeneration rate increased by 10%. 10% of total Health regeneration may continue during combat.

– 1% increase to attack speed (Time is Money), small jump forward useful to get distance for an escape or to catch-up those that run from you (Rocket Jump), rocket launcher on a 2 minute cooldown dealing moderate dmg (Rocket Barrage), +15 alchemy skill(Better Living Through Chemistry
) allowing you to craft Healing Potion.

Specialization and Talent Choices
As any class in World of Warcraft, rogues have 3 specializations to chose from. Those are Assassination, Combat and Subtlety. Like on racial choices, specialization and talent choices are to be chosen the way that suits your gamestyle best. Even so, you need to know that not all 3 of them are popular. From my point of view there is only one viable in this expansion for F2P's. Despite the fact that I hate Combat's playstyle, Combat seems to be the way to go in Warlords of Draenor. I’ve never considered Combat as being a true rogue Specialization. I don’t see myself as rogue acting like an warrior with Stealth. But, considering the new HP pools and the low dmg both Subtlety and Assassination are providing in this expansion, you need the constant pressure of Combat due to best numbers outside of stealth.


Was best choice for constant pressure in Mop(Mists of Pandaria). Now in Warlords of Draenor falls behind Combat.

Assassin’s Resolve
While wielding daggers, your maximum Energy is increased by 20 and your damage is increased by 17%.

Improved Poisons
Increases the application chance of Deadly Poison and Wound Poison by 20%.

Finishing move that deals instant Nature damage, refreshes the duration of Slice and Dice if it is active, and increases your poison application chance by 30%. Damage and duration increased per combo point.

This is the new FOTM spec or Rogues in Warlords of Draenor. Good Ambush openers followed by nice sustained damage out of stealth makes Combat the spec to go for rogues in this expansion (at least for now).

Increases your Energy regeneration rate by 20% and your Attack Power by 50%.

Revealing Strike
Deals 120% Physical damage, increasing the effect of your offensive finishing moves on that target by 35%, and giving your Sinister Strike a 25% chance to generate an extra combo point.

The spec I like the most and lvl 100, also the spec I liked and vouched for at lvl 20 in Cata/Mop. Sadly, at lvl 20 with the new changes to rogue mechanics, besides a decent opener with Ambush, your dmg ouside stealh is very low making the spec fall behind Combat in all terms. Now i'm not saying the spec is completely trash but since you rely mostly on Ambush to do the kills, you're end up most of the time trying hard to restealth for another Ambush because you'll mostly die trying to spam Hemo's for Combo Points to have a decent Eviscerate finisher before your target will go down.

Master of Subtlety
Attacks made while stealthed and for 6 seconds after breaking stealth cause an additional 10% damage.

An instant strike that deals 65% Physical damage (increased 40% if a dagger is equipped), and causes the target to bleed for an additional (66% of Attack power) damage over 24 sec. Awards 1 combo point.

Sinister Calling
Increases your total Agility by 15% and you gain 5% more of the Multistrike stat from all sources.

Find Weakness
Your Ambush, Garrote, and Cheap Shot abilities reveal a flaw in your target's defenses, causing all your attacks to bypass 100% of that enemy's armor for 10 sec. Bypasses less armor on players.

Talent Choices
At level 20, all WoW characters have acces only to T1 talents. That means, everyone is allowed to chose from only 3 talents.

Increases your movement speed while stealthed by 20%, and the damage your abilities deal while stealthed by 50%. This is my choice of talent for Subtlety specs because I rely a lot on high ambush numbers. Also, the movement speed is not negligible either.

Your abilities requiring Stealth can still be used for 3 sec after Stealth breaks.

Shadow Focus
Abilities cost 75% less Energy while you are stealthed.
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Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue Guide


Probably you’ve heard so many times the BiS term. Some of you don’t know yet what does BiS is. Basically, BiS comes from Best In Slot, best gear available ingame for your specialization and level. Currently I don’t believe there is an exact BiS gear set for rogues. It all comes to your playstyle. You can go a glass-cannon (best dmg-wise gear) or you can go balanced (balance between stam/agi/crit). Since rogues are not quite good FC’ers, there’s no point to talk about a stamina FC set, not since Shadowstep was moved from our T1 talent tree.

So, since we're Free to Play and don't have access to all those goodies Vets have access to and since there's no more a so called BiS set for rogue and it all depends on your playstyle, you have 3 choices here, Haste build, Crit build and Full Agi build. It all depends on your playstyle like I've previously stated.

Gear options


BiS-BoE Combat Set: http://www.wowhead.com/list=6294952/hathôr-f2p-combat-alliance-rogue#0-boe-set
Pre-BiS-BoE Combat Set: http://www.wowhead.com/list=6294952/hathôr-f2p-combat-alliance-rogue#1-pre-boe-set

BiS-BoE Combat Set: http://www.wowhead.com/list=6295302/ghost-f2p-combat-horde-rogue#0-boe-bis-set
Pre-BiS-Boe Combat Set: http://www.wowhead.com/list=6295302/ghost-f2p-combat-horde-rogue#1-pre-boe-bis-set

Well, we’ve selected the gear, now let’s see the best enchants available for a F2P rogue. Sadly, we’re very short on this subject because Starter Edition accounts are limited as we all know.

Back: +1 agi (Enchant Cloak – Minor Agility / blood elf only)
Chest: +15 Health (Enchant Chest – Lesser Health)
Wrist: +1 agi (Enchant Bracer – Minor Agility)
MH/OH Weapons: +1 dmg (Enchant Weapon – Minor Striking)

My rogues Armory links(WiP):
Hathôr - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/spinebreaker/Hathôr/simple
Ghost - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/deathwing/Ghost/simple

Professions and Consumables
So, you’re a hardcore player? Or you just want to have some fun without wasting too much time farming and tweaking your character? I for one, I’m a hardcore player no matter of the bracket, thus, i chose to farm and tweak my character to his max.

Primary professions
First of all, learn Enchanting. Lvl Enchanting to max, gather materials and make at least 10 enchants for each slot presented above. Why? Check what I said above.

Third, drop Enchanting and learn Mining and Blacksmithing. Lvl both of them to max and start farming for Coarse Sharpening Stone (+3 dmg weapon imbue). Make as many as you can. I usually make around 900 just to be sure I won’t feel the need to farm again soon.

Fourth, drop Mining and Blacksmithing and learn Alchemy and Herbalism. Lvl them both to max and start farming for Swiftness Potion and Elixir of Minor Agility(if you want to increase your AP/crit/dodge). Once you get them, you’re done with the exhausting road of capping primary professions.

WARNING!! Alchemy, Herbalism and Swiftness are a must for every rogue. Why? Since we lost our mobility right at start of MoP, we are sitting ducks most of the time when outstealthed. You’re sick of Druids kiting you? Sick of Hunters kiting you? Frustrated that you can’t reach that EFC because he is far away from you? Need an escape from Noman’s Land? Swiftness is a must then. I consider it BiS choice for F2P Rogues.

You think those are the only advantages of Alchemy? Wrong. You can make Healing Pots (Lesser Healing Potion), and you can boost your HP a little with Elixir of Minor Fortitude.

What about Herbalism? Besides the fact that you can farm herbs for your potions and elixirs, you have another wicked toy to play with. It’s called Lifeblood (15 haste clicky and instant heal for 30-90).

One more important thing to know about use of Alchemy. If you're an alchemist, you gain Mixology increasing the duration and effects of flasks/elixirs on yourself. Basically, from 1h -> 2h duration and not only that. Elixir of Minor Agility goes from 8 agi > 14 agi and Elixir of Minor Fortitude goes from +52 health > +58 health according to my tooltips, all of these gains due to Mixology.

Another thing you need to know, you can use ONE battle elixir and ONE guardian elixir on you at the same time, thus, you can use both Elixir of Minor Agility and Elixir of Minor Fortitude at the same time.

Last thing you need to know is that, when you die, you lose the effects so you need to drink another elixir to reapply the buffs.

Secondary professions
As for secondary professions, I advice you to get Cooking, Fishing and First Aid. Now let’s see what everyone of them brings on the table.

Cooking gives us some nice +6 stam food buff and most important, it gives us rogues access to Thistle Tea (a must for every respectable rogue). Worth mentioning that cooking Thistle Tea without Herbalism is a pain since herbs needed have a very low drop rate if you’re not herbalist.

When comes to Fishing, if you’re horde and want Lucky Fishing Hat and/or Dread Pirate Ring, you should consider lvling this profession also.

First Aid allows us to use bandages and not only. It allows us the use of Anti-Venom, good against rogue's poisons and hunter's Serpent Sting.

Another secondary profession you can have, it's Achaeology. What's the utility of this profession? Well, if you're a Darkmoon Faire fan and collect tickets for Darkmoon Faire purchasable BoA's, this profession can provide you 3 more extra tickets.
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Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue Guide

Rogue gameplay
Rogue class is not all about ambushing ppl that are below 20% hp, it isn’t about ganking that poor low geared F2P over and over. No, it’s more than that.
As rogue, you can help your team win games in many ways using your tools, tools that most tend to neglect efficiency-wise.

General Hints and Tips

I’ve seen in time many ppl stating that rogues at 20 can’t properly CC, that rogues can’t peel or lockdown a healer. That’s wrong. We have 3 powerful tools. One is called Sap, the other one called Kick and the last one, called Crippling Poison.

From those 3, the most powerful one is Sap. You can slow an entire team catching your FC just by sapping each one of them. Yes! But when you sap one, the other one that was previously sapped gets free – you might say. I agree, but, that 1-2 seconds that you keep each of them sapped can save the life of your FC getting him to safety. But that’s not all. With sap you can force trinkets and we all know what happens when you’re vulnerable to all sources of CC because you don’t have trinket.

Another utility of Sap is to lockdown a healer as much as you can. Keeping a healer CC’ed can lead to a flag return from your teammates. In time, I’ve released some movies on YT, was trolled hard because I walk in stealth and sap random ppl with no use. Well, they are wrong and they know it. If not, they will find out now.


In this animated GIF I’ve managed to keep that healer locked so my other teammates managed to return the flag and we capped.


In this animated GIF, we’re chasing EFC with a paladin coming to assist. Sapped the paladin at the right time when he was about to cast a heal on a teammate, then switched to EFC, meanwhile, another fella rogue, resapped the paladin and we both managed to kill efc returning the flag.

Now, talking about Kick, this is a very useful tool to prevent casting heals from healers or CC from Lock/Spriests/Mages. Sounds nice huh? But, there is a problem. Some of those casters know how to fakecast thus, you need to be careful to not waste a kick on a fake cast. Very hard to predict fakecasts from the start since every person has his fakecasting pattern. Just be careful and watch and learn when they do it, and use Kick accordingly.

When comes to Crippling Poison, the usual understanding is that you slow your current target. Well, that’s not all. Crippling Poison is a great tool to peel or at least slow for a while and entire group of persons.


What can you see in this animated GIF above? You’re seeing a crazy rogue using Swiftness Potion and running around like headless chicken, right? Well, look again carefully. We just managed to return the flag from our GY, and some from horde team rushed our flagroom to repick the flag. I’ve used Swiftness Potion and tried to put Crippling Poison on all of them just to slow them down so my teammates could catch up and wipe them. What happened in the end? Only one druid managed to get into our flagroom and repick but he died shortly after and we scored.

Ok, so we’ve talked about our powerful CC tools. What about the defensive ones? Well, we have something called Evasion. Evasion is a great tool that can be used against melee classes and on those nasty hunters of course. Careful tho, Evasion doesn’t grant you 100% dodge from behind. So, you must try and face attackers even with Evasion up.

Another thing to know is, us rogues, need to LoS and restealth a lot. We can’t just walk around outstealthed, we’re not warriors, we’re shadow killers, we are the ninja’s of WoW. Thus, take every chance you can to LoS, restealth and reopen.


For example, in this animated GIF we were on full offence. I knew that I can’t be 100% effective staying outstealthed and spamming Hemorrhage on EFC. Went to LoS, managed to restealth, resap and reopen EFC with a powerful Ambush putting a lot of pressure on him and we’ve managed to return a few seconds later.

Another thing to know is the way you should position yourself on the field. You’re no use to the team if you go on random trips around the map. Check the surroundings, inform yourself, prioritize targets, return flags, cc/kill healers, peel for your teammates when needed. That’s your mission on the battlegrounds. You have one big advantage, you can’t be seen. You’re always a threat, profit!

What to do in BG/Arenas

Well, i've given you some general hints and tips on the rogue class gameplay. Now, let's talk a bit about specific battle environments.
Basically, at this lvl we have only three options. We have two battlegrounds(Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin) and Arenas. Arenas are a bit hard to get in since you need the help of P2P's to group you, but, that's anothery story and not a subject of this guide.

Warsong Gulch
This is a 10v10 capture-the-flag style battleground that traces the conflict between the Silverwing Sentinels seeking revenge on the orcs that chopped down the Ashenvale forest during the Third War. A faction wins when they have returned three enemy flags within 25 minutes, or if they have returned the most flags (or capped last if a tie) when the timer runs out. The longer a flag carrier holds onto a flag, the more damage the player will take.

First of all let's clear some terms like(EFC/FC/EFR/FR) commonly used when playing WSG:
- EFC = Enemy Flag Carrier
- FC = Flag Carrier
- EFR = Enemy Flagroom
- FR = Flagroom

Basically, your primary objective when playing WSG is to return flags and/or help offence to return flags. Because you're a stealth class, you can scout the ground and give your teammates vital informations about the location of EFC, how many defenders he has, whitch classes they are..etc.

As secondary objective, pressure/kill healers specially when you have already many pressuring EFC, there's no point for you to join the "fun" also with that healer freecasting on EFC. Go and take care of him! You have the tools to do so.

Third objective is to lockdown/slow enemies as much as possible by using Sap, Crippling. Also, when no enemy healers around to take care of, focus on those enemy targets that deal the most damage. You have the tools to approach them and take them by surprise and for sure you have the tools to kill/lockdown them, no matter what class they are.

Arathi Basin
This is a 15v15 battleground located in Arathi Highlands. Players fight over five resources (Stables, Mines, Blacksmith, Lumber Mill, Farm) which rewards teams with points. The more resources a team controls, the faster they accumulate points. A team with all five nodes captured will gain 30 resources per second.

I must admit, i'm not a huge fan of this battleground. Never was, not even when playing my 90's.

To be honest, the most important role you can play in this battleground is the role of "ninja-capping" bases. When i was playing RBG's at endgame, this was my main objective. Stealth to enemy bases and try to ninja cap them.

The rest is just the usual drill, prioritize targets. Try to nuke healers 1st, then go for highest dmg-dealers.

At endgame, i'm huge fan of Arenas. When comes to F2P Arenas, i'm not impressed at all. Tried a few arenas back in the day and didnt like the way you're forced to play. I can't give you much insight on this subject since i really dislike F2P Arenas. Maybe some of you can help me with some thoughts. I'm waiting :)

Until then, for more information about F2P Arenas, you can visit Billow's Intro to Arena Guide and http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f148/bops-guide-f2p-arenas-52155/index2.html.

Diminishing Returns
Abbreviated DR, means that certain spells and abilities are less effective against player characters if they are used frequently within a short period of time. Effects within same category diminish each other.

When a spell with diminishing returns is used against a target in PvP, the first effect has full duration. The effect then diminishes by 50%, then 75%, then the target becomes immune. Spells must be used on the same target within 15 seconds of the *end* of the duration in order to be diminished. In other words, if a target hasn't had a stun effect active on them for more than 15 seconds, the next stun will have full effect.

Some abilities share diminishing returns—that is, it doesn't matter which one you use; the next time you use an ability in the same category on the same target, its duration will be diminished just as if you had used the exact same ability. These abilities fall into the same category.

Why i'm mentioning this? Because our most important CC ability, Sap, is affected by Diminishing Returns. Getting Sap on DR is not always a bad thing for example, if you need to keep one enemy CC'ed as long as you can. But, on the other hand, running around spamming Sap for no reason, can waste you an eventual NEEDED good CC. Use Sap wisely, you won't want to make your target immune to Sap when your teammates arrive. You need to lock your target to full when the fight starts. That will give your team an advantage.

Another thing to know about Sap DR's is that you don't want to Sap a sheeped/seduced target. Why? Because Sap is sharing DR's with Sheep/Seduction/Quaking Palm.

There are some addons monitoring DR's but also you can use the method based on WoW's Stopwatch.
Basicly, add to the end of your Sap Macro the following lines:

#showtooltip Sap
/cast Sap
/sw 16
/sw play

Basically when you Sap someone, a timer will popup on your screen counting down the seconds till DR's will wear off for another full duration Sap. Now, i've said above that DR's reset after 15 seconds and as you see in my timer, it's set to start at 16 seconds. Why? Sometimes because of server latency, you could end up not getting a full reset on Sap duration, thus, the safest way to avoid this, is by incresing the timer with one second. Do not be scared, when the timer reaches 0, you'll hear a beep to let you know that DR's are over.

WARNING!! This timer is useful on a single target only. It's useless if you swap targets to sap one at a time (to slow them, separate from the group.. etc).
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Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue Guide

Macros and Addons
We all know how useful macros are, thus, I’ll list here some of the macros I’m using when playing my rogues.

#showtooltip Stealth
/cast [nomodifier] !Stealth

This is spammable Stealth macro without accidentally re-entering combat because of autoattacks.

#showtooltip Sap
/targetenemyplayer [harm][nodead]
/targetenemyplayer [noharm][dead]
/cast Sap

This is my Sap macro for stealthed enemy. Just spam it around and if you find some stealther near you, it will sap him very fast.

/use [nomod] Lesser Healing Potion; [modifier:ctrl] Elixir of Minor Agility; [modifier:alt] Elixir of Minor Fortitude; [modifier:shift] Minor Healing Potion

I'm using alot of pots and elixirs and i hate having all my action bar slots filled with them. This macro puts all consumables in one slot on my action bar and i access them using modifiers: CTRL, ALT, SHIFT.

/use [modifier:shift] Coarse Sharpening Stone; [modifier:ctrl] Crippling Poison ; [modifier:alt] Deadly Poison
/use [button:1] 16; [button:2] 17; [button:3] 18
/click StaticPopup1Button1

Another useful macro for me. Basically, the same utility as the one above. This macro is dedicated to weapons poisons and imbues.

#showtooltip Kick
/clearfocus [modifier][target=focus,dead][target=focus,help][target=focus,noexists]
/cast [target=focus,exists] Kick
/focus [target=focus,noexists]

Since i have a shitty mouse with low precision, i can't rely on Mouse Over macros. For this reason, i don't use Mouse Over Kick macro, instead, i use Focus Kick macro.

NOTE: I'm also using 2 Sap buttons, one is macroed like above and the other one is simple Sap action for sapping particular targets only.

When comes to addons, i'm not a huge fan of having lots of addons installed. I'm playing only with minimum PVP and interface addons like:
- Capping - Timers for battlegrounds
- BattlegroundTargets - shows all battleground enemies.
- BasicChatMods - a basic and modular approach to chat customization.
- F2PAddon - you all know this one already.
- OmniCC - an addon that adds text to items, spell and abilities that are on cooldown to indicate when they will be ready to use. In other words: it turns all the standard analogue cooldowns into digital ones.
- SafeQueue - removes the "Leave Queue" button for arenas and battlegrounds.
- TidyPlates (TidyPlates_ThreatPlates) - Tidy Plates enhances World of Warcraft's floating health bars - commonly known as 'nameplates' - and provides a flexible theme system which can be used to create your own design.
- TitanPanel - Titan Panel adds one or two information bars on the top and/or bottom of the screen and allows a framework for extensive plugin support.

Another set of useful addons you can use:
- SaySapped - A very lightweight and simple mod that instantly says "Sapped" to alert those around you whenever a rogue saps you.
- NameplateCooldowns - This AddOn will show you selected cooldowns of an enemies above their nameplates. (This addon is compatible with TidyPlates for the ones that are using TP)

From my point of view, the only viable specs are Assassination and Subtlety both of them with pros and cons, it's all a matter of taste whitch one you chose to play. Want to deal huge amount of dmg, follow my guides exactly and you'll be feared in BG's.

You may ask why i'm not using the expertise gloves myself. Well, at this lvl and with the uptime we usually have on targets i'd rather stick to more agi from the Naga's.

Some say rogues are OP at 20. I don't think they're OP, but i think that rogues in hands of a player that knows what to do, are deadly.
Give us mobility then you can call us OP. We hit hard, yes, but that's what a rogue is supposed to do. We are a DPS class, we are known and feared since Vanilla, nothing changed.

Since this topic has already many pages, this section will help you guys find the answers to the questions you have in mind and might be answered already. If you didnt find the answer to your question here, please be my guest and ask it by posting on this topic.

Q: Why not Engineering googles for Horde ?
A: Click the spoiler for full text
Well, since you can hitcapt yourself easy these days, and since i recommend ppl to get Alchemy/Herbalist for Swiftness/Agil/HP potions, i don't see the utility of those googles.

Q: Hit vs Agi, why not hitcap your white attacks in detriment of more agi?
A: Click the spoiler for full text
Hit vs Agi. There was a time when i've got this dilemma also. What Hit really does? It lowers your miss rate (both white attacks and specials) on targets. When you pass the softcap border (that is no miss on specials like Ambush, Muti, Hemo..) it continue to lower the miss chance of your white autoattacks. Sounds cool, i know, but, what about the dodge rate coming from agility? You know how funny it is when a hunter see you in stealth and you dodge his 1st arrows allowing you to get safe distance and dissapear from him radar? Happens alot to me. And hunter it's just one example. Anyway, let's forget the dodge subject let's assume it comes only to : More white Dmg vs Higher Dmg from specials. Now, this is debatable for some. For me, it isnt, like i've said already, rogue is a burst class, that's how i see rogues. You jump out from the shadows, and try to kill your target fast and go back into shadows. You can only do that by increasing your specials dmg to the max. I'm not a fan of long fights, i don't like to die alot. We're not warriors, we can't tank damage specially if Evasion is on CD. That's why, from my point of view, Hit Softcap is enough in this Bracket and dodge/crit/ap from Agi > More Hit.

Q: Ok, so first you tell us that Agility is far more important for Subtlety, but then you recommend Balanced Heartseeker as the better offhand. How come?
A: Click the spoiler for full text
Two main reasons for BH in OH.

1. You want to keep a decent amount of PURE crit even if you focus mostly on Agil as Sub.
2. BH has 1.7 speed --> In MoP, poisons proc more frequently from a fast weapon. You'll probably say, yeah, but poisons are now normalized. Well, rather than changing the PPH poisons to a PPM, they changed the PPM to a PPH.

What's PPH and PPM?

PPH = the percent chance of a proc occurring each hit. PPH benefits greatly from faster hits.
PPM = Procs per minute.

The PPH calculations formula is as follows: PPH = Weapon speed * PPM / 60
The PPM calculations formula is as follows: PPM = Base Proc Rate * 60 / Weapon Speed

Q: What do you think about swapping to a Sword/Axe/Mace after Ambush and if you use it what do you think is better?
A: Click the spoiler for full text
Switching weapons in combat isn't an option either. At least for me. Why? Because it resets your swing timer and also triggers GCD and that's a loss in DPS, a loss you can't afford at this lvl at least.

Q: Why Foreman's Gloves BiS for Horde rogues?
A: Click the spoiler for full text
Well, while i was playing my NE rogue i've had no problem with hunters/rogues dodging my attacks(dodge rate was negligible), when i've switched to horde, i've realised Night Elfs dodge alot of my attacks, why? 1st of all because of that 2% dodge increase racial and the fact that they benefit from Rifle Commander's Eyepatch that gives an extra dodge increase (~ 1.60% dodge increase for my NE sub rogue for example).

How to counter this? With expertise of course, expertise you get from Foreman's Gloves. Basically, using these gloves, you bring the NE's on par with the other races(pre-Foreman's use), of course using these gloves will reduce the dodge rate of other races also but, other races don't dodge that much as NE's so, using Foreman's against them is negligible because i didnt feel dodged alot like on NE's. The only reason to use Foreman's is because of Night Elfs.

I'm talking from my personal experience like i've said above. Was astonished of how many hits were dodged by those NE's compared to how safe i was on ally side by using Nagas. It's not like my gameplay differs when switching from ally to horde isn't it? :)

Now you would say, ok, but you lose shitloads of sta, i say yes, you're correct but tell me, would those +8 sta make a difference when your finishing move gets dodged and his doesnt and hits you for 200+? I think not.

Final Words
Special thanks goes to rsq, i was inspired by his guide template since i found it very nice, hope he doesnt mind ;)
Many thanks goes to
- Tobinofear for pointing out that i was missing Pandaren race and also on tips about Archaeology.
- Chykcha for pointing out i was missing Goblins and fixing typo on Quaking Palm (silly me :)).
- Sabzep for pointing out the change of Quickness for NE, tooltip typo on Blood Fury.
- Soldjah for pointing our the Touch of the Grave racial.
- Adal for pointing out missing Worgen race and Elusivesness.
- Penicillin for pointing out the fact that i needed to add Mixology and explain exactly what it does for your benefit.
- ppl that reviewed this guide and decided that it's good enough to be moved to F2P section guides.

If you want to see movies of my rogues, just go to my YouTube channel: HathorEU - YouTube
Warning: No trolling allowed on my YT channel either. All trolling comments will be deleted.

Thanks for reading!
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Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue Guide

Good read for me as i never played rogue in this game.

1) I would add archeology to your professions as it can provide 3 more DMF tickets if needed.

2) Maybe you have the time to add some advice against each class.

3) Pandas missing.

Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue Guide

Good point and thanks for the positive feedback guys. As soon as possible ill update.

LE: Added Pandaren, fixed some racials, soon to come Archeology. And about advices against each classes, everything is way too situational and would be alot of writing. I'm still thinking on a way to implement this without writing wall of texts.

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Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue Guide

Didn't exactly read everything but overall it looks like a pretty solid guide. Awesome stuff!

The gifs are nice too. They add a little flavour instead of making it a huge wall of text. And actual visual representation always helps explains a situation too. :eek:

Toss any Mod a PM when you want the guide moved to the proper section (be it now, when you add the extra few finishing touches or whenever)!
Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue Guide

Thanks for your kind words, ill try to finish it today and ill PM you or any mod that is online, when i'm done ;)

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Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue Guide

So here is a long message, mostly with questions.

1. Quacking palm is not a stun, it's anticipating effect and is broken with damage, please change that, if it was really stun then Pandas would be BIS race for all classes :)

2. Why there is no goblin race? While +1% haste is not that much they have access to BIS healing potions in f2p bracket and rocket jump is really usefull to close distance with hunter/priest (after not trinketed fear)/druid or to rocket+stealth so you can sap target, which is running away from you.

3. Is combat really so unviable? I was always interesting about 5p evi + revealing strike abusing with 2 BOA maces, have you tried it? Even though ambush will no be very strong, finishing move will be devastating.

4. Really any point in Ass? Seems that 2 hemo~1muti (60~55 energy too) and ambush hits just a liiiiitle stronger than Sub, not sure about DPS without stealth though. You lose a lot of crit without +30% agi from Sub though.

5. Hit vs Agi? It's easy to be capped for special attacks and poisons, but what about white attacks? For example BOA chest have hit but 3 agi lower than WC chest, what should we preoritize since f2p cant be white hitcapped?

6. Is ambush much weaker with Heartseeker as MH? Wont 2 HS be better than other daggers (at least for Ass with +20% poison application rate)?

7. +50% damage on ambush VS double ambush from 3 sec additional stealth, what are you ideas?

Hoping to get some answers from a decent rogue, even better with math/dummy testing :)
Nice guide btw.
Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue Guide

Rogue class is not all about ambushing ppl that are below 20% hp, it isn’t about ganking that poor low geared F2P over and over. No, it’s more than that.
Didn´t know that. Should´ve been the headline :p
Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue Guide

So here is a long message, mostly with questions.

1. Quacking palm is not a stun, it's anticipating effect and is broken with damage, please change that, if it was really stun then Pandas would be BIS race for all classes :)

2. Why there is no goblin race? While +1% haste is not that much they have access to BIS healing potions in f2p bracket and rocket jump is really usefull to close distance with hunter/priest (after not trinketed fear)/druid or to rocket+stealth so you can sap target, which is running away from you.

3. Is combat really so unviable? I was always interesting about 5p evi + revealing strike abusing with 2 BOA maces, have you tried it? Even though ambush will no be very strong, finishing move will be devastating.

4. Really any point in Ass? Seems that 2 hemo~1muti (60~55 energy too) and ambush hits just a liiiiitle stronger than Sub, not sure about DPS without stealth though. You lose a lot of crit without +30% agi from Sub though.

5. Hit vs Agi? It's easy to be capped for special attacks and poisons, but what about white attacks? For example BOA chest have hit but 3 agi lower than WC chest, what should we preoritize since f2p cant be white hitcapped?

6. Is ambush much weaker with Heartseeker as MH? Wont 2 HS be better than other daggers (at least for Ass with +20% poison application rate)?

7. +50% damage on ambush VS double ambush from 3 sec additional stealth, what are you ideas?

Hoping to get some answers from a decent rogue, even better with math/dummy testing :)
Nice guide btw.

1. FIXED (dunno why i've typed stun, i was clearly readin INCAPACITATE when writing the guide, maybe because i miss stuns alot at this lvl? :p)

2. FIXED (was a mental thing i suppose. I've missed at start the panda race also. Maybe because i don't meet alot pandas or goblins? :)))

3. Why i find Combat unreliable? Well, simply put, at 20 it's all about burst dmg. The longer you stay on your target building combo points for max Evisc dmg, there's an increased chance that someone come and assist your target. Also, as Combat it's alot harder to pressure healers. Why? Because Sinister Strike doesnt hit that much and you rely on Revealing Strikes followed by a 4-5CP Evisc (that will eat your energy very fast) to actually do some pressure. The opener burst isn't so great either since we all know that Ambushing with Maces/Swords/Axes < Daggers. Did some testings on that regard on Theramore Training Dummy. Also, switching weapons in combat isn't an option either. At least for me. Why? Because it resets your swing timer and also triggers GCD and that's a loss in DPS, a loss you can't afford at this lvl at least. Big pressure and burst is all in this bracket(at least from my point of view) and you can't achieve that as Combat, at least not compared to Sub of Assa.

4. I don't fully understand what you're trying to say. I suppose you're asking if Assa really is worth the shot since Sub is so good? If so, like i've said on my guide already, Assa is best for constant pressure, specially on healers because Muti hits harder that 2xHemo, i usually hit around 400+ with Muti. But that's the only thing i like about Assa.

5. Hit vs Agi. There was a time when i've got this dilemma also. What Hit really does? It lowers your miss rate (both white attacks and specials) on targets. When you pass the softcap border (that is no miss on specials like Ambush, Muti, Hemo..) it continue to lower the miss chance of your white autoattacks. Sounds cool, i know, but, what about the dodge rate coming from agility? You know how funny it is when a hunter see you in stealth and you dodge his 1st arrows allowing you to get safe distance and dissapear from him radar? Happens alot to me. And hunter it's just one example. Anyway, let's forget the dodge subject let's assume it comes only to : More white Dmg vs Higher Dmg from specials. Now, this is debatable for some. For me, it isnt, like i've said already, rogue is a burst class, that's how i see rogues. You jump out from the shadows, and try to kill your target fast and go back into shadows. You can only do that by increasing your specials dmg to the max. I'm not a fan of long fights, i don't like to die alot. We're not warriors, we can't tank damage specially if Evasion is on CD. That's why, from my point of view, Hit Softcap is enough in this Bracket and dodge/crit/ap from Agi > More Hit.

6. In MH you should put always the slower dagger with the best DPS available. Why? Because the way game mechanics are. You always with hit harder with you MH and we all want to hit harder isnt it? :)

7. I will always chose Nightstalker (as Subtlety) vs Subterfuge.100% of the time, on a decent player you won't get the second Ambush and on weak players you really need a second Ambush? Don't think so :)

Didn´t know that. Should´ve been the headline :p

Well, seeing so many acting like that, it was needed to be pointed out :)

PS: Thanks for your feedback guys.
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Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

Good guide, liked the read ;)

but I have just one thing to point out:

- there IS a guide for rogue for this expansion, and it's very good. By iminibiv.

But it's good to have 2, we can always read and learn more things from 1 thing than from 1.

Thanks! And yeah, seems i've missed that guide, well i've tried an indepth analysis of the rogue class and gameplay from my POV. It's a matter of choice since it seems me and Iminibiv have some different views on the rogue class.
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Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

I love the GIFs what a fantastic way to show things.
Also grats on the sexiest weapons ever created in the World of Warcraft lol ;)

Oh give this a look over and see if you want to add anything about poisons http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6471037853 it's a fantastic overview.

I particularly like:
- "All poisons are chance-on-hit now. No more PPM." Extra hit for white swings? ;)
- "Poison is applied to the rogue, not the weapons." So yes, we can use Sharpening Stones, which you talked about. Didn't use to be the case, people might not know.
- On Deadly Poison: "applies a DoT effect (unaffected by haste, but affected by your melee crit chance)" So won't tick faster, but ticks can crit.
- Various info about Assassination's increase to apply Deadly Poison.
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Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

Thanks for you input, i'll check that topic to see exactly if it's something useful to add. I agree, i havent explained some things too the ground because i thought many would know, or if they won't know, the fact that i advice them to use Sharpening Stones should be enough and clear that Stones + Poisons work.

PS: Added a nice ingame timer macro for DR's on Sap. Still a few moves to come when i'll have the free time to wrap them in a nice way ;)
Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

Ok, so first you tell us that Agility is far more important for Subtlety, but then you recommend Balanced Heartseeker as the better offhand. How come? Personally I see Doomspike or even Wicked Dagger as better options as they give more Agility, despite the 0.1 AS loss.
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Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

Ok, so first you tell us that Agility is far more important for Subtlety, but then you recommend Balanced Heartseeker as the better offhand. How come? Personally I see Doomspike or even BH as better options, despite the 0.1 AS loss.

If I may, I'm guessing it's because your off-hand is essentially just a stat stick. You want it to swing as fast as possible so that you can get back to your MH. OHs take a huge damage and hit reduction, no sense waiting 2 seconds for it to miss or do minimal damage.

I would love to see some numbers on Dawnblade - Item - World of Warcraft vs wicked dagger or doomspike in OH and see just how much weapons speed vs stats impact dps.
Re: Hathôr's 5.4 F2P Comprehensive Rogue PVP Guide

Corrected a mistake in my post, implying that just because its only a stat stick its better to have the more useful stats to the player.

Also, the test idea would be awesome if someone could calculate it, even more so with Heartseeker than anything else.

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