mmk, so I've recently started playing a shaman and I think I'll share some of the macros I found useful since this guide doesn't have
#showtooltip Wind Shear
/cast [@target, nomod] Wind Shear
/cast [@focus, modifier: shift] Wind Shear
This casts wind shear at your main target with no modifier and casts wind shear at your focus target if you hold down shift. If you don't know how what a focus target is/how to set one up, just make a macro that looks like this:
A new target window will pop up that you can macro abilities to cast at, like I do with this next macro (playing resto):
#showtooltip Cleanse Spirit
/cast [@target, nomod, help] Cleanse Spirit
/cast [@player, modifier: shift] Cleanse Spirit
/cast [@target, nomod, harm] Purge
/cast [@focus, modifier: ctrl] Purge
Now what
this does is it casts Purge at your target if you're targeting an enemy, and Cleanse Spirit (change it to
Purify Spirit if playing resto) if you're targeting an ally. When you hold down shift, it will cast Cleanse Spirit at yourself and when you hold down control it will cast Purge at your focus target.
/cast !Ghost Wolf
If you hit this button more than once (unlike just casting the regular ability Ghost Wolf), you will not be toggled out of Ghost Wolf form. This macro prevents spamming Ghost Wolf trying to get away, hitting it one too many times and accidentally shifting back out.
/cast [@mouseover, harm, nodead, exists][] Flame Shock
If your mouse is hovering over an enemy, hitting this button will cast Flame Shock at it without you having to target them, and also if you're not moused over anything it casts Flame Shock at your target. I like this because I can DoT rogues out of stealth without having to retarget people I'm purging/healing.
That's all I have right now, if I think of anymore I'll post them here too. People can also change the modifiers to whatever is comfortable for them; shift, alt, and ctrl are interchangable.
ALSO: Tauren>Goblin